Tag Archive for: Penny

I would like to introduce our latest Beauty’s Haven rescue, Scooter. He’s only about four years old and sadly, he has issues with his feet that likely could have been corrected a long time ago.

Upon Scooter’s arrival, we noticed that he didn’t pick up his feet very high when he walked, he just kind of scooted around. In addition, he had quite a few healing bite marks on his body, but he was, thankfully, of good weight. Dr. Giuliana Marie Templeton performed an exam, ran blood tests and took x-rays. His bloodwork indicates high and low values, he’s definitely been lacking proper nutrition. Stephanie, one of our awesome farriers, worked on his feet after the x-rays were done.

It’s going to take several months to get his feet in optimum shape. He may never be able to run and play like a horse with normal, healthy feet.

The mere act of walking with his feet in such a state has affected Scooter’s joints a bit, but he’s already more bright and active. There was a lot of licking and chewing when the farrier finished working on him which is a very good thing, indeed. He’s a real sweetie.

Scooter would really appreciate some sponsors to help with his veterinary and farrier bills, upcoming dental appointment, and ongoing care.

If you would like to help this adorable little guy, just click on the’Donate’ button below. All donations are tax deductible and no amount is ever too small. Scooter may be pretty small but his expenses, other than the amount of feed/forage he receives, are the same as that of a big horse.

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Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!


Missing Penny

I still look for Penny each morning. She was such a kind, gentle, and brave mare who will forever remain in our hearts.

I’ve been putting off this post all evening – my heart is heavy. Penny was down this morning. I gave her pain meds and usually, after they kick in, she gets up with little assistance. This time, she needed more assistance and in the process of getting up, she twisted and you could see discomfort and uneasiness come over her. She wasn’t herself – she was uncomfortable and agitated. Penny is never agitated.

Before noon, Penny was down again. We were able to get her up again but she walked off and wanted to be left alone. She seemed more uncomfortable – her hips were sore and she was tense all over. She was weak in her hind end. She shifted her weight from one side to the other in her backend. We gave her some time but it didn’t help – she refused her meal, hay, and water. Penny made it clear that acceptance had set in and that she was tired.

We spoke with the vet and we both agreed that Penny’s quality of life had reached the line – we loved Penny enough to let her go.

Karen stayed with Nicky during the time that Dr. Templeton helped Penny transition to Rainbow Bridge and I never left Penny’s side. She got to hear many “I love you’s” as she left this world. It’s never, ever easy and each one takes a part of my heart with them when they go, yet a part of them always stays with me. We gave Nicky time with Penny this evening to help her understand what had happened, although I think she knew before we did that Penny needed release.

Penny was born blind 35 years ago and now she sees all of the colors in the rainbow. She was precious – a brave and gentle giant with the most loving, trusting soul. She will be in our hearts, always.


Each morning, I look out the window first thing to see if Peggy Sue is up or down. Peggy Sue can’t get up if she lays on her left side. We just have to roll her over onto her right side and then she is able to get up on her own. Once I get to the barn, I look for Frodo, Beauty and Penny. Lately, Penny has been down in the mornings (hip issue) and she can’t get up without assistance. Penny weighs 1000 lbs. more than Peggy Sue so we can’t simply roll her over.

This morning was one of those mornings when Penny couldn’t get up. We encouraged her, but there wasn’t much more we could do. She’s completely blind and it can be dangerous trying to help her. I gave her some Banamine (IV) and some time. Thankfully she was able to get up after a short while. She enjoyed her breakfast and drank lots of water while Nicky, who is also blind, remained close by.

Having so many here with special needs brings new challenges each day. But we keep the faith and we keep going.

We know that any day could be the day that we have to make the decision for Penny, but she’s not ready to give up.

Other than having trouble getting up at times, her quality of life is still good and she so very much enjoys being with her best friend, Nicky. At Beauty’s Haven, each and every life is precious and deserving.

Please keep our sweet Penny in your thoughts and prayers.


Lightning and Satin had been staying in the quarantine paddock but yesterday, it was time – they had a much needed bath and then we turned them out into the main paddock.

They seemed to enjoy their new adventure and slowly made their way around the paddock. When they got close to Dancer and Jo, they just kept on grazing. Dancer and Jo kept their distance for awhile, but by this evening, everyone was comfortable.

Thank you to everyone who has helped these two very special horses!


Hey Everyone!

Guess what? I received a surprise gift in the mail the other day from a very special Auntie! It was two big bags of Sneak-e-Snacks, my very favorite treat in the entire world! As you can see by the smile on Katie’s face, I am really enjoying my treats!

Thank you, Auntie Beverly!




Niña is looking much better. When she lays down now, she’s strong enough to get up on her own. Niña recently, managed to injure her lip, but she was such a good girl and great patient when getting her wound cleaned and treated.

Penny’s Happy Mouth

Dr. Bess Darrow (Tune Ups Veterinary Equine Dentistry and Services) worked on Penny’s teeth last week. Penny had recently started to quid. Penny is a blind 30+ year old Belgian. Elyza Rose is her seeing eye pony and BFF.

Bria’s Happy Feet

“Got treats?”

Bria is holding her own and is most comfortable in her SoftRides boots. Take them off and it’s a different story – she has thin soles and some rotation in both front feet. But you can sometimes see her sprinting around looking for Little E or Cricket.

Saving Grace

Baby Ray is home_322pxNovember 9th, 2017

Baby Ray is back from his foster home as Athena, his pasture mate, has been adopted! Baby Ray is now all grown up!  He came to us as a few months old orphan, skin on bones, after having been listed as “Free on Craigslist.” He was born blind due to congenital cataracts. The cataracts were removed at UF and he can now see, albeit he has no lenses and is unable to focus normally.

Little Grace just loves her new home! And her foster family has fallen in love with her – so much so that they are adopting her! Grace has been blessed with her own human family! And we were blessed to be able to help her when she needed us, thanks to the wonderful assistance and support from our village!

Magic is still stunning! Notice the two birds? They are never very far from him. Magic was a bit under the weather for a few days, but thankfully, he is now feeling better.

There must me something magical about the stairs to the office – I never know who I’m going to find there!

These little ones are doing so well. They’re steadily gaining weight and are very happy! Cricket never fails to greet you with a whinny!

We are very thankful to everyone who helped with their needs. They love attention and would make a wonderful addition to a family looking for little ones to love on. If anyone is interested in adopting Jiminy and Cricket,  please read our “Adoption Requirements” in the Notes section on our Beauty’s HavenAdoption Page prior to contacting us.

Penny is such a sweet and trusting girl. She’s a Belgian that was born blind and is about 30 years young. Please consider giving Penny a home for the holidays. She’s an absolutely wonderful and kind mare with lots of love to give.

JoJo knocking at the office door – he wanted to make sure we didn’t forget to turn the clocks back an hour on Sunday. He was so excited at the thought of turning back time! Silly donkey!

Beauty in 2004. We were getting ready for our first ride at a park in Tampa. She’s the mare that started it all…..

Please remember to cast your daily vote in the Eagle Rare Life contest and please share amongst family and friends as well. Just click on this link and cast your vote.

‘Life is about determination. Don’t give up just because of the obstacles. Regardless of what obstacles face you, just keep going! Go through, go around, or go over – but never give up!’

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Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue Inc. is a 501(c)(3) grassroots Non-Profit Organization registered in the state of Florida (EIN: 20-4783950). We are not funded by Local, State, or Federal funds. We operate totally from donations from the public. Please consider making a one time or recurring donation to help the horses. No amount is too small and all donations are very much appreciated. Donations are tax deductible.

Beauty’s Haven was awarded Verified status by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS) in 2012. GFAS is the only globally recognized organization that provides standards for identifying legitimate animal sanctuaries. Awarded November 2014 Equine Hero and 2017 Eagle Rare Life Award for Heroism. A Guidestar Exchange Silver Participant and a GreatNonprofits Top Rated Non-Profit in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.

Back to Normal

JoJo and Jazzy were so happy to get out of their stall after the storm..
Penny is a 31 year old blind Belgian mare. Emma is a young QH filly that was shot multiple times a few months ago. They were both very brave throughout the night as Irma passed through – I was so proud of them! 


This video features Penny and Emma as they greeted us at daybreak during the eye of the storm.



Kitty Cat had fun with a photo shoot during Hurricane Irma.
My daughter made me do it! But it was a much needed ride – if only for a few minutes. Fancy is a great mare!

The minis will be arriving home tomorrow following their little ‘vacation’ in Tennessee.  I simply cannot wait to welcome them home!


We are still assessing the storm damage and a detailed update will be forthcoming.


Thank you all for your continued love and support.



[button type=”churchope_button” url=”https://bhfer.org/donate/” target=”” button_color=”#002c8b” ]DONATE NOW[/button]

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue Inc. is a 501(c)(3) grassroots Non-Profit Organization registered in the state of Florida (EIN: 20-4783950).  We are not funded by Local, State, or Federal funds. We operate totally from donations from the public. Please consider making a one time or recurring donation to help the horses. No amount is too small and all donations are very much appreciated.  Donations are tax deductible.

