Tag Archive for: Shadow

Another busy week and it’s already Thursday! The heat has been absolutely horrible! The sprinklers, misters and fans are constantly running. Warrior has allergies and does not sweat, so he is much more comfortable in the feed room with the AC. He oftentimes ‘asks’ us to join him and appears to be ever so grateful when we do so. Frodo, who also doesn’t sweat, prefers to remain in a stall with a swamp cooler during the day. Aaleyah Belle, Mo, and Walker can oftentimes, be found cooling down in the shade while Shadow and Benjamin come to life a bit more once the evening starts to cool down.

We have had some wonderful help during the week. Vickie spent the day washing thirty plus feed tubs with a great deal of help from Danni, who somehow, managed to get a nasty wound on the heel of his front foot, but thankfully, it is healing.

We did take time to celebrate the birthday of Kathy, a dear friend and supporter, as well as enjoy a visit by Abigail, who so enjoyed her time pampering Magic, who has truly come so far. We are so very proud of him.

Lastly, and thankfully, our two precious kittens have found a wonderful, loving home!


Match Game Update

We only have a couple of weeks remaining to meet the deadline for our Match Game! Once we receive $6K in donations, the funds will be matched and morph into $12K. We still have $3513 to go. Please share this out – we can do this, but only with your help. You can contribute via the ‘DONATE’ button or via our Facebook fundraiser by clicking on the thermometer image. Thank you, all, for your love and support.

Shadow discovered a lost cat in the paddock this morning. He was such a very good boy – he alerted us to her and then just stood watching over her until we arrived. The poor cat appeared to be blind and/or in shock. Since she looks like a little girl, we are referring to her as a “she.”

A few months ago, when she was an older kitten, approximately three months of age, we saw her go under one of the storage buildings, and, being unable to trap her, we have been leaving out food nightly. And then today, not being familiar with her surroundings, she ran into a corner.

Thanks to Shadow, we were able to catch her and bring her inside, free from the danger of being injured by another animal or being hit by speeding cars and trucks.

One of her ears seems to have been tipped ever so slightly, so she may have very well been a TNR (Trap, Neuter and Release) cat at one time. She is very thin, but thankfully she did eat some wet food. Her ears are full of mites and she has fleas. She’s not comfortable being handled, so we are going to let her rest for now.

We need to take this sweet kitty to the vet in the morning, but need financial help in order to do so. Of course the initial vetting will be quite costly, so any donation, regardless of the amount, would be greatly appreciated. If you are able to donate please mark your donation “for the kitten.”

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

As always, thank you for your love and support.


Oreo is Featured on CUDDLY

If you wish to assist with our sweet boy’s Ear Canal Ablation surgery or send him a gift from his Wish List, you may do so by clicking on Oreo’s image to the left.

Counting Down

We are more than halfway there in our $5000 Match Game! There are only ten days remaining to reach our goal. If you would like to help our beloved herd while doubling your donation at the same time, you may donate here on our website or via our Facebook fundraiser. Please note that it is for the Match Game. Thank you!

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time


Meet the latest addition to the Beauty’s Haven family! This is Shadow. He’s not even a year old and had been living on the streets. Animal control tried to catch him for weeks but he was afraid of humans so they ended up darting him.

Shepherds Beyond Borders stepped up to take him into their program. One of our volunteers saw Shadow on Facebook the day after Duke passed away so unexpectedly and the rest is history! We picked up Shadow yesterday and we love him beyond measure! He’s awesome!

Thanks to the amazing generosity of another dear friend and supporter, our $2K Match Game has been increased to $3K! We thereby, now have a $3K Match Game on the table with $1715 still available in matching funds.

Won’t you please help us achieve our Campaign goal? If you are unable to donate at this time, we truly understand, but you can still help by sharing our campaign amongst family and friends! Your donation will enable us to continue our most important mission of helping horses and other animals in need.

Donations may be forwarded via various means here on our website or via PayPalMe. If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation to ‘YEC Match Game #2.’ If you select the tab, ‘Send Money to Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. All donations are tax deductible and are so very much appreciated, and please be assured, that no amount is ever too small.

We are so truly blessed by the generosity, love and support that you have extended to Beauty’s Haven throughout 2019 as well as in years past.

Wishing You Peace, Love & Joy in 2020!