Tag Archive for: Peaches

It was wonderful seeing Gabe and Maggie (a recent county seizure) together exploring new places and making new friends. They are both such very sweet horses. Gabe has COPD, which we are trying to manage, whilst sweet Maggie does not sweat at times. Maggie’s neglect case is still pending with the county but her owner has been charged. Maggie and Gabe both need sponsors for their care including hay, grain, farrier work, etc., so if you would like to sponsor or help either horse, please click on the ‘DONATE’ button at the bottom of this post where you can make a one-time contribution or sign up for monthly automatic donations which help tremendously.

ABOVE: Gabe and Maggie experiencing the innate joy of just being horses.

Nadia is still searching for a perfect friend since we lost Venus in November. Nadia and Venus had been together for twenty-five plus years. A few weeks after Venus passed, Peaches sensed that Nadia was grieving and remained by her side. Peaches has always helped others cope with the loss of a friend, but since she has always been a loner, her comfort to others is only temporary and after a few weeks of giving the other horse time to adjust, Peaches is ready for the other horse to move on. Nadia has Degenerative Suspensory Ligament Desmitis (DSLD), a progressive condition that leads to chronic breakdown of tendons and ligaments. Her condition will only worsen and at some point, we will have to make the decision to let her join Venus. We will keep her comfortable for as long as possible, but in the meantime, we will continue our quest to find Nadia another very best friend from within our herd.


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July 22nd, 2013

“I still fit under the golf cart! It makes a great scratching post! I’m a still morphing into a different color. I think I’m going to look like my mommy and she’s beautiful!”

Matilda and Peaches had a hooficure today.

July 23rd

A year ago today Gentleman made his journey to Rainbow Bridge to join his friend, Jake. Life hasn’t been the same here since. The stories don’t come like they used to – the “writer’s block” still lingers. The heart still hurts and the tears still come now and then. GMan was an icon here – he was loved by so many. He had the heart of a champion – he was, and always will be a champion. I still get up each morning and look out the window for him where he used to stand under his tree with his friends. He’s not there – but he is. He always will be.

We love you Gentleman, always.

July 25th

Some of you remember Samantha and Joy, I’m sure. We intercepted Sammi before she got on a truck going to a holding facility where she would have gone to slaughter in 2009. She was very much pregnant. I’ll never forget when Joy was born a couple of months later – she started running around before her feet even hit the ground! They were adopted by a dear friend, Kara that year. Sadly, we lost Sammi last year to bone cancer. But I’m so thankful for the time that Sammi had with Joy and Kara knowing love and TLC.

Kara sent me this lovely photo of Joy yesterday – isn’t she beautiful?

And then there’s Magnum – he’s looking mighty handsome! Melissa and her family adore him.

This photo was taken the day Magnum arrived at the rescue in December 2013.

And we’re very happy for Sophie Blue Eyes. She landed in the arms of her own little boy yesterday in a home where there’s shade! Sophie Blue Eyes is one of the sweetest horses ever. This is what we want for all of them – a loving forever family. They deserve this and its times like this that help us get through the tough times – just look at the smile on her young man’s face!

Foxy loves to be in the middle of everything! Here she is helping Auntie Ruth Wittmann clean Betsy Rose’s stall. lol

July 26th

Why am I not surprised to find him at the bottom of the stairs? lol

July 27th

I’m still a bit under the weather here but I have a Dr’s. appointment tomorrow. In the mean time, I want to remind everyone it’s time for Foxy and Timmie to find their loving, forever home. Foxy’s eye is healed and they are both healthy and ready to go. This is one of the hardest parts of rescue – but they deserve their own human family and home.

We are taking applications on Foxy and Timmy for the next 2 weeks. Please visit our Adoption page and read our adoption criteria. https://www.facebook.com/BHFERAdoptions?fref=ts. If you meet the criteria and are interested in applying please PM me.

Foxy is uphill in this photo which makes her look bigger than she is. She’s like a little pocket rocket all over the place. She’s curious – wants to get into everything!

Sharing some news from Loretta Armstrong! She entered her painting “JoJo and Gentleman” in the County Fair in Amador County, Plymouth, California! She was honored by the “People’s Choice” award. They all loved JoJo and Gentleman!

We will be offering note cards, coasters and other items depicting this lovely artwork. It’s just truly beautiful! JoJo and Gentleman – I just love them, always! Thank you Loretta and congratulations! I so needed a pick me up!

July 28th

Good night everyone!

July 29th

We are now taking applications for Timmie and Foxy! Timmie is a very good mommy and she has a really sweet disposition. Foxy is just a baby – full of energy and curiosity. Timmie is 8 years old and Foxy was born on June 14th, 2015.

Please share their information and help us to find them a perfect forever loving home. Adoption info is pinned at the top of our Adoption page. https://www.facebook.com/BHFERAdoptions?fref=ts

At the end of the day – another storm rolling in. The storms have been horrible lately. I’ve heard many accounts of horses and cows being struck and killed by lightening around this area.

July 30th

It would be so nice is everyday could start like this! I woke up finally feeling better this am. It was a cool morning and did something out of character for me because there is always so much to do. I texted Roe to come for a ride and that’s just what we did!

Bryce has been in training and he came back yesterday. He will be leaving early next week. He’s under saddle now and will continue to have fun learning with his adoptive mom. That’s right! He’s going to have his own human and home!

I have to wonder what Waylon and Bryce were talking about here.

We stopped to let the boys visit a bit with Baby Ray and Mishka.

I think the photo of Waylon stopping by to visit with Sophie is adorable.

It would be even nicer if we could end each day like this. But, after about 20 minutes this morning I had to go to work. But it was wonderful to get out and do this!

Foxy isn’t much bigger than Kitty Cat.

Some of you may remember Lace and Rayo? Well, look at them! I love getting updates on our horses and seeing the happiness they bring to others!

Oh – one more announcement to share before calling it a day. We have an application for JoJo and Jazzy! I get butterflies in my tummy thinking about it but it will all be ok. They will only go to the right home. We’ll be doing a site visit next week and the prospective adopters will be coming to visit. Our boys – I can’t imagine them being gone. But it’s not far from her at all. We’ll see how things pan out.

How JoJo ended up with his flymask like this, well, I have no idea.

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization registered in the state of Florida (EIN: 20-4783950). We are not funded by Local, State, of Federal funds. We operate totally from donations from the public. Please consider making a one time or recurring donation to help the horses. We truly appreciate your support – donations are tax deductible. Donations are down significantly and we truly would appreciate any amount of a donation – no amount is too small. Our PayPal address is bhfer or donations can be made via various ways through our website www.bhfer.org. We can only keep helping the horses with help from you. Thank you.

Beauty’s Haven was awarded Verified status by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS) in 2012. GFAS is the only globally recognized organization that provides standards for identifying legitimate animal sanctuaries. A Guidestar Exchange Silver Participant and a GreatNonprofits Top Rated Non-Profit 2014 and 2015. Awarded November 2014 Equine Hero.

May 14th – 21st, 2015

May 14h

What do these two now have in common? Permanent tracheotomies!

May 16th

Good morning everyone! Daisy’s full of smiles today! It’s going to be another very busy and hot day here. Before it got too busy we wanted to wish everyone a great day!

My escorts this morning. Duke beside me in the golf cart seat, Jazzy leads, JoJo stays right beside me. LOL Have a great day everyone!

Remember Silver Belle? She was also raised by Momma Sue, Aaleyah Belles mom. She’s loved. This is what helps to motivate us to keep going – happy horses, happy humans!

May 17th

I wish I could end the day with some good news but I can’t. In fact, I’d like to ask for prayers for one of our horses and his adoptive parents. Some of you may remember Cisco – an older Haflinger pony cross that came to us in 2012 from a home where the owner was a meth user. I got a call from his adoptive humans this evening – he was colicing – thought to be a twist. I haven’t heard back from anyone yet but I hope and pray he’s working through it. He’d been given fluids, etc. Cisco is a lovely soul – he keeps watch over Tia and Tess – two donkeys that were also adopted from us.

Update – we lost Cisco to colic which is a dreadful thing. Thank you Tony and Michelle for giving him a wonderful home and the love and care he deserved. Rest in peace Cisco – we love you, always.

May 18th

JoJo’s ears are still growing!

May 20th

Betsy Rose on her evening walk about.

I’d say Serenity really hit the Jackpot! Thank you Phil for giving her a wonderful forever home!

Radar ears waiting for me at the bottom of the office stairs! JoJo is a hoot!

If only all of the property could be so green. This is Frosty’s Knoll – a very special place.

The trio of donks is never very far away. Of course, JoJo is always first followed by Jazzy and then Daisy.

Cookie is doing well. She got a hooficure this past weekend from Laura Ritonia-Castaños. And one of Cookie’s best friends, Kim Furse, held for Laura. We truly appreciate them!

Well, our snowbirds are gone until the fall. We’re going to miss you Suzanne, LouAnn, and Ginny!

LouAnn having fun with Lily.

Ginny and Fancy

May 21st

Donovan is a huge teddy bear. Such a kind horse. And big. Really big.


April 16th – 20th, 2015

April 16th
Sisco, Athena, and Serenity.  A cute little herd.  But Serenity will be going home soon.  She’s has a new human family!  Phil Yarborough has opened his heart and home to this very special girl!

April 17th
Willow was introduced to Peaches yesterday. It’s the first time Willow has had an equine friend in 8 years!

April 18th
Eva adjusting JoJo’s attire.

“Ok mommy Theresa the coast is clear!”  JoJo – some things will never change!

Matilda cooling off in the sprinkler.

In June 2010 the owner of a TB foal decided he didn’t want the baby – the foal had a large hernia and leg injury.

We brought him to the rescue. He was simply stunning – I named him Armani.

Even as a baby, he has always been a big boy. It turned out that he is a great-great grandson of Secretariat!

We had his hernia repaired and he grew strong. Armani was adopted by Kateri and Dean in Colorado where he is a happy boy that is still growing! Kate Chenery and LeeAnn Ladin (co-wrote Secretariat’s Meadow” visiting with him in August 2011.

This photo of Armani was taken a few days ago. Thank you Kateri and Dean for taking such good care of Armani! Another happy story….

April 19th Breakfast!!!

Happy mini’s!  CaryLou, Daisy, Jazzy.

The officer team of the DeLand SR FFA spent the day here and it was simply awesome!  Not everyone could make it here on April 25th to our ASPCA Beauty’s Haven Equine Rescue’s Help a Horse Day & Celebration of Life 2015 so we had our get together today.  We had lots of fun and so much got done – it was great!  I’ve lots of photos to share tomorrow but for now we’re calling it a day!  Thanks Jenna!  You and your team did a great job!

Beautiful view from the front porch!

The STRIDE Dressage Poker Run to benefit Beauty’s Haven is Saturday in Ocala!

As is our Celebration of Life!

Don’t forget to register for the Beauty’s Haven Obstacle Challenge 2015 SOON!  We always have a blast!  We are looking for volunteers, sponsors, and participants!  Let’s all get together and have a great time – we all deserve a break for a day!


February 1st, 2013

“Mommy Theresa I know you’re in there! I just want to come in and see you for a little while. We all miss Princess and I know you’re sad but if I can come in I’ll cheer you up some!”

Well, JoJo did come in and cheered us up. He looked for the Christmas tree and couldn’t understand why it couldn’t live in the house. He kept staring at where it was – his brain was certainly trying to understand.

We have so much to be thankful for – we need to cherish each and every minute. Take time to make memories. Someday, that’s all you will have of those that you love.

February 2nd

Check out Bouie’s beard.

I don’t know who was more fascinated by size – Mishka or the mini’s next door!

February 3rd

Happy Tuesday morning! That’s Peaches munching from one of our slow hay feeder nets. Wonder what Ebony is thinking? Little Lily is so darned cute.

Amber and Baby Ray playing – just beautiful!

Little E is our Senior resident now. Another noble Arabian that is adored by all of us. We had awesome visitors today and I have quite a few pics to post but will have to get caught up tomorrow afternoon.

February 4th

Jessie spent the day here yesterday – Baby Ray enjoyed seeing her again (so did we)! We look forward to her visit at this time each year when she and her husband, Ron, come down from a northern state for a few days.

Jessie has known Baby Ray since he came to us as an orphan baby in August 2009. We brought him home in our mini-van. Baby Ray had cataracts and couldn’t see. Once he grew healthy, we took him to UF where they removed the cataracts. He is visually impaired but he can see.

Aaleyah Belle also enjoyed seeing Jessie again.

We named Aaleyah after Eight Belles. We picked her up only a few hours after she was born – it was the day that Eight Belles died. Aaleyah and her mom, Currently Sue (aka Momma Sue), were going to be shot because Aaleyah was born with a wry nose. Momma Sue was skin on bones – it’s amazing that they survived.

Aaleyah Belle before and after surgery.

Yesterday, Serenity got to personally thank someone that has helped her since the day she arrived. It’s always nice when humans come to meet the horses they help. Thank you Phil!

Serenity arrived at about this time last year – we intercepted her just before she was going to be shot by the local rendering company. She’s a beautiful girl – inside and out.

Handsome (Saddlebred) is still looking for a forever home. Mishka (Percheron) is still in rehab. He’s gained weight but still needs quite a bit more muscling up. Some horses recover quicker than others from EPSM – it could take a few months. Proper diet is key.

Matilda – she’s a very loving long ears. And yes, she is still huge.

Remember Cisco, Tia, and Tess? Cisco came to us in September 2012 – he was 20+ years young. He had been removed from a bad situation – I’ll just say that he came to us known as the “Meth Pony”. Tia and Tess came to us in the Spring of 2013 – Tess was about 3 months old. All three were adopted together by a wonderful couple that volunteered at the time. Cisco takes care of his two girls. Tia, Tess, and Cisco are loved by their humans, very much.

Ginger is doing well with her adoptive family – she has a new BFF.

Daisy doesn’t realize she’s different – she’s full of love and life. She has a large tumor (sarcoid) under her right eye and another over her left eye. Dr.’s Mangan and Porter started her treatments (Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG)) about …3 weeks ago when she got her first injections. She is also getting a daily supplement and we apply a topical cream to the tumors. Daisy was examined again last Friday and there have been positive changes at both eyes! She is scheduled to receive her 2nd injections this coming Friday. Daisy is only 5 years old and deserves a chance – we hope others will help us give her that chance. If anyone would like to help this darling little long ears with her needed treatments our PayPal address is bhfer@earthlink.net (please note it’s for Daisy). No amount is too small and all donations are tax deductible.

Please keep Daisy in your prayers. Thank you!

Athena is another beautiful mare. She is having lameness issues (its not in her feet) and really needs to be examined but she needs sponsors. She currently does not have enough sponsors to even cover her monthly routine care costs. Would anyone like to help Athena with a one time or monthly donation?

Athena the day I met her.

I’ve put this off but need to ask – would anyone like to help with Princess’ emergency vet, hospital, and burial expenses? We are several hundred dollars short. If you would like to help, our PayPal address is bhfer@earthlink.net – please mark it for “Princess”. Other ways to donate can be found on our website at www.bhfer.org. No amount is too small and all donations are tax deductible. While we wish she were still here with us, we are very thankful for the years we had with her. This was Princess a few years ago. She’s always been a beautiful girl.

December 15th – 29th, 2014 Update

December 15th

Donkey fun in the morning!

Beauty’s Haven Equine Rescue in action!

December 19th

Cookie visiting with Dr. Mangan today. He was her ophthalmologist/surgeon at UF for her cancer earlier this year. Cookie is doing great! He was at the rescue today to assess Daisy.

Hollie and Starbuck – both found loving forever homes last year.

December 22nd

Betsy Rose getting her little foot treated. We think she has a little abscess brewing.

A beautiful gift from a beautiful and dear friend. It needs no words. Gentleman may not be physically with us this year but I promise you – his spirit is strong and will never leave us. Sometimes, I can almost feel him breathing over my shoulder. I just wish I could turn around and hug him and never let go.

It’s very satisfying to see Betsy Rose tucked in and slurping away on her mash under the heat lamps. I’ll be back in the office in the morning to work on the calendar and, hopefully, I’ll finish it up. Good night everyone.

December 23rd

Joshua making sure Betsy Rose eats all of her dinner. It’s always nice when the kids come home.

JoJo and CaryLou both wanted all of Ruth’s attention today.

Peaches is doing well. There is still issue with her front right but she seems happy and comfortable and glad to be home.

December 24th

At this time last year, Ceri and Garan left for their forever home where they are truly loved. Thank you Cindy for opening your heart and home to these two lovely Arabians!

JoJo is truly amazed with the tree and its ornaments. Watching them learn new things, just like our kids did when they were little, is an awesome experinece. It’s truly a blessing to have the opportunity to help these donkeys and horses. Thank you all for your support and for being part of our Village!

A little Donkey Christmas ‘tail!’

December 26th

Betsy Rose doesn’t want Christmas to be over.

December 28th

The weekend is over and I still haven’t been able to sit long enough to put out an update.  CaryLou thinks he’s as big as Mishka.  lol

December 29th

It’s been so busy over the last few days even JoJo reported to the office a few times to help out.

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization



Hooficure Day! Daisy was being a very good girl while getting her feet done!

Betsy Rose was also a very good girl!

December 2nd

Betsy Rose shares her meal with Freckles on GivingTuesday. Little does she know the joy that she gives 24/7/365. What a blessing it is to have her here with us! Betsy Rose Believes!

Daisy waiting at the bottom of the stairs outside of the office. If its not one donk, it’s another. Or two or three!

Guess what broke again? Yep. One of the golf carts. Hauled away to the repair shop. And this is the GOOD golf cart.

Bryce and Serenity are still looking for their forever home. Please spread the word about them. We don’t want to have to split them up – they are mother/son and have been through so much together. We may have to split them up for Bryce to go to a trainer soon. We are turning horses away that need our help. These are two wonderful and healthy horses. More information about them can be found on our Beauty’s Haven Equine Rescue Adoptions page.

December 3rd

While on my way home from Physical Therapy this morning, I stopped just in time to see this beautiful mommy giving birth!

December 4th

Ginny changing flymasks on Sisco and Athena yesterday. Both of these very sweet horses are looking for forever homes as well.

JoJo stood there and stared at the new ramp, like he was pouting, for a good 10 minutes. Then he walked away looking totally confused.

December 5th

I still find myself looking out the window each morning to see if Gentleman is ok – it’s just habit (and wishful thinking). Instead, I find Little E and Mishka hanging out together. Little E is the senior horse here now.

Matilda is one of 13 that got hooficures today. She’s such a sweet girl – she just makes you feel good! If anyone would like to help with the expense of this we would greatly appreciate it. The average cost is $35 but the draft horses now cost over double that ($75). The total came to about $500.

We are very happy to report that Ginger will be going to her new adoptive family on Monday! She won’t be very far – it’s a perfect situation!

It was so good to see Lynda yesterday! I took her for a trip around the farm so she could visit with all of the horses. Handsome, like all of the others, enjoyed the extra attention. As soon as Handsome’s front foot issue is resolved he will be ready for a home!

Peaches is always willing to come in to help fix feed. She’s still unsound on her front right. Dr. Julia recently did nerve blocks and the issue is in her foot. X-rays were done and nothing unusual was found. Dr. Specht believes there may be a bone fragment in the navicular area that we just couldn’t see on the x-ray. Dr. Porter will be here next week to address issues with Peaches, Donovan, and Daisy. If anyone would like to help with the upcoming expense of the x-rays and exams it would be greatly appreciated. It’s not going to be inexpensive.

Donovan has some issues we’ve been working on over the last few months. He stopped sweating in early summer. He had quite a bit of abscessing in his feet and had some rotation in his front left. The “summer sore” he arrived with healed fine. But there are two sores that simply refuse to heal at the coronet band where he blew abscesses – one on the outside front right and the other on the inside back left. I do not believe they are summer sores – I think they are related to sidebone – irregular bony growth he’s had from years of improper foot care. We’ve done a lot to try to get them taken care of but just when we think we’re there he blows another and we start over. Dr. Porter will be checking it out next week. Again, this won’t be inexpensive – x-rays are needed of both front and back feet. Any amount of a donation would be greatly appreciated. This is an issue that must be resolved. We’ve done everything the vets have advised but there is something more to this – there is a reason he keeps abscessing and we need to get to the bottom of it. He’s very good about the hands on treatment of the areas, thankfully.

Mishka always looks like he’s smiling. Always. He’s like a big teddy bear.

Do you remember Spirit? She is a blind mare that we picked up in June 2012. She had endured years of neglect. It was a horrible situation. I’m happy to report that Spirit is doing well in her adoptive home! She lives with another blind mare. Spirit lived in a large herd of horses, including studs, on several acres where there were many trees with low branches, fallen trees, barb wire, debris, etc. I can’t imagine how terrified she must have been on a routine basis. She has got to be one of the bravest horses I’ve ever met. Despite the life she had been living, and her horrid condition, she never lost her spirit. Spirit seemed like the appropriate name for this beautiful but very neglected mare. Here is a link to her story, in more detail, from the beginning.

Lastly, please be sure to check out our latest fundraiser on CrowdRise. There are a few tools we need to help us do our job and to help keep the horses feed healthy.

We are an all volunteer non-profit organization that operates totally off of donations from the public. We are not funded by any local, state, or federal funding. Donations are tax deductible and no amount is too small. Donations can be made to PayPal address bhfer or via various ways on our website at www.bhfer.org. We have had quite a few things hit us at once and I know the upcoming visit by Dr. Porter isn’t going to be inexpensive. Peaches and Donovan are going to need x-rays. Also, Cookie goes back to UF next week for a follow-up. The farrier will be back today for several more. Yesterday was at about $500 and today will be another $150 – $175. If you make a donation please note what the funds are to be applied towards. Thank you for your support!

Lastly – we are switching over to a new email service. In order to ensure you continue to get our updates please go to our website homepage and sign up to receive them. www.bhfer.org. On the home page scroll down until you see this graphic on the left side and sign up!

Emails will only be going out in the current format for another week so please sign up today!



Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization


November 19th, 2012

Princess has been having some issues so she had an acupuncture treatment today by Dr. Julia Simonson. Princess, a 26 yrs young Arabian, has had Equine Metabolic Syndrome for a few years and may have also developed Cushings Disease – several tests were done on her today. Princess was a Top Ten Working Cow horse in Canada in her younger years! Since she has been with us, she’s had 3 adoptive homes lined up. Each time, just before leaving, something would happen – an eye injury, laminitis, another eye injury – so we decided that Beauty’s Haven will be her forever home.

Princess needs help with her vetting and monthly supplements. Would anyone like to help her? Donations can be made via PayPal to bhfer or directly to Dr. Julia at PayPal jksdvm (please note it for Princess). Dr. Julia’s website, for those of you that don’t know her, is http://juliasimonsondvm.com. Donations can also be made through our “Donate” page on our website at www.bhfer.org. No amount is too small. Her bill for today was $297. This grand mare needs some sponsors.

This volunteer holding Princess while Dr. Julia does acupuncture on her is Audrey Rice.

I came across a photo of Princess with Gentleman this evening – I sure do miss him!

Attagirl came to us in August, a bit underweight and we were told that her coffin bone had penetrated the sole of her front foot. Her feet were a wreck. She had horrible thrush – the corium was exposed and it was a bloody mess. This issue has gotten better. Dr. Ryan Meeks did x-rays just to be sure there were no other issues. She also had a sarcoid on her ear that was successfully treated. Her immune system was just weak and stressed. But she put on weight and was doing well. Attagirl was examined today by Dr. Julia. Attagirl has had diarrhea off and on – just when we think everything is good, it’s not. More lab work was done today. Attagirl also needs sponsors to help her with vetting and supplements. Would anyone like to help her? Donations can be made by clicking on the links posted above.

Peaches napping in the sun and out of the wind this morning. She is going to need additional tests done to determine why she is intermittently lame in her front right foot.

For those of you who remember Domino, here’s a recent picture of her! Domino came to us only hours old in May 2012. She had been rejected by her mom. Yes, we spoiled her rotten – she’s another donkey that thinks she’s 1/2 human. LOL! She’s happy and doing well. Thank you Tania for giving Domino a great home and job that she enjoys!

Domino as a baby.

She loved her bottle!

November 20th

Good freezing morning from Beauty’s Haven!

Donovan’s a happy go lucky guy – just look at that adorable face!

These two are absolutely adorable! Yes, even from their backside. LOL!

Remember Gracie and Harvey? They are looking great and their adoptive mom adores them!

November 22nd

What is it about the office that so many want to come up and visit? Baby gate stays closed now. lol

Mishka is filling out and muscling up!



Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization


April 29th, 2013

Below is an update that should have gone out yesterday but didn’t – I apologize. I thought I published it but it was still in my “Draft” file.

This update is a little different from my norm – captions to photos are under the photo instead of before. Some of the pictures are from my cell phone so the pictures are not great quality.

Some of our Barbaro family! Today would have been his 10th birthday. He is a true champion, always.

Starlight and Jordan! Starlight is a rescue that we took in a few months ago. She is SO loved and has never had it so good – she is adored!

Jordan and Starlight back at the barn – look at all of those ribbons! Go girls!

Kylie and Roxy exercising horses and having fun at the same time this past Saturday!

Nevada has been just a pasture pal for quite a few weeks now because he was having an issue with muscle in his back left leg. He appeared sound for the last few weeks. Kylie rode him for a little bit at just a walk but cut the ride short because he started favoring that back leg again. He would really benefit from a chiropractic/acupuncture treatment. Would anyone like to help to sponsor this? He will likely need to be adopted out for a light rider doing light work. We’ll give him some more time, and treatments, and see how he does. He’s a very sweet boy.

Ceri is slowly putting on some weight. She’s a very sweet Arabian mare.

CaryLou did ok for his first lead lesson today. He is hysterical!!

What are the babies waiting for? Their mommas are getting antsy!

Ariel has a little bag. 🙂

Strutting again!! It’s hard to take his picture when he is like Velcro!

Penny is going to feel so much better after her clipping!

What a beautiful color she is!

There was an even more darling face under all that hair!

Lucy wants to help!

Penny looks like a different donkey! Thank you Lynda for making this happen!

Check her out – yes that is a heart on her butt! She is so pretty!

Morgan is looking for a forever home.

Solace is doing great.

Lucy is still doing well. She is such a doll!

Have a great week everyone!

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: www.bhfer.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb

November 24th, 2012…

We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. It was beautiful here. But the nice day closed with temperatures down into the high 30’s yesterday morning. The babies and seniors were blanketed and comfortable. We’ll have to break out a few more blankets though – looks like it’s going down to freezing tonight. Brrrr!!

There’s been so much going on – it’s always busy. I wanted to make time tonight to update on some things. Mostly good things. Morning Star was adopted by his foster family which is simply awesome! I was so happy when Chris told me they wanted to adopt him! Morning Star is a very talented boy and there is never a dull moment with him! Jenna and her dad, Chris, come to help out a couple of days each month and boy it sure helps to have many hands!

Just like her momma, Dora has a special scratching spot.

So does Starbuck.

Cisco wrapped up nice and warm. He didn’t mind that the blanket is pink. He’s just that way – happy go lucky. He’s looking for a forever home.

Beauty and the boys – Genesis and Cisco. And Beauty standing for me to trace her foot so I could put some pads into her slippers – she was sore in the front. She seems to be better today.

Dr. Cogswell working chiropractic on Peaches a couple of weeks ago. And then she worked on Beauty. Dr. Cogswell comes through the Ocala area once a month and does a great job! Dr. Ryan recommended her and I do too! Her website is www.cogswellvet.com.

Lace is ready for a forever home. She’s a sweet girl. Rides nicely but I’ve only ridden her at a walk/trot.

Penny… determined to find a few crumbs. She’s become quite independent and is still as cute as she could possibly be!

Baby Girl – still gorgeous! She munched on some hay until it was her turn for a hooficure. She loves scratches!

And this is Jenny being silly with Penelope on Thanksgiving!

Princess – still a pretty girl. This is Laura doing a hooficure and Kim holding which we appreciate very much!

How the farm looks from up on Cisco and Genesis. Me on Cisco and Kylie on Genesis – it is seldom we get these little pleasures.

Cookie getting a little extra attention from a volunteer – one of the UF students.

Little Rambo now lives with a mini donkey (named Casper) that wasn’t treated very well before going to his current home. Rambo is helping Casper to learn that all humans are not bad. This is Casper getting his first hooficure since he’s been at his new home. Rambo is outside watching. Little Casper did well.

I took some time to take a short ride on Genesis on Thanksgiving Day. And I was actually able to talk Bob into going for a short walk around the paddock! I visited with all of the horses on Thanksgiving and they all got carrots. Both human kids were home and it was just a beautiful day!

Spirit is doing well. She is adjusting to her new surroundings and has made new friends! Her new human mom is doing a great job with her!

Some more good news – Rosita will be leaving for her new home late next week! Some other news – we have been asked to help a very thin Racking horse mare that needs a safe place to land. We would like to make her our holiday save. Even with somewhat of a winter coat you can see how thin she is. Even thin, she is hooked up and driving. We need help with sponsors – she needs about $500 her first month and then about $300 each month after for at least 6 months. Would anyone like to help her? If anyone can help us to help the mare please email me. Donations are tax deductible and no amount is too small. Please help us to give her a new start in life – I know she would appreciate a full tummy and warm blanket for the holiday season.

We hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. Don’t forget about our fundraiser – the beautiful drawing of Ambrosia – current bid is $150. God bless and thank you for your continued support! And again, please help us to help this mare.

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: www.bhfer.org
Donate: www.bhfer.org/donate.html
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb

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