June 13th

Tomorrow is Betsy’s 25th birthday and the boys 1st but we’re celebrating today!


Betsy Rose is watching all the activity as the party preparations have begun!!

Cleaning Betsy’s suite on her birthday morning!

The kids are so anxious!


JoJo says it’s his birthday and he doesn’t have to wear his mask!

Even Duke wants to help get ready for the party!


Vermont Bear is just hanging around waiting for the party.


Lynn is mowing to make sure the barn looks nice for the party.


Some of Betsy Rose’s friends have arrived for the celebration!!


Our little miracle girl had quite a surprise for her birthday! Freckles, Raggedy Anne, Andy, and Vermont Bear had invited some guests that arrived the day before. We kept everyone comfortable and hidden in the office – we didn’t want to spoil the surprise for the party!

Elizabeth and Bri had given her a spa treatment. A nice bath, towel dried, mane braided. And they added bows – we couldn’t forget the bows.

“Come on Betsy Rose – it’s your birthday and there’s a surprise for you!”

Meanwhile, at the front of the barn, we all heard Freckles say “Shhhhh! Everyone quiet please! She’s coming!”

And then there was silence. Lol

I stayed on Betsy’s good eye side so she couldn’t see what was behind me (she can’t see out of her right eye). Once we got there I let her go and we all watched her eyes light up as she realized there were some new faces!

“Oh my gosh Freckles! Where did all of these dolls come from? They are precious! All of them!”

“Betsy Rose they were all hand made out of love and they came from far away! On their journey here, they all heard about you and just couldn’t wait to meet you in person! Do you know what people from all around the world call you? “Betsy Rose – the little mare that believes!”

“Well, thank you all for coming! You’re going to love it here – you can all bunk with me and Freckles and the others, ok? My suite is big enough for all of us! Besides, we don’t want one of the doggies or donkeys to pick you up and run away with you. Oh my gosh – look at the birthday cake that Auntie Blodwyn made for me! She always makes the bestest cakes!”

“Well, go ahead Betsy Rose and eat your cake! We’re going to sing “Happy Birthday” to you! Enjoy!”

You could just see the look of “Oh my gosh this is going to be delicious!” all over Betsy’s face!

We made a promise to Betsy Rose when she first arrived here that we would make all of her tomorrows everything her past should have been and we intend to keep that promise. We loved watching her meeting her new friends and enjoying her cake. She’s a bundle of blessings!

“Are you all sure you don’t want any of my birthday cake? Because it’s really yummy!”

“No thanks Betsy Rose – there’s another big cake for all the humans that we can share. This cake is all yours!”

“Freckles it was good to almost the last drop. But the last drop is stuck to the plate! I think I need Mommy Theresa to come hold the plate a little lower so I can get it.”

Betsy Rose doesn’t have to ask twice! I was happy to comply!

“Freckles this is a great birthday! I can’t wait to hear everyone’s stories about where they came from and all about them – can they stay for awhile?”

“Oh yes, they will be here for a few weeks and they want to hear your stories about life too. Everyone loves you Betsy Rose.”

“Mommy Theresa can you please load up all my new friends into the wagon and bring them to the shade of the tree? We’re going to start those stories today after my party! Thank you, and all my human friends, for making my birthday special. Oh, and don’t forget that the boys birthday is coming up a little later today – we can all have fun at that too! Just don’t let the boys leave with any of my friends, ok? You know that JoJo loves to run off with things!”

And so, new friendships are made and new stories will begin. Stay tuned for updates about Betsy Rose and her friends!

We had a wonderful day today – the birthday party was somewhat quick once it got started – it’s hard to keep the attention of Betsy and the boys for very long! I have pictures I’ll post tomorrow. I’ll be singing “Celebration” in my head for days to come! Lol



June 9th

The first song I heard on the radio this morning is Betsy’s Song “I Can See Clearly Now!” I’m taking that as a sign that it’s going to be a bright sun-shiny day!


We have strange things happen here. This dust storm came out of nowhere.


What a hard life these little ones live….


Daisy and her favorite front porch. Lol


June 10th

Mercedes says Serenity can share my stall anytime. We’re buddies now.


This little guy is about 10 years young and had a bad injury from barb wire that was not being treated and he has a large lump on the side of his face. It’s still an open case so I’m not in a position to provide more details at this time. I named him Rascal. He’s such a sweet horse. Look at those soft, kind eyes.

Rascal has a large mass on the right side of his face.


He has a barb wire injury – humans were seen riding him like this. Thankfully, a concerned person saw this and called authorities.


