‘Please Pray for Mollie’ Update

The Arabian in her – Mollie has spunk. She’s adorable. She is just a baby and deserves a chance. She’s down for the night but she is able to roll up sternum on her own now. We’ll get her up again tomorrow when we have enough help if she isn’t up on her own by then. We will have her blood work results back tomorrow and hopefully her organs are ok. We thank all of you so much your encouragement and support. Mollie is on her road to recovery. What path she takes, well, we do all we can and we let go and let God. If he has plans for her at least she will have known love and proper care while with us. She knows she matters. And we won’t let her suffer. If she takes a turn for the worse and becomes uncomfortable, and our care team can’t manage it, we will help her to humanely cross. But let’s stay positive. It takes a village – and I believe…