Tag Archive for: Gentleman

October 12th – 15th, 2013

Betsy Rose enjoyed visitors on Saturday.

Betsy Rose

I actually took some time on Sunday to go for a little ride myself. It was nice, very nice! The weather has been perfect!


Baby Boo is getting big! Daisy’s tumors appear to be shrinking!!

Daisy and Boo

Remember Starlight? She was a rescue we took in last year that was “unwanted”. She had been living in horrible conditions. Look at what she and Jordan accomplished today!!! I’m convinced there are no “unwanted” horses. Some may be misplaced, but they are all wanted, IMO. I’m so proud of both of these girls – just look at the ribbons!


I’m so proud of both of these girls – just look at the ribbons!


Look at Lacey with her new human – this is a reminder of why it may take us longer than some to find homes for horses. It has to be the right fit – the right connection. Our goal is to find a forever home. When the time, horse, and human are right, well, great things happen. Look at that SMILE! PRICELESS!


The boys have somewhat of a winter coat already – they are so cute! CaryLou still struts. LOL


“Mommy Theresa that’s my itchy spot! WhooHooo that feels good!”

Betsy Rose

Gentleman loves his tree with overhead mister. And the others love Gentleman. So, they gather each day – under the tree!

Gentleman and Friends Under Their Tree

HighTower having fun in the hay. LOL! He’s a big teddy bear!


Bo has become quite the babysitter! Bo is the horse that was dropped off in the middle of a dirt road and abandoned. He walked from the road to a tree and that’s where he stood all day long likely waiting for his owner to come back for him. They never did. It was a hot, sweltering feels like 100 degree day, with no water – from at least 7 am that morning until we picked him up late that evening. I think he was likely a cow horse that got injured and could no longer work. He’s got the moves, but he is very lame from an old injury.

Bo and Friends

I wanted to share this photo of our human son, Joshua. He went for a helicopter ride over Orlando for his birthday!

Joshua's Birthday Ride

Dr. Bess of Tune Ups Veterinary Equine Dentistry and Services, will be here on Thursday – would anyone like to sponsor a horse or two for their dental? On the list are Aaleyah Belle, Lucy, Ruby, Lily, Princess, and Morgan.


Have a great evening, Everyone,


Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb

September 23rd – 25th, 2013

Lake Beauty’s Haven!  The sand bags that were put down last week – washed away yesterday.  I have never seen so much rain accumulate so quickly!  We were under generator power and had all the babies tucked in with Betsy Rose and Lucy.  The lightning was horrible.  Erosion?  I don’t want to talk about it. Not complaining, it could be worse.  Everyone is safe.

Gentleman is doing very well considering he’s 30+ years young.  Some days, he moves better than others, but don’t we all? He’s a happy horse. And he is loved so very much!

Solace is also doing very well.  This was taken yesterday before the horrible storms.  That’s Gentleman’s big butt on the left – they have become very good friends.

Over a year ago, we took on a case of 30+ Paso Fino’s that had pretty much been living feral for almost 3 years. This is Laila – one of the mares. When we rescued her, she was an emotional wreck that was full of nervous energy. When she’d swish her tail, she would move forward as though something was spooking her. Well, at the time, we didn’t know that inside of the mess of a tail was about 12″ of barb wire. The poor mare – she’d swish her tail and the barb would poke her. Melissa and George have done a great job with her – look at her now!

Dr. Julia examined Betsy Rose last evening as she’s been having an issue with her back left hip/leg/stifle. Sometimes, she doesn’t want to put weight on it. Dr. Julia thinks she’s strained the muscles and may want to do an ultrasound if she is no better in a couple of weeks. She does not think Betsy Rose fractured anything which was her initial concern. She recommends Betsy Rose stay on stall rest, with some hand walking, and acupuncture/massage – she was back this morning to do acupuncture. Since Betsy Rose is still very fragile in many ways, please continue to keep her in your prayers.

Many of you may know who Schoep and John are, but you may not be aware of the organization, Stop Animal Cruelty Worldwide. They help animals in need and they have a Facebook page and a website – . They made a beautiful blanket especially for Betsy Rose in honor of Schoep. I call it her “comfort blanket”. It’s one of a kind and very special, just like Betsy Rose. I will post more photos of it in an album tomorrow – Betsy Rose has some things to say about it and she wants to share. Many thanks to Pamela Thompson and everyone at SACW!

Tiffany Redmon did a beautiful drawing of Betsy Rose. “Mommy Theresa that looks like ME!” Betsy is so proud of it! It is hanging on her wall along with a picture of Cloud the Stallion.

And now a long awaited story that I have wanted to share about Betsy’s introduction to Beanie Barbaro:

“Betsy Rose and Freckles, we have a new visitor who would like to meet you.”

“Who is it, Mommy Theresa?”

“Hello Betsy Rose! And this must be your best friend, Freckles. I have heard so much about you. My name is Beanie Barbaro and I have been traveling throughout the United States meeting very special horses like you.”

“I am so happy to meet you, Beanie Barbaro. What a very pretty name.”

“I was named after one of the greatest racehorses ever! His name was Barbaro – he won the Kentucky Derby on the first Saturday in May, 2006. He was so very fast and ran like the wind.”

“Wow, Beanie Barbaro, he sounds like such a special horse!”

“Barbaro was indeed very special, Betsy Rose. Sadly, he broke his leg in his next race and spent many months in the hospital. Barbaro had a wonderful doctor who cared for him. His name was Dr. Richardson.”

“Is Barbaro all better now, Beanie Barbaro?”

“No Betsy Rose, Barbaro got a very bad disease called Laminitis which caused him much pain. He is at Rainbow Bridge now, watching down upon you and all of the other horses throughout the world. Although, he is on the other side of Rainbow Bridge, he is still helping horses everywhere. More research is being done to help prevent and treat laminitis so other horses don’t suffer.”

“That is so sad, Beanie Barbaro. I would have loved to meet Barbaro.”

“Barbaro is here in spirit, Betsy Rose. He is all around you, and together with your Mommy Theresa, maybe he has something to do with making you all better.”

“I am so happy, that you have decided to visit Beauty’s Haven, Beanie Barbaro. I can’t wait to introduce you to all the other horses that live here!”

“I am happy to be here, Betsy Rose. I have heard that this is, indeed, a very special place…

Betsy Rose and friends spending some time with Beanie Barbaro who visited for a few days. Oh the stories they told!!!

Betsy Rose helps us to believe!

God bless and thank you! Have a great evening, everyone!


Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb
















August 9th – 11th, 2013

Dr. Julia came to visit with Betsy Rose on Friday.  Penny greeted Dr. Julia as usual – she ran alongside her car until it was parked and then went right around to greet her.

After a few scratches, off we went to see Betsy Rose.  Well, she wasn’t where I left her.  We walked around the barn and no Betsy.  We called for her.  Then we heard it – an itty bitty whinny.  Guess where we found her?  In the shavings room where we keep a couple of bales of hay – she had helped herself and made a mess in the process!  But it was all good – it just means she’s ready to get her back teeth done! Dr. Bess will be here on Wednesday to finish her up!
Betsy Rose – slowly but surely gaining.  She’s up to about 273 lbs.

I know this picture is fuzzy but do you see something you’ve never seen before?  Yes, Betsy Rose is now swishing her tail! Muscle is returning!  It took weeks before she could even lift her tail to go poop.  Now she is able to swish!  So proud of this little mare!!!

“Mommy Theresa says a lot of humans think that we are adorable Freckles!”

Penny is hilarious! “Please Dr. Julia – just one little kiss on the nose?”

Penny knows that Auntie Karen Andreu brings apples! That’s Sisco in the back – he got apples too.

Solace after breakfast. Gentleman and Little E are in the background beneath a tree that has an overhead mister in it.  The misters help tremendously – wish we had more trees and misters but we are very thankful for the ones we do have.  When we moved here a few years ago, we had no trees and it was miserable with no shade.  Shade is a true blessing.

Solace got a bath today by one of our awesome volunteers – Katherine Rivera!

Genesis enjoying the shade of another tree.

Garran and Little E – both Arabian geldings.

This evening, I played with Beauty for the first time since she foundered and rotated earlier this year! For months, it was thought she wouldn’t be able to go back to work but I never stopped believing in her.  She needs some conditioning, but that’s ok – she’s sound!  Having patience can be hard sometimes, but it was well worth the wait!  Beauty is the reason Beauty’s Haven came to be!  I’m so happy!

Please consider a one time donation or a recurring monthly donation to help the Beauty’s Haven horses – no amount is too small and all contributions are greatly appreciated!  Our PayPal address is bhfer@earthlink.net.  Donations can be made by various methods via our website – the link is below.  Our snail mail address is BHFER, PO Box 53, Morriston, FL 32668.  Please share and help us to keep doing what we do.  The horses depend on us and we need to depend on others to make this possible.  We are not funded by any County, State, or Federal governments.  Please share – thank you!  Thank you, everyone.  Have a great week!

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization

July 27th – 28th, 2013

We took Betsy Rose out for a walk on Saturday morning. Things were a bit busy because the fly mister system is being installed. She was startled by something and jumped away too fast and fell down. We took advantage of the situation and let her take a good nap. When she woke up, we had someone on all sides of her and with little help, she hopped up! Out of the bad of going down, came the good of a great nap and the encouragement of getting up! Her journey to recovery brings back good memories of watching our kids learn to walk and even when they learned to ride a bike. There where bumps along the way, but that’s what it took for them to learn to thrive on their own. We are very proud of our kids and their accomplishments and we are proud of Betsy Rose, too!

“Mommy Theresa can you make the others be quiet for a bit? Betsy Rose is FINALLY taking a nap and I don’t want her to be disturbed.” Freckles is such a considerate friend!

Betsy Rose had a great Sunday – she is slowly gaining strength. Freckles is always close by cheering her on. She is still adorable.

Betsy Rose did take a couple of good naps today. I’m looking forward to the day when she can stay out of the sling. I think she’s going to be a little mare that can be quite opinionated!

Garan came to the rescue today. He had been staying at a foster home but not putting on weight like we think he should. He’ll be going on the same feed schedule as Gentleman, Little E, and Solace. He’s a magnificent registered Arabian gelding that is looking for a forever home. It took a couple of hours, but the boys finally settled down and now Garan is grazing next to the rest of them.

Harvey got to play with the boys! CaryLou looks funny – he was playing under the sprinkler. Humans coming to Beauty’s Haven beware – the boys are all together! Enter their paddock at your own risk! LOL!

CaryLou and Harvey play games. Wally tries to ignore Harvey. I have to wonder what Gracie thinks about all of this. She’s got the patience of a Saint! However, she has double barreled Harvey a few times this past week – he’s getting a bit too frisky and I’m concerned about her getting his kneecap. Letting him out with the boys likely brings her some relief.

Solace watching Harvey while waiting for dinner.

Horses at the end of a rainbow – proof that they really are a treasure!

Have a great week!

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb

This is yesterday’s update:  Solace napping in the sun after breakfast.  He’s doing great.

He has a job he seems to really take pride in – watching over his little herd of mini mares!

Amy has come to love human attention.  Ariel is much better.  Adora is still adorable!

We got the mini mare that I was worried coyotes would get!  We were told she doesn’t know human touch and doesn’t lead.  She’s a cute girl looking ready to foal soon.  I think we will call her Twinkle!  Bob ran into a neighbor at the feet store this evening and he said he has killed 4 coyotes in the last week.  He breeds Beagles for hunting dogs.  The momma dog went out with her 2 pups one evening and the pups came back – she likely gave herself so her pups could run back home.  So sad.  I’m so glad Twinkle is here and a bit more protected from the coyotes.  Her feet were horribly long – she had a hooficure which went ok.  She has got to feel better now that her feet are done.

Will try to stick her tomorrow to see how tall she us.  I have no idea how old she is.  I do think she has had some handling though – either that or she is a fast learner willing to trust.

Dr. Porter will be out next week to do Sisco’s next chemo treatment.

This is from today: LAST DAY TO BID! Don’t forget the horse hair bracelet auction off!  This one is made from Gentleman’s hair!  It was made by Lisa Austin of Crazy4ponytails.  CURRENT BID: $180! Bid increments: $5 Auction ends: 3-15-13.  

We need to try to finish up the hay game – will need to get the hay mid next week. I think we are down to needing somewhere in the $500 range.  Remember that for every $20 donation you make towards the hay, you will get one entry to win a nice “Shoofly” made from Solace’s hair!!  We appreciate every little amount you can spare!  UPDATE: We really need to get this hay – we are doubling the chances!  If you have already donated for a chance for $20 you’ll get 2 chances.  From here on out for every $10 you’ll get 1 chance!

Please share the info on the auction and the hay game!  Thank you all for caring – have a beautiful and blessed day!

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization

March 9th, 2013

Peggy Sue got clipped today – she’s SO cute!

Gentleman got some attention today too.  He’s so sweet.  His age has caught up to him and he has some not so good days but he has good days too. But when the bad outweighs the good, well, we know at some point we will leave us and the thought of that makes me very sad. He has arthritis and moves slow but he still has lots of life in his eyes and he’s happy. We appreciate each and every minute with him. He is so loved and he knows it.

Solace trying to snooze – there were lots of things going on at the rescue today. Roxie and Jenna gave him a much needed bath.

Bob went to Cedar Key this am to pick up a hood for Genesis with protective eye cup but it didn’t fit – it was too small.  The one we thought we were buying at the hospital yesterday had been too small for him too.  So today I spent hours looking frantically for something here to work and finally found a mask we had for a horse that had Uveitis flare ups.  Sue Ann was visiting from TN and was Genesis’ primary care giver most of the day.  I’m so glad she was here to stay with him to make sure he didn’t rub his face (which he had started to do this am) while I spent hours trying to come up with something to protect his eye.

I have lots more pictures but will update again tomorrow evening.  It’s been an exhausting day – don’t forget to turn your clocks forward tonight!

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization

Update: 12/30/12

Last week was tough and losing Alyse was heartbreaking.  On Friday morning I received a call from Dr. Clark – Alyse had taken a turn for the worse.  Her HR went higher – to about 120 and her WBC had gone up.  The meds were not keeping her comfortable.  Dr. Clark had spent days running tests and consulting with others about the ulcerations and other issues – they could not determine what was causing her to be sick but they did feel it was a combination of things.  One being the blisters in her mouth, on her tongue, and in her nose.  They had scoped her earlier in the week and did not see any blisters past the esophagus and believed they likely stopped there (we later learned there was a large ulcer in her colon).  The second issue being an unknown factor at the time that was causing increased HR and temperature.  We agreed from the beginning that should it get to the point where Alyse couldn’t be kept comfortable while trying to maintain her for the blisters to heal, and trying to identify and treat a secondary issue, we would not allow her to suffer.  A necropsy was done and we found that she did have a large ulceration in her colon and her gut was about to rupture – keeping her with us any longer would have been inhumane.  We gave her all the time we could and I am so thankful to the Dr. Clark and everyone at Peterson and Smith for everything they did for her.

I was with Alyse when she crossed – her head across my knees in my lap – she knows she was loved.  Dr. Clark said Alyse was a strong willed mare and had given it her best.  And her care givers had done their best.  Alyse was a beautiful and proud Arabian mare that was loved by many but God needed her more than we did and we must accept that.

Alyce in the Hospital

Letting them go takes a lot out of me – out of all of us here that are hands on at the rescue.  And I’m sure it hurts others that love and care for the horses here from a distance too – the horses are truly blessed to have so many that care for them.  I am so very sorry we could not save Alyse.  Alyse and I had shared many spontaneous rides together which I’ll never forget.  Those rides helped me put worries aside for a few minutes – they were very refreshing for the mind and body. After I left the hospital Friday I found I needed to stop in a parking lot and let the tears flow and try to regroup.  Then I went to Burger King drive through to get a drink.  I had left home without breakfast or anything to drink after Dr. Clark called to tell me Alyse was worse – I wanted to get to the hospital ASAP.  After getting a soda I stopped by the feed store to buy a few things.  While at the feed store I decided that while on my way back to the rescue I’d go by the location where the 3 Thoroughbred horses were that we had taken hay to last Wednesday night.  I tried to go there on Thursday but on my way there that evening I got a phone call that one of the horses here looked to be trying to colic so I turned around and came back.  By the time I checked on the horse it was dark and I didn’t want to go the location of the 3 horses by myself.  So, after leaving the feed store on Friday, I did go there and I found one bay mare down and looking at her tummy.  She went sternum and stretched out – she looked very uncomfortable.  I tried to get her up and she did get up with some prompting but then she went down again.  I called Dr. Ryan and he suggested we get her to the rescue since he would be on his way there as soon as he could to assess the incoming Percheron mare.  I called Bob and had him hook up the trailer and come meet me to load the mare and we went back to the rescue.  

The Percheron mare arrived shortly after we got the sick OTTB mare to the rescue.  Dr. Ryan arrived and examined both mares.  We named the OTTB mare PrimaBelle and she was treated for a gas colic.  She is Momma Sue’s daughter – she was born a year before Aaleyah Belle.  Prima means first and Belle means beautiful = “born first and beautiful”.  PrimaBelle was born a year before Aaleyah Belle and they are full sisters. Aaleyah Belle’s name means “beautiful gift from God”.  Like her momma and sister, PrimaBelle is a very nice girl with a pleasant disposition.  She raced and won about $12,000.  She had a very gassy tummy on Friday which made her very uncomfortable. She felt better after receiving medications and has been feeling ok since.  We had a family come to meet PrimaBelle today – a family that has adopted Mia from us this past year that lives not far from the rescue.  PrimaBelle still needs to get her teeth done, vaccinations need to be done, etc.  She will be up to date on everything and she needs to put some weight on before leaving for a new home.  There are still 2 horses where we picked her up from that we are providing hay for that need homes.

I named the 25 year old Percheron mare “Sunset”.  She arrived during a beautiful sunset and it came to mind that she is in her sunset years.  She’ll be able to live them without worry and with a full tummy and much deserved TLC.  She is underweight and has skin issues.  She has large lumps in her left ear described by Dr. Ryan as “cauliflower ears” likely caused from trauma which causes fluid to collect and separates cartilage causing it to die which causes fibrous tissue.  She has the number “33” branded on her left hip – the number of her stall from her PMU years.  She is a smaller Percheron – not quite as tall as Gentleman.  It will be a few weeks before she is ready to leave here but we are expecting an adoption application for her to be received by tomorrow.  If approved, Sunset will have a home not far from the rescue.  Before she leaves, her wounds will have healed, she will have had her dental work done, she will be up to date on vaccines, etc.  It will take awhile to get to that point but her road to a happy and healthy retirement has begun.  She has the sweetest face and very kind eyes.  Her ears don’t stand up but that’s ok – she is still beautiful!

Yesterday both mares had hooficures.  PrimaBelle was a good girl.  This was her front right before her hooficure.  We had Dr. Ryan x-ray it on Friday to make sure her coffin bone wasn’t affected and it wasn’t, thankfully.  Sunset was a little challenging – she didn’t want to stand still but she’s in a new place with new faces.

It was going to go into the 20’s last night so we blanketed both mares.  PrimaBelle was an angel for her blanket to be put on – she stood perfectly still and seemed to truly adore it. Sunset was a little hesitant – I don’t think she’d likely ever had one.  She moved away at first but with a little time and introduction she stood still.  And after it was on she still there for quite awhile – at least 30 minutes!  The blanket is short on her sides and left about 6” of her butt exposed but she loves it.  I am ordering one to fit her tomorrow.  She will also be getting a new fly mask.

Solace is about the same – he still has congestion in his lungs and is still coughing.  Dr. Ryan examined him again on Friday.  He will be out again late in the week to assess him again and to see if we need to modify his treatment plan.  HIs appetite remains good.  Solace really is an amazing horse.  Let’s continue to pray that he recovers.  Believe…

Holly is doing very well – what a sweet mare she is!

The Christmas trio are all doing well.  Gentleman and some others had their teeth done last week.  I’ll include those pictures in my next update – I’m really tired and have much to do.  To everyone that has sent a message or email regarding the loss of Alyse – thank you.  I appreciate your good thoughts and prayers.  I am behind on emails and PM’s but hope to get caught up on some this coming week.  

Tomorrow will be very busy – more hooficures are being done in the morning.  God bless and thank you all for your continued support.

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://bhfer.org  Facebook: www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb

May 1st, 2012…

First I want to share some pictures of others here at the rescue.

Gentleman chasing Peaches. It’s the first time I’ve seen him move out this fast in months! Peaches was just moved to this paddock – she swapped paddocks with Nikole.

Gentleman looks like a brindle color since he got clipped – and yes, that is a heart on his butt! He is much more comfortable since he was clipped.

Lady Jane is doing very well. She is a social butterfly and a very sweet mare. She carries herself very proudly.

Legacy – as handsome as ever. Princess is behind him.

Classy is doing well. Her front feet have been holding up good.

And Peggy Sue – she is such a doll! She absolutely adores attention and will wrap herself around you for hugs! The stifle surgery definitely helped.

Magic taking a rest.

And Lacey – she is still rolling and waiting for her baby to decide to join the outside world.

Today was a pretty good one for MoonShadow. We have learned that his registered name is “Salty Verdict.” I think the GastroGard is helping. He did better through last night and actually drank about 2 gallons of water which made me very happy. And he was hungry this am. His body temp stayed within normal range today.

This is truly a tragic case but hopefully it will have a good ending – or new start – depending on how you look at it. This is MoonShadow – the picture on the left taken February 7th just a couple of days before he went to the people we got him from. In just a matter of 2 ½ months this is what happened to him – see picture on the right.

I did some backtracking with information I did have on him and had some luck. One phone call actually led to a couple of families from his past. Both families came today to visit with him and were very upset to see him in this condition. It’s heartbreaking too see a horse in this condition – especially a horse that you loved and thought was going to a good home. I’m glad he was feeling somewhat better today – he was a tiny bit more active and alert.

This family owned him for many years after he retired from the track after his first and only race. They brought him gifts today and spent some time with him.

I don’t know if MoonShadow is out of the woods yet. I think I can more comfortably answer that question by the end of the week. I know that today he was a little vocal and his eyes were brighter – he held his head up a little higher. I know it sounds silly but his eyes actually spoke to me and it was comforting.

Please continue to keep MoonShadow in your prayers. Once he is feeling better we need to have his left stifle x-rayed and he’ll need chiropractic/acupuncture. He needs his teeth done and his feet worked on a bit more. God bless – have a wonderful day tomorrow! Thank you all for your continued support!