Rascal would bite at his injury while the flies were having a feast off of it – I just can’t imagine. We’ll get this taken care of as well as the mass on his face, his feet, teeth, etc.

Rascal’s feet obviously hadn’t been tended to in a long, long time.

There is almost no frog in any of his feet.

June 11th

Thankfully, Rascal is very good about letting us treat his barb wire injury.

He was really good with Dr. Julia Simonson for his exam. Blood work was done and a fecal.

The Summer Whinnies are so easy to use! Learn more about them at the website http://www.soxforhorses.com/ They are absolutely a great product.

Matilda – love those long ears! We’ve had to start putting medication in her right eye again.


June 12th

A cool bath first thing in the morning. I think Willow likes it!


June 1st

“It’s all mine!” Bouie and Frodo really are the best of friends!


The “we are waiting for breakfast” crowd.


Mishka and Baby Ray


A year ago today Mary went to Rainbow Bridge. We love you Mary, always!


June 2nd



June 3rd

One of my favorite photos of you and Little E from your visit Laura Brasile.


A beautiful message from our dear friend, Laura Brasile. Laura lives in another state but volunteers at the rescue when she is in the area visiting family. Thank you Laura for your support, your time, and your kind words!

“Good morning to all! Just wanted to drop a line about my time at Beauty’s Haven Farm and Equine Rescue. This was my second visit and my second time volunteering for a couple of days at the rescue. I want to start by saying how excited I get with every mile closer to being there. Driving down the road that parallels the rescue, well, there’s nothing like it. You start to see all the horses that you know and love one by one and then as you pull closer to the barn, you see the Princess herself, Betsy Rose. They are all so perfect and beautiful and so happy to see visitors coming.

One thing that strikes me the most is how fast time goes by at the rescue. There’s always so much to do and you’re constantly moving and I typically ate my lunch standing up because I couldn’t wait to get back out there. I would eat my salad next to Little E and breathe in his gorgeous horsie smell and just think about how happy I was to be there. The next thing you’ll notice is how hard Theresa and Bob work continuously, tirelessly…All. Day. Long. 24/7. Their hard work and dedication to these beautiful animals is second to none. They don’t stop all day and go long into the night. After one long, hot day, I had dinner with Theresa and Bob at about 8:30pm. During that dinner there was discussion about how a couple of the water tanks had to be cleaned and refilled and how the dogs needed to be fed and office work had to be done. Again, this was at 8:30 at night! Bob finished his dinner and went outside to handle the tanks while Theresa fed the dogs and got ready to tackle the HUGE pile of paperwork in the office. Which made me realize how lucky we are to get the updates on the horses that we can’t wait for. But they still come. And Bob goes out at 11pm to help a volunteer whose barn had flooded. These are amazing people who work 24/7 to keep everything moving and together.

Looking at the beauty of the property and the gorgeous horses and how clean and sparkling everything is, you tend to forget that all of this is supported by donations. Donations only. We all see the sad photos of the incoming horses and are tortured by thoughts of what they have endured and we all jump in to help when one of our own gets sick, but we tend to forget that even when everything looks to be going smoothly, the donations are still needed. Horses still need to eat, medications still need to be purchased, special socks for special needs, fly masks, fly spray, farriers and vets need to be paid…this money all comes from our donations. Realizing that, I am going to set up a monthly donation through their PayPal. I can’t afford to pay what I’d really like to pay but I know that every single dollar counts. Even if someone could only afford $10 per month, it still helps. I’ve decided to have my coffee at home or at work and stop going to Starbucks. That money will now be going to Beauty’s Haven Equine Rescue. You can do this too. It’s a beautiful thing to do and helps the horses more than you can imagine. And the rescue is a 501(c)(3), which means that it’s a non-profit and if your company has a matching gift program, the rescue qualifies – more donations to help the horses = win-win! Honestly, Theresa is one of the most generous, genuine, honest, hardest working, beautiful inside and out, people that I’ve ever met. Total respect and I’m happy to say that I think of her like family. Sorry this is so long, this is something that I feel very passionate about. Thanks for still reading (if anyone made it this far, lol). Consider donating what you can and/or setting up a monthly donation. You will be helping more than you can ever imagine.

Sorry this is so long, this is something that I feel very passionate about. Thanks for still reading (if anyone made it this far, lol).” ♥”

Waylon and Little E sharing some hay. Waylon sure did fill out nicely.


Did you know…the “average” life span of a horse is 25 to 30 years. At BHFER Little E is our oldest horse and he is 32 years young!!! Who is your oldest??


