November 18th, 2013
I’m very happy to report that Betsy Rose is doing well! No more choke issues. She is simply the cutest little mare I’ve ever met. It’s a true blessing to have her here with us! You can’t help but to feel a strong, positive, inquisitive, and caring energy when around her.

Betsy Rose told Mollie to not give up!
Regarding Mollie – it was a long night last night. The rain just wouldn’t let up. Well, it would and when we thought it was over, it would rain again. Just a light mist sometimes, but enough that we had to put sandbags around Mollie to keep the rain from running on her. We’d roll her over and help her to go sternum. She’d eat a little, sleep some, and wake up renewed and thrash to get up. It’s so hard to see them when they are like that. Her left eye was swollen by daylight and she had made a couple of “bed sores” worse. She had a sheet under her head, but when she thrashes, the sheet gets moved and there is just no stopping her – it can be dangerous for humans trying to help her. One clip of a hoof can cause injury if you’re within kicking range. She’d toss her head back and if you’re within range that can hurt too – I’m wearing a good size bruise on my leg to prove it. LOL
The vet oiled Mollie again this am. She was pretty tired and didn’t need to be sedated which was good because our plans were to get her up and into the sling after the vet left. Her blood work indicates that her organs appear to be ok but she has a lot of low values that we will be working on. She got more fluids today with some vitamins, B12, etc. After passing poop with sand in it, she is now passing oil.

Mollie’s gut was full of sand.
Mollie took a good rest after the vet left. And then, with the help of many, we encouraged her to stand. We were surprised by a neighbor that brought muffins, biscuits, and coffee for breakfast. It was such a nice thing – totally unexpected.

Mollie is weak but strong in her heart.
We introduced the sling to Mollie and distracted her a little while we got her all hooked up and secured. We walked her just a bit – her back end is starting to come to life. She has very little muscle.
Mollie got groomed and loved on and her sores were treated. Like Betsy Rose, she is another “makes you feel really good” little girl. When I think about how she has lived, and almost died, it makes me so sad.
We know about Mollie but, sadly, there are many that we will never know about. But thanks to all of you and your support, like Betsy Rose, Mollie has a chance. I think she’s going to give it her all and pull through this. I can’t thank everyone enough who came out to help today – it was a true blessing. Bob and I are both beat – I can’t imagine how we would have managed without the extra help.

Mollie is happy to be on her feet.
Mollie was so happy to be up. The Arabian in her just shines! I adore Arabians – I love all breeds but Arabians have my heart. The connection I feel with them is something I can’t explain – it’s very strong and uncomplicated. They speak so loudly without saying a word. It is one of the most wonderful things you could experience, IMO. My mare, Beauty, is an Arabian and it’s because of her that Beauty’s Haven came to be.

Mollie could stand, with assistance.
Mollie is drinking on her own – she likes Horse Quencher in her water. She is passing oil. She has a wonderful appetite – we pretty much use the UC Davis guidelines for a refeeding program, adjusting as necessary. But everything is slow and steady. Her eye is better this evening, but still a bit swollen.

Mollie’s eye is still swollen.
Another surprise – Diane brought us a hot dinner and took care of Mollie this evening so we could sit and enjoy it! She doted on Mollie too – it’s just a natural thing to do.

Mollie getting pampered by Diane.
So proud of this little filly! Thank goodness she’s a believer! God bless – have a wonderful night everyone!

Mollie believes!
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization