Spirit Update – A Blind Mare

“Hi – I’m Spirit! I understand that some have been asking about me? That makes me feel special! Well, I’m doing much better! My deep chest injury is healing as are my others. The bite and kick marks all over my body are almost gone – you can see some scars but for the most part they are no longer sore. The injury to my face is better but you can still see bone so it still has a ways to go. I’ve gained some weight. I’m learning to use my hearing better to navigate! I’m blind but as you can see I turn my head a little to the side – I’m actually tuning in my ears to better listen to what is going on around me. I’m very cautious around humans – I don’t want to accidentally run into anyone. Everyone is so good to me – I really am enjoying life and I thank everyone that helped give this opportunity to me. I hope I make you proud!”

On the left – Sprit’s chest injury that went all the way to her sternum bone on June 28th – the day we picked her up. And on the right – the injury on July 11th.

On the left – Sprit’s face on June 28th – the day we picked her up. And on the right – July 9th. Wow – you can almost imagine the injury in the shape of a heart.

Spirit is a perfect name for this blind but kind, gentle, and trusting mare. Before we brought her to the rescue she was out on about 30 acres with many other horses – including studs, mares, and babies. She was pretty beat up and had injuries from nose to tail. I observed her one day for quite awhile and she was tense – never knowing if she was going to get picked upon or what she was about to run in to. Now, she enjoys her life – thank you all for helping us to help her!

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization

11 replies
  1. Sue
    Sue says:

    Thank you for the update, I think about this poor horse everyday. I am so relieved she is safe and is doing so well. Any chance her eye sight can be restored? Thanks for all you do.

  2. Tina
    Tina says:

    Thanks for the update, I’ve been worried about her. She looks so much better, it’s amazing! She is sooo beautiful, I hope she will learn to trust people and know that she will never be hurt again. She will be in my prayers.

  3. vicki F
    vicki F says:

    We are so proud of you Spirit!!!!!!! you are making us smile with all your hard work of healing!!!! we will be up to see you soon!!! we love you,…the Fontano’s (Abigail, parents vicki and dave and brothers ryan and erik.) keep up the hard work….next time we will bring treats!!

  4. Tracy Griffith
    Tracy Griffith says:

    This has got to be the saddest thing I have ever seen. I cannot imagine the terror her day to day life must have been before you rescued her. I am just sobbing as I type this. I know her physical wounds are healing. I hope her heart heals as well. God bless you for your grace. I will look forward to reading her updates.

  5. pinkpaisley
    pinkpaisley says:

    So gladto see you are healimg . What an incredible horse you are. You are in great hands and there are many of us in cyberland praying for your recovery. God bless you amd the workers at BHFER.

  6. Kym Sargent
    Kym Sargent says:

    Theresa you have worked wonders again. Spirit is looking so well. My her heart must be realizing a calm she has not had before. Blessing to all at BHFER!

  7. Jacquelyn Scott
    Jacquelyn Scott says:

    Thank you for the update I have been following her status love you guys for all that you do for these special horses .

  8. kim
    kim says:

    I’m SO glad she’s doing so much better. I just wished I didn’t live so far away (Minnesota) otherwise I’d be there everything wanting to help in some way.

  9. Susan Kelly
    Susan Kelly says:

    she looks so much better. what a beautiful special girl. thank you for what you do…

  10. Belinda
    Belinda says:

    Well done to all those involved with Spirit’s care, you have done a wonderful job. Well done to Spirit too who has had the strength.

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