Tag Archive for: Dr Elisabeth D’Agosto

Lightning and Satin, the two horses that we have been feeding off-site, arrived and settled in nicely on Wednesday afternoon. As you may remember, several months ago their owner, who had a very serious health issue, reached out to us for assistance. It was apparent when we met the horses that they needed help immediately, but since we didn’t have room for them at the rescue, we opted to feed and deworm them etc. where they were until we could bring them in. They have now gained needed weight and are truly looking much better. Many thanks to Pamela Zarem, owner of Double B Equine Transport, for safely and lovingly transporting her precious cargo to Beauty’s Haven.

Lightning and Satin had their physicals on Thursday and both were very well behaved for Dr. Elisabeth D’Agosto who did their exams and bloodwork. The tests revealed some high and low values which are quite consistent with horses that have not been fed a proper diet. I simply love hearing the sound of them now happily munching on their hay without a care in the world!

Satin is a very nice mare. Lightning, well, he is just an in your pocket clown.

Both seemed very appreciative of their “spa day” this weekend when Pam and Pat gave each a much needed bath! Lightning and Satin will go through rehab and will be made available for adoption when they’re ready.

If anyone would like to help with their monthly expenses, it would be greatly appreciated. (Please note that your donation is for Lightning & Satin.)

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Thank you, all, and please stay safe!


It’s been many days since I’ve had a chance to share the daily happenings at Beauty’s Haven, but we’re still here and as always, extremely busy!

A few days ago Dr. D’Agosto (aka Elisabeth – a volunteer from years ago – so proud of her accomplishments!) came back to work on a number of our horses and implant some microchips. We are so very grateful to Elisabeth as well as to our wonderful village of supporters who have made our wish for a new Microchip Scanner & Chips a reality!

Ruby received a wonderful grooming and acupuncture treatment by Dr. Elisabeth. Later in the day Dr. Mangan examined Ruby’s eyes as she’s been having issues with her left eye – a flare-up of chronic uveitis and her cataract has worsened a bit. Warrior was also having eye issues so he was examined by Dr. Mangan as well, and is now also receiving some meds. We are so appreciative of Dr. Mangan!

Tilly and Peggy Sue just love the grass. Tilly has COPD – some days can be quite the challenge for her. She also has a rather large hernia on her side which doesn’t seem to be uncomfortable. She’s a really sweet and happy little mare.

Peggy Sue can’t bend her back leg because many years ago, when her humans “helped” her deliver her baby, they shattered her pelvis in multiple places. Thankfully she gets around pretty well. She’s a happy little mare, too.

Thanks to you, our amazing supporters, we’ve been able to help many with special needs. They are all so very precious.


Lastly, thank you to everyone who participated in our second Betsy Rose Birthday Fundraiser. Congratulations to Pamela H. for being the lucky recipient of this very special collection of Betsy Rose themed items!

Wishing everyone a wonderful week. Stay Safe!


Last week Ruby, Frodo, Peaches and Beauty all got an acupuncture treatment. It was a special day – it was the first time I’d seen Elisabeth D’Agosto in a few years. She was a volunteer when she was a student at UF but now she’s Dr. Elisabeth D’Agosto! We’re very proud of her and her accomplishments. And we’re very blessed that she took precious time to come share her expertise with the horses. She will be here tomorrow too!

Theresa & the ‘Velvet Nosers’