Tag Archive for: Peggy Sue

It’s been a tough couple of days. Actually, a tough couple of weeks. I hate to share more sad news, but on November 15th, our precious Peggy Sue went to Rainbow Bridge.

Peggy Sue came to us in April 2012, unable to stand or bend her back legs with elf slippers for back feet. Some years before, her pelvis had been fractured in multiple places when humans tried to help her deliver her foal. Because her humans couldn’t pick up her back legs, they did not trim her back feet. We had no issue putting her in the sling for trims – she was always a very good girl.

Peggy Sue didn’t let her physical limitations stop her from getting around – she could really move out when she wanted to!

However, if she laid down and rolled over onto her left side, she couldn’t get up and we had to help her. We would roll her back onto her right side and she’d usually pop right up. Over the last few months though, it had been getting harder for her.

Arthritis and years of overworking her good leg/hip had taken a toll. We knew there would come a day when we’d have to make the heartbreaking decision to let Peggy Sue go, and that time had come. We loved her too much to allow her to suffer. The thought of her going down in the middle of the night, in the cold or rain, and not being able to get up, was a horrible image.

Peggy Sue had the darkest yet most beautiful bright and loving eyes that touched the soul. She left this world knowing she was loved, very much.

We were very blessed to have been given the years that we had with Peggy Sue. They all take a piece of my heart when they go, and Peggy Sue took a pretty huge piece. In my mind, I can picture her with her friends, Little E and Bria, under a Friendship Tree on this side of Rainbow Bridge where they await with the rest of herd. I find comfort in knowing we will see our loved ones again someday.


Peggy Sue’s Hooficure

We used the new winches today with the sling when it was time for Peggy Sue’s hooficure. They worked great and were much safer than the manual ones that we’ve been using for years. Winches with the sling are most necessary tools to help equines like Peggy Sue.

Peggy Sue can’t bend her bock left leg at all. Her pelvis was fractured in three places many years ago when her humans opted to ‘help’ her deliver her baby. She’s really a precious and determined little mare and she truly gets around quite well.

A number of our ‘Velvet Nosers’ ore also scheduled to have their hooficures this week, so If you would like to assist with this most necessary need, we would be forever grateful. The overage farrier fee per horse or donkey is $40 and this week’s visit will total $535. Just click on the ‘Donate’ button below and note thot your contribution is for ‘Happy Feet.’

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

On behalf of Peggy Sue and the Herd, thank you from the bottom of our hearts.


Don’t forget to RSVP for:

Celebration of the Horse
Saturday, September 17, 2022

We are excited to announce a special guest appearance and performance by “Ivory Pal” at our Celebration of the Horse Open House event this year!!! Ivory Pal, the golden palomino champion Tennessee Walking Horse stallion – owned, trained, and loved by Rafael Valle – is an extraordinary performer and partner with exceptionally great temperament. This will be Ivory Pal’s first public appearance in Florida in 13 years after returning from Nashville, TN. To learn more about this amazing duo, CLICK HERE.

Details about the event can be found at https://bhfer.org/event/beautys-haven-annual-open-house or https://www.facebook.com/events/822279948753292.

Email BHFERopenhouse@gmail.com or text Elizabeth @ 352-339-2784 with any questions.

Peggy Sue has a back leg that she is unable to bend (the humans in her previous home had tried to ‘help’ her deliver her baby years ago and her pelvis fractured in several places), so we have to place her in a sling for her hooficures. As you can see in the above image, she is such a very good girl for the farrier. Peggy Sue is just one member of our little herd who is on the farrier list this week. Others scheduled to receive a hooficure within the next few days, include Bouie, Frodo, Ebony, Lily, CaryLou, Lucy, Luigi, Warrior, Misti, Sassy, Simba, JoJo and Jazzy.

The average cost of a farrier visit per horse/ donkey is $33.

If you wish to contribute to this most important and necessary need, you may do so by clicking on the DONATE button below. All donations are tax deductible and no amount is ever too small. Thank you!

