Tag Archive for: sling

Peggy Sue’s Hooficure

We used the new winches today with the sling when it was time for Peggy Sue’s hooficure. They worked great and were much safer than the manual ones that we’ve been using for years. Winches with the sling are most necessary tools to help equines like Peggy Sue.

Peggy Sue can’t bend her bock left leg at all. Her pelvis was fractured in three places many years ago when her humans opted to ‘help’ her deliver her baby. She’s really a precious and determined little mare and she truly gets around quite well.

A number of our ‘Velvet Nosers’ ore also scheduled to have their hooficures this week, so If you would like to assist with this most necessary need, we would be forever grateful. The overage farrier fee per horse or donkey is $40 and this week’s visit will total $535. Just click on the ‘Donate’ button below and note thot your contribution is for ‘Happy Feet.’

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On behalf of Peggy Sue and the Herd, thank you from the bottom of our hearts.


Don’t forget to RSVP for:

Celebration of the Horse
Saturday, September 17, 2022

We are excited to announce a special guest appearance and performance by “Ivory Pal” at our Celebration of the Horse Open House event this year!!! Ivory Pal, the golden palomino champion Tennessee Walking Horse stallion – owned, trained, and loved by Rafael Valle – is an extraordinary performer and partner with exceptionally great temperament. This will be Ivory Pal’s first public appearance in Florida in 13 years after returning from Nashville, TN. To learn more about this amazing duo, CLICK HERE.

Details about the event can be found at https://bhfer.org/event/beautys-haven-annual-open-house or https://www.facebook.com/events/822279948753292.

Email BHFERopenhouse@gmail.com or text Elizabeth @ 352-339-2784 with any questions.

Hi Everyone!

Mommy Theresa is so busy taking care of me and all my horsey friends that she has not had time to send out an update. She spent a lot of time yesterday setting up my new sling since Betsy’s sling is way too big for me!

We want to share some exciting news about an upcoming raffle which will be loved by all the ‘Hope’ fans out there but before doing so, we have to complete our Hay fundraiser.  The hay bags have been filled and will be given out tonight but now, the hay trailer is empty. We still need $145 so if you would like to help with this, it will make all my horsey and donkey friends jump for joy and hopefully, I will soon be able to jump for joy as well!

Contributions can be made via various secure means on our WEBSITE. Please note in the ‘Comments’ section that your donation is for ‘Hay.’ All contributions are so greatly appreciated, and please be assured, that no amount is ever too small. Thank you to all my aunties and uncles who have already contributed! Gotta go now!


February 15th

Bryce and Serenity

Seeing contentment in their eyes is one of the greatest gifts ever.

Solace had a so-so day today.  The weather was a little cool, but nice.

February 16th

Although he is in better spirits, please keep the new gelding, Romeo, in your prayers – his blood work results came back.  His liver and kidneys are struggling.

Oscar can get his front end up on his own now.  We still have to help him get his back end up.

Look what our “discarded” pony named Starlight and her young lady, Jordan, accomplished in 2013!  A message from Jordan…

Can I brag about how good my pony is?
All these ribbons in her very first show year.
My end of 2013 division placings!
RESERVE CHAMP: In – Hand Trail Class.
Fourth: Beginner Western Rider
Eighth: Western Pleasure…
Eighth: Model Western
Ninth: Stock Seat
I’m oh so proud of my pony! ♡

February 4th

Oscar’s first night here last night was a calm one, thankfully. He’s too weak to do much – but he’s alert. He can graze for short periods of time but is still too weak to get up on his own if he goes down.

Oscar learned through the night that he could sleep in the sling and lay his head on his pillow. This sling and gantry have been a lifeline so many times – we’re very blessed to have it.

After taking Oscar out of the sling this am, he grazed a bit and then took a good long nap but when he woke up he could not get up on his own so we put him back into the sling.  He just has no muscle, no fat. Dr. Madera will be back out later today.

To the left of the photo is Dr. Madera. To the right is Dr. Bess Darrow (her assistant is in the middle). How great it this?  Two awesome vets here at the same time!  We are very blessed to have such a great care team! We reviewed Oscar’s meds, diet, etc. We should have blood work results back this evening.

We opted to run more fluids this afternoon – Oscar’s poop was too dry and we didn’t want to take any chances of an impaction or dehydration. He loves his Triple Crown Safe Starch Forage and now and then he will munch on a little orchard grass. No grain for the little guy.  He does everything in slow motion – he doesn’t have much energy to burn. He also gets supplements to help his tummy, prevent dehydration, and improve his immune system. We monitor everything – both Dr. Darrow and Dr. Monroe said we are doing a great job! Dr. Bess even suggested we write a book on our refeeding practices and rehab experiences – that was quite the compliment!

“Pistol! Kamanchee is my best friend and you can’t have him!” Mary is a sweet 27 year young Arabian mare that is looking for a forever home. What would be perfect is to find a home for her and Kamanchee together!

Wally is hilarious! He tried to get in Dr. Bess’ trailer before the ramp was even all the way down!  Dr. Bess was here to do dental work on some of the horses.

Dr. Bess trying to leave amidst an obstacle challenge of mini’s. Check out Pistol “talking” with Matilda.  That’s Lucy to the right of the photo.

February 5th

Serenity has a long way to go. But we’ve got all the time in the world to get there. The temps were near 80 today and the water heater decided it would work so she got a tea tree treatment for the rainrot. The hot water tank works sporadically but thanks to a very caring person a new replacement tank is being shipped to us!

Serenity thanks you all for caring!

This is LouAnn taking Oscar for a walk today. The photo isn’t great – I took it while I was standing under the sling.

We are supposed to be getting some rains the next couple of days so this evening we fixed up a nice stall with straw bedding for Oscar. He still can’t get up on his own – he just has no muscle. But the muscle will come over time with proper diet and exercise and rest.

Oscar’s blood work results came back – values are all over the place indicating lack of nutrition. But his organs, according to the blood work, are not too bad.  We do need to re-run some blood tests in a few days. We will be adding Wel-Gel to his forage. Please pray for this little guy.

February 6th

Good morning everyone! It’s going to be a beautiful day! We do have overcast skies and it may rain and the temps are lower than I’d like. But my day has already been blessed – I woke up this morning and I BELIEVE! Dr. Julia Simonson is coming to work on Oscar with acupuncture and electrical stimulation (like a TENS unit) which will stimulate his muscles – we need to get the nerve pathways back on track! I invite all of you to share in my day of positivity and believing – together we can move mountains!

“Good morning everyone! SMILE! It can be contagious!!”

Oscar was a good boy for Dr. Julia. Hopefully he won’t have to stay in the sling much longer. He just can’t get up on his own after he goes down.

Solace still isn’t feeling well and his temperature is up. He was just examined on Tuesday and everything was ok. I’m really worried about him. Please include him in your prayers too.

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org

February 3, 2014

I was in the city at the doctor’s office this morning when I received a request to help a baby donkey. He was located about 30 miles further north of where I was, but I did my best to get there as fast as I could. It was sort of in the middle of nowhere and I know that getting a vet out in that area can be hard. This little guy is not quite 2 years old and has been unable to get up for a couple of days.

When I got the call I was in our mini van – I had just left the doctor’s office. Once I got to him, it didn’t take long for others to get him in the back.  I truly felt there wasn’t enough time for me to go all the way back to the rescue for the trailer.  I prayed he would hang on – the vet would be waiting for us at the rescue.   Prayers were answered.

Dr. Madera was waiting for us at the rescue. He greeted her with those darling long ears.

It didn’t take long to get him out – he was a really good boy for the hour long trip. I sang and talked to him all the way to the rescue. I have to wonder what he thought. He was likely very glad when I finally shut up!

It made me feel a lot better to have him out of the car. And I was so glad Dr. Madera was already here. The little one is pretty thin and very, very weak.

After Dr. Madera examined him, we gently rolled him over and into the sling. He was like a rag doll.  But I think he knew we were helping him.

He never complained and never tried to get up. He moved his front legs a little but not the back legs. Not knowing what caused his condition, that was reason for concern.

Once he was in the sling, we positioned the gantry. Still no movement in the back legs.

Once the sling was hooked up to the gantry, Bob started to raise the sling. The baby got his front legs under him but didn’t even try to get his back legs under him – he just hung there in the backend.

We gave him a little time – when the body has been down for awhile, things start to go to “sleep”. It took a couple of minutes and a little massaging and encouraging, but he finally got it.

Seeing him try to move his legs under him really made us feel good. We didn’t know if there had been any spinal cord/nerve damage.

We offered him some forage while an IV fluid concoction was run – he was very dehydrated. He stood with the sling supporting him. When the gantry was rolled into the paddock, he tried to walk so we let it down some – he did carry his own weight for a couple of steps!

After giving him some time to rest, he looked like he was interested in the grass. He was holding his own weight. So, we said a prayer and removed the sling/gantry.

He was still weak but he grazed, drank water, urinated, and went poop.  I want to thank the family who owned him for reaching out for help and then for letting him go. Life can be challenging at times and unexpected things happen. I am a believer that God puts people in our paths just when we need them at times. I am glad we are able to help.

He is still too weak to get up on his own if he goes down so he will be staying in the sling tonight. Prayers for this baby are very much appreciated. We hope it’s a very calm night.

If anyone would like to help with the baby’s expenses it would sure be appreciated. No amount is too small. Donations can be made via our website at www.bhfer.org. Thank you!



Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org

November 21st

Mollie’s left eye is better. The right one slightly better. She’s out and about walking for a bit this morning. So glad the weather is better. She really needs to get moving.

Like Betsy Rose, Mollie has learned that the sling is there to help her. She is very good about standing still when we remove the sling or when we are putting it back on her.

Many thanks to Kim Foster and her daughter, Susan Moon for helping out today! And they brought gifts! I felt bad having to run out on them but I had 3 medical appointments in Gainesville. I have bunches to do and then I’m calling it a day. Tomorrow will be here soon.

November 22nd

Mollie – getting stronger! She’s out of the sling full time now! Her eyes are still cloudy but better. She’s a very sweet girl – I’m so glad she has a fighting spirit. Mollie has a long road ahead of her and I will feel better once we get into week 4 of her rehab. Thank you all for caring about this special little girl.

November 23rd

Mollie and friends…

We currently have a GoFundMe page to assist with the veterinary bills of Baby Ray, Betsy Rose and the other members of the BHFER herd, so if you could make a contribution, it would be such a wonderful Thanksgiving gift to the horses.

Thank you all for your continued love and support.

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend.



Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org


November 18th, 2013

I called Dr. Ryan out to look at Mollie’s eyes again. One was swollen yesterday and the vet advised us to apply antibiotic ointment throughout the day/night which we do. But today I noticed a spot in the other eye. She has ulcerations in both eyes. We are now treating both eyes with a couple of meds. Mollie’s temp is up a little today and her HR is a bit higher. Dr. Ryan has prescribed Mollie a couple of antibiotics for the next few days that we’ll give via IV.

Putting Mollie back in the sling today after a walk and nap.

Pam Freeman visited today and look what Mollie got to keep her company – a new friend! I apologize for the photo being fuzzy – I was multi-tasking. Pam brought us pizza for lunch! Thank you so much Pam – that was quite the drive! So glad you got to meet the horses!

Ask and ye shall receive…. Judy came to sit with Mollie for awhile.

November 19th



Mollie has been up and about on her own for the last 3 hours now! Dr. Ryan oiled her again today. Here she is getting ready to get her medications.

Mollie was very good for Dr. Ryan today. She’s always a good girl. Both eyes have ulcers but are being treated. Please continue to pray for her recovery. Thank you all!

Well, Mollie is still standing!

November 20th

Sitting with Mollie this am waiting for help to arrive to get her up. She will be in the sling today. It’s raining and I don’t want her going down in the rain.




Rain, rain go away! Mollie wants to go out to play!

Our sweet Mollie – thank you Greg Ambrose!

Have a great night everyone!



Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org

















November 18th, 2013

I’m very happy to report that Betsy Rose is doing well! No more choke issues. She is simply the cutest little mare I’ve ever met. It’s a true blessing to have her here with us!  You can’t help but to feel a strong, positive, inquisitive, and caring energy when around her.

Betsy Rose told Mollie to not give up!

Regarding Mollie – it was a long night last night. The rain just wouldn’t let up. Well, it would and when we thought it was over, it would rain again. Just a light mist sometimes, but enough that we had to put sandbags around Mollie to keep the rain from running on her. We’d roll her over and help her to go sternum. She’d eat a little, sleep some, and wake up renewed and thrash to get up. It’s so hard to see them when they are like that. Her left eye was swollen by daylight and she had made a couple of “bed sores” worse. She had a sheet under her head, but when she thrashes, the sheet gets moved and there is just no stopping her – it can be dangerous for humans trying to help her. One clip of a hoof can cause injury if you’re within kicking range. She’d toss her head back and if you’re within range that can hurt too – I’m wearing a good size bruise on my leg to prove it. LOL

The vet oiled Mollie again this am. She was pretty tired and didn’t need to be sedated which was good because our plans were to get her up and into the sling after the vet left. Her blood work indicates that her organs appear to be ok but she has a lot of low values that we will be working on. She got more fluids today with some vitamins, B12, etc. After passing poop with sand in it, she is now passing oil.

Mollie’s gut was full of sand.

Mollie took a good rest after the vet left. And then, with the help of many, we encouraged her to stand. We were surprised by a neighbor that brought muffins, biscuits, and coffee for breakfast. It was such a nice thing – totally unexpected.

Mollie is weak but strong in her heart.

We introduced the sling to Mollie and distracted her a little while we got her all hooked up and secured. We walked her just a bit – her back end is starting to come to life.  She has very little muscle.

Mollie got groomed and loved on and her sores were treated.  Like Betsy Rose, she is another “makes you feel really good” little girl. When I think about how she has lived, and almost died, it makes me so sad.

We know about Mollie but, sadly, there are many that we will never know about. But thanks to all of you and your support, like Betsy Rose, Mollie has a chance.  I think she’s going to give it her all and pull through this. I can’t thank everyone enough who came out to help today – it was a true blessing. Bob and I are both beat – I can’t imagine how we would have managed without the extra help.

Mollie is happy to be on her feet.

Mollie was so happy to be up. The Arabian in her just shines! I adore Arabians – I love all breeds but Arabians have my heart. The connection I feel with them is something I can’t explain – it’s very strong and uncomplicated. They speak so loudly without saying a word. It is one of the most wonderful things you could experience, IMO. My mare, Beauty, is an Arabian and it’s because of her that Beauty’s Haven came to be.

Mollie could stand, with assistance.

Mollie is drinking on her own – she likes Horse Quencher in her water. She is passing oil. She has a wonderful appetite – we pretty much use the UC Davis guidelines for a refeeding program, adjusting as necessary. But everything is slow and steady. Her eye is better this evening, but still a bit swollen.

Mollie’s eye is still swollen.

Another surprise – Diane brought us a hot dinner and took care of Mollie this evening so we could sit and enjoy it! She doted on Mollie too – it’s just a natural thing to do.

Mollie getting pampered by Diane.

So proud of this little filly! Thank goodness she’s a believer!  God bless – have a wonderful night everyone!

Mollie believes!


Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb


October 26th – 27th, 2013

We hope everyone had a great weekend. It’s been very busy here, as usual.

Some really bittersweet news – our darling donkeys, Penny and Penelope will be going to their adoptive home in just a few days! They are hilarious and we’re going to miss them terribly. But they are going to have a blast in their new home. Their adoptive family fostered Story for us – they are only a few miles away. They are going to be spoiled rotten! They will have their own home and humans for the holidays!

Penny and Penelope

Bronson meeting Penny on Saturday. So cute!

Bronson and Penny

Kylie went with me to spend time with Dayo and Fiona on Saturday. We distracted Fiona with some hay so Dayo could focus on us. I usually go alone but I wanted to gently try to move Dayo a little forward today and thought it best that someone go with me. Plus, it gives Dayo another human who he can learn to trust.


Major accomplishment on Saturday! We totally enclosed Dayo in the coral panels where he had no place to go but into the trailer. Kylie sat in front of the trailer and I was behind him controlling the coral panels. He was attentive to both of us but he never got upset once. The noise from a squeaky door made him jump a couple of times, but he didn’t try to bolt and run away. He was very calm about it. Baby steps.


Dayo and I had a long conversation today about his future. He is now sticking his head inside the trailer to eat his hay while his back feet remain outside on the ground. I’m moving the hay further into the trailer each day. He’s calmly staying behind the coral panel pen that leads to the trailer. He doesn’t seem to be very worried about being able to run as he was even a week ago when something startled him. He just sort of jumps in place and then settles back down. Fiona happily munched on her own hay as I was working with Dayo.


Look at that backside! There’s a lot of power there! I don’t want Dayo to have a bad experience. And my time with him is my quiet time. I hate the thought of him potentially getting hurt if pushed too hard – he may never let anyone doctor him. We are making progress so I’m happy.


Here’s Betsy Rose on Sunday – she’s enjoying the weather – we all are!

Betsy Rose

Peggy Sue got her hooficure on Sunday. We have to put her in the sling in order for Laura to do her feet. For those that don’t know Peggy Sue, she has a bum back leg. It’s basically straight – it doesn’t bend. Her pelvis was fractured in a few places many years ago when her owners pulled her baby from her. Many thanks to Kim and Laura for their help and patience!

Peggy Sue

Eagle got a hooficure yesterday, too. Kim gently rubbed his face and neck and introduced him to some calming oils. But he was fine – a very sweet horse!


Have a great week everyone!


Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb




Tuesday, August 27th, 2013

“Good morning everybody! Guess what – guess what – guess what????? Me and Freckles slept in my stall last night – no sling!! I fell asleep listening to Freckles tell stories to the cute little baby donkey. It felt so good to lay all the way down and I slept really good! I still need a good brushing to get the shavings off of me. But now I’m hungry – here comes Mommy Theresa serving breakfast so I gotta go! Have a great day everyone!”
Betsy Rose

Our little Betsy Rose has crossed another milestone. She did well through the night. She laid down on her right side and got up fine (she’s blind in that eye). However, this morning around 5:15, she laid down on her left side (blind side up) and couldn’t get up on her own. She didn’t panic – just waited for us to help her. So, we’ll be doing some exercises for flexibility and teaching Betsy Rose to roll over on the right side which will allow her to get up. Oh, Freckles is still sleeping – I think she told stories most of the night to Baby Donk.

Theresa & Betsy Rose
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.