We are happy to report that Matilda’s eye is doing much better! The swelling has gone down a lot – she can actually see out of it!


‪#‎ComeToTheirRescue‬ ‪#‎ASPCA‬ ‪#‎HelpaHorse‬ ‪#‎believe‬ ‪#‎Matilda‬ ‪#‎bhfer‬ ‪#‎CelebrateLife

We have an emergency of the eye kind! Matilda has ripped her upper eye lid apart and we can’t tell if the eye is damaged – she’s very sensitive about it. We are waiting on vet to come out. Can anyone help with her emergency vet bill? Poor Matilda! Please pray that her eye is ok!

Matilda Eye Injury

‪#‎HelpaHorse‬ ‪#‎donate‬ #ComeToTheirRescue #BeautysHavenEquineRescue #mule #rescue

Remember Rosita?  She’s doing great!  Rosita was the worst of a herd of abandoned Paso Fino’s that we rescued in January 2012.  Come meet her at our #ASPCA #HelpaHorse Day / 7th Annual #CelebrationOfLife on April 23rd!  Visit our website and register today!


OCTOBER 3, 2015

Susan and Mark flew all the way from Minnesota just to spend a couple of days here at the rescue to meet the horses and to help out! Betsy Rose has brought so many wonderful people into our life. This is what happens when you believe!


OCTOBER 4, 2015

Betsy Rose welcoming Susan and Mark this morning.

All the way from Minnesota! I mean, that’s a long way to come – like over 1500 miles! But we’re glad they came! It’s always wonderful to meet those that believe in us and share a common love and respect for horses. Bob got help from Mark with things that he needed help fixing and Susan helped me and other volunteers take care of the horses. Meeting Mark and Susan, spending time with them, well, it was wonderful! I’m so proud of what we do here – of everything we’ve worked hard for. And it’s only made possible because of our wonderful Village of supporters. Thank you all! And thank you Mark and Susan for everything!

OCTOBER 4, 2015

Zahara is stunning!


Field full of minis!!


OCTOBER 5, 2015

That look on her face says it all. Foxy was trying very hard to will that golf cart to move. She’s a thinker. Just like JoJo.

OCTOBER 7, 2015

Penny peeking through the fence. Thank you, Suzanne Suor, for photographing the horses and donkeys! Suzanne does beautiful work!

Two of the cutest little noses ever!!

I do believe that all Zahara needed was good food. She’s doing great!


OCTOBER 9, 2015

They take siestas at the bottom of the office stairs. Silly boys.

“Mommy Theresa, this isn’t fair! If Duke fits, I should fit! Can you both just scoot over and let me try to squeeze in the middle? Please?”


I would have loved to have heard this conversation. Daisy is so sweet. She’s doing well.

Zahara whispered something in Penny’s ear. And then they took off running and playing!


Frodo voicing his concerns that his personal sprinkler is turned off.

“But Mommy Theresa, I want a bright pink halter that fits! This thing is too big!”

Foxy is doing great with her lead line lessons.


Guess who was trying on sneakers?

Our precious pups. Popper and Presley.


OCTOBER 10, 2015

“Good morning everybody!”

OCTOBER 11, 2015

Hooficure day for a few! This is Ruby with Laura and Kim. Kim holds the horses for Laura. We appreciate them both!

September 28th

Jenny and I gave the big guy a bath yesterday, although I think we ended up just as wet! Donovan is a magnificent horse.

The minis got some play time out of their paddock over the weekend.

Poor Jazzy. Duke was rubbing it in that he fits in the golf cart just fine.

Penny has seen the boys climb halfway into the golf cart a few times. So, what does she do? I think someone forgot to tell her that she’s not a miniature donkey like they are. That cute face really made me want to try to figure a way to get her in just to make her happy!

September 29th

Prayers for Betsy Rose please. The vet just cleared a choke.

September 30th

I open the workshop door to go into the house and almost trip over two little donkeys. Cute little Jazzy likes to put his nose up for kisses. JoJo is the serious one – always on guard duty.

Barbara helped us spoil Foxy a bit more last weekend.

Foxy loves scratches! Marie kept Foxy busy so I could get the golf cart out of the barn without her trying to hijack it.

Timmie has her own cooler to stand in front of but she likes Betsy Rose’s better. We have to shoo her away at times.

Frodo and Bouie have been best buds for years.

Of all places to want to nap. Right in the very middle of the barn aisleway. Foxy and her mom are looking for a forever home.

This is what the boys like to do at night. They rearrange the poop buckets and anything else they can find. Sometimes, they pretend they are a mini rock star band and that the buckets are their drums. And when they play their drums it makes Max howl. OMG never a dull day or night!

I wonder how long it will take Donovan to undo all we did to fix the erosion at his gate today. Well, he’s a great sand compactor.

It was a great day to get some things fixed up. Bob was happy to be back on the tractor.

It was a beautiful day but I spent much of it in the office trying to get caught up on some things.

It’s always a blessing to have unexpected help!! Thank you Angelo! JoJo, of course, has to be in the middle of everything!

October 1st

Sawyer needed an exam and treatment and full blood work by Dr. Julia Simonson today as he’s not been feeling well. Please keep him in your prayers.

September 20th – 26th, 2015

September 20th

Zahara’s X-rays were done yesterday. She’s doing well.

Artwork by Greg Ambrose.

Birds everywhere!

Really blessed to have both of our human “kids” home today for awhile!

September 22nd

That famous tongue! Aaleyah Belle loves to slime anyone and everyone.

September 23rd

The Breakfast Club.

Donovan got a “get out of your paddock and roam free” pass today around the house. I think JoJo must have told him there’s something good in the office. I could just picture him making his way up the stairs in one giant step. OMG!

Donovan is one of many horses looking for a forever home. He’s so sweet – I hate to think of him not being here but he deserves his own home.

Lucy getting her morning makeover from Marilyn Doren. Lucy has a trach that gets cleaned each day. Everyone loves Lucy!

Well, I guess it’s official. Fall is here. There are leaves on the ground already. I just hope and pray the green grass sticks around for quite a bit longer.

September 24th

JoJo helping Chris collect feed tubs. He’s a riot!

Betsy Rose and Penny

It’s been a busy week, but we’ve been able to get a couple of needed baths in.  On Monday, I opted to give Waylon a bath, clean his sheath, and check him for a bean. I got three quarters of the way done, but was summoned to do something else. Sue rinsed him off for me – thanks Sue!

We use a great product for sheath cleaning called Healing Tree Sheath Cleaner. It soothes, cleans, and dissolves dirt, grime, etc. and it smells good too! It’s veterinary formulated and the geldings seem to think it’s ok. It comes in a spray bottle which I really like. If you would like to donate this product, it’s available at this link: http://www.besthorseproductsavailable.com/products/go-way-all-natural-repellent-16oz.

Waylon was a pony horse at Calder Race Track but wasn’t wanted anymore. He ended up in a bad situation and was attacked by a stallion that took a chunk out of his backside which has healed nicely. He’s about 19 years young and is one of the sweetest horses you could ever meet! He’s been having a tough time breathing, but with the cooler weather coming, his condition will hopefully, improve.

Ruby, Cookie, and Zahara.

September 25th

Foxy and Zahara love to run along the fence line and play.

September 26th

Paul and Roxy did a great job and had a great deal of fun at the Tack Shack yard sale in Ocala today!

Most of you know that Bob recently had a heart attack. It was about the same time the old computer started to fail which is also about the same time many adopted horses/donkeys started coming back. All of this combined has put a huge strain on resources – financially, physically, and mentally. It’s like a flood gate of issues opened up and it’s been a constant struggle ever since. Bob is doing better but needs cardiac rehab several days each week. I’ve given up 1 of my 2 days of needed PT each week because there is no time.

Donations are at almost a record low which may partly be due to me being offline. Now that we have a computer, updates will come in a timely fashion which I hope will help. There are ongoing routine needs, vet bills have been high, and the hay season is quickly approaching. We have fallen behind in our fundraising but we hope to get going again – we have a family of lovely handmade dolls that have been living with Betsy Rose that need homes, artwork, and much more that you will be seeing.

Bob and I are the primary 24/7/365 caregivers for the 40+ equine here. Bob can’t do what he used to do at this time and meet his cardiac rehab needs. He does stay busy doing what he can including applying for grants that may help us during this challenging time and for other needs. I can’t work outside all day, into the night, and accomplish the many things I need to do in the office too as efficiently as I did before his heart attack and the horses came back – I need a clone. We are blessed with awesome volunteers but we need more. Current volunteers have taken over some admin/office duties but a huge need is hands on help with daily chores, property maintenance, etc. If you can mow, clean stalls, scoop paddocks, clean waterers, etc. we need you! We also need volunteers with horse experience that can clean and treat feet.

We need help placing horses ASAP. We’ve had more equine that had been adopted out come back in the past couple of months than we have had over many year’s time, return. Ladybug came back temporarily for her adoptive mom to have surgery, but the weekend we thought she was going back, we got the news that they couldn’t take her back. I was informed today that Kiana needs to leave her adoptive home by the end of this month – we thought we had another home for her but it didn’t work. Handsome and Waylon are having respiratory issues and need to go north – the sooner the better. Donovan needs to find a home up north. JoJo and Jazzy, the donkey pair that makes everyone smile, are looking for a home. It’s hard to believe that not one single application has been received for them. Cute little Foxy and her mom, Timmie, are also looking for a home and we have many more that are ready. But we do have an adoption process – we don’t just let our horses/donkeys go. A process is in place to protect them – that’s what a responsible rescue organization does.

I could go on explaining how urgent our situation is but I need to use the energy and time to find solutions. We have a wonderful village of supporters and those of you that know me, know that I don’t like to ask for help. But please, I ask you to help in any way you can. Spread the word about us and the work we do and reach out to others – help our village grow in order to help get us through this challenging time. Please consider making a onetime donation or set up a monthly recurring donation of any amount. No amount is too small and little bits add up. Many horses have no sponsors for routine care, we need to get vet bills paid, supplies restocked, and we need grain and hay. As we update info about our horses available for adoption on our Facebook Adoption Page, please share it with others – we desperately need help placing horses. We need to get the number down ASAP.

I see “viral videos” and wonder – how do they do that? How does anyone get a video or photo to go viral? I don’t know how to use social media to do anything like that and don’t have the time to learn. But I have so many cute videos of Foxy, JoJo and Jazzy, and so many others. And photos – I have millions! I just don’t know how to use them to make others smile and to help get us more exposure which may bring us more much needed support and potentially help find homes for those that are ready. Can someone who has really succeeded in making something go viral please PM us to give us some guidance?

Someone recently told me it’s ok to not be okay as long as I’m not giving up. Well, we’ve worked too hard to get to where we are, the horses need us and this is where our passion is. We’re not giving up. I’m keeping the faith and believing that help from our village will come and we will get through this challenging time. Thank you all for your continued support.

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization registered in the state of Florida (EIN: 20-4783950). We are not funded by Local, State, of Federal funds. We operate totally from donations from the public. Please consider making a one time or recurring donation to help the horses. No amount is too small and all donations very much appreciated. We truly appreciate your support – donations are tax deductible. Donations can be made various ways through our website bhfer.org or over the telephone. Donations can be made via PayPal to bhfer or via other methods through our website at www.bhfer.org.

Beauty’s Haven was awarded Verified status by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS) in 2012. GFAS is the only globally recognized organization that provides standards for identifying legitimate animal sanctuaries. A Guidestar Exchange Silver Participant and a GreatNonprofits Top Rated Non-Profit 2014 and 2015. Awarded November 2014 Equine Hero.

July 17th

“Mommy Theresa – I know you’re in there! It’s raining out here and I want to come in and help in the office! Come on, open up, ok? Please?”


“Betsy Rose I really don’t know how that flymask got there or who is supposed to be wearing it. It’s too big to be JoJo’s so it must be Baby Ray’s. Mommy Theresa says he always gets his off too. Doesn’t he know he could get in trouble!”


Rascal will be having the lump on his nose removed the week of July 27th. We are now taking adoption applications on him.


Sawyer is putting some weight on. He’s a very sweet pony.


Classy enjoying a bath in the hot weather.


JoJo still doesn’t get that he doesn’t fit in the golf cart anymore.


“Daisy I bet I can hold my right ear back longer than you can hold your right leg up!”


Siesta time. Mocha and Daisy have become very good friends.


Foxy is so tiny – she can hide almost anywhere! We’re going to have to get her some Rhythm Beads with a bell for her mane!


“Come on mommy! Just back up under here and then wiggle around – it’s a great back scratcher! Oh no! I’m sorry mommy but you won’t fit! I’ll do it some for you too, ok?”


“If I stand here long enough somebody will open the door and I’ll run right in – there’s goodies in there!”


“Mommy Theresa what is this???? My butt is dark! Why am I changing colors? Am I going to be ok? I look silly!”


“Lookie everybody! Dr. Mangan looked at my eye today and it’s all better! Did you know that I have one blue eye? Yep, that’s how I was made!”



Have I ever mentioned that Donovan is big? I mean massive!


July 18th

They have their own shelter to stay dry under and where do they choose to stand? And of course they look at you and then you feel sorry for them so you open up the barn. Lol


July 19th

Mocha is going to feel so much better after getting clipped! It will make me feel better too!


I often wonder what is going on in her cute little head. She’s always thinking. lol


I’m really glad that Jazzy is much more himself. He was running around playing with JoJo today for the first time in days. We had to put the ramp at the bottom of the front porch stairs to keep JoJo off the porch. lol


Foxy welcoming Auntie Barb yesterday.


Foxy has all of the humans trained to give her scratches.


Cookie and Ruby taking their afternoon nap.


Foxy was a month old on July 14th. She’s grown about three inches and has almost doubled her weight! I’d say she’s a healthy and happy little girl!


“I am donkey hear me bray! I don’t whinnie, I don’t neigh. If I have to – I can do anything! I am strong, I am invincible – I am donkey!”

Silly JoJo. He’s a hoot!


It’s coming.


Here we go again…


July 20th

Oh no. Not at all! Those boys get a lot of attention!

Peaches is looking good. She still has issues in her front right though.


July 8th

Mocha is slowly learning that she doesn’t need to fear humans.


She is going to be beautiful when she sheds out – I want to give her a bath so bad!


Girls just want to have fun! I’m so sad I have to work in the office for a few hours today!


Foxy loves scratches –

She has all of the humans wrapped around her little hooves!

You just can’t help but to want to sit and play with her all day long!


Foxy wanted to help Dr. Specht last week. She’s his smallest patient.


Her little mind is always turning – always thinking about what she can get into next.


We have to have eyes everywhere at the barn now to make sure we know where Foxy is at all times. She is so small she can stand under the back of the golf cart.


July 9th

Meet Beauty – the rescue’s namesake. Isn’t she beautiful?


Tomorrow we take Willow to UF for x-rays of her head – we need to know what the lumps are. She’s been seen by the dentist and vets. We believe she has suture periositis which is a suture (where cranium bones meet) separation and swelling of the suture lines occurs.

Foxy and Timmie, adorable even from behind!

July 10th

I’m sorry for the late update on Willow – the hospital had something come up ahead of us and we were late getting her back to the rescue. Then we had another bad storm and had to do evening chores.

Dr. Specht suspected suture periositis/exostosis which is a suture (where cranium bones meet) separation – swelling of the suture lines occurs. The lumps on Willow’s head associate with the orbit of both eyes and extend across her forehead. This was confirmed with x-rays today at at UF which indicated a chronic fracture. Also, they tried to flush her tear ducts but had very little luck with the right side and no luck with the left – there is likely boney compression of the canal.

We have no idea when or how this happened. The only thing we can think of is that for some reason Willow flipped over or she ran into the side of the shelter (or perhaps the post at the front of the shelter) that she shares with Sophie – they are best friends and live together in a paddock. I’m wondering if it could have happened during one of the really bad storms we’ve had – some of the lightning and thunder were enough to make me want to run and hide! We’ve never seen her spook at anything. The treatment is anti-inflammatory meds and time. Her tear ducts will be checked again in a couple of weeks. It gives me a headache just thinking about it.


July 11th

Feels like 100 degrees. No breeze. We all love the overhead musters that are in the trees.


“Mommy Theresa please come play with me!” I think she’s serious. Look at those ears!


July 12th

“Auntie Sue did you know that if you blow into the water in the blue bucket that it will make bubbles?”


“Go ahead and try it! Ok then, watch and I’ll show you how to do it!”


This is what JoJo was doing about this time last year. Forget suds in the bucket – the suds were everywhere but in the bucket! He got into a bottle of Dawn and had a blast!


“Mommy Theresa please stop washing breakfast tubs and come play with me! Now, ok? Like right this minute, please?!?” There goes those ears again.


July 13th

Good morning everyone. I’d like to ask for good thoughts and prayers for Jazzy. He hasn’t been feeling well since yesterday. He’s just not right – he’s been semi lethargic. Isn’t running a temperature. Calling a vet out.


Jazzy may be a little bit better – we need to give him a little more time. He got Banamine and something to soothe his tummy today and Dr. Ted will decide if he should do blood work or not tomorrow. There were times today when Jazzy seemed to feel better but then I’d find him standing off by himself. He’s grazing and drinking and he’s gone poop. Hopefully he will be back to normal by morning so he doesn’t have to have blood drawn – he doesn’t care to have that done. Not at all.


We heard someone knocking on the door to the office. I looked out and saw those ears – it was JoJo! He said he wanted to come in and help me work. He made it to the laundry room but we had to stop him there and give him the bad news – he’s just a bit too big now. He wasn’t happy about it.

“I see the ramp! Mommy Theresa do I really have to go now? I didn’t mean to get the laundry room dirty. I rolled after it rained and got dirty. I tried to shake it off before I went in the house but that’s the best I could do!”


July 14th

Jazzy still isn’t himself so Dr. Ted did blood work. I’ll update when we get the blood work test results back.


Look at the baby’s butt. She’s shedding out and changing colors!


“I don’t want to wear a mask anymore!” Oh gosh, I think she’s been talking to JoJo!


Sophie Blue Eyes is up first to get her dental done today. She’s a 19 year old TWH paint looking for her forever home and for sponsors!


Good night everyone.


July 15th

Lucy is a mini mare that came to us with Big Head Disease, also known as Bran Disease. An explanation of this disease:

“A fairly rare nutritional disease in horses is nicknamed big head disease. The actual name is nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism, so the reason it is referred to as big head disease is because one of the major clinical signs is that the head bones grow too big. This enlargement occurs because the horse’s feed has an improper calcium to phosphorus ratio causing high phosphorus levels in the horse’s blood. This enlargement occurs due to a diet low in calcium and either high in phosphorus or low in vitamin D. Also, some grasses like Dallis grass, buffel grass, panic grass and Setaria contain high levels of oxalates, and these grasses decrease absorption of calcium. High phosphorus in the blood triggers a release of hormones that causes calcium and phosphorus to be resorbed from the bone. As calcium is absorbed from the bone, it is replaced by fibrous tissue that exceeds the amount of bone resorbed. Since the bones of the skull are affected, the head enlarges and causes the big head appearance.

In some cases, the head enlarges so much that horses cannot eat and their teeth loosen and fall out. Early signs also involve a shifting leg lameness due to weakened bones that can lead to fracture. Treatment involves changing the feed to one with a correct calcium to phosphorus ratio. Alfalfa is a good choice as it has a high calcium level. You can also add limestone to the alfalfa to increase the amount of calcium. It will usually take up to a year for these horses to improve, if they survive. So it is important to realize nutrition is important and feeding a balanced diet is critical for all animals. For this reason, the calcium to phosphorus ratio of all supplements you are giving your horse should be reviewed as some supplements could lead to problems.”

In Lucy’s case, by the time she was dropped off by her previous owner at Jungle Friends, her head had enlarged to the point it effected her breathing so much so she had to have a tracheotomy at UF. She coliced and she had trouble eating and drinking. Her liver values were really bad. The vets suggested she be euthanized. When I met her at UF, I saw a lot of life in her bright eyes – she wasn’t ready to give up. And here, we don’t give up without trying all avenues. We opted to have her brought to the rescue. We fed her through an IV for days but her little veins would collapse. Then we opted to syringe her Well-Gel many times a day. She was treated with acupuncture. We were able to buy her the time she needed for her body to adjust and heal. But she did lose a few teeth. The vets would call to see if she “was still with us”. They didn’t think she would make it – they are totally amazed that she survived. Today, Lucy is a happy little girl that runs and plays and loves life. Her head has gone down quite a bit. She still gets her Well-Gel and Calcium Ascorbate.

Lucy needs sponsors to help replenish both her Well-Gel and Calcium Ascorbate. The total needed is currently $260. Would anyone like to help? Our PayPal address is bhfer and there are other ways to donate via our website at www.bhfer.org. No amount is too small and all donations are tax deductible. If you can help, please note that it is for “Lucy”. Everyone loves Lucy! Thank you for your consideration!

Lucy says “Believe!”


Jazzy seemed a bit better today. His bloodwork had some highs and lows in it but the plan is to keep doing what we’re doing and give his body time to work it out – unless he gets worse. His temperature was normal today for the first time in 3 days.


The ball is getting smaller.


I wonder what Foxy was saying to Sophie Blue Eyes? Sophie must wear a long flymask to protect her face because her skin is pink. She’s a 19 year old TWH that is looking for a forever home with lots of shade.


Kellie had the same problem I do when trying to take pictures of Foxy. If you back up to take her picture she moves with you. She’s just precious!


Mocha is slowly coming around. She and Daisy have become good friends. Daisy doesn’t like Mocha out of her sight. It’s hard to see Mocha in this photo but she’s just on the other side of me sniffing my hair.


I’d say that JoJo has been talking to Foxy. I found her chewing on her flymask this afternoon while stomping on his!


July 16th

Our day started out with a rainbow.


I think this photo is adorable. There’s forage in the metal trash can. Beauty was sneaking but she got caught!


Mocha stood perfectly still for scratches and halter fitting today. She’s a 4 month old feral donkey.


“Mommy Theresa come quick! I can’t find my flymask!”