LadyBug is feeling much better and is back out in her paddock – she’s much happier. I think our prayers have been answered!

We do need help from our village, however.

Would anyone like to help us with LadyBug’s vet bills? There was an emergency call, she had to be scoped because she was unable to be tubed and she was administered IV fluids and antibiotics. Not only did she colic, when she was scoped, the vet discovered an infection in her esophagus. The total cost of LadyBug’s veterinary fees is $600.

We also need to raise funds for a ton of hay at a cost of $600 plus $500 in fees for the farrier who is scheduled to come on Monday.

We are thrilled to announce that a wonderful friend and supporter has come forth to offer a MATCH GAME to assist with LadyBug’s veterinary fees as well as our upcoming Hay Run. All donations up to $300 will be matched dollar for dollar. If you would like to participate in the Match Game, there are many ways in which to contribute. You may forward your contribution via our PayPal address:, via the DONATE page here on our website, or via PayPal Me. If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation to either ‘LadyBug’ or ‘Hay.’ If you select the tab, ‘Send Money to Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. All contributions are tax deductible and no donation is ever considered as being too small.

Thank you so very much for your love and support!


“Happy Sunday everyone! Guess what??? I’m better! Enough so that I want to run and play with Joie – she’s a cute little filly! But my feet still hurt a bit. Aunties Laura and Judy came yesterday to do some hooficures and they also think my feet are better. Auntie Sharon came to help too.

Since I got kinda struck by that light that came down from the sky, in the blink of an eye, I’ve been a bit of a special needs pony. I was lucky – it could have killed me! I was sort of out of it for a few weeks but my thoughts are clearer now and my balance is back to normal. Now we’re working on getting me happy feet.”

“I’ve got vet and farrier bills and I needed supplements and boots.

Can anyone help?

Mommy Theresa has enough worries and I don’t want to be a burden to her. I’ll ask her to add my bills up today and post it but it’s in the $100’s!”

“I want to remind all of you that the light that shoots down from the sky when we have storms is very dangerous! I was lucky but sometimes humans and animals aren’t lucky and we care about all of you and want you to stay safe. So please don’t go out in storms! A few weeks after it got me, it got some other things here too – I’ll ask Mommy Theresa to tell you about it.

Thanks and have a great day!’”

Elyza-Rose Settles In

I am happy to report that Elyza Rose is settling in very well. I gave her a much needed bath this morning and clipped her later this afternoon. I just couldn’t stand seeing her long, thick, and unhealthy coat. She’s so good for the heart – I just can’t tell you how wonderful it feels to have her here. I feel like I’ve known her forever!

I believe that Elyza’s journey is a continuation of Betsy Rose’s journey. Betsy Rose’s presence here is very strong. Our Betsy Rose went to Rainbow Bridge on December 22nd. Elysa Rose came to us on February 22nd. The two months in between were dark and very depressing. My heart shattered with the loss of Betsy Rose and I didn’t know how I would ever put it back together again. I went through the motions each day but I was numb and lost. But yesterday, when I hugged Elyza Rose for the first time, I felt an overwhelming and much needed sense of peace. It lit a spark in me that was fueled by Betsy Rose. I just know it! I know that what Elyza endured before she came to us was terrible – we are committed to helping her heal. However, I think Elyza Rose found her way to us to lead me down a path where my heart would heal which is what Betsy Rose would want. I believe that Betsy Rose had her hoof (and heart) in this. I will always believe.

#ElyzaRose #BetsyRoseStrong #believe #bhfer

Elyza is about 16 years old and, like Betsy Rose, may have Cushing’s disease. We will have blood test results back tomorrow.

Elyza needs her eyes examined by Dr. Mangan – there’s something going on in her right eye which is the same eye that Betsy Rose had issue with.


Her teeth are a mess and I’m going to bet she puts on weight nicely once her teeth are taken care of by Dr. Bess.

She’s pretty thin (a 2 on the BCS) but she has a great appetite.

Elyza’s feet needed to be tended to and Stephanie trimmed them today.

When I hugged Elyza Rose for the first time, I felt an overwhelming and much needed sense of peace.

We are currently in first place in the SunState Federal Credit Union Charity of the Month Contest. A vote per day through the month of February, could help us win $1000 which will greatly assist the rescue with the purchase of hay and/or other needs. Just click here to cast your vote and please share amongst family and friends. Please note that you will be prompted to “Like” SunState’s Facebook page prior to casting your vote and you must be a Facebook member in order to do so.

We are still awaiting the results of the Eagle Rare Life contest – the winners will not be announced until March.

Feb132018 Blog Post

I’ve been banging my head against the wall trying to come up with a fundraiser to help with some urgent and time sensitive needs. All I’ve ended up with is a headache. So, I’m just going to put this out there.

  • The manure spreader broke and needs a new agitator part. The cost is $185 plus with shipping (about $25 – $30). Bob can install it.
  • When Bob went to get hay, he had to get the rescue truck jump started twice due to the battery needing replacement. The cost is $163.
  • Dr. Bess is coming on Wednesday to do dental work on some of the horses. I’m sure there are  more horses that need to be done than time allows but If we get donations to help, whatever  is not  used (if any) on Wednesday, will be put aside and applied towards her next visit. My estimate  for  this visit is approximately, $750.
  • A horse that was adopted out a few years ago recently came back due to his adopter’s unexpected  change in life circumstance so he will be needing sponsorship. He’s a big boy with a big appetite.  We had to pay for part of his last month’s board bill as well as transportation back to the rescue for  a total of $457.
  • *One of the farriers will be here at the end of the week – $150.
  • *Elevate Maintenance Powder from Kentucky Performance Products – $60.
  • *Cetyl-M Complete Joint Action Formula – $110.
  • *We need to make a hay run by the weekend which will be at least $800.
  • We need to make a shavings run as well – $84.
  • And I’m sure there’s more that I can’t remember at this point as it’s been a long day.

If anyone would like to help with any of these needs, it would be greatly appreciated. Our PayPal address is and if you select the tab ‘For family or friends,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. Donations may also be made via various means on our website at and credit card donations can be made over the phone. Donations are tax deductible and no amount is ever too small. We don’t receive any local, State, or Federal funds – we operate solely from donations from the public.

Match Game!

Two wonderful friends and supporters have joined forces and are offering a $750 Match Game so every dollar donated – up to $750, will be matched and once we reach $750 in donations, they will morph into $1500! Donate Now.

SunState Federal Credit Union’s ‘Charity of the Month’ contest

Please also remember to vote for us every day in the SunState Federal Credit Union’s ‘Charity of the Month’ contest. It runs through the end of February and with your help, we could win $1000 which would be applied toward hay for our beloved herd.  Please also share and ask family and friends to vote daily and share as well. An organization can only win this contest once a year and we were most fortunate to have been one of the twelve recipients of the ‘Charity of the Month’ prize, for the past two years. I know that we can do this! Just click here to cast your vote!

Thank you all for your continued love and support.
#sunstate #vote #forthehorses #believe #betsyrosestrong #beauty


January 24th, 2018

For those who know Magic’s story, you’ll understand how big an accomplishment this is, and for those who are unaware of his history, I hope that you will gain a better understanding of his very sad past.

Magic is an Arabian stallion that was used as a tripping horse. Most horses don’t survive this horrific abuse and if they do, they are so mentally messed up, that they are most often, deemed crazy and sent to slaughter.

After surviving his “charro” life, Magic ended up with someone who beat him with a 2 x 4 because he would not take a saddle. I received a call from a young lady who had witnessed this repeated abuse and asked if we could help. From the moment I saw Magic, I knew he’d be coming home with us. He was very untrusting and petrified of people, ropes, boards, etc., and understandably so.

I was very blessed that he accepted me from the very beginning and we have a relationship built on trust. It took a few years, but now he will approach other humans for scratches. I do tell everyone who goes into his paddock, however, that Magic lives life on his terms. Nobody is allowed to try to “catch” or halter him – he feels threatened if they do, and runs away.

Magic accepts me haltering him, treating injuries, putting a flymask on him, and more. If he needs a vet, I sedate him and put a soft towel over his eyes and once the vet arrives and does what he needs to do, and then leaves, I remove the towel.  It’s worked great.

Magic has had melanomas for years which had not caused an issue. However, one recently got very angry after he rubbed it raw against a board. I cleaned and treated it daily. There really wasn’t a way to keep the flies from the sore so I considered putting a sleazy on him to protect the area. Well, I tried and was pleasantly surprised when he stood perfectly still and let me do so!  I was so proud of him! I opted to leave the sore open and continued to keep it clean and treated and thankfully, it’s so much better now. But the sleazy was a major milestone for him!

To learn more about the horrendous practice of horse tripping, please click here but please be aware that the images may prove to be quite disturbing.


The barn just isn’t the same without Cookie and Betsy Rose. Ruby gets more attention now but I’ll bet she, too, wishes her four legged friends were still with us.


SeAnna has found her loving, forever home!  She is a pasture pal to a blind gelding.  The first time they met they clicked!  Both appear to be very happy!


Kiana is another beautiful girl that is looking for a forever home as a trail horse. She’s getting some training sessions in with Dan Rexroad!


Penny, a 30+ year old blind Belgian, looks gorgeous in her cold weather blanket. And believe me, it’s been really cold!


I miss her so much.


We always look forward to when Carien Schippers, the talented artist who has photographed many members of our beloved herd, visits the rescue. She has photographed many of our horses over the years. Carien is currently offering a discount on her art to benefit Beauty’s Haven. Please click here to view Carien’s lovely images. If you wish to purchase a piece, please use code EGPSNY for a 15% discount which is applicable through February 1, 2018.

Thank you, Carien, for your love and support.

Photo by Carien Schippers.


Thank You_

[button type=”churchope_button” url=”” target=”” button_color=”#002c8b” ]DONATE NOW[/button]

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue Inc. is a 501(c)(3) grassroots Non-Profit Organization registered in the state of Florida (EIN: 20-4783950). We are not funded by Local, State, or Federal funds. We operate totally from donations from the public. Please consider making a one time or recurring donation to help the horses. No amount is too small and all donations are very much appreciated. Donations are tax deductible.

Beauty’s Haven was awarded Verified status by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS) in 2012. GFAS is the only globally recognized organization that provides standards for identifying legitimate animal sanctuaries. Awarded November 2014 Equine Hero and 2017 Eagle Rare Life Award for Heroism. A Guidestar Exchange Silver Participant and a GreatNonprofits Top Rated Non-Profit in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.

Part II Cricket and Billys Happy Feet

Jiminy and Cricket got hooficures on Friday as there was a lot of licking and chewing going on. Both were very good. We really appreciate Stephanie making time to work them into her busy schedule. Look at that precious face.
Jiminy and Cricket’s hooves were a bit long.
Jiminy was off in his back right – due perhaps, to arthritis in the hip and fetlock joint. A trim may help relieve his discomfort.
Both had thrush in all four feet which we treated. They are better already!
This is one of Cricket’s feet. The “event” rings around the hoof wall indicate interruptions to hoof wall growth. This can be caused by a change in diet, illness, stress, a change in weather, etc.
And now, they both have happy feet thanks to the love and support of our wonderful village!


If you would like to contribute to the ongoing care of Jiminy and Cricket, you may do so by clicking on the ‘DONATE NOW’ button below or via PayPal: Please designate your donation to ‘Minis.’ Thank you!
Please also remember to cast your daily vote for Theresa in the Eagle Rare Life contest and please share amongst family and friends as well. Just click on this link and cast your vote.
‘Life is about determination. Don’t give up just because of the obstacles. Regardless of what obstacles face you, just keep going! Go through, go around, or go over – but never give up!’


[button type=”churchope_button” url=”” target=”” button_color=”#002c8b” ]DONATE NOW[/button]

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue Inc. is a 501(c)(3) grassroots Non-Profit Organization registered in the state of Florida (EIN: 20-4783950).  We are not funded by Local, State, or Federal funds. We operate totally from donations from the public. Please consider making a one time or recurring donation to help the horses. No amount is too small and all donations are very much appreciated. Donations are tax deductible.

Beauty’s Haven was awarded Verified status by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS) in 2012. GFAS is the only globally recognized organization that provides standards for identifying legitimate animal sanctuaries.  Awarded November 2014 Equine Hero and 2017 Eagle Rare Life Award for Heroism.  A Guidestar Exchange Silver Participant and a GreatNonprofits Top Rated Non-Profit in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.


Hooficure Day! Daisy was being a very good girl while getting her feet done!

Betsy Rose was also a very good girl!

December 2nd

Betsy Rose shares her meal with Freckles on GivingTuesday. Little does she know the joy that she gives 24/7/365. What a blessing it is to have her here with us! Betsy Rose Believes!

Daisy waiting at the bottom of the stairs outside of the office. If its not one donk, it’s another. Or two or three!

Guess what broke again? Yep. One of the golf carts. Hauled away to the repair shop. And this is the GOOD golf cart.

Bryce and Serenity are still looking for their forever home. Please spread the word about them. We don’t want to have to split them up – they are mother/son and have been through so much together. We may have to split them up for Bryce to go to a trainer soon. We are turning horses away that need our help. These are two wonderful and healthy horses. More information about them can be found on our Beauty’s Haven Equine Rescue Adoptions page.

December 3rd

While on my way home from Physical Therapy this morning, I stopped just in time to see this beautiful mommy giving birth!

December 4th

Ginny changing flymasks on Sisco and Athena yesterday. Both of these very sweet horses are looking for forever homes as well.

JoJo stood there and stared at the new ramp, like he was pouting, for a good 10 minutes. Then he walked away looking totally confused.

December 5th

I still find myself looking out the window each morning to see if Gentleman is ok – it’s just habit (and wishful thinking). Instead, I find Little E and Mishka hanging out together. Little E is the senior horse here now.

Matilda is one of 13 that got hooficures today. She’s such a sweet girl – she just makes you feel good! If anyone would like to help with the expense of this we would greatly appreciate it. The average cost is $35 but the draft horses now cost over double that ($75). The total came to about $500.

We are very happy to report that Ginger will be going to her new adoptive family on Monday! She won’t be very far – it’s a perfect situation!

It was so good to see Lynda yesterday! I took her for a trip around the farm so she could visit with all of the horses. Handsome, like all of the others, enjoyed the extra attention. As soon as Handsome’s front foot issue is resolved he will be ready for a home!

Peaches is always willing to come in to help fix feed. She’s still unsound on her front right. Dr. Julia recently did nerve blocks and the issue is in her foot. X-rays were done and nothing unusual was found. Dr. Specht believes there may be a bone fragment in the navicular area that we just couldn’t see on the x-ray. Dr. Porter will be here next week to address issues with Peaches, Donovan, and Daisy. If anyone would like to help with the upcoming expense of the x-rays and exams it would be greatly appreciated. It’s not going to be inexpensive.

Donovan has some issues we’ve been working on over the last few months. He stopped sweating in early summer. He had quite a bit of abscessing in his feet and had some rotation in his front left. The “summer sore” he arrived with healed fine. But there are two sores that simply refuse to heal at the coronet band where he blew abscesses – one on the outside front right and the other on the inside back left. I do not believe they are summer sores – I think they are related to sidebone – irregular bony growth he’s had from years of improper foot care. We’ve done a lot to try to get them taken care of but just when we think we’re there he blows another and we start over. Dr. Porter will be checking it out next week. Again, this won’t be inexpensive – x-rays are needed of both front and back feet. Any amount of a donation would be greatly appreciated. This is an issue that must be resolved. We’ve done everything the vets have advised but there is something more to this – there is a reason he keeps abscessing and we need to get to the bottom of it. He’s very good about the hands on treatment of the areas, thankfully.

Mishka always looks like he’s smiling. Always. He’s like a big teddy bear.

Do you remember Spirit? She is a blind mare that we picked up in June 2012. She had endured years of neglect. It was a horrible situation. I’m happy to report that Spirit is doing well in her adoptive home! She lives with another blind mare. Spirit lived in a large herd of horses, including studs, on several acres where there were many trees with low branches, fallen trees, barb wire, debris, etc. I can’t imagine how terrified she must have been on a routine basis. She has got to be one of the bravest horses I’ve ever met. Despite the life she had been living, and her horrid condition, she never lost her spirit. Spirit seemed like the appropriate name for this beautiful but very neglected mare. Here is a link to her story, in more detail, from the beginning.

Lastly, please be sure to check out our latest fundraiser on CrowdRise. There are a few tools we need to help us do our job and to help keep the horses feed healthy.

We are an all volunteer non-profit organization that operates totally off of donations from the public. We are not funded by any local, state, or federal funding. Donations are tax deductible and no amount is too small. Donations can be made to PayPal address bhfer or via various ways on our website at We have had quite a few things hit us at once and I know the upcoming visit by Dr. Porter isn’t going to be inexpensive. Peaches and Donovan are going to need x-rays. Also, Cookie goes back to UF next week for a follow-up. The farrier will be back today for several more. Yesterday was at about $500 and today will be another $150 – $175. If you make a donation please note what the funds are to be applied towards. Thank you for your support!

Lastly – we are switching over to a new email service. In order to ensure you continue to get our updates please go to our website homepage and sign up to receive them. On the home page scroll down until you see this graphic on the left side and sign up!

Emails will only be going out in the current format for another week so please sign up today!



Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization


February 13th, 2014

This is the gelding that I posted about a few days ago. We would like to pick him up tomorrow. He is very thin, (1.5 on the BCS), he has diarrhea and numerous bite marks that are trying to heal on his back side and a mane is full of burrs. We aren’t worried about the burrs and such but we are worried about the diarrhea and the amount of sand he’s likely ingested. We are able to help this boy only because Mollie left this week to go to “school” for a few weeks. I pray no more calls come until we can get some placed – we simply can’t squeeze anymore in after this guy. If you can help, please let us know ASAP – we need peldges/donations to total $300 per month for the next 6 months unless his rehab is completed and he finds a home sooner. We have curently received pledges totaling $80 per month for six months and someone has already pledged to cover his initial vetting. If you would like to donate to help him, please mark ‘For the MC1 horse.’ God bless and thank you.

The mare with him isn’t as in as bad shape as the gelding. She will be picked up by AC tomorrow. If anyone can offer her a good home I can give you contact info tomorrow. She’s thought to be about 12 yrs old – a very pretty girl.

She is dominant and constantly picks on him.

Dr. Porter came out to check on Solace and Cookie.  Solace hasn’t been feeling well.  We will be trying him on a different medication. Please pray for him – he’s come so far.

Cookie was a very good girl for her cisplatin bead treatment today under her eye. We need to pray really hard, and keep the faith, that this works.

Cookie may need one more treatment after this one. We’ll know in a few weeks. Dr. Porter and his assistant, as always, do a great job

We also had Cookie’s front right foot x-rayed and found there is mineralization of the suspensory ligament of the navicular bone and there is a sub-chondral bone cyst. She runs around like she’s a race horse at times but now we know why she’s on and off lame.

Dr. Porter’s mobile clinic is pretty amazing!

Gentleman getting his hooficure.

Oscars first hooficure.

Thank you all for your continued love and support.



Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization

October 26th – 27th, 2013

We hope everyone had a great weekend. It’s been very busy here, as usual.

Some really bittersweet news – our darling donkeys, Penny and Penelope will be going to their adoptive home in just a few days! They are hilarious and we’re going to miss them terribly. But they are going to have a blast in their new home. Their adoptive family fostered Story for us – they are only a few miles away. They are going to be spoiled rotten! They will have their own home and humans for the holidays!

Penny and Penelope

Bronson meeting Penny on Saturday. So cute!

Bronson and Penny

Kylie went with me to spend time with Dayo and Fiona on Saturday. We distracted Fiona with some hay so Dayo could focus on us. I usually go alone but I wanted to gently try to move Dayo a little forward today and thought it best that someone go with me. Plus, it gives Dayo another human who he can learn to trust.


Major accomplishment on Saturday! We totally enclosed Dayo in the coral panels where he had no place to go but into the trailer. Kylie sat in front of the trailer and I was behind him controlling the coral panels. He was attentive to both of us but he never got upset once. The noise from a squeaky door made him jump a couple of times, but he didn’t try to bolt and run away. He was very calm about it. Baby steps.


Dayo and I had a long conversation today about his future. He is now sticking his head inside the trailer to eat his hay while his back feet remain outside on the ground. I’m moving the hay further into the trailer each day. He’s calmly staying behind the coral panel pen that leads to the trailer. He doesn’t seem to be very worried about being able to run as he was even a week ago when something startled him. He just sort of jumps in place and then settles back down. Fiona happily munched on her own hay as I was working with Dayo.


Look at that backside! There’s a lot of power there! I don’t want Dayo to have a bad experience. And my time with him is my quiet time. I hate the thought of him potentially getting hurt if pushed too hard – he may never let anyone doctor him. We are making progress so I’m happy.


Here’s Betsy Rose on Sunday – she’s enjoying the weather – we all are!

Betsy Rose

Peggy Sue got her hooficure on Sunday. We have to put her in the sling in order for Laura to do her feet. For those that don’t know Peggy Sue, she has a bum back leg. It’s basically straight – it doesn’t bend. Her pelvis was fractured in a few places many years ago when her owners pulled her baby from her. Many thanks to Kim and Laura for their help and patience!

Peggy Sue

Eagle got a hooficure yesterday, too. Kim gently rubbed his face and neck and introduced him to some calming oils. But he was fine – a very sweet horse!


Have a great week everyone!


Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization




September 30th, 2013

Sweet little Lucy wanted to go out and explore in the big paddock today. She’s so cute! Lucy has Big Head Disease aka Bran Disease.  But we all love Lucy!


Little E is getting more and more gray but he’s still very handsome!

Little E

Little E

Beautiful Bella has developed breathing issues. She’s being treated by Dr. Julia. She needs to find a good home – the longer she is here by this lime rock road the worse she will get. I know, believe me, I know. The lime rock dust is horrible and a large part of the reason I get respiratory issues.



Today was hooficure day! We have many more hooficures needed – would anyone like to help cover this expense? No amount is too small! Our PayPal address is Theresa. Donations are tax deductible and can also be made via our website at All donations are very much appreciated!

Hooficures Needed

It’s been a long day and I’m really looking forward to bed. I’ll post pictures from today and provide a detailed update after feeding in the am.

Some not so good news for Bouie.  Some not so bad news for Betsy – whew! Tammie made it down to volunteer for a couple of days and was a big help today! Here she is with Betsy Rose letting her graze for bit.

Betsy Rose

Thank you all so much for your support – have a blessed night!



Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization