Tag Archive for: minis

Bouie, Frodo, Ebony, Lily, CaryLou, Lucy, Peggy Sue, Luigi, Warrior, Misti, Sassy, Simba, JoJo and Jazzy are on the farrier’s list this week, and while their dream to have “happy feet” on St. Patrick’s Day did not come true, they are hoping it will be fulfilled by the first day of spring.

The average cost of a farrier visit per mini is $33.

If you would like to fulfill the minis’ wish, please click on the “Donate” button below, or visit our donations page for a variety of options. If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation to the mini or donkey or your choice.

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

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Thank you all for your continued love and support.


A New Chapter Sophia

On Thursday, we picked up the mini’s – a new chapter in their lives has begun! When it was time to transport them to the rescue, I told Jiminy and Cricket that they were going on an adventure. They walked right onto the trailer. I felt a bit of sadness – they were leaving behind the only home they’d ever known. But their humans did the right thing in reaching out for help – they needed to concentrate on their own well-being as they each were having health issues.
When we received the call asking if we could take in the minis, we knew that we had no available paddocks. However, even if we can’t take in a horse, we try to help by networking in an effort to find a good home.

After visiting with Jiminy and Cricket, and speaking with the owner, we knew we had to find a way as we felt a sense of urgency.  Cricket is 32 years young and Jiminy is 29.  We came up with an idea. We knew Cookie would be proud to help in this endeavor so we set up Cookie’s Corral for them! I miss Cookie so much – there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of her.

 A portable shelter was procured by a supporter and others have promised to help cover the cost of Cricket’s and Jiminy’s needs. The initial costs will be significant (vetting, dental, farrier, etc.)  It takes a village!
The little ones unloaded and settled right into their area.
On Friday, Jiminy and Cricket had a full physical by Dr. Simonson. Both were underweight, dehydrated, and had low body temps.  Jiminy’s heart rate was also low. Of the two minis, Cricket is more lively.
Dr. Julia double checked Jiminy’s heart and confirmed that his heart rate was low but the rhythm was okay. We will be monitoring this and are currently awaiting blood test results.

We truly appreciate any and all help for these sweet Minis and we cannot do this without assistance from others. Our village makes this possible!

If you would like to contribute to the ongoing care of Jiminy and Cricket, you may do so by clicking on the ‘DONATE NOW’ button below or via PayPal: bhfer@earthlink.net. Please designate your donation to ‘Minis.’

Thank you all, for your love and support.

Please also remember to cast your daily vote for Theresa in the Eagle Rare Life contest and please share amongst family and friends as well. Just click on this link and cast your vote.


‘Life is about determination. Don’t give up just because of the obstacles. Regardless of what obstacles face you, just keep going! Go through, go around, or go over – but never give up!’


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Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue Inc. is a 501(c)(3) grassroots Non-Profit Organization registered in the state of Florida (EIN: 20-4783950).  We are not funded by Local, State, or Federal funds. We operate totally from donations from the public. Please consider making a one time or recurring donation to help the horses. No amount is too small and all donations are very much appreciated. Donations are tax deductible. Beauty’s Haven was awarded Verified status by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS) in 2012. GFAS is the only globally recognized organization that provides standards for identifying legitimate animal sanctuaries.  Awarded November 2014 Equine Hero and 2017 Eagle Rare Life Award for Heroism.  A Guidestar Exchange Silver Participant and a GreatNonprofits Top Rated Non-Profit in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.

February 18 – 21, 2015

Betsy Rose got her acupuncture/TENS treatment last Saturday. Some of her lab work came back, but not all, and Dr. Julia pulled another test (thyroid) this past Monday but we likely won’t have those results back until next week. From what we do know, Betsy’s glucose is high and her kidneys are a little stressed. But her CBC results were good. Once we get additional test results back, we will know more. She wouldn’t lay down in her stall so we stripped it and switched the shavings to pelleted bedding but she still won’t lay down in there. But in the mornings, she goes right out after breakfast and naps in the sun. She gets a hooficure tomorrow. Please keep her in your prayers.

