Tag Archive for: Spirit

September 29th, 2016

We are very thankful for all of our volunteers near and far  – they are priceless!

Barbara drives over two hours almost every other weekend to come to the farm!  Thank you Barbara and Kevin for your love and support!

Betsy Rose did well this weekend despite the heat which was horrid. The injury to her left hip area and leg is slowly improving. We had just taken her out of her sling from a good nap – she was ready to go out and graze. As soon as Barb put on her grazing muzzle, she was gone – totally reenergized!


Jenny gave Spirit a much needed bath. I am so happy that Spirit will soon have a life outside of the little paddock where she is now living. She will be going to her adoptive home in a few days!.

Spirt's Bath

Lois and Mishka having a talk about his bath which he really enjoyed. He’s as sweet as he looks.

Lois Bathes Mishka

When you meet Mishka up close and personal, you then realize how big he really is! We’re all really glad that he’s just a big teddy bear.  He towers over Elizabeth and me!


We’re happy to have new volunteers Emma, Sharon, and Karen join our team! Sharon’s husband, Lou, volunteers too!


Time is precious and every minute volunteers give to the rescue is very much appreciated.  We couldn’t do what we do without them!  Many thanks to all volunteers near and far – you make a difference!

This is Sharon and Karen giving Ruby a much needed bath. I don’t know who gets dirtier – JoJo or Ruby!


‘You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.’
~ Winston Churchill.

Please remember to cast your daily vote today in the Eagle Rare Life contest. It could help to win $5K to $50K for the horses! Just click on this link and cast your vote!

We apologize for the delay in this and the next couple of updates that didn’t go out on time.

September 16th…

Some wonderful news to share about Spirit – she’s ready to go to her new forever home!  As soon as we raise funds for her journey to Oklahoma, she will be on her way!  Her wonderful adopter has experience with blind horses and the perfect pasture awaiting her arrival! Spirit will even have her very own donkey friend!


Everyone loves Lucy! We appreciate Foxy and Timmie’s mom, Judy, volunteering her time to hold horses for the farrier.

Lucy Trim

September 17th…

Poor Jingle! The equine complained that it wasn’t fair that the bovine did not have to wear a fly mask. So……

Jingle Mask

September 18th…

Beauty’s Haven participated in the Equine Trail Sports Obstacle Course event at Black Prong this past weekend where our wonderful volunteers served breakfast and lunch.

Obs Challenge

All proceeds from the breakfast and lunch went to Beauty’s Haven and $400 was raised to help the horses! Many thanks to ETS, Black Prong, our awesome volunteers, and everyone that made this happen!

Obs Challenge 2

September 19th…

Have you ever seen JoJo with his ears pinned back? Oh my! What do you think was going on?

JoJo Ears Back

September 20th…

Magic under the morning moon!

Magic Moon

August 20th…
Spirit was great for Dr. Mangan! She’s such a sweet mare. She can’t see anything out of her right eye. Her left eye can distinguish light from dark.  Spirit was one of our rescues that was adopted out a couple of years ago.  She went to live with another blind horse. Sadly, the adopter recently passed away and both mares came here.
Penny was also really good for Dr. Mangan – she is definitely blind in both eyes
Penny is a 29 year old Belgian that came to us because her owner passed away.  She needs sponsors to help with her daily care.  If anyone would like to help with her please let us know.  Even a one time donation of any amount would help – click on the “Donate” button below. Thank you.
August 21st
“Good morning everybody! I’m baby Whiskers but I’m growing up! Did you know that I heard the volunteers talking about changing my name to Gator? I think it’s because I like to go around and “chomp, chomp” on just about anything I can put in my mouth!  But no worries – mommy Theresa says we won’t change it!”
August 22nd
“Hi everyone! It’s me – JoJo! How do you like my smile? I’m smiling because it’s a brand-new day!  We have to go now because we want to say, ‘Hi’ to Daisy and Mocha. They are going to be leaving one day soon.”
August 23rd
Spirit gets dirtier than any horse I’ve ever known. lol
At times, Whiskers is like the Energizer bunny that doesn’t slow down – long ears and all!
It seems that Whiskers legs grow inches overnight!
It’s not unusual to find CaryLou on the porch of the storage building. He’s been coughing a bit more lately as he has a collapsing trachea. It is better though – I haven’t seen him fall over like a fainting goat in quite sometime!.
It’s not unusual to find CaryLou on the porch of the storage building. He’s been coughing a bit more lately as he has a collapsing trachea. It is better though – I haven’t seen him fall over like a fainting goat in quite sometime!.

August 15th, 2016

Penny and Spirit arrived and settled in. Thanks Pamela Zarem of Double B Equine Transport for doing such a great job – as usual!  This is Spirit.

This is Penny, a 29 year old blind Belgian.
Penny Belgian

I’ll be keeping checking on the girls via camera through night. I felt better after seeing both of them find their way back to there waterer this afternoon for a drink. They will be getting physicals and hopefully Dr. Mangan can squeeze them into his schedule for eye exams. When we rescued Spirit in 2012, it was thought that she could see an itty bitty tiny sliver of light out of one eye. Penny has been blind her whole life and she’s 29 years young. They will be getting hooficures and Dr. Bess will be here next Monday to do their dental.

I hope Liz is smiling, knowing that the girls are here now. 🙂


Hooficure Day! Daisy was being a very good girl while getting her feet done!

Betsy Rose was also a very good girl!

December 2nd

Betsy Rose shares her meal with Freckles on GivingTuesday. Little does she know the joy that she gives 24/7/365. What a blessing it is to have her here with us! Betsy Rose Believes!

Daisy waiting at the bottom of the stairs outside of the office. If its not one donk, it’s another. Or two or three!

Guess what broke again? Yep. One of the golf carts. Hauled away to the repair shop. And this is the GOOD golf cart.

Bryce and Serenity are still looking for their forever home. Please spread the word about them. We don’t want to have to split them up – they are mother/son and have been through so much together. We may have to split them up for Bryce to go to a trainer soon. We are turning horses away that need our help. These are two wonderful and healthy horses. More information about them can be found on our Beauty’s Haven Equine Rescue Adoptions page.

December 3rd

While on my way home from Physical Therapy this morning, I stopped just in time to see this beautiful mommy giving birth!

December 4th

Ginny changing flymasks on Sisco and Athena yesterday. Both of these very sweet horses are looking for forever homes as well.

JoJo stood there and stared at the new ramp, like he was pouting, for a good 10 minutes. Then he walked away looking totally confused.

December 5th

I still find myself looking out the window each morning to see if Gentleman is ok – it’s just habit (and wishful thinking). Instead, I find Little E and Mishka hanging out together. Little E is the senior horse here now.

Matilda is one of 13 that got hooficures today. She’s such a sweet girl – she just makes you feel good! If anyone would like to help with the expense of this we would greatly appreciate it. The average cost is $35 but the draft horses now cost over double that ($75). The total came to about $500.

We are very happy to report that Ginger will be going to her new adoptive family on Monday! She won’t be very far – it’s a perfect situation!

It was so good to see Lynda yesterday! I took her for a trip around the farm so she could visit with all of the horses. Handsome, like all of the others, enjoyed the extra attention. As soon as Handsome’s front foot issue is resolved he will be ready for a home!

Peaches is always willing to come in to help fix feed. She’s still unsound on her front right. Dr. Julia recently did nerve blocks and the issue is in her foot. X-rays were done and nothing unusual was found. Dr. Specht believes there may be a bone fragment in the navicular area that we just couldn’t see on the x-ray. Dr. Porter will be here next week to address issues with Peaches, Donovan, and Daisy. If anyone would like to help with the upcoming expense of the x-rays and exams it would be greatly appreciated. It’s not going to be inexpensive.

Donovan has some issues we’ve been working on over the last few months. He stopped sweating in early summer. He had quite a bit of abscessing in his feet and had some rotation in his front left. The “summer sore” he arrived with healed fine. But there are two sores that simply refuse to heal at the coronet band where he blew abscesses – one on the outside front right and the other on the inside back left. I do not believe they are summer sores – I think they are related to sidebone – irregular bony growth he’s had from years of improper foot care. We’ve done a lot to try to get them taken care of but just when we think we’re there he blows another and we start over. Dr. Porter will be checking it out next week. Again, this won’t be inexpensive – x-rays are needed of both front and back feet. Any amount of a donation would be greatly appreciated. This is an issue that must be resolved. We’ve done everything the vets have advised but there is something more to this – there is a reason he keeps abscessing and we need to get to the bottom of it. He’s very good about the hands on treatment of the areas, thankfully.

Mishka always looks like he’s smiling. Always. He’s like a big teddy bear.

Do you remember Spirit? She is a blind mare that we picked up in June 2012. She had endured years of neglect. It was a horrible situation. I’m happy to report that Spirit is doing well in her adoptive home! She lives with another blind mare. Spirit lived in a large herd of horses, including studs, on several acres where there were many trees with low branches, fallen trees, barb wire, debris, etc. I can’t imagine how terrified she must have been on a routine basis. She has got to be one of the bravest horses I’ve ever met. Despite the life she had been living, and her horrid condition, she never lost her spirit. Spirit seemed like the appropriate name for this beautiful but very neglected mare. Here is a link to her story, in more detail, from the beginning.

Lastly, please be sure to check out our latest fundraiser on CrowdRise. There are a few tools we need to help us do our job and to help keep the horses feed healthy.

We are an all volunteer non-profit organization that operates totally off of donations from the public. We are not funded by any local, state, or federal funding. Donations are tax deductible and no amount is too small. Donations can be made to PayPal address bhfer or via various ways on our website at www.bhfer.org. We have had quite a few things hit us at once and I know the upcoming visit by Dr. Porter isn’t going to be inexpensive. Peaches and Donovan are going to need x-rays. Also, Cookie goes back to UF next week for a follow-up. The farrier will be back today for several more. Yesterday was at about $500 and today will be another $150 – $175. If you make a donation please note what the funds are to be applied towards. Thank you for your support!

Lastly – we are switching over to a new email service. In order to ensure you continue to get our updates please go to our website homepage and sign up to receive them. www.bhfer.org. On the home page scroll down until you see this graphic on the left side and sign up!

Emails will only be going out in the current format for another week so please sign up today!



Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization


Warning – there are graphic photos of her injuries in this update starting with the 3rd photo below.

I thought I would share a couple recent pictures of Spirit – a blind mare that we adopted out in November last year. Spirit settled well into her adoptive home where there is another blind mare.

Spirit grazing with her friend in her adoptive home. Their human mom loves them very much.

Some history – We had received a call about a herd of horses that needed help. We went to see them – mares, babies, and studs of all ages living together that were pretty much unhandled. The owner was trying to sell them – he walked the pasture with us to show us the horses and I noticed one horse he skipped over. I asked about her and he said “You wouldn’t want her – she can’t see very well.” So, I had to go meet her. This picture of Spirit was taken after we cleaned her up the day we brought her to the rescue.

What I found was appalling – the mare had open wounds from nose to tail. There was a huge gaping wound in her chest as if she had impaled herself on something and there was another horrible injury to her face.

She had bite and kick marks all over. Her life had to have been a dark and scary living hell.

I asked how long she’d had the face and chest injuries and was told something must have happened overnight – she wasn’t like that yesterday. Yeah, right. I followed her for a bit and got to see how she interacted with some of the herd. She pretty much stayed away from the others – but as they moved to graze, she followed. There was a stud that was pushy with her.

I told the owner we’d take her. He said we’d have to give him a couple of days to catch her. He would have to lure her up to a small stall near his home. A couple of days later, he called and said he had caught her and she was in a stall.

This was taken the day we picked Spirit up. She was battered and bleeding in several places. I gently put a halter on her and she walked into the trailer.

Spirit was a gem for her daily wound treatments – she would just stand and let us do what we had to her. It took several weeks but her injuries healed nicely. This was Spirit a few months later – the day she went to her adoptive home.

Spirit – we love you! Elizabeth thank you for opening your heart and home to Spirit!

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb

September 2013

Warning – there are graphic photos of Spirit’s injuries in this update starting with the 3rd photo below.

I thought I would share a couple recent pictures of Spirit – a blind mare that we adopted out in November last year.  Spirit settled well into her adoptive home where there is another blind mare.  She is loved, very much.

Spirit grazing with her friend in her adoptive home.

Some history.  We received a call about a herd of horses that needed help.  We went to see them – mares, babies, and studs of all ages living together that were pretty much unhandled.  The owner was trying to sell them – he walked the pasture with us to show us the horses and I noticed one horse he skipped over.  I asked about her and he said “You wouldn’t want her – she can’t see very well.”  So, I had to go meet her.  This picture of Spirit was taken after we cleaned her up the day we brought her to the rescue.

What I found was appalling – the mare had open wounds from nose to tail.  There was a huge gaping wound in her chest as if she had impaled herself on something and there was another horrible injury to her face.

She had bite and kick marks all over.  Her life had to have been a dark and scary living hell.

I asked how long she’d had the face and chest injuries and was told something must have happened overnight – she wasn’t like that yesterday.  Yeah, right.  I followed her for a bit and got to see how she interacted with some of the herd.  She pretty much stayed away from the others – but as they moved to graze, she followed.  There was a stud that was pushy with her.

