We are currently seeking “hooficure” sponsorships for Aaleyah Belle, Mo, Oasis (on the far side of Mo), Bouie and our resident punk ass, CaryLou, as they appear clockwise in the image above. If you would like to sponsor farrier services for one of these precious horses (or contribute toward a portion of such), please click on the donation button below. The average cost of each hooficure is $35. Please designate your donation to the horse of your choice.

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Donation Total: $50 One Time

Thank you for your continued love and support for our beloved “Velvet Nosers.”


It was a very busy and productive day at Beauty’s Haven on Monday. Dr. Elisabeth D’Agosto spent a good part of the day working on some horses – we appreciate her very much!

Peaches had laser therapy, Ace and Chloe had acupuncture, and Belle, Nicky, Warrior and Frodo also spent some time with her. Warrior’s asthma is sadly, acting up again.

Belle had a hooficure by Stephanie and she feels so much better – her toes were very long. She’s a very nice mare and is truly grateful for all that is being done for her. Peaches and Mishka also had hooficures today by Andrew.

We had really bad storms in the wee hours of Monday morning, the electricity was off for several hours. We are so very grateful to have automatic generators!


I would like to introduce our latest Beauty’s Haven rescue, Scooter. He’s only about four years old and sadly, he has issues with his feet that likely could have been corrected a long time ago.

Upon Scooter’s arrival, we noticed that he didn’t pick up his feet very high when he walked, he just kind of scooted around. In addition, he had quite a few healing bite marks on his body, but he was, thankfully, of good weight. Dr. Giuliana Marie Templeton performed an exam, ran blood tests and took x-rays. His bloodwork indicates high and low values, he’s definitely been lacking proper nutrition. Stephanie, one of our awesome farriers, worked on his feet after the x-rays were done.

It’s going to take several months to get his feet in optimum shape. He may never be able to run and play like a horse with normal, healthy feet.

The mere act of walking with his feet in such a state has affected Scooter’s joints a bit, but he’s already more bright and active. There was a lot of licking and chewing when the farrier finished working on him which is a very good thing, indeed. He’s a real sweetie.

Scooter would really appreciate some sponsors to help with his veterinary and farrier bills, upcoming dental appointment, and ongoing care.

If you would like to help this adorable little guy, just click on the’Donate’ button below. All donations are tax deductible and no amount is ever too small. Scooter may be pretty small but his expenses, other than the amount of feed/forage he receives, are the same as that of a big horse.

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Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!


Missing Penny

I still look for Penny each morning. She was such a kind, gentle, and brave mare who will forever remain in our hearts.

Andrew, our wonderful farrier, and Dr. Elisabeth D’Agosto, one of our amazing vets, were both at the farm one day last week. We all appreciate their skills and time, very much! Miles needs to gain a few pounds but is doing well. Simba had a little cough but his lungs sounded good – winds here have been really bad for the last few days so it was likely due to dust that has blown everywhere. Simba is as precious as they come. Frodo, Jo, Peaches, and Beauty got red light treatments. Peaches also got to wear the Benefab blanket for awhile. It’s a size too small but we made do! It was really, a very good day!


Remi, our baby donkey, came to me several days ago with a special request from Hope. At some point either Freckles or Jerry the Giraffe told Remi and Hope about our precious baby calf, also named Hope, who arrived at Beauty’s Haven in April, 2019. Everyone adored Baby Hope, a spirited little calf who had an incredible will to live. A link to Chapter One of her story can be found by clicking HERE.

When Hope, our little mini filly, arrived this past December it took me quite some time to call her by her name without thinking about our little calf, Baby Hope. At times it made me very sad as precious Baby Hope meant the world to us and we miss her so very much to this very day. She was so truly loved.

Hope the mini’s personality began to shine as she was recovering from her colic surgery and I couldn’t help but think how incredibly spirited, bold, carefree, and independent she is.

