I really wanted, and intended, to get an update out yesterday. It’s been very busy here – almost non-stop since Tuesday morning. Dr. Ryan came out to flush tear ducts on Tuesday and examine Peache’s eye. On Wednesday, it was one thing after another. Betsy Rose is doing well but she didn’t have much of an appetite yesterday but she had a bath and received even more presents! I have pictures of her and many of her gifts – just need more time to get them together to share them. She appreciates everything done for her and given to her – and I appreciate you all too! Bouie was a bit better yesterday and Gracie made new friends by moving to a paddock with Ebony, Lily, and Frodo. She seems to really like it. I hope to get out a better update, with pictures, tomorrow.

Betsy Rose and friends having a discussion yesterday about their plans for the day.

Our barn queens.

Wally is complaining, "I heard the rumor the mare in the pink frilly scarf started. There is some snoring going on in this barn, but it is way too loud to be me! Just sayin’…"

Dona Wechter and her husband visited this week, which meant Betsy Rose got even more attention! LOL!

Have a good night all!


Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb

Betsy Rose is a bit brighter this am.

Betsy Rose does eat out of a dish that is placed into a bucket off the ground. She is feeling better.

Gman standing downwind of the new mister. He loves water.

Amy is adorable even when she needs a bath.

Our Cookie made April!!! Thank you so much Becca and the Equine Cancer Society! Cookie is doing well – we’re so proud of her!


Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb

Dr. Julia stopped by to see Betsy Rose and visited with the boys. CaryLou is still a stinker! He’s so funny – and adorable!

Wally can be a brat and is so funny. He’s so little but struts around like he’s a really big horse.

Daisy sporting her new mask. Boo is still adorable. Daisy’s left eye is still pretty swollen. The tumor around the right eye is not looking good – treatments will continue. Daisy is upbeat and seems pretty happy. Please keep her in your prayers.

I’m very happy to report that Betsy Rose was back to normal yesterday! She’s talking and has a great appetite. She feels good enough to knock on the feed room door. Karen Andreu visited with her last evening which made her very happy!

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb

Someone asked for a picture of Lucy a couple of days ago – this was taken today. Lucy is a 3 year old mini that has Big Head Disease. Several months ago Lucy was dropped off at Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary by her owner. Kari Bagnall …(Founder/CEO of Jungle Friends) welcomed Lucy even though she was a horse and not a primate.

It was a big day for the boys – they got to run and play in a big green paddock! They did a lot of exploring.

Wally taking a nap – they all wore themselves out!

No story tale tonight. The boys tucked themselves in! LOL



Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb

September 9th – 10th, 2013

It’s with a heavy heart that I share that Pebbles has crossed Rainbow Bridge. Pebbles was a mini mare that we took in 2+ years ago, in June 2011 – she had been attacked by her owner’s dog. Skinny, untreated puncture (bite) wounds, and just plain neglected…. She went to live with a wonderful human family not far from us after her rehab. I’m so glad she had her own family these last couple of years. Her best friend was Weegie and I’m sure he misses her a lot. We love you Pebbles – always!

The first picture was taken when she first arrived at the rescue.

This is Pebbles with Weegie.

Our little Betsy Rose is feeling better! “Mommy Theresa it really is time for more treats!”

I’d like to ask everyone to say a prayer for Bouie. He is having a bout with laminitis. We caught it early – he has foundered in the past.

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb

The Adventures of Betsy Rose & Freckles Continues

We got to the barn early this morning and heard some chatter going on. Thinking Betsy Rose was talking in her sleep, we peeked into her stall window and guess what we saw? Betsy Rose talking to Raggedy Ann’s twin sister JoAnn, and her brother, Andy, who made a surprise visit during the night!!

"Freckles! Guess how JoAnn and Andy got here?? They rode in a balloon all the way from Wisconsin! What a long ride! I bet they are hungry – let’s share our cookies with them!"

"I hope y’all like the cookies – we all LOVE them!"

"But you should only have one for now – we don’t want you getting a tummy ache. That’s what Mommy Theresa tells us! Raggedy Ann, come on down and have a cookie with us!"

Betsy Rose was such a good girl – she shared with everyone! And she promised more cookies and adventures tomorrow!

"Look what we brought as a gift for Betsy Rose! Her very own picture of Cloud the Stallion!"

Good Night, Everyone.

Betsy Rose & Freckles

Someone asked for a picture of Lucy a couple of days ago – this was taken today. Lucy is a 3 year old mini that has Big Head Disease. Several months ago Lucy was dropped off at Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary by her owner. Kari Bagnall (Founder/CEO of Jungle Friends) welcomed Lucy even though she was a horse and not a primate. Not long after, Kari took Lucy to a hospital because she was having several issues.

A few weeks later, after undergoing an tracheotomy and other procedures, the recommendation by vets was that Lucy be euthanized. She couldn’t chew or swallow and her liver was significantly damaged. Kari called me and asked if we could help – all other options had been exhausted. One rescue that Kari contacted responded to her plea for help by stating they would help Lucy by giving her a good funeral! What kind of rescue does that? We were happy to help. Lucy is doing great – we all love Lucy!

It was a big day for the boys – they got to run and play in a big green paddock! They did a lot of exploring and tuckered out.

Wally taking a nap – they all wore themselves out!

No story tale tonight. The boys tucked themselves in! LOL


Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb

My morning started with you know who impatiently asking for breakfast. Gotta love her!

"I know you’re in there Mommy Theresa! Breakfast was supposed to be five minutes ago – can’t you hear my tummy growling?"

"I can come help make it if you want me to!"

Princess got her bath today! Thank you, Sherry!

Betsy Rose loves the new alfalfa. Lynn and Bob got it unloaded just before the downpours.

The three boys tucked in from the storms. Goodnight, boys.

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb

I’m not sure why I didn’t get this published last weekend – sorry about that. Update from a week ago!

Betsy Rose went on a walk with me around the house last evening. She was exploring!

The weekend really started out well for Daisy and Boo! Shade and grass and lots of TLC!

Bob and I went to visit Momma Daisy and Baby Boo today! The area around Daisy’s eye is still very swollen but she nevertheless, seems very comfortable. They both stuck their noses up for kisses. Love those long ears!

Love those long ears!

Our beautiful Magic. I am so very proud of this boy and the progress he has made in trusting people.

The three boys. CaryLou, Harvey, and Wally. Weaning for Harvey has begun. Gracie is just on the other side of the fence.

Saturday Morning siesta.

Sleeping beauties.



Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb

Wed pm:
Betsy Rose perked up a little once the sun started to go down. She’s drinking which is very good but she has very little appetite. I’m still often asked if she will be ok, if her time of caution past, etc. and I continue to answer – I don…’t know. Many of our past starvation cases hit a bump like this at the 6 – 8 week rehab mark. The healing process can’t be pushed – her body is adjusting in many ways. Her muscles are starting to build – there are changes in chemistry, metabolism, etc. It’s a delicate balance and takes a lot of attention to detail. Some asked a couple of questions tonight about what she is getting – yes, she has been treated for ulcers since the day she arrived and she gets milk thistle for liver function which is so very important. She still gets the StressPak. Betsy Rose is far from out of the woods. It could take years for the effects of the severe starvation and neglect that she endured to be known. I’m happy with small baby steps and each moment she is with us is a blessing to be cherished.

I apologize once again for not responding to emails, PM’s, etc. and not publishing pictures I keep intending to. Once again, the day has been very busy and it’s about over. I’m tired and headed to bed. Please keep Betsy Rose in prayers. She knows she is loved, always. Thank you all for caring about this special little mare.

Betsy Rose did graze for a little bit this evening. You can see she isn’t feeling well. The good news is that her HR is better. It was 120+ the day she came to us and has maintained around 56. Today was the best it’s been – 44 BPM.

Wed am:
Sneaking food from another’s bowl this morning! This is good!


Beautys Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb