All of us here at Beauty’s Haven wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
All of us here at Beauty’s Haven wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
November 24th – 25th, 2013
We found a blanket for Mollie to wear tonight – the cold snuck up on us! It’s a bit small but her new one should arrive this week. Her eyes look better. Dr. Ryan will be out tomorrow to examine her again and do more blood work to see how… she’s progressing. Her appetite is good but she’s running a little bit of a temperature. She’s still on IV antibiotics and gets other supplements as well. You can see the Arabian in her – she’s a proud little girl and we’re very proud of her! She’s a fighter! I’m so glad she held on and that she never gave up – she had been on the ground overnight and until we got to her that day. She deserves everything she’s been deprived of, and more. Her stunted growth is some evidence of her past. Like Betsy Rose, we’ll do our best to make sure all of Mollie’s tomorrow’s are what her past should have been. We love you Mollie!
Betsy Rose introducing her new little friend with angel wings to Bronson.
This is Classy. We had to take her to UF a few years ago because she had to have a permanent tracheotomy. She can’t whinny because of it. She’s a very sweet mare.
Peggy Sue – she’s so cute! She can’t bend her back left leg. Her pelvis was fractured in 3 places when her breeder/owner pulled a baby from her years ago. Peggy Sue is adorable! She’s lost a few lbs which is a good thing!
Gentleman – he’s an icon here that is simply a treasure. He’s an older Percheron that we pray is with us for many more years to come. He’s loved so much!
CJ is doing very well. He will be looking for a home as a pasture pal. He’s beautiful.
Garan is still looking for a home! He’s handsome, funny, and loving!
It would be really nice if Ceri and Garan found a forever home together! They are both really nice registered Arabians.
This is Indy’s Rising Son. We call him Indy. He’s had a good year of training under him and is looking for a home. He’s not going to be a big boy even though his mom was a Percheron cross. His past is a sad one even though he was born here.
Can’t forget Little E! He’s an elderly Arabian – another that everyone adores!
Almost forgot Solace!
It was a very exciting day here this past Friday! Dr. Julia Simonson arranged for Janek Vluggen (from Germany) to come to Beauty’s Haven to work with Betsy Rose and Bella! Janek Vluggen D.O., MRO-EU, EDO® is recognized as the leading expert in the field of modern Equine Osteopathy. To say that I was amazed, would be an understatement! I’ll share more tomorrow – I’m crashing on a project and need to finish up some things. Have a great night all!
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
November 21st
Mollie’s left eye is better. The right one slightly better. She’s out and about walking for a bit this morning. So glad the weather is better. She really needs to get moving.
Like Betsy Rose, Mollie has learned that the sling is there to help her. She is very good about standing still when we remove the sling or when we are putting it back on her.
Many thanks to Kim Foster and her daughter, Susan Moon for helping out today! And they brought gifts! I felt bad having to run out on them but I had 3 medical appointments in Gainesville. I have bunches to do and then I’m calling it a day. Tomorrow will be here soon.
November 22nd
Mollie – getting stronger! She’s out of the sling full time now! Her eyes are still cloudy but better. She’s a very sweet girl – I’m so glad she has a fighting spirit. Mollie has a long road ahead of her and I will feel better once we get into week 4 of her rehab. Thank you all for caring about this special little girl.
November 23rd
Mollie and friends…
We currently have a GoFundMe page to assist with the veterinary bills of Baby Ray, Betsy Rose and the other members of the BHFER herd, so if you could make a contribution, it would be such a wonderful Thanksgiving gift to the horses.
Thank you all for your continued love and support.
Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend.
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Dr. Ryan will be back out tomorrow to examine Mollie’s eyes again and to run more blood work. Mollie is still passing sand in her poop. Her appetite is great. She didn’t get much exercise today because of the weather.
Mollie’s eyes are both cloudy. She’s pretty good about getting her eye meds, thankfully.
Donovan… isn’t he handsome?
Fiona is so sweet. She’s come so far in trust – she approaches and follows me now. Her and Dayo come running when they hear me call (likely because they know they are about to get hay) out to them. The sound of them running across the pasture is simply awesome. If all goes well, both will be at their new homes next week. This has been quite the adventure!
Betsy Rose – what a determined little mare. She was skin on bones and it’s amazing she survived. She has been nothing but determined to make it through her rehab and recovery. She is a great source of encouragement for us. She believes… This photo was taken back in July.
A lovely article about another miracle we were blessed to experience – Baby Girl.
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
I’m on my way out the door for a dental appt but want to start everyone’s day here with a smile. Remember Vegas (aka Sonny)? He’s a happy boy! The young lady looks pretty happy too.
“Freckles! I think I heard the door to the feed room – my mush is being served again!”
Our little herd of mini’s lining up for breakfast…
Baby Ray had a follow up vet exam and he is doing great!
Eagle has landed in his adoptive home!
Have a great night everyone!
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
November 18th, 2013
I called Dr. Ryan out to look at Mollie’s eyes again. One was swollen yesterday and the vet advised us to apply antibiotic ointment throughout the day/night which we do. But today I noticed a spot in the other eye. She has ulcerations in both eyes. We are now treating both eyes with a couple of meds. Mollie’s temp is up a little today and her HR is a bit higher. Dr. Ryan has prescribed Mollie a couple of antibiotics for the next few days that we’ll give via IV.
Putting Mollie back in the sling today after a walk and nap.
Pam Freeman visited today and look what Mollie got to keep her company – a new friend! I apologize for the photo being fuzzy – I was multi-tasking. Pam brought us pizza for lunch! Thank you so much Pam – that was quite the drive! So glad you got to meet the horses!
Ask and ye shall receive…. Judy came to sit with Mollie for awhile.
November 19th
Mollie has been up and about on her own for the last 3 hours now! Dr. Ryan oiled her again today. Here she is getting ready to get her medications.
Mollie was very good for Dr. Ryan today. She’s always a good girl. Both eyes have ulcers but are being treated. Please continue to pray for her recovery. Thank you all!
Well, Mollie is still standing!
November 20th
Sitting with Mollie this am waiting for help to arrive to get her up. She will be in the sling today. It’s raining and I don’t want her going down in the rain.
Rain, rain go away! Mollie wants to go out to play!
Our sweet Mollie – thank you Greg Ambrose!
Have a great night everyone!
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
November 13th – 14th, 2013
Dr. Bess was here yesterday and got a few horses done – including CJ. He needs sponsors – would anyone like to be a monthly or one time sponsor to help him?
Is Betsy Rose not adorable? She has a pink blankie for inside use and another pink one for outside use (Thank you Tammie Curtis and Tania Young)! And Betsy has a sheet – she’s all set for the cold! Her beautiful wreath in the background was made and gifted by Christy Flower! Thank you Christy!
CaryLou – he’s still a hoot! The mini’s all have the fuzzies and are well insulated for the cold.
This is Matilda – she is about 18 years old. Would anyone like to help us to help her? Her rehab is going well – when she arrived a few weeks ago, she was very thin and she had a few other issues. Her teeth are worn down to almost nothing. She eats a LOT and gets a soft mash 3 times a day. Below is a “before” picture and a current picture. Please consider helping us to help Matilda with a one time donation or recurring monthly donation. Our PayPal address is theresa. Other ways to donate can be found on our website at No amount it too small. Thank you! PS – if you donate to help Matilda, please annotate it on your donation or send me a PM.
Matilda is doing really well – she is a very sweet girl that everyone just adores. Love those long ears!
Betsy Rose soaking up the sun. I wanted to curl up next to her.
Cookie this morning. Hard to believe it was so cold last night and early this morning.
Baby Ray left the hospital today! He’s amazed the wonderful people at the hospital with his slow but steady recovery. Please, continue to pray for his continued recovery.
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Good golly – look at Miss Mollie! Her little whinny is adorable – just like her! She is actually grazing a bit on grass this morning. Just a little. She didn’t have any grass at all where she came from. She’s carrying herself better in the sling. Her left eye is still a bit swollen, but its better. I’m so glad she hung on that night. It must have been scary for her.
Update! Good news and bad. We let Mollie out of her sling around noon – she was tired and I could tell she wanted to lay down. We had about 7 people here at the time so we could have gotten her back in the sling. She did go down and she took a nap. However, after her nap, SHE GOT UP ON HER OWN!!!!! The bad news – there appears to be an ulcer in her right eye. The vet is on the way out. Please keep the prayers coming for this sweet girl – she’s got a long road of recovery ahead of her. Not even 2 years old and look at that body – there isn’t much. Thank you all for caring!
An ASE certified diesel mechanic stopped by to check out the pickup truck. It isn’t good news – catastrophic engine failure due to a broken connecting rod. We need to replace the engine – it’s a PowerStroke 7.3 liter turbo-diesel F350. There is a large amount of internal foreign damage to the engine.
I’m heartsick. The truck is our lifeline to get hay, respond to calls like Mollie’s, to take a horse to the hospital, etc. We’re talking lots of money to fix it – I’m just in shock right now. In tears too. Why do things like this have to happen?
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Good morning from Miss Mollie! It was a long night. She wants to get up but just doesn’t have the strength to master a full get up. She gets 1/2 way up and her backend goes down. The vet is coming around 11 to oil her again. We will have a group here then to get her up. Possibly into the sling. Her vitals are normal. She has good appetite. She is getting fluids for now. Staying hydrated is very important.
There are currently two candle groups set aside for this sweet girl so please light a candle and keep her in your prayers.
Group ‘Filly.’
Group ‘Bhfer.’
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
The Arabian in her – Mollie has spunk. She’s adorable. She is just a baby and deserves a chance. She’s down for the night but she is able to roll up sternum on her own now. We’ll get her up again tomorrow when we have enough help if she isn’t up on her own by then. We will have her blood work results back tomorrow and hopefully her organs are ok. We thank all of you so much your encouragement and support. Mollie is on her road to recovery. What path she takes, well, we do all we can and we let go and let God. If he has plans for her at least she will have known love and proper care while with us. She knows she matters. And we won’t let her suffer. If she takes a turn for the worse and becomes uncomfortable, and our care team can’t manage it, we will help her to humanely cross. But let’s stay positive. It takes a village – and I believe…