Tag Archive for: Dr. Bess

Our newly acquired Mules have settled in nicely here at the rescue. We have named the younger of the two, Walker, and the senior wise old soul, Waylen.

Upon his arrival, Walker had been having a tough time eating. He would merely nibble on just a tiny bit of food and then walk away. We have been treating him for ulcers and thankfully, just a few days ago, he started to perk up and finish his meals. He is now much more animated and seems to be quite the happy boy. Waylen is just a kind, sweet old soul. I’ll bet he could tell us countless stories from his past as an Amish working mule. He’s just a big love bug and he so reminds me very much of our sweet Penny. Oh, and he loves to serenade us quite often – even into the wee hours of the morning!

Dr. Bess of Tune Ups Veterinary Equine Dentistry and Services was scheduled to perform an examination on both boys. She determined that Walker is approximately 16 years old, while Waylen is approximately 25 years old. Waylen is missing some teeth so he is being fed soft meals which he truly enjoys, and little Walker is now thankfully a member of the “Clean Plate Club!” Just the other day, Walker and Waylen were treated to a bit of grazing time which both so enjoyed! We also scheduled Dr. Julia to examine and run blood and other tests on Walker and Waylen and we will update once we regroup to discuss the results.

Walker and Waylen are both still in need of sponsors and/or a one-time donation which can be forwarded by clicking on the ’DONATE’ button below. Please designate your contribution to ‘Mules.’

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Thank you all so very much for your love and support. I am most certain that our beloved Minnie is smiling down on Beauty’s Haven from the heavens above.


September 26th – 27th, 2013

It was a very busy day here yesterday. Dr. Julia came to check out Bella (she had breathing issues) and to check on Betsy Rose. Betsy Rose has strained a ligament in her back left. She’s on stall rest for awhile with limited hand grazing. I feel bad for her but she takes it all in stride – she’s a tough little girl.

This was Betsy Rose being checked out yesterday by Dr. Julia. Stall rest for awhile – limited hand grazing. Going to have to get her more toys for her suite.

Dr. Bess (Tune Ups Veterinary Equine Dentistry and Services) came and worked on a few horses. How would you like to have to eat your meals with your top razor sharp tooth piercing your tongue and putting a hole in your lower jaw? This was just one of many issues Vegas had (this is the horse that lived with Chance).

How about this one? This is more than a year’s worth of neglect. You should NOT have a horse if you can’t take proper are of it (IMO)! Seriously, how would you like to have to try to graze and chew with teeth like this?

Have to slip this one in of my little Popper. She’s hilarious! We have two Boston Terrier’s – Popper and Trixie. They really are great entertainment.

Fabio was here this morning and even Betsy Rose got a hooficure – very gently, of course. Her back leg is still bothering her, but it seemed a little better today. I actually managed to get out and do some work today for a bit. Still trying to get over this round of pneumonia.

Bonnie letting Betsy Rose graze a bit today.

Daniele, Trisha Kelly Jones and Sherry-Kenny Luzader taking care of chores today. Extra hands are always good!

Betsy Rose opening a present today. She LOVES presents!

Betsy Rose really loves nosing through her packages. She’s so cute and appreciative of everything. She’s so expressive!

This is my very special blanket that was made just for me with a lot of love in honor of Schoep – a very special dog. Thank you Stop Animal Cruelty Worldwide!”

“I really love my blanket! Here are some pictures of me sharing it with my friends. They all agree it’s very soft!”

“What do you think Freckles – do you like it? Let’s invite the others to see what they think!”

“I think they LOVE it!”

“Do y’all know how lucky we are? I wish all animals could feel as loved as I do. I dreamed about being this loved and cared for and I prayed and I never stopped believing. I have a big family now that really cares about me! BELIEVE!!”

Betsy Rose has a new friend that arrived today! It was Beanie Secretariat!

“Lucy, really? Come on let’s go try to get into the feed room while nobody is looking! I know you’re always sticking your nose into the feed room door when a human opens it. There’s a lot of goodies in there – we’re too cute to get into real trouble! Mommy Theresa will just take more pictures and then give us a good talking to while she’s scratching our butt. It’ll be fun!”

A video of CaryLou and his ball. I think the ball actually won!

Daisy had another surgery this week. The tumor above her right eye continues to grow. The tumors around her left eye are no worse. Dr. Hughes is trying a different chemo treatment. It’s not looking good at this point but we haven’t given up. Daisy is in good spirits and can see out of both eyes. Boo is doing fantastic! Please keep Daisy in your prayers.

This is the portrait of CaryLou and his momma! It’s available through our online store at . The artist is Shannon Mordue!

God Bless and Thank You!

Have a great weekend, Everyone!



Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb