February 10th, 2018
A couple of the horses got a much needed bath this weekend and most got a good grooming. The mini mares got off the hook for being clipped – there just was not enough time and they are going to be a project.
If only the weather would be this perfect all year and the horses would stay this clean…
Roxy adores Peggy Sue – and the feeling is mutual.

Solace is still doing well and he adores his food!

Nevada looks very handsome!

Sisco eating hay out the back of the truck. He is doing well too.

Bouie and Frodo – our little fuzzy bears. They are also in the waiting line to be clipped.

Morgan LaFaye – she’s looking for a home. She’s a very sweet girl. I apologize that the picture is fuzzy – I took it with my phone.

Hollie is also very sweet. She has not adjusted well to the Florida environment and is having trouble breathing – the blowing dust from the lime rock road is not good for her and we have very little shade. She will be leaving soon for her new home where she will be more comfortable. We will miss her but her new mom will keep us updated.

Sunset also has labored breathing. She needs to find a home that is better suited for her and the sooner the better – before warmer temperatures arrive. Like with Hollie, the dust that blows off the lime rock road is not good for her and she needs shade. I’m so glad she was clipped last weekend.

Some of you may remember Archer – he is doing great and his family adores him! That’s his best friend on the right.

It was a really busy weekend here. A lot got done – a big “thank you” to everyone that took time out of their busy schedule to come out and help. The more hands we have to get daily chores done the better – it leaves time for other things like baths, clipping, raking, cleaning up the barn, etc. It really takes a lot of time, money, and hands on to keep this place going. We are very blessed to have the support we have – here and from afar. It’s only because of other people pulling together to help us that we are successful – be it donations, prayers, sharing our info with others, etc. Without all of you helping us we couldn’t do what we do – we sincerely thank you.
And many thanks to Marie for making and donating the necklaces that helped us to raise the funds to pay for Solace’s blood transfusion – that is a lot of worry off my mind. And it is only part of the vet bill. We still have a jewelry auction going on to help with other vet needs. And we need to buy hay again. Some of the horses are getting a hooficure this week – if anyone would like to sponsor a horse please let me know.
I’m calling it a day. God bless and again, thank you all, very much for your continued support. Have a wonderful week!
Oh – please don’t forget the current “Valentine’s Day Match Game!” If you donate towards the Match Game please indicate so with your donation.
One of our wonderful supporters has offered a very generous $200 Match Game for Valentine’s Day! The supporter will match each dollar donated from others until we hit the $200 limit!
So this means a possibility of $400 in donations!
Please remember that all contributions are tax deductible and no donation is ever too small.
Donations may be forwarded via the following link: www.bhfer.org/donate
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: www.bhfer.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb