Tag Archive for: sisco

Sisco went to Rainbow Bridge yesterday, very peacefully. I can just imagine his reunion with many of our herd that went before him. They are all loved, always.


This is Sisco grazing around the house with his old friends, Chloe and Aaleyah Belle, just over the fence. They chatted for a bit and then Sisco went off to graze.

Unfortunately, this isn’t a good update. Sisco’s cancer has spread and he also has navicular syndrome. He’s lived 30+ years and, at his age, we just can’t ask him to go through multiple treatments, in multiple places, over an unknown amount of time. The most humane thing we can do for Sisco is to let him join others from our herd that have gone to Rainbow Bridge before him.

Every horse owner has a responsibility to always provide the best for those in their care, to include letting them go in order to prevent unnecessary suffering. Making the decision is never easy – we love our animals so much we want to hold on to them forever. But it’s not about us – it’s about the animals that depend on us.

Loving Sisco enough to let him go to Rainbow Bridge is the most unselfish act of love that we can offer. The vet will be out later this week but, until then, Sisco will continue to get medication to help him be comfortable, lots of TLC, and lots of soaked orchard hay (which he loves).

We’ve had way too many losses this year and we hope and pray this is the last for a long time. Although, I’m sad to share that Kitty Cat has more tumors and Max’s hips are failing him. Thankfully, it’s not their time yet but we are taking it day to day and each day we are given is a blessing. And as for us humans here, our hearts break more with each loss. Prayers and good thoughts would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Some of you may remember Sisco – he came to us in 2013. He had squamous cell carcinoma under his tail. Dr. Porter removed tumors and treated the areas with cisplatin and Sisco did remarkably well. Sisco has pink skin and we have lots of sun which is not a good combination. We prayed for a home offer to come along that could provide Sisco with nice green grass, lots of shade, and another equine friend. We were very happy when one of our adopters, Sue, offered the perfect environment for him. Sue had adopted Nash from us many years ago and after Nash lost his pasture companion, Sisco went to live with him, with the understanding that if SCC returned, we would bring him back to the rescue. Sadly, it did return, so we picked up Sisco yesterday, and he settled right back in at the rescue. We appreciate Sue for giving him a good home and lots of love for the past few years.

I had arranged for Dr. Templeton to come out yesterday afternoon to assess Sisco. Meanwhile, while we awaited her arrival, Laura was here doing hooficures and worked Sisco into her schedule. Sisco has an abscess in a front foot which we are treating. As Laura was finishing up Sisco’s trim, Dr. Templeton arrived. Sisco was a really good patient for her – he’s always been a good boy. His heart and lungs sound good. She drew blood – we should have those results late today or tomorrow. Sadly, SCC is on his lower lip and there is a mass by his anus again. Dr. Templeton debrided the area on his lip. We are treating the areas with a topical for now.

We don’t know how things will turn out for Sisco, but here is what we presently know – he is in good spirits, he’s eating, drinking, prancing around at times, and talking up a storm. We will review his physical assessment and bloodwork results with our care team and we will lay out a plan for him.

Sisco isn’t a youngster, he’s 30 plus years of age. We won’t ask much of him and we won’t let him suffer, but we will give him as many good days as possible – they all deserve that. He’s comfortably eating soaked hay in a small paddock with a nice shelter while enjoying the cooler temps and seeing old friends.

We are still trying to recover from our recent losses of Bria, Nina, Little E and Mini Magic. I haven’t had a chance to share what happened with Mini Magic (she was adopted out years ago) yet, but I will do so in the near future.

Sisco needs help with yesterday’s vet bill, as well as sponsors to help with his daily care needs. If you would like to help, please click the ‘Donate’ button below. Please also note that your donation is for ‘Sisco.’ All donations are tax deductible and no amount is ever too small.

Thank you, we appreciate all of you.


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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

October 24th

Aaleyah Belle and her silly tongue.  There’s nothing that can compare to being slimed by her!

The horses are loving the cool temperatures. We all are!