Beauty’s Haven was awarded Verified status by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS) in 2012. GFAS is the only globally recognized organization that provides standards for identifying legitimate animal sanctuaries.  Awarded November 2014 Equine Hero and 2017 Eagle Rare Life Award for Heroism.  A Guidestar Exchange Silver Participant and a GreatNonprofits Top Rated Non-Profit in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.

May 4th, 2017

There’s a new bright shining star in the sky tonight. Penny has joined our heavenly herd. She was blessed with so many humans who loved her. All three of her mom’s were with her when she went to Rainbow Bridge – Penelope, Theresa, and Elizabeth. And her human big sister, Bri, was there too. Penny was surrounded by love. But our hearts are broken.

I came home and looked at some old photos. So many wonderful memories. Watching her as a baby and the five short years she had with us was a true blessing. I want to share some photos of her when she was a baby with her mom, Penelope. And one taken on a recent visit I had with her. She always made me smile.

Penny and Penelope

Penny wasn’t a very healthy baby when she came to us in 2012. But with TLC and proper care, she grew strong and came to be loved by so many.

Penny and Penelope II

Penny would imitate her mom – it was a wonderful experience watching her grow up.

Like Mother Like Daughter

Like mother, like daughter.

Penny has her wings now. I can’t help but to keep asking why did this happen? Why our little Penny? The dreaded disease she had (pemphigus foliaceus) I would never wish on any other. I’m so thankful that I got to tell her how much I loved her before she went to the Bridge tonight. I’m very thankful she’s no longer in pain. I’m very sad she’s gone – my heart is broken. I hugged on Penelope for awhile before heading back to the rescue – she was such a good mom. Whenever I see Penelope, I’ll still see our little Penny.

Penny Collage

Fly with the angels sweet Penny – until we meet again. We love you, always.

August 15th, 2016

Penny and Spirit arrived and settled in. Thanks Pamela Zarem of Double B Equine Transport for doing such a great job – as usual!  This is Spirit.

This is Penny, a 29 year old blind Belgian.
Penny Belgian

I’ll be keeping checking on the girls via camera through night. I felt better after seeing both of them find their way back to there waterer this afternoon for a drink. They will be getting physicals and hopefully Dr. Mangan can squeeze them into his schedule for eye exams. When we rescued Spirit in 2012, it was thought that she could see an itty bitty tiny sliver of light out of one eye. Penny has been blind her whole life and she’s 29 years young. They will be getting hooficures and Dr. Bess will be here next Monday to do their dental.

I hope Liz is smiling, knowing that the girls are here now. 🙂

September 20th – 26th, 2015

September 20th

Zahara’s X-rays were done yesterday. She’s doing well.

Artwork by Greg Ambrose.

Birds everywhere!

Really blessed to have both of our human “kids” home today for awhile!

September 22nd

That famous tongue! Aaleyah Belle loves to slime anyone and everyone.

September 23rd

The Breakfast Club.

Donovan got a “get out of your paddock and roam free” pass today around the house. I think JoJo must have told him there’s something good in the office. I could just picture him making his way up the stairs in one giant step. OMG!

Donovan is one of many horses looking for a forever home. He’s so sweet – I hate to think of him not being here but he deserves his own home.

Lucy getting her morning makeover from Marilyn Doren. Lucy has a trach that gets cleaned each day. Everyone loves Lucy!

Well, I guess it’s official. Fall is here. There are leaves on the ground already. I just hope and pray the green grass sticks around for quite a bit longer.

September 24th

JoJo helping Chris collect feed tubs. He’s a riot!

Betsy Rose and Penny

It’s been a busy week, but we’ve been able to get a couple of needed baths in.  On Monday, I opted to give Waylon a bath, clean his sheath, and check him for a bean. I got three quarters of the way done, but was summoned to do something else. Sue rinsed him off for me – thanks Sue!

We use a great product for sheath cleaning called Healing Tree Sheath Cleaner. It soothes, cleans, and dissolves dirt, grime, etc. and it smells good too! It’s veterinary formulated and the geldings seem to think it’s ok. It comes in a spray bottle which I really like. If you would like to donate this product, it’s available at this link: http://www.besthorseproductsavailable.com/products/go-way-all-natural-repellent-16oz.

Waylon was a pony horse at Calder Race Track but wasn’t wanted anymore. He ended up in a bad situation and was attacked by a stallion that took a chunk out of his backside which has healed nicely. He’s about 19 years young and is one of the sweetest horses you could ever meet! He’s been having a tough time breathing, but with the cooler weather coming, his condition will hopefully, improve.

Ruby, Cookie, and Zahara.

September 25th

Foxy and Zahara love to run along the fence line and play.

September 26th

Paul and Roxy did a great job and had a great deal of fun at the Tack Shack yard sale in Ocala today!

Tag Archive for: Penny