Athena got an acupuncture treatment last Saturday too.

Athena is so pretty. We’re not sure what breed she is but there’s some draft in there. Her hock boots should be here tomorrow, I hope.

Two beautiful mares – Athena and Serenity.

Athena getting some extra attention on Monday. Wanda brought her 4H Saddlebusters Club to help out and almost all of the horses got a good and much needed grooming.

Ruby getting some extra attention on Monday. I thought she was going to fall asleep and fall over she enjoyed it so much!

Amber and Baby Ray impatiently waiting on their hay to be unloaded from the trailer a few days ago. We have to make another hay run, hopefully, tomorrow. With the cold temps, we are going through a bit more. It’s already below freezing here tonight.

Amber is such a sweet little mare – she really would make someone a very nice horse. She’s a TWH looking for a forever home.

Donovan and Bryce playing gelding games.

Baby Ray being, well, Baby Ray. I wasn’t sure how many blankets I’d find torn to shreds this morning. But I guess everyone realized how much they need them and all were intact.

Matilda proudly wears Gentleman’s blanket. I know he wouldn’t mind. I’ll never stop missing him. Dr. Mangan will be here tomorrow to check out Matilda’s eyes.

Tomorrow is a big day – Dr’s. Mangan and Simonson will be here and two farriers will be coming too. Everyone here is bundled up. We’re so blessed that the the horses all have a blanket. This is Sisco.

Guess who got their tail braided on Monday?

We are so blessed to have a dependable truck. The tractor is in the shop and we sure do miss it. It makes for more work when we don’t have it. But at least we found a local place to repair it. The picked it up last Friday and we are waiting on a cost estimate.

A beautiful sunny, but cold day!

The mare that started it all – my heart horse. Beauty.

February 20th

Aalayeh Belle – when I look at her I see Momma Sue through and through. She came up to have a knee injury checked while Dr. Julia was here.

Matilda seemed so proud of herself today when Dr. Mangan examined both of her eyes and she even allowed him to flush her tear duct without any sedation! The good news is that the issue in her right eye is believed to be Immune-Mediated Keratitis. It is being treated with medication and the cloudiness should improve over the next couple of weeks. The other good news is that her left eye which had tears a lot is fine – it was as suspected – a clogged tear duct. This is something that gets overlooked a lot in horses. When Donovan got here, he had discharge running down both of his eyes that went untreated – there were open sores that flies loved. He has some permanent scars from this. His tear ducts were flushed during his initial exam upon intake and both were clogged. Anyway, Matilda should be fine. Dr. Mangan wants to look at her eyes again in a couple of weeks. The bad news for Matilda, well, there isn’t any!

We are so excited about Daisy’s progress! She’s had two BCG injections now over the past few weeks and we are seeing positive changes around both of her eyes. The tumors have shrunk! She gets oral supplements and a topical applied daily. We are staying positive about her recovery. BELIEVE!

Dr. Mangan also did an examination on Betsy Rose. She’s been blind in her right eye since the day she arrived – it’s totally clouded over. But she’s been startling a bit more lately and we thought having her eyes examined would be a good thing to do. Well, sadly, she is losing vision in her left eye too.

Betsy Rose has polycoria – you can see in the photo it looks like she has two pupils. It’s a very good thing that she’s had time here to get to know her way around. She knows she’s safe here, and loved very much. We’ll put bubble wrap on her if we have to!

“It was a really busy day today – As you know, Dr.’s Mangan and Simonson were here and Laura and Stephanie were here too! They do our hooficures. I’m feeling better but Mommy Theresa’s arm isn’t doing very well. Well, have a good night everyone. Freckles is getting ready to tell Lucy a bedtime story about one of her travel adventures – they do this almost every night. Sweet dreams everyone!” says Betsy Rose.

February 21st

The Bridle Brigade of Levy County came out today – I’m so glad that the weather was better! Lots of horses got some extra attention and some of the chores got done pretty quickly!

The mini “Welcome Committee!”

We really appreciate Misti and her group taking the time to come and we always enjoy sharing the horses.

Doesn’t Matilda look like she is smiling? In my opinion, we should always take every opportunity we can to help educate the horse owners of tomorrow.

The entire Beauty Haven’s herd thanks you all for your continued love and support.

#bhfer #betsyrose #believe

January 7th – 10th, 2014 Update

Betsy Rose got “the works” on Tuesday from Dr. Julia Simonson. Betsy Rose is always the perfect patient. Below is a video of part of her treatment – just watch those needles move! Her back right hip area was pretty stiff. I’ll be so glad when the cold is gone – its really hard on the older horses.

Dr. Julia worked on Betsy Rose in the much warmer feed room.

Betsy Rose having a little discussion with Dr. Julia. Dr. Julia adores this little mare – we all do!


Gentleman also got a massage and an acupuncture treatment which he really needed and enjoyed.

This is little Lily greeting Katherine. Welcome back Katherine and thank you for your volunteer time!

Mollie and Victoria are good friends.

Magnum and Me!

Big horses Magic, Santana, and Magnum. Many of the mini’s. And Bronson too.


CJ HAS AN APPOINTMENT TO MEET A POTENTIAL ADOPTIVE HUMAN ON SATURDAY! I’m so excited! He would be a pasture pal to another horse and he would be loved and cared for!

Pistol waking up from his “procedure” today.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

I’m on my way out the door for a dental appt but want to start everyone’s day here with a smile. Remember Vegas (aka Sonny)? He’s a happy boy! The young lady looks pretty happy too.

“Freckles! I think I heard the door to the feed room – my mush is being served again!”

Our little herd of mini’s lining up for breakfast…

Baby Ray had a follow up vet exam and he is doing great!

Eagle has landed in his adoptive home!

Have a great night everyone!

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org





This is yesterday’s update:  Solace napping in the sun after breakfast.  He’s doing great.

He has a job he seems to really take pride in – watching over his little herd of mini mares!

Amy has come to love human attention.  Ariel is much better.  Adora is still adorable!

We got the mini mare that I was worried coyotes would get!  We were told she doesn’t know human touch and doesn’t lead.  She’s a cute girl looking ready to foal soon.  I think we will call her Twinkle!  Bob ran into a neighbor at the feet store this evening and he said he has killed 4 coyotes in the last week.  He breeds Beagles for hunting dogs.  The momma dog went out with her 2 pups one evening and the pups came back – she likely gave herself so her pups could run back home.  So sad.  I’m so glad Twinkle is here and a bit more protected from the coyotes.  Her feet were horribly long – she had a hooficure which went ok.  She has got to feel better now that her feet are done.

Will try to stick her tomorrow to see how tall she us.  I have no idea how old she is.  I do think she has had some handling though – either that or she is a fast learner willing to trust.

Dr. Porter will be out next week to do Sisco’s next chemo treatment.

This is from today: LAST DAY TO BID! Don’t forget the horse hair bracelet auction off!  This one is made from Gentleman’s hair!  It was made by Lisa Austin of Crazy4ponytails.  CURRENT BID: $180! Bid increments: $5 Auction ends: 3-15-13.  

We need to try to finish up the hay game – will need to get the hay mid next week. I think we are down to needing somewhere in the $500 range.  Remember that for every $20 donation you make towards the hay, you will get one entry to win a nice “Shoofly” made from Solace’s hair!!  We appreciate every little amount you can spare!  UPDATE: We really need to get this hay – we are doubling the chances!  If you have already donated for a chance for $20 you’ll get 2 chances.  From here on out for every $10 you’ll get 1 chance!

Please share the info on the auction and the hay game!  Thank you all for caring – have a beautiful and blessed day!

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization

Tag Archive for: minis