Tag Archive for: mini

Okay, Village, we need prayers for this wee young mini mare we have named Hope. She is suffering from colic due to sand in her gut, and we are desperately hoping to save her. Below is an account of her status, observations, and care thus far.

December 3, 2020

5:22pm – Hope is suffering from an impaction and the vet arrived to tube and oil her. No gut sounds.

11:50pm – A few gut sounds heard, finally. She’s on IV fluids and medication will be administered as needed. If she does not have a bowel movement by late morning, our vet will do an ultrasound. She is exhausted and is quietly resting at the moment.

Please pray that this precious little girl makes it through the night.

December 4, 2020

4:51am – No poop yet but better gut sounds.

10:05am – God’s light shined down on little Hope this morning as Dr. Templeton worked on her again. Unfortunately, x-rays show quite a bit of sand in her gut. Hope is on her way to UF. Sand impactions are never a good thing and neither is colic. But she’s only three years old and a real trooper. She’s such a sweet little girl that deserves a chance at life.

With the drastic weather changes we’ve been having, please make sure your horse is drinking. Provide good quality hay which will help the gut to work more efficiently. Don’t put their feed tubs in the sand. Feed hay in hay feeders or bags. Give psyllium for a week each month. Do everything you can to minimize sand intake.

11:00am – Little Hope is now in surgery, more prayers needed.

If anyone would like to help Hope, donations can be easily made by clicking the button below, through Facebook. or via PayPal. No amount is too small. All donations are greatly appreciated as her medical bills will be sizable.

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

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Thank you, all & God bless.



November 23rd, 2013

Beautiful day. But very windy. This is Barbara and Delaney giving out hay.

I’d like to ask everyone to send a good thought or prayer out for mini Peaches tomorrow as she goes to Rainbow Bridge. She was at UF most of last week but her adoptive mom, Susan, took her home to spend a couple of days with her before having the vet out to help her to Rainbow Bridge. Peaches has cholesterol granulomas in her brain and her neurological function has been significantly impaired. She’s been having issues for awhile now but keeping her comfortable and functional has become too much on her. Peaches is 26 and is 1 of 14 mini Falabella horses that we rescued in a very sad case in 2010. There were 7 mares and 7 studs (now geldings). Out of the 14, Peaches will be 2nd out of the herd that we’ve lost. We truly appreciate Susan and the TLC she’s given to Peaches these past few years.

This is mini Peaches with her BFF, Callie. My thoughts and prayers will be with Peaches, Susan, and Callie tomorrow as Peaches makes that transition to the Bridge.

November 24th

Mini Peaches runs with the Heavenly Herd now. We love you Peaches – always!

Artist: Greg Ambrose

Liberty and her BFF, mini Magic. Both are mares from mini Peaches original herd of 14 – a rescue case we worked back in 2010. They are doing well and are very much loved by their adoptive mom, Lorrie.

November 25th

Some of you may remember Baby Girl – she’s another miracle. Baby Girl was adopted over a year ago to a wonderful family out of state. She recently started showing some changes around her right eye (which was the side of her face that was severely injured when she came to us). After consulting with her adoptive parents vets, and our vets, we thought it would be in her best interest to bring her back to the rescue so the same care team that she had when she was here can examine and assess her. If you read the article it may help to understand why we think it’s important – her case was pretty unique and the fact that she survived with her odds being “0 to none” says something about her love for life. She’s a very special mare. She arrived back here on Friday and settled right back in. She will be going to UF in a couple of weeks. Dr. Morton is looking forward to seeing Baby Girl again! Here’s a link to her story which was in newspapers around the world. http://www.gainesville.com/article/20111218/ARTICLES/111219630

Baby Girl upon arrival at Beauty’s Haven in 2011.

Wow – I really was “glowing” at work this morning!

Some of you may remember Daisy – a 4 year old miniature donkey that came to us in August 2013 with cancer around both eyes – the left eye was not even recognizable. Daisy has had many surgeries/treatments and some of the cancerous areas have improved while some are just determined to stick around. We brought her back to the rescue to continue with her care and try a different treatment. She’s full of life and is just a joy to be around. She doesn’t really know what to think of the boys – we’ve had storms all day and they have been in their stall. Maybe the sun will come out tomorrow and we will see how they do. For now, they talk through the stall gate.

“Double Trouble”! The boys, JoJo and Jazzy, over the weekend.

The boys trying to help with the semi-annual great “clean up the barn aisle way up in the rafters” task. Yes, it took from sun up until after dark. But it looks really nice now and the spiders are gone.

Sometimes when I see Little E tagging behind Mishka, I get goose bumps – the loss of Gentleman is still fresh in my head and heart. Mishka is doing well – gaining weight and muscle.

Betsy Rose enjoying a warm mash which she adores.

We are so truly proud of our excellent rating on Great Nonprofits.

Ruby’s UNselfie for #GivingTuesday.

Please join us on #GivingTuesday!


Wishing Everyone a blessed Thanksgiving!

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization

January 7th – 10th, 2014 Update

Betsy Rose got “the works” on Tuesday from Dr. Julia Simonson. Betsy Rose is always the perfect patient. Below is a video of part of her treatment – just watch those needles move! Her back right hip area was pretty stiff. I’ll be so glad when the cold is gone – its really hard on the older horses.

Dr. Julia worked on Betsy Rose in the much warmer feed room.

Betsy Rose having a little discussion with Dr. Julia. Dr. Julia adores this little mare – we all do!


Gentleman also got a massage and an acupuncture treatment which he really needed and enjoyed.

This is little Lily greeting Katherine. Welcome back Katherine and thank you for your volunteer time!

Mollie and Victoria are good friends.

Magnum and Me!

Big horses Magic, Santana, and Magnum. Many of the mini’s. And Bronson too.


CJ HAS AN APPOINTMENT TO MEET A POTENTIAL ADOPTIVE HUMAN ON SATURDAY! I’m so excited! He would be a pasture pal to another horse and he would be loved and cared for!

Pistol waking up from his “procedure” today.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!