
Lightning & Satin update, and a Sweet Surprise!

Lightning and Satin had been staying in the quarantine paddock but yesterday, it was time – they had a much needed bath and then we turned them out into the main paddock.

They seemed to enjoy their new adventure and slowly made their way around the paddock. When they got close to Dancer and Jo, they just kept on grazing. Dancer and Jo kept their distance for awhile, but by this evening, everyone was comfortable.

Thank you to everyone who has helped these two very special horses!


Hey Everyone!

Guess what? I received a surprise gift in the mail the other day from a very special Auntie! It was two big bags of Sneak-e-Snacks, my very favorite treat in the entire world! As you can see by the smile on Katie’s face, I am really enjoying my treats!

Thank you, Auntie Beverly!