October 25th…

“Come on JoJo – let’s play kick the can! Um, I mean kick the bucket!”

October 26th…

Prayers please. Aaleyah Belle is colicing.

October 27th…

I’m happy to report that Aaleyah Belle is feeling much better after her gas colic yesterday! Chloe and Aaleyah were both happy to go back down to their paddock this morning. Thank you all for your good thoughts and prayers yesterday.

Please remember to cast your daily vote today in the Eagle Rare Life contest. It could help to win $5K to $50K for the horses! Just click on this link and cast your vote!

#eaglerarelife #horsesareheros #bhfer #betsyrose #ittakesavillage #voteandshare

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue Inc. is a 501(c)(3) grassroots Non-Profit Organization registered in the state of Florida (EIN: 20-4783950).  We are not funded by Local, State, or Federal funds. We operate totally from donations from the public. Please consider making a one time or recurring donation to help the horses. No amount is too small and all donations are very much appreciated.  Donations are tax deductible.

Beauty’s Haven was awarded Verified status by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS) in 2012. GFAS is the only globally recognized organization that provides standards for identifying legitimate animal sanctuaries.  Awarded November 2014 Equine Hero.  A Guidestar Exchange Silver Participant and a GreatNonprofits Top Rated Non-Profit 2014, 2015, and 2016.

July 5th…

Aaleyah Belle – she’ll never outgrow her love of sliming everyone.
AB 071416

July 6th…

Bouie and Frodo – happy ponies!
BouieFrodo 071416

Classy is another special needs sanctuary horse.  She has a tracheotomy and arthritis issues in her front feet.  She’s a very sweet girl.

July 7th…

Sisco is recovering nicely from his surgery. He’s still on stall rest but gets hand walked some. He’s going to beat this!  There is currently a Match Game going on to help him. Sisco 071416

July 8th…

A donkey in the mist! Whiskers is growing little bits each day. I’m sure he wishes he had another donkey to play with but JoJo and Jazzy are not nice to him.WhiskersMist 071416

July 9th…

Remember when JoJo got into the dishwasher detergent and had an early morning suds party all by himself? Growing up with JoJo has been a great experience – gotta love him! He was squeaky clean that day!
JoJo Suds 071416

Lucy and Sawyer – the odd couple.  🙂
LucySawyer 071416

July 10th…

This morning on Frosty’s Knoll. It was beautiful!
Farm 071416

Barb took Sisco out for some hand grazing today. We still need help with his vet needs.  The GoFundMe currently includes a Match Game!  Please consider helping – no amount is too small.
SiscoBarb 071416

July 11th…

So thankful for the shade trees! Mishka loves standing under it – there is a mister at the top.
Mishka Tree 071416

The gap is continues to widen between 1st and 2nd place in the #MakeASplash contest. Unfortunately, you have to vote via Facebook. Your vote, once every 24 hours through July 31st is so greatly needed! And what will help even more is if you share amongst family and friends and ask them to vote and share as well.

We CAN do this with your help! We have never been fortunate enough to win anything close to $10,000. Although it is a constant and exhausting struggle trying to raise money and take care of the horses all day long, it is truly worth every moment, knowing that we are making a difference in the life of each and every equine that enters through our gates. We are Beauty’s Haven Farm and Equine Rescue, a place where ‘Life begins, again!’

Please remember to vote daily to help the horses of Beauty’s Haven win $10,ooo!
Make a Splash

Wishing everyone a wonderful day and thank you all, for your generosity, love and support.

#believe #vote #horserescue #makeasplash #bhfer #wecandothis #notgivingup

July 11th, 2016

There’s a Match Game that got started this morning in support of Sisco and other needs!
Sisco GFM

Please help if you can.  No amount is too small and all donations are tax deductible.

#sisco #bhfer #donate #believe

April 16th – 20th, 2015

April 16th
Sisco, Athena, and Serenity.  A cute little herd.  But Serenity will be going home soon.  She’s has a new human family!  Phil Yarborough has opened his heart and home to this very special girl!

April 17th
Willow was introduced to Peaches yesterday. It’s the first time Willow has had an equine friend in 8 years!

April 18th
Eva adjusting JoJo’s attire.

“Ok mommy Theresa the coast is clear!”  JoJo – some things will never change!

Matilda cooling off in the sprinkler.

In June 2010 the owner of a TB foal decided he didn’t want the baby – the foal had a large hernia and leg injury.

We brought him to the rescue. He was simply stunning – I named him Armani.

Even as a baby, he has always been a big boy. It turned out that he is a great-great grandson of Secretariat!

We had his hernia repaired and he grew strong. Armani was adopted by Kateri and Dean in Colorado where he is a happy boy that is still growing! Kate Chenery and LeeAnn Ladin (co-wrote Secretariat’s Meadow” visiting with him in August 2011.

This photo of Armani was taken a few days ago. Thank you Kateri and Dean for taking such good care of Armani! Another happy story….

April 19th Breakfast!!!

Happy mini’s!  CaryLou, Daisy, Jazzy.

The officer team of the DeLand SR FFA spent the day here and it was simply awesome!  Not everyone could make it here on April 25th to our ASPCA Beauty’s Haven Equine Rescue’s Help a Horse Day & Celebration of Life 2015 so we had our get together today.  We had lots of fun and so much got done – it was great!  I’ve lots of photos to share tomorrow but for now we’re calling it a day!  Thanks Jenna!  You and your team did a great job!

Beautiful view from the front porch!

The STRIDE Dressage Poker Run to benefit Beauty’s Haven is Saturday in Ocala!

As is our Celebration of Life!

Don’t forget to register for the Beauty’s Haven Obstacle Challenge 2015 SOON!  We always have a blast!  We are looking for volunteers, sponsors, and participants!  Let’s all get together and have a great time – we all deserve a break for a day!


February 18 – 21, 2015

Betsy Rose got her acupuncture/TENS treatment last Saturday. Some of her lab work came back, but not all, and Dr. Julia pulled another test (thyroid) this past Monday but we likely won’t have those results back until next week. From what we do know, Betsy’s glucose is high and her kidneys are a little stressed. But her CBC results were good. Once we get additional test results back, we will know more. She wouldn’t lay down in her stall so we stripped it and switched the shavings to pelleted bedding but she still won’t lay down in there. But in the mornings, she goes right out after breakfast and naps in the sun. She gets a hooficure tomorrow. Please keep her in your prayers.

Athena got an acupuncture treatment last Saturday too.

Athena is so pretty. We’re not sure what breed she is but there’s some draft in there. Her hock boots should be here tomorrow, I hope.

Two beautiful mares – Athena and Serenity.

Athena getting some extra attention on Monday. Wanda brought her 4H Saddlebusters Club to help out and almost all of the horses got a good and much needed grooming.

Ruby getting some extra attention on Monday. I thought she was going to fall asleep and fall over she enjoyed it so much!

Amber and Baby Ray impatiently waiting on their hay to be unloaded from the trailer a few days ago. We have to make another hay run, hopefully, tomorrow. With the cold temps, we are going through a bit more. It’s already below freezing here tonight.

Amber is such a sweet little mare – she really would make someone a very nice horse. She’s a TWH looking for a forever home.

Donovan and Bryce playing gelding games.

Baby Ray being, well, Baby Ray. I wasn’t sure how many blankets I’d find torn to shreds this morning. But I guess everyone realized how much they need them and all were intact.

Matilda proudly wears Gentleman’s blanket. I know he wouldn’t mind. I’ll never stop missing him. Dr. Mangan will be here tomorrow to check out Matilda’s eyes.

Tomorrow is a big day – Dr’s. Mangan and Simonson will be here and two farriers will be coming too. Everyone here is bundled up. We’re so blessed that the the horses all have a blanket. This is Sisco.

Guess who got their tail braided on Monday?

We are so blessed to have a dependable truck. The tractor is in the shop and we sure do miss it. It makes for more work when we don’t have it. But at least we found a local place to repair it. The picked it up last Friday and we are waiting on a cost estimate.

A beautiful sunny, but cold day!

The mare that started it all – my heart horse. Beauty.

February 20th

Aalayeh Belle – when I look at her I see Momma Sue through and through. She came up to have a knee injury checked while Dr. Julia was here.

Matilda seemed so proud of herself today when Dr. Mangan examined both of her eyes and she even allowed him to flush her tear duct without any sedation! The good news is that the issue in her right eye is believed to be Immune-Mediated Keratitis. It is being treated with medication and the cloudiness should improve over the next couple of weeks. The other good news is that her left eye which had tears a lot is fine – it was as suspected – a clogged tear duct. This is something that gets overlooked a lot in horses. When Donovan got here, he had discharge running down both of his eyes that went untreated – there were open sores that flies loved. He has some permanent scars from this. His tear ducts were flushed during his initial exam upon intake and both were clogged. Anyway, Matilda should be fine. Dr. Mangan wants to look at her eyes again in a couple of weeks. The bad news for Matilda, well, there isn’t any!

We are so excited about Daisy’s progress! She’s had two BCG injections now over the past few weeks and we are seeing positive changes around both of her eyes. The tumors have shrunk! She gets oral supplements and a topical applied daily. We are staying positive about her recovery. BELIEVE!

Dr. Mangan also did an examination on Betsy Rose. She’s been blind in her right eye since the day she arrived – it’s totally clouded over. But she’s been startling a bit more lately and we thought having her eyes examined would be a good thing to do. Well, sadly, she is losing vision in her left eye too.

Betsy Rose has polycoria – you can see in the photo it looks like she has two pupils. It’s a very good thing that she’s had time here to get to know her way around. She knows she’s safe here, and loved very much. We’ll put bubble wrap on her if we have to!

“It was a really busy day today – As you know, Dr.’s Mangan and Simonson were here and Laura and Stephanie were here too! They do our hooficures. I’m feeling better but Mommy Theresa’s arm isn’t doing very well. Well, have a good night everyone. Freckles is getting ready to tell Lucy a bedtime story about one of her travel adventures – they do this almost every night. Sweet dreams everyone!” says Betsy Rose.

February 21st

The Bridle Brigade of Levy County came out today – I’m so glad that the weather was better! Lots of horses got some extra attention and some of the chores got done pretty quickly!

The mini “Welcome Committee!”

We really appreciate Misti and her group taking the time to come and we always enjoy sharing the horses.

Doesn’t Matilda look like she is smiling? In my opinion, we should always take every opportunity we can to help educate the horse owners of tomorrow.

The entire Beauty Haven’s herd thanks you all for your continued love and support.

#bhfer #betsyrose #believe


Hooficure Day! Daisy was being a very good girl while getting her feet done!

Betsy Rose was also a very good girl!

December 2nd

Betsy Rose shares her meal with Freckles on GivingTuesday. Little does she know the joy that she gives 24/7/365. What a blessing it is to have her here with us! Betsy Rose Believes!

Daisy waiting at the bottom of the stairs outside of the office. If its not one donk, it’s another. Or two or three!

Guess what broke again? Yep. One of the golf carts. Hauled away to the repair shop. And this is the GOOD golf cart.

Bryce and Serenity are still looking for their forever home. Please spread the word about them. We don’t want to have to split them up – they are mother/son and have been through so much together. We may have to split them up for Bryce to go to a trainer soon. We are turning horses away that need our help. These are two wonderful and healthy horses. More information about them can be found on our Beauty’s Haven Equine Rescue Adoptions page.

December 3rd

While on my way home from Physical Therapy this morning, I stopped just in time to see this beautiful mommy giving birth!

December 4th

Ginny changing flymasks on Sisco and Athena yesterday. Both of these very sweet horses are looking for forever homes as well.

JoJo stood there and stared at the new ramp, like he was pouting, for a good 10 minutes. Then he walked away looking totally confused.

