Betsy Rose Tue pm and Wed am Update

Wed pm:
Betsy Rose perked up a little once the sun started to go down. She’s drinking which is very good but she has very little appetite. I’m still often asked if she will be ok, if her time of caution past, etc. and I continue to answer – I don…’t know. Many of our past starvation cases hit a bump like this at the 6 – 8 week rehab mark. The healing process can’t be pushed – her body is adjusting in many ways. Her muscles are starting to build – there are changes in chemistry, metabolism, etc. It’s a delicate balance and takes a lot of attention to detail. Some asked a couple of questions tonight about what she is getting – yes, she has been treated for ulcers since the day she arrived and she gets milk thistle for liver function which is so very important. She still gets the StressPak. Betsy Rose is far from out of the woods. It could take years for the effects of the severe starvation and neglect that she endured to be known. I’m happy with small baby steps and each moment she is with us is a blessing to be cherished.

I apologize once again for not responding to emails, PM’s, etc. and not publishing pictures I keep intending to. Once again, the day has been very busy and it’s about over. I’m tired and headed to bed. Please keep Betsy Rose in prayers. She knows she is loved, always. Thank you all for caring about this special little mare.

Betsy Rose did graze for a little bit this evening. You can see she isn’t feeling well. The good news is that her HR is better. It was 120+ the day she came to us and has maintained around 56. Today was the best it’s been – 44 BPM.

Wed am:
Sneaking food from another’s bowl this morning! This is good!


Beautys Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization

1 reply
  1. peg4x4
    peg4x4 says:

    She has known more love and care in the short time she has been with you than she ever did in the “before” years. Full tummy,untangled mane&tail,clean coat,clean stall to sleep in,company.. Everything a horse should have.

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