Volunteers oftentimes comment about how sassy she is. I frequently tell her that she’s our “Little Sassy Pants!”

Back to Remi’s special request from Hope. Hope wants to know if we can just call her “Sassy.” It works for the rest of us and it truly fits her perfectly. So Sassy it is, and she already responds to her new name!

If you click on Miss Sassy Pants’s image above, you will see a video which perfectly captures her amazing spirit, made possible by each and every one of you, who helped grant her a second chance at life. Sassy is yet another Beauty’s Haven miracle!

A New Match Game

A wonderful friend and supporter has come forth to assist with our farrier and hay needs. We are so very thankful, as due to these precarious times, donations have been down for quite some time. The good news is that all donations up to $500 will be matched dollar-for-dollar, so if you wish to help sponsor a “hooficure” or contribute toward our hay needs, it would be so very much appreciated by horses, donkeys and humans alike. Just click on the ‘Donate’ button below and note that your donation is for our “Hooficures” and/or “Hay Match Game.”

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Donation Total: $50 One Time

Thank you, all, so very much!


We are all on the “Happy Feet” list this week so if anyone would like to help sponsor a “hooficure,” simply click on the Donate button below. If there is no place in which to designate the horse or donkey that you would like to sponsor, please send an email to bhfer@earthlink.net to indicate your preference.

The total amount needed for the farrier this week is $325.

Thank you!

Bouie, *Frodo, Jazzy, Nadia, Nash, Nicky, Oasis, *Peaches, Ruby & Venus

*Frodo & Peaches have been covered.

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I would like to thank each and every one of you for your generosity, love, prayers and support for little Hope. She was unable to come home on Monday as she was being transferred to Medicine to have x-rays taken of her lungs. I will provide an update once I hear from UF regarding the radiographic findings.

In the meantime, life must go on at the rescue and the needs of the other members of our beloved little herd must be addressed. With the grass now dormant, our hay needs have increased exponentially and of course, hooficures must be routinely done every four to six weeks.

Our farrier expenses this week will be approximately $725. Our hay needs this week include four large bales of compressed hay and two bales of alfalfa for a total cost of $550.

Alfalfa is a necessary component of the UC Davis re-feeding program that we have instituted for Aries, Raz and Nicky, to ensure their overall health and well-being.

If anyone would like to help with these needs, it would be so greatly appreciated and no amount is ever considered as being too small. Donations can be made easily by clicking the button below, through Facebook or via PayPal. If donating via PayPal, please select the tab ‘Send Money to Friends or Family’ and no fees will be deducted from your contribution. Please also note that your donation is for ‘Hay and/or Happy Feet.’

Thank you all, so very much!


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Donation Total: $50 One Time

Here’s a quick update about Aries and Raz, the two Thoroughbred mares that we recently took in at the rescue. They had a spa day yesterday. Their physicals were done. They both scored a 1.5 (barely) on the Henneke scale. Their teeth need help badly and Dr. Bess will hopefully be out this coming week. Raz appears to have had a couple of her top front teeth knocked out at some point. There is a large gap which has caused her bottom teeth to grow up and out, which, in turn, have irritated her upper lip.

We will better know what is going on once we get the blood tests back, but both Aries and Raz appear to have jaundice, are likely anemic (they were loaded with ticks), have uterine infections, heart murmurs, horrible rain rot, very loose stool, lots of sand in the gut, etc. I’ll post an update about their blood work once we receive the results and consult with Dr. Julia.

After their physicals, Aries and Raz each got a much needed warm bath thanks to Jenny. She managed to get the knots out of their tails and their sores/rain rot were treated. The mares already look much better and I truly believe they feel much better as well.

Many thanks to Equiderma – they recently made a very nice donation of products which are truly making a difference to many members of our beloved little herd.

Then it was time for the farrier. Aries’ and Raz’s feet were absolutely horrible. The impact of their long feet upon their tendons, ligaments and whole body was quite significant. Raz had gone down in the trailer on the way to the farm and was a bit sore, so it took Stephanie quite some time and work to get her feet as good as possible on this visit, but she did a great job.