I told the owner we’d take her.  He said we’d have to give him a couple of days to catch her.  He would have to lure her up to a small stall near his home.  A couple of days later, he called and said he had caught her and she was in a stall.

This was taken the day we picked Spirit up.  She was battered and bleeding in several places.  I gently put a halter on her and she walked into the trailer.

Spirit was a gem for her daily wound treatments – she would just stand and let us do what we had to her.  It took several weeks but her injuries healed nicely.  This was Spirit a few months later – the day she went to her adoptive home.

Spirit – we love you! Elizabeth thank you for opening your heart and home to Spirit!

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb

November 24th, 2012…

We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. It was beautiful here. But the nice day closed with temperatures down into the high 30’s yesterday morning. The babies and seniors were blanketed and comfortable. We’ll have to break out a few more blankets though – looks like it’s going down to freezing tonight. Brrrr!!

There’s been so much going on – it’s always busy. I wanted to make time tonight to update on some things. Mostly good things. Morning Star was adopted by his foster family which is simply awesome! I was so happy when Chris told me they wanted to adopt him! Morning Star is a very talented boy and there is never a dull moment with him! Jenna and her dad, Chris, come to help out a couple of days each month and boy it sure helps to have many hands!

Just like her momma, Dora has a special scratching spot.

So does Starbuck.

Cisco wrapped up nice and warm. He didn’t mind that the blanket is pink. He’s just that way – happy go lucky. He’s looking for a forever home.

Beauty and the boys – Genesis and Cisco. And Beauty standing for me to trace her foot so I could put some pads into her slippers – she was sore in the front. She seems to be better today.

Dr. Cogswell working chiropractic on Peaches a couple of weeks ago. And then she worked on Beauty. Dr. Cogswell comes through the Ocala area once a month and does a great job! Dr. Ryan recommended her and I do too! Her website is www.cogswellvet.com.

Lace is ready for a forever home. She’s a sweet girl. Rides nicely but I’ve only ridden her at a walk/trot.

Penny… determined to find a few crumbs. She’s become quite independent and is still as cute as she could possibly be!

Baby Girl – still gorgeous! She munched on some hay until it was her turn for a hooficure. She loves scratches!

And this is Jenny being silly with Penelope on Thanksgiving!

Princess – still a pretty girl. This is Laura doing a hooficure and Kim holding which we appreciate very much!

How the farm looks from up on Cisco and Genesis. Me on Cisco and Kylie on Genesis – it is seldom we get these little pleasures.

Cookie getting a little extra attention from a volunteer – one of the UF students.

Little Rambo now lives with a mini donkey (named Casper) that wasn’t treated very well before going to his current home. Rambo is helping Casper to learn that all humans are not bad. This is Casper getting his first hooficure since he’s been at his new home. Rambo is outside watching. Little Casper did well.

I took some time to take a short ride on Genesis on Thanksgiving Day. And I was actually able to talk Bob into going for a short walk around the paddock! I visited with all of the horses on Thanksgiving and they all got carrots. Both human kids were home and it was just a beautiful day!

Spirit is doing well. She is adjusting to her new surroundings and has made new friends! Her new human mom is doing a great job with her!

Some more good news – Rosita will be leaving for her new home late next week! Some other news – we have been asked to help a very thin Racking horse mare that needs a safe place to land. We would like to make her our holiday save. Even with somewhat of a winter coat you can see how thin she is. Even thin, she is hooked up and driving. We need help with sponsors – she needs about $500 her first month and then about $300 each month after for at least 6 months. Would anyone like to help her? If anyone can help us to help the mare please email me. Donations are tax deductible and no amount is too small. Please help us to give her a new start in life – I know she would appreciate a full tummy and warm blanket for the holiday season.

We hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. Don’t forget about our fundraiser – the beautiful drawing of Ambrosia – current bid is $150. God bless and thank you for your continued support! And again, please help us to help this mare.

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: www.bhfer.org
Donate: www.bhfer.org/donate.html
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb

“Hi – I’m Spirit! I understand that some have been asking about me? That makes me feel special! Well, I’m doing much better! My deep chest injury is healing as are my others. The bite and kick marks all over my body are almost gone – you can see some scars but for the most part they are no longer sore. The injury to my face is better but you can still see bone so it still has a ways to go. I’ve gained some weight. I’m learning to use my hearing better to navigate! I’m blind but as you can see I turn my head a little to the side – I’m actually tuning in my ears to better listen to what is going on around me. I’m very cautious around humans – I don’t want to accidentally run into anyone. Everyone is so good to me – I really am enjoying life and I thank everyone that helped give this opportunity to me. I hope I make you proud!”