December 5th

I still find myself looking out the window each morning to see if Gentleman is ok – it’s just habit (and wishful thinking). Instead, I find Little E and Mishka hanging out together. Little E is the senior horse here now.

Matilda is one of 13 that got hooficures today. She’s such a sweet girl – she just makes you feel good! If anyone would like to help with the expense of this we would greatly appreciate it. The average cost is $35 but the draft horses now cost over double that ($75). The total came to about $500.

We are very happy to report that Ginger will be going to her new adoptive family on Monday! She won’t be very far – it’s a perfect situation!

It was so good to see Lynda yesterday! I took her for a trip around the farm so she could visit with all of the horses. Handsome, like all of the others, enjoyed the extra attention. As soon as Handsome’s front foot issue is resolved he will be ready for a home!

Peaches is always willing to come in to help fix feed. She’s still unsound on her front right. Dr. Julia recently did nerve blocks and the issue is in her foot. X-rays were done and nothing unusual was found. Dr. Specht believes there may be a bone fragment in the navicular area that we just couldn’t see on the x-ray. Dr. Porter will be here next week to address issues with Peaches, Donovan, and Daisy. If anyone would like to help with the upcoming expense of the x-rays and exams it would be greatly appreciated. It’s not going to be inexpensive.

Donovan has some issues we’ve been working on over the last few months. He stopped sweating in early summer. He had quite a bit of abscessing in his feet and had some rotation in his front left. The “summer sore” he arrived with healed fine. But there are two sores that simply refuse to heal at the coronet band where he blew abscesses – one on the outside front right and the other on the inside back left. I do not believe they are summer sores – I think they are related to sidebone – irregular bony growth he’s had from years of improper foot care. We’ve done a lot to try to get them taken care of but just when we think we’re there he blows another and we start over. Dr. Porter will be checking it out next week. Again, this won’t be inexpensive – x-rays are needed of both front and back feet. Any amount of a donation would be greatly appreciated. This is an issue that must be resolved. We’ve done everything the vets have advised but there is something more to this – there is a reason he keeps abscessing and we need to get to the bottom of it. He’s very good about the hands on treatment of the areas, thankfully.

Mishka always looks like he’s smiling. Always. He’s like a big teddy bear.

Do you remember Spirit? She is a blind mare that we picked up in June 2012. She had endured years of neglect. It was a horrible situation. I’m happy to report that Spirit is doing well in her adoptive home! She lives with another blind mare. Spirit lived in a large herd of horses, including studs, on several acres where there were many trees with low branches, fallen trees, barb wire, debris, etc. I can’t imagine how terrified she must have been on a routine basis. She has got to be one of the bravest horses I’ve ever met. Despite the life she had been living, and her horrid condition, she never lost her spirit. Spirit seemed like the appropriate name for this beautiful but very neglected mare. Here is a link to her story, in more detail, from the beginning.

Lastly, please be sure to check out our latest fundraiser on CrowdRise. There are a few tools we need to help us do our job and to help keep the horses feed healthy.

We are an all volunteer non-profit organization that operates totally off of donations from the public. We are not funded by any local, state, or federal funding. Donations are tax deductible and no amount is too small. Donations can be made to PayPal address bhfer or via various ways on our website at www.bhfer.org. We have had quite a few things hit us at once and I know the upcoming visit by Dr. Porter isn’t going to be inexpensive. Peaches and Donovan are going to need x-rays. Also, Cookie goes back to UF next week for a follow-up. The farrier will be back today for several more. Yesterday was at about $500 and today will be another $150 – $175. If you make a donation please note what the funds are to be applied towards. Thank you for your support!

Lastly – we are switching over to a new email service. In order to ensure you continue to get our updates please go to our website homepage and sign up to receive them. www.bhfer.org. On the home page scroll down until you see this graphic on the left side and sign up!

Emails will only be going out in the current format for another week so please sign up today!



Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization


Friday, June 27th, 2014

Finally! He’s got it figured out! No more 2 am wakeups! Go JoJo!

Take your donkey to work day! He’s a good helper!

A bittersweet update on Kiana. The family that fosters Bella has been coming to spend time with Kiana over the past few weeks and they have totally fallen in love with her and Kiana looks forward to their visits. Kiana is doing great – she’s more active and independent each day. We’ve been turning her out with the boys to play with because she’s just become too energetic for Betsy Rose. Kiana likes to run and kick and play like babies should – and it’s a wonderful and warm sight to see! Sometimes, we lock up the mini’s and donkeys that stay around the house and let Betsy Rose and Kiana out together and Betsy Rose will run with Kiana too. But I won’t risk Betsy Rose out with most of the others – she is too fragile. Her hearing and sight are not great and she startles easy. Betsy is fine about Kiana spending time out with the young ones – she doesn’t fret nor does she get anxious when Kiana is out of her sight. Betsy is a wise healer of sorts and will be here to help future arrivals. I think this was her destiny and she knows it. I thank God for her each and every day.

I assure you that nobody could love Betsy Rose or Kiana and care more about their welfare than we do.  This decision wasn’t a quick one – it’s taken some time, observation, and prayers but Kiana is ready for her forever home and we love her enough to allow her to go – she deserves this. Jody home schools her sons and there is someone home around the clock.  They have a mare with a baby that is about Kiana’s age.  Their farm is beautiful and it isn’t far from the rescue. They will keep us updated.  This is never easy.  But this is what we do – we must in order to make room for others that need help. Jody and her family will be here again tomorrow to spend more time with Kiana.  We have other visitors coming tomorrow too – it’s going to be busy!

Kiana palled around with Lucy a bit this afternoon. It was so hot and humid today, the boys didn’t even run and play. We have 3 sets of visitors coming tomorrow – I sure hope and pray the weather is a bit kinder than today.

Kiana has had a growth spurt. She got a hooficure yesterday. She’s also starting to get some needed muscles from running and playing with the mini’s and donkeys.

Saturday, June 28th

“JoJo it’s time for you to go back in your room now. The morning sun is out and Kiana wants to come out for awhile.”

“Ok Betsy Rose. I’m ready for a nap anyway. I helped mommy Theresa and Kiley with morning barn chores while you and Kiana had breakfast. It’s gonna feel like 106 today – we’re all going to bake!”

It was a very busy day today – lots of visitors and smiles! I love to see others interact with the horses and donkeys!

Roxy bathed a few horses including Serenity. I know they all loved it – the heat and humidity were horrible. Serenity and her brother, Bryce, are looking for a forever home.

Aaleyah Belle, Sisco, and Victoria.

This is Valerie Goldsmith and Ted meeting our little Betsy Rose.

Jody and her family will post updates on Kiana. Its so hard to let them go. We spend days and nights helping them to heal mentally and physically – we love them all dearly. We love them enough to let them go when the time and circumstances are right.

Kiana got to spend time with her adoptive family. She just eats up the extra attention. You certainly can’t tell she got a bath 2 days ago. LOL

Is this not simply adorable? This is Violet visiting with JoJo. Violet’s 3rd birthday is next weekend – happy birthday Violet! I enjoyed meeting you and your mom and dad! Thank you Ashley and Lyle!

Pistol and Oscar – what a pair they are! They are both ready for their forever home and it would be simply amazing if they went together – they are so very bonded. Donkeys have been known to grieve deeply when they lose their best friend – I don’t want that to happen.

Baby Ray got a much needed bath and some playtime with Kylie Chapman today.  He’s a stinker! He got a hooficure too.  Baby Ray is also looking for a forever home.


A one of a kind offer! For our latest fundraiser, we are offering a lovely Betsy Rose & Kiana 16” x 16” pillow!  A suggested donation of $5 for each chance may be forwarded via our donate page: theresa. Please designate your donation, ‘Betsy Rose & Kiana Pillow.’  The winning name will be selected in Morriston, Florida, on July 15, 2014 at 6:00 pm EDT.  All proceeds will be applied to the needs of the Beauty’s Haven Horses.



Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org

Tag Archive for: sisco