Raz went first and after her trim, she stood there for a bit like she knew something was different and had to adjust. Then she took a couple of steps towards Stephanie and put her head down in front of her as if to say ‘thank you.’ Then she looked at me and yawned and yawned which is a very good thing. Aries was a very good girl as well, and you could also see relief in her face as she walked away with her ‘new’ feet.

Raz and Aries have a ways to go in their rehab, but they have strong wills and the light in their eyes gets brighter each day. We appreciate the love and support for Raz and Aries – they are truly deserving.

We have promised them that all of their tomorrows will be what all of their yesterdays should have been – their needs will never be neglected again.

Thank you all so very much & God bless.


Tilly here, to let you all know that we have reached the halfway mark for our hay fundraiser! Sadly, we now need a little more help to make sure we all have ‘Happy Feet’ in time for the holidays. Mommy Theresa told me that donations are way down because a lot of people are suffering and we all feel so very sad about that. If you can spare even one dollar, it would really make a difference in the lives of my horsey friends, but if you can’t, we truly understand. You can still help though, by sharing this post.

Thank you!


Our ‘Velvet Nosers’ are currently in need of $308 for hay and $600 for the farrier, so if anyone would like to help with these needs, it would be so greatly appreciated. You may forward your donation via various means here on our website’s donation page. Please note that your donation is for ‘Hay and/or Happy Feet.’

Thank you!

Some of you may remember Sisco – he came to us in 2013. He had squamous cell carcinoma under his tail. Dr. Porter removed tumors and treated the areas with cisplatin and Sisco did remarkably well. Sisco has pink skin and we have lots of sun which is not a good combination. We prayed for a home offer to come along that could provide Sisco with nice green grass, lots of shade, and another equine friend. We were very happy when one of our adopters, Sue, offered the perfect environment for him. Sue had adopted Nash from us many years ago and after Nash lost his pasture companion, Sisco went to live with him, with the understanding that if SCC returned, we would bring him back to the rescue. Sadly, it did return, so we picked up Sisco yesterday, and he settled right back in at the rescue. We appreciate Sue for giving him a good home and lots of love for the past few years.

I had arranged for Dr. Templeton to come out yesterday afternoon to assess Sisco. Meanwhile, while we awaited her arrival, Laura was here doing hooficures and worked Sisco into her schedule. Sisco has an abscess in a front foot which we are treating. As Laura was finishing up Sisco’s trim, Dr. Templeton arrived. Sisco was a really good patient for her – he’s always been a good boy. His heart and lungs sound good. She drew blood – we should have those results late today or tomorrow. Sadly, SCC is on his lower lip and there is a mass by his anus again. Dr. Templeton debrided the area on his lip. We are treating the areas with a topical for now.

We don’t know how things will turn out for Sisco, but here is what we presently know – he is in good spirits, he’s eating, drinking, prancing around at times, and talking up a storm. We will review his physical assessment and bloodwork results with our care team and we will lay out a plan for him.

Sisco isn’t a youngster, he’s 30 plus years of age. We won’t ask much of him and we won’t let him suffer, but we will give him as many good days as possible – they all deserve that. He’s comfortably eating soaked hay in a small paddock with a nice shelter while enjoying the cooler temps and seeing old friends.

We are still trying to recover from our recent losses of Bria, Nina, Little E and Mini Magic. I haven’t had a chance to share what happened with Mini Magic (she was adopted out years ago) yet, but I will do so in the near future.

Sisco needs help with yesterday’s vet bill, as well as sponsors to help with his daily care needs. If you would like to help, please click the ‘Donate’ button below. Please also note that your donation is for ‘Sisco.’ All donations are tax deductible and no amount is ever too small.

Thank you, we appreciate all of you.


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Donation Total: $50 One Time