On the left – Sprit’s chest injury that went all the way to her sternum bone on June 28th – the day we picked her up. And on the right – the injury on July 11th.

On the left – Sprit’s face on June 28th – the day we picked her up. And on the right – July 9th. Wow – you can almost imagine the injury in the shape of a heart.

Spirit is a perfect name for this blind but kind, gentle, and trusting mare. Before we brought her to the rescue she was out on about 30 acres with many other horses – including studs, mares, and babies. She was pretty beat up and had injuries from nose to tail. I observed her one day for quite awhile and she was tense – never knowing if she was going to get picked upon or what she was about to run in to. Now, she enjoys her life – thank you all for helping us to help her!

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization

June 28th, 2012

The blind mare, which I named Spirit, is now likely more comfortable than she has been in a long, long time.  Our daughter, Katie, went with me to pick her up today.  It was a good 3 hour trip getting there due to road closures because of flooding from Tropical Storm Debby but we were determined to get her here.  When we arrived she seemed stoic – her head was down and it was like her mind was in another place and time.  I was worried about her injuries and how bad they looked – worse than they did on Saturday.  And there were new, open injuries.  I whispered to her and rubbed on her a bit.  But when I reached up to put a halter on her for the trip home she turned her head into me and stayed there for a few seconds.  I told her she was going home to where life would be much better and different for her.  She stayed close as we walked to the trailer.  She had never been loaded onto a trailer – she was born on the property (2004) where we picked her up from.  She walked into the trailer in less than a minute – it didn’t take much coaching.  Just patience, a calm hand, and reassurance.  But she wasn’t happy once we got to moving – it had to have been a bit stressful for her but she unloaded really well at the rescue.

While we waited for Dr. Ryan Meeks, we hosed her off which she seemed to like.  Then we waited together – he arrived about 30 minutes later.  I will warn you that the photos after the picture after this one are graphic.  Don’t scroll down if you don’t want to see them.  How does anyone allow this to happen?  How ??

Dr. Ryan examined Spirit and said she wouldn’t have lasted much longer.  Her needs have gone neglected for a long time.  She is malnourished and has obviously been terribly beat up, repeatedly, over time.  She has many old and new wire injuries (that were infected), bites, sunburn, open sores swelling, blisters, etc.  Inside of her upper lip she has a wide cut that runs along her gum line which is likely why she isn’t very interested in hay.  She is finally drinking but we’re encouraging her more with electrolytes.

She has no vision in her right eye.  It’s possible that she sees a very small sliver of light in her left.

The puncture wound at her chest is wide and the open wound goes down deep – all the way to her sternum.  Her scars – they are everywhere.

Not surprisingly her feet haven’t been trimmed in a long, long time.  There are many open injures, new and old, on her legs too.

The injury on her nose goes to the bone. Dr. Ryan says we need to keep an eye on this – there may be sequestered bone.  More cuts and scratches all over her face and lots of swelling all over.

Spirit had been through a lot and will wear scars to prove it for the rest of her life – from nose to tail.  Just think about the many times she’s been bitten, kicked, run into things, and how scary it must have been for her.  I was so worried about her during Tropical Storm Debby.  She was on almost 30 acres with about 20 other horses, including studs.  There were also cows, an area with trees, and a lot of debris including barb wire.  Tomorrow she will get a good bath and these injuries will get all cleaned up.  I didn’t want to do too much more to her today but let her chill – she’s had a tough day.  It truly hurts my heart to see her injuries and to think of how horrible her life has been – a living nightmare, 24/7/365.

There are even bites around and under her tail.

Spirit will be stalled for awhile – her injuries will take quite some time to heal and she should not be in the sun – but she will get hand walked often.  Injuries will get cold hosed, cleaned, and treated.  It is a true blessing that she just stands and allows doctoring.  She could be all over the place, pushy, and untrusting but she isn’t.  She’s calm and seemingly appreciative – she likes me to hum to her.  She is resting now and seems to be enjoying just “being”.  There are no others here near her to pick on her or for her to be afraid of.  We can’t say for sure that she will make it but we can say she wouldn’t have made it much longer where she was.  But she is now on the road to recovery.  She is a diamond in the rough and truly does deserve a chance.

Thank you all for caring about her and for helping.  For those that have pledged a one time donation or a monthly sponsorship – we now ask that you follow through.  Spirit has a chance – thanks to all of you.  God bless and I’ll update tomorrow.

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization