Another trip down memory lane… January 28th, 2010. I got a call about a horse that had been abandoned on a huge parcel of property – the grass was dormant. An adjoining neighbor had been tossing hay over to the horse for months and luckily there was a big old metal tin container that collected rainwater. But the neighbor was moving and the horse would have been all alone with nobody to know if he was sick, alive, or dead. Jenny went with me to meet the horse and gather facts from the neighbor and as we were getting ready to leave the horse followed and whinnied to us as if saying “Please wait! Don’t leave me here!” I went over and stroked his neck and the name “Heart” just came to me – I promised Heart we’d come back.

We brought him to the rescue – you couldn’t have found a sweeter or more appreciative horse. Thinking about him living on the empty property through the cold months with no blanket, no shelter, and very little hay made me very sad. Heart got strong over the next few months and was ready for a home. In early November he had an appointment to meet a human family when the unthinkable happened – he coliced! He was sick for many weeks – we didn’t know if he would make it. And we were not sure the family would wait for him or if they would want a horse that had coliced. But Heart improved and when he was better the family came to visit with him on December 5th. The son, Sam, had lost his horse over a year before and he had been looking for just the right horse. During the visit, Sam took Heart for a walk – you could see and almost feel the connection. It was very moving to say the least! Heart beamed and looked so proud to have this nice young many on his back!

Heart was going to have a home – they wanted to add him to their family! But then Heart got sick again and was not able to leave until December 31st but what a day that was – a day we all had been waiting for! It’s a day some senior horses never experience – going to a forever home where they will have their own human to love and care for them. But this grand senior horse finally had his forever home and his own boy to be his best friend! Who says story tales don’t exist and dreams don’t come true? Bah – humbug! We have proof they do!

Heart’s human family keeps us updated – this picture was taken last month. Sam still adores Heart and the feeling is mutual – Heart adores Sam. Sam’s sister, Emma, has her best friend Snicker’s. This is what we want for all of them – love, dedication, respect, full tummies, no worries – a forever loving home.

Thank you Laurie, Scott, Emma, and Sam!
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: www.bhfer.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb