Tag Archive for: Mini Horse

Peggy Sue has a back leg that she is unable to bend (the humans in her previous home had tried to ‘help’ her deliver her baby years ago and her pelvis fractured in several places), so we have to place her in a sling for her hooficures. As you can see in the above image, she is such a very good girl for the farrier. Peggy Sue is just one member of our little herd who is on the farrier list this week. Others scheduled to receive a hooficure within the next few days, include Bouie, Frodo, Ebony, Lily, CaryLou, Lucy, Luigi, Warrior, Misti, Sassy, Simba, JoJo and Jazzy.

The average cost of a farrier visit per horse/ donkey is $33.

If you wish to contribute to this most important and necessary need, you may do so by clicking on the DONATE button below. All donations are tax deductible and no amount is ever too small. Thank you!

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Oreo Needs You

We still have quite a ways to go to achieve our goal for Oreo’s ear canal ablation surgery. If you wish to assist with our sweet boy’s surgery, you may do so via GivingGrid by clicking here or on the photo of Oreo.

Thank you!

Hi Everyone,

How about some VERY good news for a change? Beauty’s Haven was gifted a brand new Club Car Carryall 700! It’s going to save us so much time! The long bed can carry many more hay bags, feed tubs, blankets, supplies, etc. than the golf carts we have. The bed tilts with the push of a button!

Annie – God bless you and thank you so much! This is a true blessing! We also very much appreciate Cart World Golf Cars for working with us on the final price and for delivering it!

Snug as a Bug!

The little ones were very happy to get their new sheets. Thank you to Cindy R., Cindy S. and Darlene S., for helping to keep our wee ones as ‘Snug as a Bug in a Rug.’
I’ll get pics of the others when I can. They are adorable.

We received a call from someone who recently went to look at a 12 year-old mini mare that was offered for sale. What they discovered, was a mini mare that desperately needed help. While they were not in a position to take the mare, they knew that they could not just simply stand by and do nothing, so they reached out to see if we could help. We are at capacity, but after hearing more details about the condition of the mare as well as her situation, we decided, ‘She’s just a little thing – surely we can squeeze her in somewhere.’

The little mare arrived last evening – many thanks to Pam at Double B Equine Transport! It was dark when the she arrived, so I don’t have good pictures. She had a warm mash which she loved, and was soon tucked in for the night with some hay. She isn’t 12 years old – she’s likely 20+. She is quite thin and has a sizable lump on her side. Supposedly, she was fat about three years ago, but has since developed breathing issues, lost a lot of weight and now has a diminished appetite. We’ll get good photos today and give her a couple of days to settle in. A vet is scheduled to come on Monday to do a thorough exam to include blood work. X-rays or some sort of diagnostics may also be needed to assess the lump on her side. She definitely needs a dental appointment as well.

If anyone would like to become a sponsor for this little girl or help with her initial expenses and ongoing needs, which will not be inexpensive, it would be so greatly appreciated. Donations are tax deductible and can be made via our secure donation page on our website, where you can also sign up to make an automatic monthly donation of any amount which may be discontinued at any time. You can also forward a donation via PayPalMe. If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation to ‘Mini Mare.’ If you select the tab, ‘Send Money to Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. All donations are tax deductible and no amount is ever too small. And please share this need amongst family and friends – perhaps others would like to help as well. Without your assistance, we wouldn’t be able to do what we do.

Thank you!

Some of you may remember Jiminy and Cricket, 2 mini’s that came to us in October, 2017. Both were underweight and needed rehab. Jiminy was 28 years young and Cricket was 32. Once they were of good health, they were adopted into a wonderful home.

Sadly, Jiminy went to Rainbow Bridge a couple of weeks ago. We tried to find a suitable companion for Cricket but didn’t have any luck. Even though her humans showered her with love, and attention, she was lonely. The adopters wanted what was in Cricket’s best interest and felt it was best for her to return to the rescue where she would have companionship. We picked her up today. The adopters will most assuredly come to visit with Cricket, I’m sure of it.

Once off the trailer, Cricket went straight to the area where she and Jiminy lived for the first 2 weeks after they arrived here in 2017, during their quarantine period. Then she walked around to say hello to some old friends. She eventually made her way to the “friendship tree” and introduced herself to Bria, and in no time at all, they were pals. Then, Little E joined them. It was precious to see them all walk away with Cricket leading the way. This is where they will all live out their sunset years. They are all loved, so very much.

Hi Everyone!!

Did you know today is Friday and then there’s Saturday and Sunday! And that’s about how long our hay supply will last. I’d like to ask y’all to check under your seat cushions and round up any coins you find and consider donating it to a great cause – our tummies! No amount is too small because lots of little bits add up! We’d sure appreciate it.

I have to go now to make sure Lucy isn’t bored. We’re trying to figure out if there is a way we might be able to play jump rope. I’ve never tried it but I’d like to! Sending horsey hugs and kisses.


CaryLou has been quite the character from day one and has absolutely, no fear. He thinks he’s the biggest horse on the farm and I’m not going to tell him any differently!

Please consider a tax deductible donation to assist with our current hay need. Donations can be made via various means on our website at www.bhfer.org or via our PayPal address: bhfer@earthlink.net. If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation for ‘Hay,’ and if you select the tab for ‘Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. Our PayPal.me account is paypal.me/bhfer. All donations are greatly appreciated and no amount is ever too small.

On behalf of our ‘Velvet Nosers,’ thank you, all, from the bottom of our hearts!

“Happy Sunday everyone! Guess what??? I’m better! Enough so that I want to run and play with Joie – she’s a cute little filly! But my feet still hurt a bit. Aunties Laura and Judy came yesterday to do some hooficures and they also think my feet are better. Auntie Sharon came to help too.

Since I got kinda struck by that light that came down from the sky, in the blink of an eye, I’ve been a bit of a special needs pony. I was lucky – it could have killed me! I was sort of out of it for a few weeks but my thoughts are clearer now and my balance is back to normal. Now we’re working on getting me happy feet.”

“I’ve got vet and farrier bills and I needed supplements and boots.

Can anyone help?

Mommy Theresa has enough worries and I don’t want to be a burden to her. I’ll ask her to add my bills up today and post it but it’s in the $100’s!”

“I want to remind all of you that the light that shoots down from the sky when we have storms is very dangerous! I was lucky but sometimes humans and animals aren’t lucky and we care about all of you and want you to stay safe. So please don’t go out in storms! A few weeks after it got me, it got some other things here too – I’ll ask Mommy Theresa to tell you about it.

Thanks and have a great day!’”

A Fun Day at Pine Ridge

The Pine Ridge Benefit Horse Show was absolutely awesome! The weather was great, we made new friends, and we brought home two ribbons!

There were so many really great costumes! Luija was a cowboy and Karen was an Indian – they won 5th place! I was Dorothy and Warrior was the Cowardly Lion from the Wizard of Oz and we won 2nd place! Many thanks to Karen and all of the wonderful people of Pine Ridge in Beverly Hills!

Luija (1997) and Warrior (1999) are a pair of precious Falabella mini geldings that would love to have a forever home of their own in time for the holidays. Please share this post and help us make their wish come true.

Elizabeth and I gathered up the boys and got to the show just in time.

A portable round pen was donated to us which has already proven to be a valuable tool. Now we will be able to go to more events with the horses!

Elizabeth helped me into my Dorothy pony tails and she got the boys ready.

Luija and Warrior were really good about getting into their costumes.

The weather was great.  We saw friends and met a lot of wonderful people!

Luija and Karen led the way. Warrior was a bit shy and was happy to follow.

Both boys were a good sport about everything.

Both boys seemed to be very proud to participate.  Especially Luija – he’s the animated one. Warrior is a really mellow “in your lap” boy.

Just look at those ribbons! So proud of Luija and Warrior!

Many people stopped by to meet the boys. Children and adults alike totally enjoy interacting with them. The boys tend to make you smile.  🙂

Please remember to cast your daily vote in the Eagle Rare Life contest and please share amongst family and friends as well. Just click on this link and cast your vote.

‘Life is about determination. Don’t give up just because of the obstacles. Regardless of what obstacles face you, just keep going! Go through, go around, or go over – but never give up!’

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Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue Inc. is a 501(c)(3) grassroots Non-Profit Organization registered in the state of Florida (EIN: 20-4783950). We are not funded by Local, State, or Federal funds. We operate totally from donations from the public. Please consider making a one time or recurring donation to help the horses. No amount is too small and all donations are very much appreciated. Donations are tax deductible.

Beauty’s Haven was awarded Verified status by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS) in 2012. GFAS is the only globally recognized organization that provides standards for identifying legitimate animal sanctuaries. Awarded November 2014 Equine Hero and 2017 Eagle Rare Life Award for Heroism. A Guidestar Exchange Silver Participant and a GreatNonprofits Top Rated Non-Profit in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.

Tag Archive for: Mini Horse