June 4th

Well, Jazzy must feel much better. Kylie and I clipped him a few days ago. He didn’t care too much for it but he wasn’t too bad about it.


“That ball is bigger than us Daisy!”


JoJo claiming he was “guarding” my water. I can’t tell you how many water bottles he’s demolished.


Lucy got a hooficure and a bath a few days ago.


Willow is doing very well and is looking for a forever home.


June 5th

Here’s our Fun Fact on our Beauty’s Haven Farm and Equine Rescue page today – thought I’d share it here too…

Do you know…BHFER has strict policies when adopting out a horse? One policy is “barb wire is not acceptable”. This is for the horses protection. It only takes a few inches of barb wire to injure a horse. Do any of you have a barb wire story to share? Prevention can literally save a life!


June 6th

Another Fun Fact from our business page!
Did you know…a male donkey can reproduce at 10 months old? Did you know that castrating a donkey is more risky than castrating a stallion? Does anyone know why? (Here at BHFER we have two male donkeys that are both castrated)


Congratulaions American Pharoah!


“Mommy Theresa, I think we have a little problem. The ear has to go through the hole with the other ear.”


Our boys are looking almost grown up! They are BFF. Hilarious to watch!


I think we could assume that CaryLou is not happy about the rain.


Betsy Rose is simply adorable.


Athena and Sisco doing a little grooming interaction. They are both looking for good forever homes.


I want a day that looks like this tomorrow (along with a cool breeze).


June 7th

Andrew and Katherine giving CaryLou a bath last weekend. Yes, I’m behind on posting pics. Lol


May 9th

Obstacle Challenge 2015 here we are! Cheri McDermott and her team have been working hard on planning making this fundraiser a success and they sure did a great job! It raised $2500 in funds to help the horses!


Black Prong Obstacle Challenge 2015! It’s great!!! Having a blast!


It was really nice to get off the farm for awhile.



Great place! Black Prong! Waylon seemed to truly enjoy it too!



Fancy and Katie had a blast.


is Eva walking around with Waylon so he could graze.


Kylie and Fancy having fun.


Many thanks to Cheri for making this happen and to everyone that helped her pull it all together to make it a success! I’m sure it was a lot of work and it’s greatly appreciated! And many thanks to Black Prong Equestrian Center for letting the Challenge to be held there! It’s a great place!


There was a silent auction and prizes too!


Seems to me I remember Peaches doing the same thing in the same spot when Katie went through this course a few years ago. We miss Princess terribly!


May 10th

Happy birthday Katherine!


May 11th

The storm that came out of nowhere left us with a little pond. It poured buckets in a very short time. We need the rain but not at erosion speeds.


The three amigos all looking to get into something. Gotta love them! They are hilarious!


May 12th

Lake Beauty’s Haven.


Always good to see Betsy Rose enjoying just being a horse!


Peaches is doing very well. Three more weeks of stall rest.


Magic visiting with Blodwyn. He was so happy to see her. And to get scratches!


Look who arrived back at the rescue today! Peaches felt bad – she wanted to come home from the hospital so badly she forgot to bring them home. No worries – they are back and we appreciate the kind folks at the UF Large Animal Hospital for sending them home!


May 13th

Love this girl to pieces! So proud of our kids! Katie is training someone in one of the labs today at UF.



May 3rd

Serenity is on her way home to Phil Yarbrough. I didn’t say goodbye. I’ll see her again and Phil will share her with us with updates and photos. She will be meeting my goddaughter, Mercedes, today at her new home.


Serenity is home!!! Thank you Phil!


From Phil: Here ya go Theresa. This is what we hoped for!


Our hearts have been heavy today. God has called home a very dear friend. Bill Newton was a wonderful man with a heart bigger than Texas! Bill and his wife, Blodwyn, have been married for 66 years – I know his family will miss him (we all will) and their life will never be the same. But just think of all of the wonderful memories they made! Memories are more valuable than any amount of gold and nobody can take them away, ever. We were very blessed to have been able to spend some time with him and Blodwyn on Friday. Blodwyn has been a volunteer here for many years.

Seven years ago today, on May 3rd, 2008, the very day that Eight Belles lost her life while running in the Kentucky Derby, a special Thoroughbred filly was born near the rescue. Eight Belles gave the race her all and crossed the finish line in 2nd place. But sadly, in doing so, both of her front ankles broke and she was euthanized where she went down. In honor of Eight Belles, we named the newborn baby Aaleyah (means greatest gift from God) Belle (IMO Eight Belles). Below is a photo of Bill singing Happy Birthday to Aaleyah in celebration of her first birthday. Happy Birthday, Aaleyah!


Bill was retired from the Army – he loved this country and proudly served in the Korean and Vietnam wars. He fought for our freedom and always stood for what is right – he is a hero.


I’ll never forget Bill’s bear hugs and the “You got this, kid!” We love you Bill, always. And Blodwyn, we love you and we will always be here for you – you’re family! This is Aaleyah Belle greeting Bill and Blodwyn with her slimy hello!


May 4th

Peaches getting some grazing time before her surgery this afternoon.


May 6th

Good morning!


Barn Divas! Beauty is improving ever so slowly but every little bit is a good thing. Betsy Rose is doing great.


Daisy, JoJo, and Jazzy always share their hay. We try to keep them out of the sun.


Everyone loves Matilda! I’m so proud of her and her recovery!


When she arrived here you could put you hand between each rib. She was skin on bones. There’s no excuse for any animal to be denied proper care. She’s a survivor that will never be neglected again.


Love, love, love these hay nets! They save time and money! No wasted hay. Fill in the am and the horses are good until night time. Easy to carry and durable – they’re the best! The donkeys certainly endorse them!


Peaches is coming home today!


Peaches arrived back at the rescue. She will be on stall rest for 30 days which she’s not very happy about. I’ll give more details later – it’s been non-stop here. And today we have to somehow modify her stall to allow her to look out the window. She’s all closed in so that she doesn’t rub her trach area on anything and open the stitches. We’re extremely short on volunteers. Thank you to everyone that helped Peaches – we truly appreciate it.



“Jazzy look at MY sand pile! I’ll share it with you if you take my mask and sun blanket off!”


That morning we received a call from a nearby farm advising us that a mare and her newborn baby were going to be shot because the baby had a wry nose. When we went to pick them up we found a sand lot with no shade or cover and a mare with a baby by her side. It was obvious the mare had given baby any and all nutrition she’d been able to get while carrying her – she was deathly thin. The baby could not latch on to mom to nurse because of her wry nose. A few more hours and the baby wouldn’t have survived. Once at the rescue they settled into the birthing stall and we milked mom and bottle fed the baby while waiting for the vet to arrive. We were very concerned that the baby hadn’t gotten the colostrum she very much needed from her mom. Blood tests were done on both of them during their exams and we learned that the baby’s IGG level was only 17 and it should have been at least 1000! The vet had to run plasma and he was amazed that the baby survived!

Aaleyah Belle continued to drink from a bottle and grew stronger. A few days after Momma Sue and Aaleyah Belle arrived, another orphaned filly arrived. She was named Buttercup. Buttercup and Aaleyah Belle quickly grew close – as sisters. The girls both drank from milk bottles that we hung in the birthing stall. Momma Sue watched over them, always. After some rehab, which included some ups and downs, surgery was performed at UF to correct Aaleyah’s wry nose. At the hospital she became ill and it was quite a roller coaster ride but Aaleyah never gave up! It was a wonderful day when they came home and were reunited with Buttercup. A few weeks later, we picked up another orphan filly from the same place Momma Sue and Aaleyah Belle came from. We named her Silver Belle – she had been impaled on something and had a hole clear to the bone at her chest and injuries to her knee. So, Momma Sue then had 3 baby girls to watch over and love! This was the beginning a story that will melt your heart. Momma Sue and her girls – they taught us so many lessons about life. It was an experience I’ll never forget.

Aaleyah overcame so many obstacles – it’s a miracle she survived! I admit, it took a lot of care and a great care team to get her through but it was worth it! Her motto is “Never give up!” I find it quite sad that many people do give up on babies like Aaleyah and lives are lost. There are quite a few babies born with wry nose but many people don’t know about them because the majority of them are euthanized after birth. We share Aaleyah’s story to let people need to know about the condition exists and, in most cases, it can be surgically corrected and the horse can live pretty much a normal life. Aaleyah Belle’s nose isn’t perfect but it’s beautiful and so is her heart – just like her momma’s. Here is a link to their Diary where you can read more about their story and see pictures: http://bit.ly/1c7sRNs. There are 3 parts to it – you’ll see the links.

Happy belated birthday Aaleyah Belle – we love you!

Baby Girl made is back home to Valerie. Thank you Double B Equine Transport, L.L.C. for always taking such good care of our horses!


May 7th

Peaches is doing better. Katie hand grazed her a few times today and each time she was more animated. She can breathe so much better!


We are scheduled to leave the rescue at 8 am to take Peaches to the hospital.

And so the work up begins. Peaches is so sweet.

Neurological tests. Peaches cooperates so well.

More neuro tests at UF.

Blindfolded tests. Need covered arena like this so bad at the rescue!

Peaches getting scoped at UF.

Peaches was pretty stressed when we got to the hospital. Katie came to help her relax. It worked.

Peaches back from x-rays.

Our ‪#‎ASPCA Help a Horse Day / 6th Annual Celebration of Life was AMAZING as well as a huge success! First, I want to give many thanks and much love to my family. They presented me with beautiful flowers and very kind words at the event – totally unexpected, thoughtful, and lovely. They have supported my passion for helping horses and I am so very blessed. Bob and I have two wonderful adult kids that make us very proud. Joshua, Katie, and Bob – I love you all to the moon and back!

Robin and Sylvie did a great job at the registration table!

We got to visit with old friends and make new ones!


The band, food, presenters, volunteers – everyone did a great job! We had a great turnout and I feel confident that many people left with more knowledge about horse care and cancer and that makes me very happy! The presentations by Dr. Porter, Dr. Mangan, and Dr. Simonson were very informative and much appreciated.


Waylon was rescued in honor of ‪#‎ASPCA ‪#‎helpahorse Day!

Volunteers helped make our ‪#‎ASPCA ‪#‎helpahorse Day a success – couldn’t do it without them!

Volunteers are so very much a part of making this rescue a success!

The band was absolutely amazing – I think the horses loved the tunes too! Thank you Jean for bringing the the “West Melbourne Municipal Garage Band”!

The food was great! Many thanks to the chefs and everyone that helped out!

Yummy deserts!

Misty, Dave, Eva, and others did a great job with our silent auction table and tack table. Many thanks to them and everyone that donated and/or bid on/won!

Everyone loved the mini’s!

Peggy Sue got her name from her back leg issue. Humans pulled her baby out some years ago and fractured her pelvis in 3 areas. It healed wrong and now she can’t bend her leg. We must put her in a sling to do her hooficures.

Lucy with Tess and Finn!

Bouie flirts with all the girls.

Lucy made an appearance to show everyone what a tracheotomy looks like on a horse. She needed a permanent trach a couple of years ago because her airway was obstructed – she has “Big Head Disease”. Horses with a trach can’t whinny nor can they go swimming. But they pretty much live a normal life. We just wipe the trach area daily (being careful not to get anything in the hole).

Daisy, JoJo, and Jazzy! The boys were adorable – they were excited about making new friends!

Little Lily hoping for a photo op.

Dr. Michael Porter (PHD Veterinary Services – http://phdveterinaryservices.com/projects/phd/) was the first speaker. He drove his mobile unit to Celebration which has lots of high tech equipment on it! Some of you may remember that Peaches was scoped a few weeks ago and put on medications. She got better and all was good. Then, she started to cough again and her breathing became a bit labored. We were going to schedule her to be scoped again but when Dr. Porter and I were discussing his presentation, he asked if we had a horse that needed scoped – well, yes! Unfortunately, what he found was not good but it could be worse. And, it was a double whammy but he may have solved a years old mystery of why Peaches often trips.

One of the issues is Arytenoid Chondritis – a disease of the upper airway that limits the amount of air Peaches breathes. She likely needs a permanent tracheotomy, like Classy and Lucy have. Follow this link to Dr. Porters’s blog to learn more about this condition and see photos. http://bit.ly/1b7HzTc. The second issue that Dr. Porter discovered is that Peaches has evidence of a condition termed THO (Temporohyoid Osteoarthropathy). If this is the case it would explain some things. Here is a link to information on this. http://bit.ly/1PNORv1

Dr. Porter referred Peaches to the University of Florida. She is only 15 years old and one of the sweetest little mares you could ever meet. Peaches used to be a games pony before she came to us and if she did not perform perfectly she’d get bopped hard between the ears. Please keep her in your prayers. Thank you Dr. Porter!

We have lots more info and many photos to share from our special, so, stay tuned for more posts – we’ll get to Dr. Mangan’s presentation which was also very informative! Dr. Mangan is a board certified ophthalmologist with Affiliated Veterinary Services (http://www.affiliated-pet.com/news/affiliated-veterinary-specialists/) that has been treating Daisy. He is also the vet that did Cookie’s surgery which was a big success! http://on.fb.me/1b7Pj7X. The third speaker was Dr. Julia Simonson (Holistic and Integrative Medicine – http://juliasimonsondvm.com/) and her presentation was also very informative. We’ll be posting more in this too.

February 1st, 2013

“Mommy Theresa I know you’re in there! I just want to come in and see you for a little while. We all miss Princess and I know you’re sad but if I can come in I’ll cheer you up some!”

Well, JoJo did come in and cheered us up. He looked for the Christmas tree and couldn’t understand why it couldn’t live in the house. He kept staring at where it was – his brain was certainly trying to understand.

We have so much to be thankful for – we need to cherish each and every minute. Take time to make memories. Someday, that’s all you will have of those that you love.

February 2nd

Check out Bouie’s beard.

I don’t know who was more fascinated by size – Mishka or the mini’s next door!

February 3rd

Happy Tuesday morning! That’s Peaches munching from one of our slow hay feeder nets. Wonder what Ebony is thinking? Little Lily is so darned cute.

Amber and Baby Ray playing – just beautiful!

Little E is our Senior resident now. Another noble Arabian that is adored by all of us. We had awesome visitors today and I have quite a few pics to post but will have to get caught up tomorrow afternoon.

February 4th

Jessie spent the day here yesterday – Baby Ray enjoyed seeing her again (so did we)! We look forward to her visit at this time each year when she and her husband, Ron, come down from a northern state for a few days.

Jessie has known Baby Ray since he came to us as an orphan baby in August 2009. We brought him home in our mini-van. Baby Ray had cataracts and couldn’t see. Once he grew healthy, we took him to UF where they removed the cataracts. He is visually impaired but he can see.

Aaleyah Belle also enjoyed seeing Jessie again.

We named Aaleyah after Eight Belles. We picked her up only a few hours after she was born – it was the day that Eight Belles died. Aaleyah and her mom, Currently Sue (aka Momma Sue), were going to be shot because Aaleyah was born with a wry nose. Momma Sue was skin on bones – it’s amazing that they survived.

Aaleyah Belle before and after surgery.

Yesterday, Serenity got to personally thank someone that has helped her since the day she arrived. It’s always nice when humans come to meet the horses they help. Thank you Phil!

Serenity arrived at about this time last year – we intercepted her just before she was going to be shot by the local rendering company. She’s a beautiful girl – inside and out.

Handsome (Saddlebred) is still looking for a forever home. Mishka (Percheron) is still in rehab. He’s gained weight but still needs quite a bit more muscling up. Some horses recover quicker than others from EPSM – it could take a few months. Proper diet is key.

Matilda – she’s a very loving long ears. And yes, she is still huge.

Remember Cisco, Tia, and Tess? Cisco came to us in September 2012 – he was 20+ years young. He had been removed from a bad situation – I’ll just say that he came to us known as the “Meth Pony”. Tia and Tess came to us in the Spring of 2013 – Tess was about 3 months old. All three were adopted together by a wonderful couple that volunteered at the time. Cisco takes care of his two girls. Tia, Tess, and Cisco are loved by their humans, very much.

Ginger is doing well with her adoptive family – she has a new BFF.

Daisy doesn’t realize she’s different – she’s full of love and life. She has a large tumor (sarcoid) under her right eye and another over her left eye. Dr.’s Mangan and Porter started her treatments (Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG)) about …3 weeks ago when she got her first injections. She is also getting a daily supplement and we apply a topical cream to the tumors. Daisy was examined again last Friday and there have been positive changes at both eyes! She is scheduled to receive her 2nd injections this coming Friday. Daisy is only 5 years old and deserves a chance – we hope others will help us give her that chance. If anyone would like to help this darling little long ears with her needed treatments our PayPal address is bhfer@earthlink.net (please note it’s for Daisy). No amount is too small and all donations are tax deductible.

Please keep Daisy in your prayers. Thank you!

Athena is another beautiful mare. She is having lameness issues (its not in her feet) and really needs to be examined but she needs sponsors. She currently does not have enough sponsors to even cover her monthly routine care costs. Would anyone like to help Athena with a one time or monthly donation?

Athena the day I met her.

I’ve put this off but need to ask – would anyone like to help with Princess’ emergency vet, hospital, and burial expenses? We are several hundred dollars short. If you would like to help, our PayPal address is bhfer@earthlink.net – please mark it for “Princess”. Other ways to donate can be found on our website at www.bhfer.org. No amount is too small and all donations are tax deductible. While we wish she were still here with us, we are very thankful for the years we had with her. This was Princess a few years ago. She’s always been a beautiful girl.

February 18 – 21, 2015

Betsy Rose got her acupuncture/TENS treatment last Saturday. Some of her lab work came back, but not all, and Dr. Julia pulled another test (thyroid) this past Monday but we likely won’t have those results back until next week. From what we do know, Betsy’s glucose is high and her kidneys are a little stressed. But her CBC results were good. Once we get additional test results back, we will know more. She wouldn’t lay down in her stall so we stripped it and switched the shavings to pelleted bedding but she still won’t lay down in there. But in the mornings, she goes right out after breakfast and naps in the sun. She gets a hooficure tomorrow. Please keep her in your prayers.

Athena got an acupuncture treatment last Saturday too.

Athena is so pretty. We’re not sure what breed she is but there’s some draft in there. Her hock boots should be here tomorrow, I hope.

Two beautiful mares – Athena and Serenity.

Athena getting some extra attention on Monday. Wanda brought her 4H Saddlebusters Club to help out and almost all of the horses got a good and much needed grooming.

Ruby getting some extra attention on Monday. I thought she was going to fall asleep and fall over she enjoyed it so much!

Amber and Baby Ray impatiently waiting on their hay to be unloaded from the trailer a few days ago. We have to make another hay run, hopefully, tomorrow. With the cold temps, we are going through a bit more. It’s already below freezing here tonight.

Amber is such a sweet little mare – she really would make someone a very nice horse. She’s a TWH looking for a forever home.

Donovan and Bryce playing gelding games.

Baby Ray being, well, Baby Ray. I wasn’t sure how many blankets I’d find torn to shreds this morning. But I guess everyone realized how much they need them and all were intact.

Matilda proudly wears Gentleman’s blanket. I know he wouldn’t mind. I’ll never stop missing him. Dr. Mangan will be here tomorrow to check out Matilda’s eyes.

Tomorrow is a big day – Dr’s. Mangan and Simonson will be here and two farriers will be coming too. Everyone here is bundled up. We’re so blessed that the the horses all have a blanket. This is Sisco.

Guess who got their tail braided on Monday?

We are so blessed to have a dependable truck. The tractor is in the shop and we sure do miss it. It makes for more work when we don’t have it. But at least we found a local place to repair it. The picked it up last Friday and we are waiting on a cost estimate.

A beautiful sunny, but cold day!

The mare that started it all – my heart horse. Beauty.

February 20th

Aalayeh Belle – when I look at her I see Momma Sue through and through. She came up to have a knee injury checked while Dr. Julia was here.

Matilda seemed so proud of herself today when Dr. Mangan examined both of her eyes and she even allowed him to flush her tear duct without any sedation! The good news is that the issue in her right eye is believed to be Immune-Mediated Keratitis. It is being treated with medication and the cloudiness should improve over the next couple of weeks. The other good news is that her left eye which had tears a lot is fine – it was as suspected – a clogged tear duct. This is something that gets overlooked a lot in horses. When Donovan got here, he had discharge running down both of his eyes that went untreated – there were open sores that flies loved. He has some permanent scars from this. His tear ducts were flushed during his initial exam upon intake and both were clogged. Anyway, Matilda should be fine. Dr. Mangan wants to look at her eyes again in a couple of weeks. The bad news for Matilda, well, there isn’t any!

We are so excited about Daisy’s progress! She’s had two BCG injections now over the past few weeks and we are seeing positive changes around both of her eyes. The tumors have shrunk! She gets oral supplements and a topical applied daily. We are staying positive about her recovery. BELIEVE!

Dr. Mangan also did an examination on Betsy Rose. She’s been blind in her right eye since the day she arrived – it’s totally clouded over. But she’s been startling a bit more lately and we thought having her eyes examined would be a good thing to do. Well, sadly, she is losing vision in her left eye too.

Betsy Rose has polycoria – you can see in the photo it looks like she has two pupils. It’s a very good thing that she’s had time here to get to know her way around. She knows she’s safe here, and loved very much. We’ll put bubble wrap on her if we have to!

“It was a really busy day today – As you know, Dr.’s Mangan and Simonson were here and Laura and Stephanie were here too! They do our hooficures. I’m feeling better but Mommy Theresa’s arm isn’t doing very well. Well, have a good night everyone. Freckles is getting ready to tell Lucy a bedtime story about one of her travel adventures – they do this almost every night. Sweet dreams everyone!” says Betsy Rose.

February 21st

The Bridle Brigade of Levy County came out today – I’m so glad that the weather was better! Lots of horses got some extra attention and some of the chores got done pretty quickly!

The mini “Welcome Committee!”

We really appreciate Misti and her group taking the time to come and we always enjoy sharing the horses.

Doesn’t Matilda look like she is smiling? In my opinion, we should always take every opportunity we can to help educate the horse owners of tomorrow.

The entire Beauty Haven’s herd thanks you all for your continued love and support.

#bhfer #betsyrose #believe

New Years Eve 2013

The vet was called out this evening as Betsy Rose was experiencing an episode of Choke. The choke was cleared and Betsy Rose is now on antibiotics but she is ok – although, she’s not happy that she won’t get her midnight mash. Betsy has a history of choke and gets a soft watery mash, but unless we muzzle her, she will pick at the grass. I’ll never forget the first time, 2 months after her arrival here in June 2013,when she was able to finally stand on her own and graze (she had to live in a sling – it truly is a miracle that she survived) – it was glorious to watch! Dr. Bess ( Tune Ups Veterinary Equine Dentistry and Services) checks Betsy often and works on her as needed – she’ll be back again in a week or so to work on others and Betsy is on the list.

Betsy Rose is the strongest little mare I know – yet she is still so fragile. She always will be. For those that don’t know her story here is her beginning with us: and here is a video – she’s the little mare that believes… .

Please keep Betsy Rose in your prayers. Thank you.

January 1st

Betsy Rose is recovering from her choke. She’s still getting soup for meals but hopefully, by tomorrow, she will be able to get a mash vs soup.

As we welcomed in the New Year, little Betsy Rose welcomed in a new friend. A distant relative of Freckles arrived – a cute little donkey named Mani! Freckles and Mani hung out in Betsy’s food dish quite a bit to try to keep her mind off of not being able to eat much yet. Betsy Rose enjoyed listening to them catch up on family stories. Freckles had quite a few stories to tell Mani about life with Betsy Rose too!

Betsy Rose is not allowed to graze but we took turns taking her for walks today.

We have two farriers coming tomorrow so we’re calling it a day here soon. We’ll be setting up the sling in the morning for Peggy Sue’s hooficure. Have a good night everyone and, again, thank you for your continued support!  Thank you Eva!

JoJo – my loyal little helper…

Donovan playing with his drum this morning. He started before daylight. LOL

We are so blessed to have wonderful friends and volunteers – including ones with 4 legs! The donkeys were all trying to help with am chores while Duke oversaw everything.

Handsome really is handsome.

Please click on the link below to view our Beauty’s Haven 2014 Smilebox slideshow.


January 2nd

Thank you all so much for voting for me! This is a wonderful way to start the New Year! Sponsored by http://www.alltech.com/equine

“Congratulations to our November Equine Hero Theresa Batchelor!” Alltech

Lizanne Quinn from the United States of America, has nominated Theresa Batchelor as her Equine Hero! Lizanne explains that “I have been a horse owner for my entire life and I have never met anyone like Theresa. Her tireless dedication to the horses starved, abused left for dead has truly amazed me. Theresa is a true equine hero!”

Lizanne goes on to say that “I see a lot of people who say that they rescue horses, but Theresa’s rescue is actually a Heaven on Earth and a last stop for many. For the ones that survive, it is only because of her intervention, love and prayers.” Theresa makes sure that every horse that comes through her door is completely rehabilitated and adoptable or else she won’t let them go.

Sadly, Theresa’s rescue is the last stop for a lot of horses that arrive there. However as upsetting as it is to see the horses arrive so broken, Theresa gives them hope and they know on their last days that they are truly loved. Sometimes it’s too late, but the horses have beautiful surroundings, the best care that can be found and a beautiful heart by their side until they pass away or pull through.

Theresa is truly amazing. I can only imagine what the other horses say to the new ones on their way in. Perhaps they say “don’t worry” or “you are safe now” or “thank goodness you made it here in time” or “we love you and we will see you on the other side”.

Lizanne finishes by saying “thank you Theresa Batchelor and Beauty’s Haven Equine Rescue. I nominate you to as my Equine Hero!”

Memories warm the heart…

January 3rd

The year is starting out absolutely wonderful for Attagirl – she left today for her forever home! She’s not far from the rescue and she will be totally loved and spoiled at Heaven Can Wait Farm! Congratulations Attagirl and Suzy!

Love the view from my desk.

“Mommy Theresa no worries about those big horses next door coming over here. I’ve told them I’m boss over here and they would have to get my permission. So no worries, ok? I got this!” CaryLou is a hoot!

Mishka really is a big teddy bear.

Simply stunning.

Wishing everyone a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!


Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
