Tag Archive for: Frodo

I’d like to ask for prayers and good thoughts for little Frodo. He’s been having a real tough time the last few days and is non-weight bearing on his left front foot. Dr. Barrett was here once again, yesterday, and when he pulled off Frodo’s little clog, he discovered an abscess! It’s oozing out very slowly. We put a boot on Frodo with AnimalIntex to help draw out the abscess, so hopefully, he will soon, feel much better.

Frodo took an indirect lightning strike two years ago and thankfully, survived, but not without experiencing lasting neurological issues. Sadly, he did founder after the strike but he’s a happy go lucky little guy, nonetheless, and we will get this taken care of, I’m sure.

Victoria, another of our precious horses, also took an indirect lightning strike a few years ago and had similar issues. Sadly, she did not survive. She simply, was unable to recover from the founder as she was a sinker, but we loved her enough to let her go to Rainbow Bridge. She was a beautiful mare and was so very loved.

Frodo could also use some help with today’s vet needs as well as with his last vet/farrier visit when x-rays were done and special clogs were made just for him.

A wonderful friend and supporter has come forth, however, and has generously offered to match all donations up to $300 for Frodo as well as Coggins for a number of our horses.

If anyone would like to assist with these needs, donations may be submitted by clicking the ‘Donate’ button below. Please note that your donation is for the ‘Match Game’ for Frodo.

Thank you, all, and please stay safe!


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Donation Total: $50 One Time

Last week Ruby, Frodo, Peaches and Beauty all got an acupuncture treatment. It was a special day – it was the first time I’d seen Elisabeth D’Agosto in a few years. She was a volunteer when she was a student at UF but now she’s Dr. Elisabeth D’Agosto! We’re very proud of her and her accomplishments. And we’re very blessed that she took precious time to come share her expertise with the horses. She will be here tomorrow too!

Theresa & the ‘Velvet Nosers’

Beauty Update

I’m very happy to report that Beauty is better! An abscess finally worked its way out of the bottom of her foot and thankfully, this morning, another blew out from her coronet band so hopefully, she is now, well on the road to recovery.

We also discovered Frodo camped out in Beauty’s stall this morning. Beauty was standing at the feed room door – something she hasn’t done in days. It’s great to see her feeling better.

Kitty Cat

Kitty Cat was given approximately 2 months to live several months ago due to a mast cell tumor that had metastasized. I love that he’s doing well and still greets me at the golf cart every morning. Do I believe in miracles? Always.

Sweet Dreams

“Wishing everyone a Good Night! We hope you have a terrific Thursday!”


It’s been awhile since I’ve had a chance to provide an update on Frodo but he’s doing much better after having taken an indirect lightning strike just over a year ago.

Unfortunately, the same thing happened to a very special Arabian mare named Victoria, a few years ago, so we had better knowledge and experience of what to expect with Frodo.  Sadly, we did lose Victoria to founder (due to the strike) after many months of her giving it all she had to overcome.  But in the end, she foundered and was a sinker – we loved her enough to let her go.

The two biggest concerns with Frodo were neurological damage and founder.  After the strike, Frodo was in a fog for the first few days and he didn’t want to move about much.  We observed him constantly and took precautionary measures to help prevent founder, but the damage had already been done – both front feet rotated about 4 degrees.  We continued to ice his feet and he received acupuncture.  He had many abscesses in his front feet for quite a while.  The farrier made a special pair of shoes (clogs) for him that helped Frodo quite a bit.

After a few months, the abscessing cleared up and Frodo finally became more mobile.  However, his backend still doesn’t know where it is (a proprioception issue due to neurological damage) and he walks somewhat robotically.  Mentally, he’s doing fine.  He lives around the barn, has his own stall, and loves to help clean the feed tubs each day. We don’t have a paddock in which to put him where he wouldn’t be chased by others, but he has access to a small paddock behind the barn. He seems to be quite content being the ‘King of the Barn’ and all of the humans simply adore him.

“Happy Sunday everyone! Guess what??? I’m better! Enough so that I want to run and play with Joie – she’s a cute little filly! But my feet still hurt a bit. Aunties Laura and Judy came yesterday to do some hooficures and they also think my feet are better. Auntie Sharon came to help too.

Since I got kinda struck by that light that came down from the sky, in the blink of an eye, I’ve been a bit of a special needs pony. I was lucky – it could have killed me! I was sort of out of it for a few weeks but my thoughts are clearer now and my balance is back to normal. Now we’re working on getting me happy feet.”

“I’ve got vet and farrier bills and I needed supplements and boots.

Can anyone help?

Mommy Theresa has enough worries and I don’t want to be a burden to her. I’ll ask her to add my bills up today and post it but it’s in the $100’s!”

“I want to remind all of you that the light that shoots down from the sky when we have storms is very dangerous! I was lucky but sometimes humans and animals aren’t lucky and we care about all of you and want you to stay safe. So please don’t go out in storms! A few weeks after it got me, it got some other things here too – I’ll ask Mommy Theresa to tell you about it.

Thanks and have a great day!’”



We would appreciate continued good thoughts and prayers for Frodo. We’re supporting him in every way possible – he’s foundered and rotated a few degrees. The indirect lightning strike must have been a horrible experience for him.

This was a concern from the beginning – after he took an indirect lightning strike, Frodo became uncomfortable in his front feet and, as a precaution, we started treating him as a laminitis case. The farrier put hoof testers on Frodo a few weeks ago and his response was not indicative of a founder case so we hoped that he just had an abscess that would resolve on its own. In fact, he did have an abscess in the right foot that recently popped so that foot is feeling better, but now, the left is more uncomfortable. Frodo has, in fact, foundered, but he is in great spirits and we’re optimistic that he will recover from this. He will. Believe…

Our Matching Gift Challenge will be ending on July 31st at 11:59pm EDT so please take advantage of this opportunity to double your donation! All donations up to $2000 in our ‘Beauty of the Heart’ fundraiser will be matched dollar for dollar. If you would like to participate, whether through gofundme, PayPal: bhfer@earthlink.net or our website: www.bhfer.org/donate, please designate your contribution to ‘Beauty of the Heart Matching Gift.’ All donations are greatly appreciated and no donation is ever too small. If you are unable to donate at this time, we ask that you please share this fundraiser amongst your family and friends.  Thank you once again. You all truly exemplify the words of Rumi ~ ‘The only lasting beauty is the Beauty of the Heart.’

September 10th, 2016

Members from Animal Warriors spent a good part of the day helping out – we got some projects done and some of the horses even got a bath! Animal Warriors is a group of like minded individuals from all walks of life who share a common goal of helping animals with active volunteer groups.  All of the horses really enjoyed the extra attention.
Animal Warriors

Aaleyah Belle – there’s that famous tongue doing what it does best!Aaleyah Belle

I think Aaleyah Belle slimed everyone!
Aaleyah Belle AW

Bouie and Frodo got a much needed bath.
Bouie Frodo Bath AW

JoJo opted to lead the group on a tour. He’s such a big little helper! He even kept his flymask on!

JoJo is always the little charmer!
JoJo Charmer

Mishka got lots of attention – he’s a really big guy.  His name suits him well – it means “teddy bear.”
Mishka AW

Mishka also got a bath which he truly enjoyed!
Mishka Bath AW

Animal Warriors is a non-profit organization – they have a Facebook page and you can visit them on their website.  We truly appreciate their help and hope that they come back again!

Please remember to cast your daily vote today in the Eagle Rare Life contest. It could help to win $5K to $50K for the horses! Just click on this link and cast your vote daily – it takes less than a minute!  Then, share it out and ask family and friends to vote too.  Thank you!
Betsy Rose Present

#horsesareheros #bhfer #believe #eaglerarelife #vote #animalwarriors

Wishing everyone a wonderful day!

Bouie and Frodo made a break out yesterday – the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. LOL

Little Lily and her mom, Ebony, also took off. Like any of these 4 really need to gain any weight. Frodo wanted all of the grass to himself so he tried to chase them off – hopefully he ran off some calories.

Sisco had SCC when he came to us months ago. But he is doing well. We’ve been able to give him many months of a happy life and hopefully many more years to come.

Another Beauty’s Haven horse that we brought to Beauty’s Haven from a horrible situation last year. She landed in the arms of an angel. Thank you Jordan! Starlight grazing.

Starlight and Jordan!

Just look at beautiful Sienna! Thank you Kathy & Jamie!

This is Sienna the day we rescued her along with Dingolay (Layla) and Tonka back in May 2009.

And look at Legacy! Thank you, Jan Braakman for giving him the home and love he so deserves! Legacy came to us only a few days old in November 2009.


Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb

February 10th, 2018

A couple of the horses got a much needed bath this weekend and most got a good grooming.  The mini mares got off the hook for being clipped – there just was not enough time and they are going to be a project.

If only the weather would be this perfect all year and the horses would stay this clean…

Roxy adores Peggy Sue – and the feeling is mutual.

Solace is still doing well and he adores his food!

Nevada looks very handsome!

Sisco eating hay out the back of the truck.  He is doing well too.

Bouie and Frodo – our little fuzzy bears. They are also in the waiting line to be clipped.

Morgan LaFaye – she’s looking for a home.  She’s a very sweet girl.  I apologize that the picture is fuzzy – I took it with my phone.

Hollie is also very sweet.  She has not adjusted well to the Florida environment and is having trouble breathing – the blowing dust from the lime rock road is not good for her and we have very little shade. She will be leaving soon for her new home where she will be more comfortable.  We will miss her but her new mom will keep us updated.

Sunset also has labored breathing.  She needs to find a home that is better suited for her and the sooner the better – before warmer temperatures arrive.  Like with Hollie, the dust that blows off the lime rock road is not good for her and she needs shade.  I’m so glad she was clipped last weekend.

Some of you may remember Archer – he is doing great and his family adores him!  That’s his best friend on the right.

It was a really busy weekend here.  A lot got done – a big “thank you” to everyone that took time out of their busy schedule to come out and help.  The more hands we have to get daily chores done the better – it leaves time for other things like baths, clipping, raking, cleaning up the barn, etc.  It really takes a lot of time, money, and hands on to keep this place going.  We are very blessed to have the support we have – here and from afar.  It’s only because of other people pulling together to help us that we are successful – be it donations, prayers, sharing our info with others, etc.  Without all of you helping us we couldn’t do what we do – we sincerely thank you.

And many thanks to Marie for making and donating the necklaces that helped us to raise the funds to pay for Solace’s blood transfusion – that is a lot of worry off my mind.  And it is only part of the vet bill. We still have a jewelry auction going on to help with other vet needs. And we need to buy hay again.  Some of the horses are getting a hooficure this week – if anyone would like to sponsor a horse please let me know.

I’m calling it a day.  God bless and again, thank you all, very much for your continued support.  Have a wonderful week!

Oh – please don’t forget the current “Valentine’s Day Match Game!” If you donate towards the Match Game please indicate so with your donation.

One of our wonderful supporters has offered a very generous $200 Match Game for Valentine’s Day!  The supporter will match each dollar donated from others until we hit the $200 limit!
So this means a possibility of $400 in donations!

Please remember that all contributions are tax deductible and no donation is ever too small.

Donations may be forwarded via the following link:  www.bhfer.org/donate

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: www.bhfer.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb

Tag Archive for: Frodo