Ambrosia Update – She’s Very Sick

August 28th, 2012 8:45 pm

I will be taking Ambrosia to the University of Florida in the morning. They will be inserting a drain tube to remove the fluid. Cultures will be done, ultrasounds, etc. She will be in the hospital for a few days and likely on antibiotics for quite awhile. I will have my cell phone with me tomorrow and update when I can.

Something that was a little surprising was that her blood work results were fairly normal which is a good thing. She continues to eat and drink. She rests quite a bit which is to be expected. She absolutely loves attention. She really is a sweet girl – very trusting and appreciative. Her body may be very thin but her heart is full of love.

She has hope and a determination now that will be needed to get her through this. In three days she went from looking like she’d given up to this – clearly there is light in her eyes.

Thank you for the prayers, emails, posts, and donations for Ambrosia.  We have a jewelry fundraiser coming up to help with her expenses.  Her treatment and hospital stay won’t be inexpensive.  We’re going to take it day by day – baby steps.  I can’t help but to cry as I type this – concerned of what tomorrow may bring.  Ambrosia was dealt a really bad hand by humans – starved and bounced from home to home and then set out on the street homeless – she was wandering the neighborhood and nobody wanted to help her.  I’m very appreciative of the one person that took it upon themselves to walk her to their home when they saw she was sick and call us for help.  Ambrosia would have died alone and with no home or human.

I think that where there is faith, miraculous things can happen – I have witnessed it.  And I believe that there is strength in numbers – please continue to pray for Ambrosia.  So, tomorrow I will let go and let God.

I believe…

Donations for Ambrosia:

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization

3 replies
  1. Kelli Fadanelli
    Kelli Fadanelli says:

    Oh dear, I see hope in her eyes. That is so beautiful. Thank you for reaching out on behalf of this lovely mare. I am so touched and I am keeping her in my prayers, following, cheering you all the way. I’m so thankful she is no longer alone. How heartbreaking. Thank you for caring for her. <3

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