March 4th, 2018
“Hi everybody! I’m Elyza-Rose and I’m a newbie here! Mommy Theresa says, I’m ‘home’ and I like that very much!
I’m really happy to be making new friends here. My friends where I used to live went to Rainbow Bridge and it made me sad to see them go. There wasn’t anything I could do for them – we were all hungry. I don’t know why I didn’t go with them. Mommy Theresa believes there’s a reason – she says I can make a lot of people happy just by being me. She says the world needs more happy and I’m happy to help! She promised me that I’ll never be hungry again and I believe her. I feel like I’ve known her forever!
Now, I’m making new horsey and human friends. And then there’s Freckles. And yesterday, I met Joe Camel! He’s pretty cool. Freckles said we’re going to start sharing camp fire stories at night (without a fire of course) like they used to do with Betsy Rose – especially when she had to stay in a sling. I don’t know anything about that but I think they’re going to tell me. But I have heard a lot of really nice things about Betsy Rose. Did you know there’s a sign in her stall that says, ‘Believe?’
I really appreciate y’all caring about me. I didn’t think I’d ever trust humans again especially after watching them let my friends starve and die. And I knew that I wasn’t going to last much longer. But then one day, a nice lady came and took me out of that terrible place! She told me that she knew just where I needed to go to get better. I didn’t feel very good and I was feeling worse and weaker by the day. But that lady cared enough to get involved and here I am! I learned to never give up and to believe and I want to help others to believe too!
I’ve got to go now. We’ve got lots to do. Jazzy pulled off JoJo’s mask and the sun is out. I hope JoJo doesn’t get into trouble.
Have a good day and remember to never give up and to believe!”
#betsyrosestrong #elyzarose #bhfer #believe
Elyza-Rose saw Dr. Julia last week. She somehow managed to injure the lower eyelid of her right eye. She didn’t need stitches, but we wanted to make certain that the eye itself wasn’t injured.
Freckles enjoys spending time with Elyza and introducing her to more friends. Today, I found Camel telling his story about how he got here and about some of his past adventures. It was amazing – Elyza-Rose seemed to like the little ones and grazed very intently, making sure not to step on any of them.
Elyza did, however, plant her foot in another feed tub again today. According to Freckles, one of the donkeys told her a couple of days ago, that if she stood in a feed tub, a human would feel badly that the tub was empty and then put food in it. Those boys!
We went for a few walks in a grassy paddock and Elyza absolutely loved it! I think she’s gained some weight already! I know her coat looks shaggy – I clipped her in a hurry but I wanted to get that thick and unhealthy Cushing’s coat off her. I wanted to inspect for lice, ticks, etc. I haven’t had any time to clean up the poor clip job, but at least she feels better.
“So what do y’all think of my new blankie? Mommy Theresa says this color is perfect on me! It felt like 38 degrees on Friday morning, but I was toasty warm.
This mask thingy looks a bit silly on me, I know. But it’s supposed to stop me from scratching my eyes. I wish they made them the same color as my blankie. Hopefully, I won’t have to wear it for long.”

Lastly, thanks to all of you, we won the SunState Federal Credit Union Charity of the Month Contest for the month of February! The $1000 prize could not have come at a better time and will greatly assist with the purchase of hay and/or other needs for our beloved herd.
We are still awaiting the results of the Eagle Rare Life contest which will hopefully, be announced within the next few days!
#BetsyRoseStrong #Believe