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Oreo Needs You

We still have quite a ways to go to achieve our goal for Oreo’s ear canal ablation surgery. If you wish to assist with our sweet boy’s surgery, you may do so via GivingGrid by clicking here or on the photo of Oreo.

Thank you!

I am reaching out to you on behalf of Theresa who has been dealing with sick horses for the past few days. On top of her routine daily chores, the necessity of keeping the sick horses isolated from the remainder of the herd has created quite a bit more work for Theresa.

Luiji, Warrior, Sassy, Peggy Sue and then, Dancer, started coughing over the weekend. By Saturday afternoon, some started running a fever and by yesterday, they all were feverish.

Thankfully, none of them have stopped eating. The vet was out yesterday morning to examine and do bloodwork on all of the sick members of our little herd, so, hopefully, we will have the results sometime today.

A few weeks ago, Jo was examined by the vet and bloodwork was done. Based on her behavior and symptoms, the vet advised that Jo was displaying symptoms of Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (dementia). Over the past several months, changes were noticed in both Jo’s personality and behavior. At times, Jo has appeared to be lost – she would just stand in one place and stare off into space, she has spooked a few times (which is new), and oftentimes, she takes a bite or two of a meal and then wanders off which is totally out of character for her. In addition, Jo has been fighting an eye ulceration which thankfully, after a few months of treatment, appears to have finally healed.

Jo’s blood test results were not great – there were some high and low values. She is anemic (a symptom of a larger health issue TBD) and her liver is a bit sluggish, both of which has greatly affected her immune system.

Anemia is caused by blood loss, blood destruction, or by the body not making enough red cells. Because she was walking away from her food at times, and she was due for her annual dental exam, her teeth were addressed last week but nothing of significance was apparent. She started running a fever a few days ago (it is currently normal) but there is now a foul odor emanating from her mouth which could indicate that there is something amiss in either her sinus passages or respiratory system. Theresa is making adjustments to Jo’s diet and supplements, and she will likely need additional diagnostics.

Days such as these are the reason why Theresa doesn’t post on social media as much as she would like to as she, Bob and our wonderful team of volunteers are literally caring for horses around the clock.

By the time the horses are all tucked in at night, there is little time for sleep before the next morning arrives. Volunteers help on most days until mid-afternoon and they make a tremendous difference. We are so truly grateful for them – they are such a blessing and we couldn’t do what we do without them!

Sadly, we must once again ask for assistance due to the additional and unexpected vet expenses, medications and supplements created by this current crisis.

If you would like to assist with this emergency situation, just click on the “Donate” button below to forward your contribution and please know that each and every donation is greatly appreciated and no amount is ever too small.

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Thank you, all, for your love and support. Please keep Jo, Dancer, Peggy Sue and our “Littles” in your prayers.


Introducing Valley Girl & Buckshot

Valley Girl and Buckshot, our newest arrivals, have settled in really well. As Hope shared in our last email, these two precious horses arrived late Friday evening. Sadly, their human mom passed away and they needed a place to go. Valley Girl is an Arabian/Thoroughbred cross with some health issues that we are presently addressing and Buckshot is a very sweet Paint.

A New Friendship

It’s bittersweet seeing MacGyver under the Friendship Tree. Peggy Sue is just on the other side of Mac in the first photo above.

The bottom photo includes Tilly, Cricket, Little E, Bria, and Nina gathered around the Friendship Tree. We sadly, lost them all last year – they are all gathered at Rainbow Bridge now. We are blessed that Peggy Sue is still with us and we are so very happy that she and Mac have become fast friends.


New Years Eve 2013

The vet was called out this evening as Betsy Rose was experiencing an episode of Choke. The choke was cleared and Betsy Rose is now on antibiotics but she is ok – although, she’s not happy that she won’t get her midnight mash. Betsy has a history of choke and gets a soft watery mash, but unless we muzzle her, she will pick at the grass. I’ll never forget the first time, 2 months after her arrival here in June 2013,when she was able to finally stand on her own and graze (she had to live in a sling – it truly is a miracle that she survived) – it was glorious to watch! Dr. Bess ( Tune Ups Veterinary Equine Dentistry and Services) checks Betsy often and works on her as needed – she’ll be back again in a week or so to work on others and Betsy is on the list.

Betsy Rose is the strongest little mare I know – yet she is still so fragile. She always will be. For those that don’t know her story here is her beginning with us: and here is a video – she’s the little mare that believes… .

Please keep Betsy Rose in your prayers. Thank you.

January 1st

Betsy Rose is recovering from her choke. She’s still getting soup for meals but hopefully, by tomorrow, she will be able to get a mash vs soup.

As we welcomed in the New Year, little Betsy Rose welcomed in a new friend. A distant relative of Freckles arrived – a cute little donkey named Mani! Freckles and Mani hung out in Betsy’s food dish quite a bit to try to keep her mind off of not being able to eat much yet. Betsy Rose enjoyed listening to them catch up on family stories. Freckles had quite a few stories to tell Mani about life with Betsy Rose too!

Betsy Rose is not allowed to graze but we took turns taking her for walks today.

We have two farriers coming tomorrow so we’re calling it a day here soon. We’ll be setting up the sling in the morning for Peggy Sue’s hooficure. Have a good night everyone and, again, thank you for your continued support!  Thank you Eva!

JoJo – my loyal little helper…

Donovan playing with his drum this morning. He started before daylight. LOL

We are so blessed to have wonderful friends and volunteers – including ones with 4 legs! The donkeys were all trying to help with am chores while Duke oversaw everything.

Handsome really is handsome.

Please click on the link below to view our Beauty’s Haven 2014 Smilebox slideshow.


January 2nd

Thank you all so much for voting for me! This is a wonderful way to start the New Year! Sponsored by http://www.alltech.com/equine

“Congratulations to our November Equine Hero Theresa Batchelor!” Alltech

Lizanne Quinn from the United States of America, has nominated Theresa Batchelor as her Equine Hero! Lizanne explains that “I have been a horse owner for my entire life and I have never met anyone like Theresa. Her tireless dedication to the horses starved, abused left for dead has truly amazed me. Theresa is a true equine hero!”

Lizanne goes on to say that “I see a lot of people who say that they rescue horses, but Theresa’s rescue is actually a Heaven on Earth and a last stop for many. For the ones that survive, it is only because of her intervention, love and prayers.” Theresa makes sure that every horse that comes through her door is completely rehabilitated and adoptable or else she won’t let them go.

Sadly, Theresa’s rescue is the last stop for a lot of horses that arrive there. However as upsetting as it is to see the horses arrive so broken, Theresa gives them hope and they know on their last days that they are truly loved. Sometimes it’s too late, but the horses have beautiful surroundings, the best care that can be found and a beautiful heart by their side until they pass away or pull through.

Theresa is truly amazing. I can only imagine what the other horses say to the new ones on their way in. Perhaps they say “don’t worry” or “you are safe now” or “thank goodness you made it here in time” or “we love you and we will see you on the other side”.

Lizanne finishes by saying “thank you Theresa Batchelor and Beauty’s Haven Equine Rescue. I nominate you to as my Equine Hero!”

Memories warm the heart…

January 3rd

The year is starting out absolutely wonderful for Attagirl – she left today for her forever home! She’s not far from the rescue and she will be totally loved and spoiled at Heaven Can Wait Farm! Congratulations Attagirl and Suzy!

Love the view from my desk.

“Mommy Theresa no worries about those big horses next door coming over here. I’ve told them I’m boss over here and they would have to get my permission. So no worries, ok? I got this!” CaryLou is a hoot!

Mishka really is a big teddy bear.

Simply stunning.

Wishing everyone a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!


Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization


November 24th – 25th, 2013

We found a blanket for Mollie to wear tonight – the cold snuck up on us! It’s a bit small but her new one should arrive this week. Her eyes look better. Dr. Ryan will be out tomorrow to examine her again and do more blood work to see how… she’s progressing. Her appetite is good but she’s running a little bit of a temperature. She’s still on IV antibiotics and gets other supplements as well. You can see the Arabian in her – she’s a proud little girl and we’re very proud of her! She’s a fighter! I’m so glad she held on and that she never gave up – she had been on the ground overnight and until we got to her that day. She deserves everything she’s been deprived of, and more. Her stunted growth is some evidence of her past. Like Betsy Rose, we’ll do our best to make sure all of Mollie’s tomorrow’s are what her past should have been. We love you Mollie!

Betsy Rose introducing her new little friend with angel wings to Bronson.

This is Classy. We had to take her to UF a few years ago because she had to have a permanent tracheotomy. She can’t whinny because of it. She’s a very sweet mare.

Peggy Sue – she’s so cute! She can’t bend her back left leg. Her pelvis was fractured in 3 places when her breeder/owner pulled a baby from her years ago. Peggy Sue is adorable! She’s lost a few lbs which is a good thing!

Gentleman – he’s an icon here that is simply a treasure. He’s an older Percheron that we pray is with us for many more years to come. He’s loved so much!

CJ is doing very well. He will be looking for a home as a pasture pal. He’s beautiful.

Garan is still looking for a home! He’s handsome, funny, and loving!

It would be really nice if Ceri and Garan found a forever home together! They are both really nice registered Arabians.

This is Indy’s Rising Son. We call him Indy. He’s had a good year of training under him and is looking for a home. He’s not going to be a big boy even though his mom was a Percheron cross. His past is a sad one even though he was born here.

Can’t forget Little E! He’s an elderly Arabian – another that everyone adores!

Almost forgot Solace!

It was a very exciting day here this past Friday! Dr. Julia Simonson arranged for Janek Vluggen (from Germany) to come to Beauty’s Haven to work with Betsy Rose and Bella! Janek Vluggen D.O., MRO-EU, EDO® is recognized as the leading expert in the field of modern Equine Osteopathy. To say that I was amazed, would be an understatement! I’ll share more tomorrow – I’m crashing on a project and need to finish up some things. Have a great night all!



Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org

October 26th – 27th, 2013

We hope everyone had a great weekend. It’s been very busy here, as usual.

Some really bittersweet news – our darling donkeys, Penny and Penelope will be going to their adoptive home in just a few days! They are hilarious and we’re going to miss them terribly. But they are going to have a blast in their new home. Their adoptive family fostered Story for us – they are only a few miles away. They are going to be spoiled rotten! They will have their own home and humans for the holidays!

Penny and Penelope

Bronson meeting Penny on Saturday. So cute!

Bronson and Penny

Kylie went with me to spend time with Dayo and Fiona on Saturday. We distracted Fiona with some hay so Dayo could focus on us. I usually go alone but I wanted to gently try to move Dayo a little forward today and thought it best that someone go with me. Plus, it gives Dayo another human who he can learn to trust.


Major accomplishment on Saturday! We totally enclosed Dayo in the coral panels where he had no place to go but into the trailer. Kylie sat in front of the trailer and I was behind him controlling the coral panels. He was attentive to both of us but he never got upset once. The noise from a squeaky door made him jump a couple of times, but he didn’t try to bolt and run away. He was very calm about it. Baby steps.


Dayo and I had a long conversation today about his future. He is now sticking his head inside the trailer to eat his hay while his back feet remain outside on the ground. I’m moving the hay further into the trailer each day. He’s calmly staying behind the coral panel pen that leads to the trailer. He doesn’t seem to be very worried about being able to run as he was even a week ago when something startled him. He just sort of jumps in place and then settles back down. Fiona happily munched on her own hay as I was working with Dayo.


Look at that backside! There’s a lot of power there! I don’t want Dayo to have a bad experience. And my time with him is my quiet time. I hate the thought of him potentially getting hurt if pushed too hard – he may never let anyone doctor him. We are making progress so I’m happy.


Here’s Betsy Rose on Sunday – she’s enjoying the weather – we all are!

Betsy Rose

Peggy Sue got her hooficure on Sunday. We have to put her in the sling in order for Laura to do her feet. For those that don’t know Peggy Sue, she has a bum back leg. It’s basically straight – it doesn’t bend. Her pelvis was fractured in a few places many years ago when her owners pulled her baby from her. Many thanks to Kim and Laura for their help and patience!

Peggy Sue

Eagle got a hooficure yesterday, too. Kim gently rubbed his face and neck and introduced him to some calming oils. But he was fine – a very sweet horse!


Have a great week everyone!


Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb




August 4th – 5th, 2013

Some of the horses got much needed baths this past weekend thanks to Wanda Sue Malphurs, her daughter, Martina, and son, Caleb!  Look at the pretty horses!  

Ceri – a really sweet 20 yr old Arabian mare.

Classy – a Sanctuary pony.  She has a permanent trach and front feet issues.

Bella – this is Starbucks mom.  She’s available for adoption.  Very, very sweet girl.

And this is a Clydesdale named Genesis – a Sanctuary horse.  One of his eyes was removed a few months ago and the other has early stage of glaucoma.  The vets say he will likely lose that eye within the next 5 years.  He came to us several months ago with sores on all of his legs.  We were able to get the front ones cleared up.  But the back ones needed some extra attention which Jenny has been diligently giving them and they are much better!  He has a scrotal hernia and a suspected cancer spot that we monitor.  He’s a gentle giant.

Peggy Sue got a hooficure yesterday.  Betsy Rose was happy to give up the sling for awhile.  Peggy Sue is a Sanctuary mini.  She has issues with her back left leg which is basically straight and can’t bend due to an injury years ago when giving birth.  She’s a sweetheart.  We do keep close eye on her.  Sometimes, if she lays on the wrong side, she can’t get up and needs assistance.

Betsy Rose just before being tucked back into the sling last night.  Like me, she was tired!  She stayed out for about 3 hours this yesterday evening.  She hardly coughed any on Monday and her edema is almost gone and her nasal discharge is better too.

We could use some prayers today for Solace, Amy, and Betsy Rose.  Solace had a temp this am and appeared to be trying to choke.  It seems to have cleared and his temp is coming down.  He’s in a stall under fans.  Amy was trying to colic but seems better.  Betsy Rose is coughing some.  It’s too busy here today!

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization

March 9th, 2013

Peggy Sue got clipped today – she’s SO cute!

Gentleman got some attention today too.  He’s so sweet.  His age has caught up to him and he has some not so good days but he has good days too. But when the bad outweighs the good, well, we know at some point we will leave us and the thought of that makes me very sad. He has arthritis and moves slow but he still has lots of life in his eyes and he’s happy. We appreciate each and every minute with him. He is so loved and he knows it.

Solace trying to snooze – there were lots of things going on at the rescue today. Roxie and Jenna gave him a much needed bath.

Bob went to Cedar Key this am to pick up a hood for Genesis with protective eye cup but it didn’t fit – it was too small.  The one we thought we were buying at the hospital yesterday had been too small for him too.  So today I spent hours looking frantically for something here to work and finally found a mask we had for a horse that had Uveitis flare ups.  Sue Ann was visiting from TN and was Genesis’ primary care giver most of the day.  I’m so glad she was here to stay with him to make sure he didn’t rub his face (which he had started to do this am) while I spent hours trying to come up with something to protect his eye.

I have lots more pictures but will update again tomorrow evening.  It’s been an exhausting day – don’t forget to turn your clocks forward tonight!

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization

Tag Archive for: Peggy Sue