October 26th – 27th, 2013
We hope everyone had a great weekend. It’s been very busy here, as usual.
Some really bittersweet news – our darling donkeys, Penny and Penelope will be going to their adoptive home in just a few days! They are hilarious and we’re going to miss them terribly. But they are going to have a blast in their new home. Their adoptive family fostered Story for us – they are only a few miles away. They are going to be spoiled rotten! They will have their own home and humans for the holidays!

Bronson meeting Penny on Saturday. So cute!

Kylie went with me to spend time with Dayo and Fiona on Saturday. We distracted Fiona with some hay so Dayo could focus on us. I usually go alone but I wanted to gently try to move Dayo a little forward today and thought it best that someone go with me. Plus, it gives Dayo another human who he can learn to trust.

Major accomplishment on Saturday! We totally enclosed Dayo in the coral panels where he had no place to go but into the trailer. Kylie sat in front of the trailer and I was behind him controlling the coral panels. He was attentive to both of us but he never got upset once. The noise from a squeaky door made him jump a couple of times, but he didn’t try to bolt and run away. He was very calm about it. Baby steps.

Dayo and I had a long conversation today about his future. He is now sticking his head inside the trailer to eat his hay while his back feet remain outside on the ground. I’m moving the hay further into the trailer each day. He’s calmly staying behind the coral panel pen that leads to the trailer. He doesn’t seem to be very worried about being able to run as he was even a week ago when something startled him. He just sort of jumps in place and then settles back down. Fiona happily munched on her own hay as I was working with Dayo.

Look at that backside! There’s a lot of power there! I don’t want Dayo to have a bad experience. And my time with him is my quiet time. I hate the thought of him potentially getting hurt if pushed too hard – he may never let anyone doctor him. We are making progress so I’m happy.

Here’s Betsy Rose on Sunday – she’s enjoying the weather – we all are!

Peggy Sue got her hooficure on Sunday. We have to put her in the sling in order for Laura to do her feet. For those that don’t know Peggy Sue, she has a bum back leg. It’s basically straight – it doesn’t bend. Her pelvis was fractured in a few places many years ago when her owners pulled her baby from her. Many thanks to Kim and Laura for their help and patience!

Eagle got a hooficure yesterday, too. Kim gently rubbed his face and neck and introduced him to some calming oils. But he was fine – a very sweet horse!

Have a great week everyone!
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb