April 8th, 2013
I hope everyone had a great weekend. The weather here was perfect! Here are a few pictures and updates on a few of the horses.
Sisco yesterday – his cancer site looks good. We are still applying the cream. Dr. Porter says at this time he does not think Sisco will need another treatment. Sisco is so funny – like a big kid!

The other Cisco – he’s looking for a forever home. He is a Haflinger cross.

Little CaryLou is all boy! He keeps his momma on her toes!

Lucy is doing ok. She’s had some tremors Friday and Saturday evenings which caused me a bit of worry. Dr. Ryan will be out tomorrow to examine her and to pull some blood. When she was released from the hospital she had hyperlipemia and hepatic lipidosis – her prognosis was poor and very guarded for survival. She wasn’t eating or drinking, had body tremors, had aspiration pneumonia, and had been running fevers – the odds were against her. Upon arrival, I immediately modified her diet and put her on Well-Gel and other supplements. Giving her IV fluids/meds was very important so you can imagine how we felt when the vein on one side of her neck collapsed – the other had collapsed at the hospital. After the other side collapsed here, the catheter was placed in a remaining good vein in her leg. But then that collapsed. It has been a roller coaster ride but we continue to keep the faith and we have hope. Lucy’s attitude has been bright and positive which helps tremendously. She is monitored closely – her poop, water intake, appetite, attitude, temp. I have to laugh at her – she’s feeling better enough to now run the other way when she seems one of us coming with meds in our hands! LOL! Lucy adores our little tank, CaryLou. This evening Twinkle finally allowed CaryLou to visit with Lucy without her supervision. Lucy isn’t out of the woods, not by far, and her recovery is going to happen over many months. Please continue to pray for her.

Silver Belle has made new friends and is doing really well. She will be starting school soon. I don’t know what Patti and Silver Belle were looking at in this picture but aren’t they beautiful?

Rayo is also doing well and is enjoying school!

Remember Lexi? She is Lacey’s 2 year old and Dora’s full sister. She is also doing great – a very beautiful girl.

We need a load of shavings – the pregnant mares stay in all night and Twinkle/CaryLou also stay in during the hot part of the day. A load (60 bags) of shavings is $230. Would anyone like to help?
Solace has a new snotty nose with an odor to it. He hasn’t run a fever but he’s not as interested in his meals and just seems somewhat “off”. We’d like to have Dr. Ryan examine, scope, him and do a culture to determine if he’s got something new going on. This would be about $150. Would anyone like to help him?
We have had two horses come back in the last week that need vetting – any help with them would be greatly appreciated. Donations can be called directly into the vet’s office at 352-237-6151. Please specify if you call how you would like your donation applied – to a specific horse or to our account in general.
We truly appreciate your continued support. If anyone would like to help with the vet expenses, shavings, hay, etc. you can donate via PayPal address theresa or via our website page at www.bhfer.org/donate. Donations are tax deductible and no amount is too small. We operate totally from donations – your support makes what we do possible. Thank you!
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: www.bhfer.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb