Tag Archive for: Bria


In mid-November we received a call about three horses that had been abandoned on foreclosed property. We had just taken in Dancer and Jo and had no plans to bring in more horses for the cold season – resources were very tight. But we had to do something so we went to work reaching out to others to see if we could find help for them. We were very blessed to find a great home for two of the horses.

The third horse, a mare named Bria who was almost 30 years old, would need special care so we decided she would live out her sunset years here at the rescue.

We promised Bria that we would do everything we could to make her comfortable for as long as possible. We also promised her that when she got to a point where her quality of life was not good, and there was nothing more we could do to help her, we would love her enough to let her go. She was quite thin and she had Cushing’s Disease along with degenerative suspensory ligament disease (DSLD). Unfortunately, there is no cure for DSLD – it progressively gets worse and, at some point, the horse’s quality of life declines to a point where the most humane thing to do is euthanasia. Bria’s coat was terribly unhealthy and her mane and tail hadn’t been brushed in years. Her teeth needed attention as well, as she had sharp points and waves. Her front feet were a mess – she had thin soles and coffin bone rotation (with bone loss) in both.

Fortunately, Bria was comfortable in Soft Ride boots. She wore them 24/7 and, at times, she could even be seen trotting around. She was a beautiful mare and had a way of communicating very well – I’m sure in her younger days she could be very opinionated, sassy, and a fireball of energy. Little E became Bria’s best friend and they could usually be found hanging out together under the Friendship Tree by our house or wandering about, grazing. Bria made other friends, too – Peggy Sue, Cricket, Tilly, Lucy, and even Nina would hang out with her. She also made friends with many humans – all of the volunteers truly loved her.

Over the last couple of weeks, Bria had been less active as were some of the other horses – we’d had some pretty high temps and humidity. But this past Friday morning, Bria didn’t want to move when I took breakfast to her.

She gave me a look that clearly said she needed help and she was resting her back left leg in an odd way. I can’t feel anything with my hands (due to my spinal cord injury) so I couldn’t tell if there was heat in her back foot and/or leg. I gave Bria pain meds and waited to see how she would respond. When she tried to walk, it was obvious that her back leg/foot had issues so we called the vet to come out to the farm.

Dr. Rigby found heat (increased pulses) not only in Bria’s back foot but also in both front feet. Bria was a horse trying to walk on one good foot and that is just not possible. Dr. Rigby advised the most humane thing to do would be to help Bria go to Rainbow Bridge.

Little E had stayed close to Bria all morning – I’m sure he knew what was happening. We let them have time together as Dr. Rigby got meds ready that would release Bria from her pain.

As much as it broke our hearts, we kept our promise to Bria to let her go when the time came. I prayed for a smooth transition and she did go peacefully – I stayed with her the entire time.

After awhile, I left Little E alone with Bria so he could have time to process what had happened. He’s up there in years (37) and sadly, he has had to say good-bye to many of his friends – I do worry about him.

I’m sure Cricket, Nina, and Bria met up at Rainbow Bridge where they now frolic in green grass free of pain. They will always be in my heart and I know we’ll meet them again someday. They were all loved and we were blessed to have them with us for as long as we did.

Thank you all for caring.


It is with a heavy heart to inform you that our beloved Niña & Bria peacefully went to Rainbow Bridge within a mere twenty-four hours of one another. Although we are deeply saddened, we find great comfort with the knowledge that Bria & Niña, together with sweet Cricket & all the other precious souls who have gone before them, are now running freely with the Heavenly Herd.

Please keep Bria, Niña, Theresa and Bob in your prayers.


Hey Everyone!

Bria and Little E here letting you all know that the farrier will be coming to the farm this week to make certain that we all have “Happy Feet!” We are estimating the farrier fee to be approximately $615. It is also time for another Hay Run and this week’s list consists of one ton of Orchard Hay ($635), eight bales of Coastal ($64) and four bales of Alfalfa ($160) for a total of $859.

We would be forever grateful if you could help the horses of Beauty’s Haven during this time of uncertainty, when so many others are also in great need.

If you would like to forward a donation to assist with the cost of these needs, please click the Donate Now button below and be sure to designate your contribution to “Hay and/or Happy Feet.” All donations are tax deductible and no amount is ever too small. If you are unable to donate at this time, we truly understand, but you can still help by sharing this need amongst family and friends!

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Lastly, if anyone would like to offer a Match Game to help promote our Hay and Farrier needs, that would simply make our hearts sing!

Thank you, all, so very much! Please stay safe!

Bria & E

Hi Everyone,

Thank you, all, for your messages of condolence during this most difficult time. Cricket was so very blessed to have experienced such an inordinate amount of love and joy in recent years. She was truly, a very wise old soul and I am certain that she had many stories to tell during the course of her thirty-five years here on earth. We do find comfort with the knowledge that Cricket has been reunited with her beloved companion, Jiminy, who went to Rainbow Bridge just a few months ago.

While the vet was here to care for Cricket, bloodwork was also done on Bria, and we are currently, awaiting the results.

While we never like to ask for funds, especially during this time of heartbreak and sorrow, we do need assistance for Bria’s testing as well as for both visits from the vet yesterday.

The first to help resolve Crickets’s colic, and the second, an evening emergency visit, to assist with her peaceful transition to Rainbow Bridge. We also are asking for assistance to cover Cricket’s burial fees.

If you would like to assist with these fees, which we estimate to be in the range of $600, you may forward your donation via various means here on our secure website or via PayPalMe. If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation to ‘Bria’ and/or ‘Cricket.’ If you select the tab, ‘Send Money to Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. All donations are tax deductible and no amount is ever too small.

Lastly, please keep Beauty in your prayers.

Thank you all, so very much, for your love and support.


Niña is looking much better. When she lays down now, she’s strong enough to get up on her own. Niña recently, managed to injure her lip, but she was such a good girl and great patient when getting her wound cleaned and treated.

Penny’s Happy Mouth

Dr. Bess Darrow (Tune Ups Veterinary Equine Dentistry and Services) worked on Penny’s teeth last week. Penny had recently started to quid. Penny is a blind 30+ year old Belgian. Elyza Rose is her seeing eye pony and BFF.

Bria’s Happy Feet

“Got treats?”

Bria is holding her own and is most comfortable in her SoftRides boots. Take them off and it’s a different story – she has thin soles and some rotation in both front feet. But you can sometimes see her sprinting around looking for Little E or Cricket.


A quick update on Bria – we’re very happy to report that she’s making progress! She came to us thin and with Cushings, DSLD, her teeth were a horrible mess which made it painful for her to even try to eat, she had foundered, and she could be grouchy at times.

At intake, a total exam was done (including bloodwork). Our care team established a rehab plan (we make adjustments over time, as needed). Bria’s dental and farrier needs were taken care of. She was put on a feeding schedule – she gets 5 smaller meals a day. She gets supplements, wears SoftRide boots, and she’s been getting Reiki which helps. We use Benefab QuickWraps on her sometimes and she uses a SmartScrim which she totally enjoys. After the scrim is on her for just a couple of minutes, she relaxes, really relaxes, which helps her in many ways. Her demeanor is much better, she’s a happier, and healthier, horse. We truly appreciate the support we’ve received from Benefab!

Bria hangs out mostly with Little E. She used to follow him around but now, many times, he has to catch up to her!

Tag Archive for: Bria