Tag Archive for: Aaleyah Belle

We are currently seeking “hooficure” sponsorships for Aaleyah Belle, Mo, Oasis (on the far side of Mo), Bouie and our resident punk ass, CaryLou, as they appear clockwise in the image above. If you would like to sponsor farrier services for one of these precious horses (or contribute toward a portion of such), please click on the donation button below. The average cost of each hooficure is $35. Please designate your donation to the horse of your choice.

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Donation Total: $50 One Time

Thank you for your continued love and support for our beloved “Velvet Nosers.”


Just in time for Christmas, we are offering a wonderful raffle for a set of four ornaments each featuring an image of a Beauty’s Haven horse: Aaleyah Belle, Betsy Rose, Beauty & Mo. These very special ornaments would make a wonderful gift that would certainly be treasured for years to come, or you can just keep them for yourself to hang upon your very own Christmas tree.

For each suggested donation of $5 that is designated for ‘Ornament Raffle,’ you will receive one chance to become the lucky recipient of this wonderful collection.

Donations may be forwarded via various means by clicking the ‘Donate’ button below, or via PayPal.me. If there is no allotted space in which to designate your contribution, please forward an email with your name and the amount of your donation to bhfer_admin@earthlink.net in order that we can enter your name for the correct number of chances.


*A name will be selected at Beauty’s Haven Farm and Equine Rescue, Inc., located in Morriston, FL, on 17 December 2020, at 6:00pm.

Thank you, all, for your love & support!


“Life is about determination. Don’t give up because of the obstacles… Regardless of what obstacles face you, just keep going! Go through, go around, jump over – but never give up!”

A registered Thoroughbred mare named ‘Currently Sue,’ foaled during the early morning hours of May 3, 2008. Her filly was born with a condition known as wry nose syndrome which prevented the foal from nursing and receiving the vital colostrum that she needed after birth, thus making her chance of survival extremely slim.

That very same day, Theresa received a phone call from an individual expressing concern about the filly and her Momma, as they were in imminent danger of being shot that afternoon. Theresa immediately, contacted the owner to see if they would surrender Momma and baby to Beauty’s Haven and they were more than happy to oblige – it would save them the time and energy of having to dig a grave. Without delay, Theresa went to pick up Momma and her filly and transport them to the rescue.

Time was of the essence – the baby was several hours old and hadn’t received any nourishment or colostrum – she could not nurse due to her wry nose. Momma had obviously, given her baby all the nourishment she could in utero, as she, herself, was merely skin on bones and simply had no milk to offer her baby.

Both were promptly vetted and the filly received plasma and colostrum. Momma, who we lovingly, called ‘Momma Sue,’ was put on a re-feeding program. There are no words to describe how blessed we felt as we watched the look of worry and hunger in Momma’s Sue’s eyes morph into a look of gratefulness, comfort, and relief. It was obvious that she adored her baby girl.

On this very same day, Eight Belles, a determined and kind, steel-gray 3 year-old filly, ran in the Kentucky Derby against 19 colts. Against the odds, Eight Belles finished second on the 1 1/4 mile track, following the winner, Big Brown. Sadly, within seconds of crossing the finish line, Eight Belles broke down and had to be euthanized.

In Eight Belles’s memory, we named Momma Sue’s determined little filly, ‘Aaleyah Belle,’ who would have to overcome immeasurable odds in order to survive.

Aaleyah Belle, thankfully, was able to drink from a bottle. As soon as she was stable and stronger, she needed to have surgery at the University of Florida to correct her wry nose which would forever, improve her quality of life. A few weeks later, Aaleyah Belle, accompanied by her beloved Momma, was transported to UF where her nose would be surgically corrected, as much as possible, thus allowing her to run and play with all the other horses.

Her recovery was successful, and as she grew stronger and her breathing became easier, our sweet little girl started kicking up her heels. She showed the world and all those who loved her, a very special ‘Cricket Dance.’ Aaleyah became a dancer of joy, a spirited young girl with a full life ahead of her. Aaleyah Belle was born with an innate beauty, a beauty that encompasses the true meaning of grace, happiness, and love. Aaleyah is yet another, Beauty’s Haven miracle.

In Honor of Aaleyah’s 12th Birthday, a wonderful Auntie has come forth and is offering a Match Game whereby all donations up to $300 will be matched dollar for dollar, which will be applied to this week’s Hay Run.

If you would like to forward a donation in Honor of Aaleyah’s birthday, you may do so here on our website or via PayPalMe. If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation to ‘Aaleyah’s Birthday.’ If you select the tab, ‘Send Money to Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. All donations are tax deductible and no amount is ever too small.

Thank you, all, so very much!

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Donation Total: $5 One Time

October 24th

Aaleyah Belle and her silly tongue.  There’s nothing that can compare to being slimed by her!

The horses are loving the cool temperatures. We all are!

October 25th…

“Come on JoJo – let’s play kick the can! Um, I mean kick the bucket!”

October 26th…

Prayers please. Aaleyah Belle is colicing.

October 27th…

I’m happy to report that Aaleyah Belle is feeling much better after her gas colic yesterday! Chloe and Aaleyah were both happy to go back down to their paddock this morning. Thank you all for your good thoughts and prayers yesterday.

Please remember to cast your daily vote today in the Eagle Rare Life contest. It could help to win $5K to $50K for the horses! Just click on this link and cast your vote!

#eaglerarelife #horsesareheros #bhfer #betsyrose #ittakesavillage #voteandshare

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue Inc. is a 501(c)(3) grassroots Non-Profit Organization registered in the state of Florida (EIN: 20-4783950).  We are not funded by Local, State, or Federal funds. We operate totally from donations from the public. Please consider making a one time or recurring donation to help the horses. No amount is too small and all donations are very much appreciated.  Donations are tax deductible.

Beauty’s Haven was awarded Verified status by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS) in 2012. GFAS is the only globally recognized organization that provides standards for identifying legitimate animal sanctuaries.  Awarded November 2014 Equine Hero.  A Guidestar Exchange Silver Participant and a GreatNonprofits Top Rated Non-Profit 2014, 2015, and 2016.

September 10th, 2016

Members from Animal Warriors spent a good part of the day helping out – we got some projects done and some of the horses even got a bath! Animal Warriors is a group of like minded individuals from all walks of life who share a common goal of helping animals with active volunteer groups.  All of the horses really enjoyed the extra attention.
Animal Warriors

Aaleyah Belle – there’s that famous tongue doing what it does best!Aaleyah Belle

I think Aaleyah Belle slimed everyone!
Aaleyah Belle AW

Bouie and Frodo got a much needed bath.
Bouie Frodo Bath AW

JoJo opted to lead the group on a tour. He’s such a big little helper! He even kept his flymask on!

JoJo is always the little charmer!
JoJo Charmer

Mishka got lots of attention – he’s a really big guy.  His name suits him well – it means “teddy bear.”
Mishka AW

Mishka also got a bath which he truly enjoyed!
Mishka Bath AW

Animal Warriors is a non-profit organization – they have a Facebook page and you can visit them on their website.  We truly appreciate their help and hope that they come back again!

Please remember to cast your daily vote today in the Eagle Rare Life contest. It could help to win $5K to $50K for the horses! Just click on this link and cast your vote daily – it takes less than a minute!  Then, share it out and ask family and friends to vote too.  Thank you!
Betsy Rose Present

#horsesareheros #bhfer #believe #eaglerarelife #vote #animalwarriors

Wishing everyone a wonderful day!

July 5th…

Aaleyah Belle – she’ll never outgrow her love of sliming everyone.
AB 071416

July 6th…

Bouie and Frodo – happy ponies!
BouieFrodo 071416

Classy is another special needs sanctuary horse.  She has a tracheotomy and arthritis issues in her front feet.  She’s a very sweet girl.

July 7th…

Sisco is recovering nicely from his surgery. He’s still on stall rest but gets hand walked some. He’s going to beat this!  There is currently a Match Game going on to help him. Sisco 071416

July 8th…

A donkey in the mist! Whiskers is growing little bits each day. I’m sure he wishes he had another donkey to play with but JoJo and Jazzy are not nice to him.WhiskersMist 071416

July 9th…

Remember when JoJo got into the dishwasher detergent and had an early morning suds party all by himself? Growing up with JoJo has been a great experience – gotta love him! He was squeaky clean that day!
JoJo Suds 071416

Lucy and Sawyer – the odd couple.  🙂
LucySawyer 071416

July 10th…

This morning on Frosty’s Knoll. It was beautiful!
Farm 071416

Barb took Sisco out for some hand grazing today. We still need help with his vet needs.  The GoFundMe currently includes a Match Game!  Please consider helping – no amount is too small.
SiscoBarb 071416

July 11th…

So thankful for the shade trees! Mishka loves standing under it – there is a mister at the top.
Mishka Tree 071416

The gap is continues to widen between 1st and 2nd place in the #MakeASplash contest. Unfortunately, you have to vote via Facebook. Your vote, once every 24 hours through July 31st is so greatly needed! And what will help even more is if you share amongst family and friends and ask them to vote and share as well.

We CAN do this with your help! We have never been fortunate enough to win anything close to $10,000. Although it is a constant and exhausting struggle trying to raise money and take care of the horses all day long, it is truly worth every moment, knowing that we are making a difference in the life of each and every equine that enters through our gates. We are Beauty’s Haven Farm and Equine Rescue, a place where ‘Life begins, again!’

Please remember to vote daily to help the horses of Beauty’s Haven win $10,ooo!
Make a Splash

Wishing everyone a wonderful day and thank you all, for your generosity, love and support.

#believe #vote #horserescue #makeasplash #bhfer #wecandothis #notgivingup

June 3rd, 2016

Aaleyah Belle is doing great!
Aaleyah Belle

June 4th…

Peek-a-boo! So thankful that Sawyer is still with us. He gave us all quite a scare with his epileptic seizures a couple of weeks ago. He’s a wise old soul who is as kind as can be.
Sawyer Peek

June 5th…

Remember when Betsy Rose received a new gift/friend named Bunny? She has so many friends! Right now, they are all tucked in as the storms are coming.

Remember the day last August when some of the long ears (and Foxy) gathered around – from big to small? I miss Matilda and am so thankful for the time we had with her. Mocha and Daisy are looking for a forever home as pets – they are adorable. And little Foxy – she’s loving life with her mom at their forever home with Bill and Judy
Long ears gather

June 6th…

Winds have started to pick up. We are hunkering down and I may be offline much of the time.  We are in the path of Tropical Storm Colin.

Betsy Rose got to go out between the bands of rain today. She’s all tucked in her stall now as JoJo, Jazzy, and CaryLou keep her company. The winds are up. The rains are coming down. This needs to be over.
Betsy 060716

June 7th…

Calling it a day here. We’re still a bit tired from all of the activity from Tropical Storm Colin, even though it wasn’t too very bad. Ruby and Cookie wouldn’t allow Little E and Peaches in the shelter so we had to move horses around – it’s just been exhausting. But no complaints – everyone is safe and there is no property damage! But now, I hear there may be another storm on the horizon! I hope that’s a rumor!

June 8th…

Remember Montana?
Montana before

A call to authorities from someone who saw a thin, sad, and not so healthy horse chained to a shed led us to this sweet boy. After a couple of weeks of driving by, seeing his health continually decline, they called authorities. Of course, we would take him. He recovered nicely and is now living a life of luxury.  Montana and others are living the good life now thanks to help from supporters!  We couldn’t do it without you!
Montana Lexi

Her registered name was Point to Ponder. We lovingly called her “My Girl.” She was a young, brave, and beautiful TB that was raced 12 times in 8 months before coming to Beauty’s Haven. I’ll let the short video tell the rest of the story. This was a case that reminded us that sometimes doing what is right means letting go – it may be the greatest gift of love there is….

We’ve helped many horses – all with stories we could share. And all of the help we’ve provided to them was made possible because of our village of supporters. We operate totally from donations from the public. There are many more equines that need help.  We know you can’t always donate – but now there is a free and easy way to help the horses!

We are competing in a contest to win $10K for the horses and we are in 3rd place! It’s a free and easy way to help if you use Facebook! Please help us win this by voting once everyday through July 31st. And what would help, very much, is if you share it out to family and friends and ask them to vote and share as well – this needs to go viral! Post it on multiple media platforms – and ask others to vote and share!  Instructions are below and here is the link to vote. Link to vote:  http://wshe.es/65VvE5f1

Information and rules for voting…
1. You must have a Facebook account to vote.
2. First time voters must:
a) Enter their email address
b) Verify they are not a robot
c) Check their email for a message from WishPond & follow the instructions in theWishPond email. (It arrives quickly – if you don’t see it check your SPAM folder). This is the one and only time you will get any email.
3. Multiple people can vote from the same device but each person must be logged into their own FB page to vote.
4. You can only vote once per 24 hours.

There are 2 ways to know your votes are not being counted:
1. You have to keep entering your email address
2. You do not see the digital count down clock for your next vote

Also, if you are also on our business page, (https://www.facebook.com/bhfer/) please make sure you “Like” us and choose to “See First” to ensure we show up first in your news feed – you will more likely remember to vote. We will putting out daily reminders. We are just a small grassroots organization that could really use your help with this.


Thank you, so very much. Please help the horses by voting, and sharing, daily.  Have a safe and fun weekend!

May 21st, 2016

Good morning! I’m rushing out the door but had to stop to post – we need some help with hooficures and coggins. The vet bills have been mounting but I need to sit down and figure out where we are with those. I know Aaleyah Belle’s is covered provided all of the pledges come in. I’ve been offline so much taking care of the horse I didn’t realize how low our funds have dropped. The mower had to go in the shop and will be a $900 repair bill – we keep the grass around Betsy Rose’s paddock short – she chokes and has other issues and should not be on tall grass – really stressed over this one. I’ll try to get in the office today and figure out where we stand with everything but I do know we need help with $200 for hooficures.

Any amount of a donation would be helpful and very much appreciated – no amount is too small. Our PayPal address is bhfer@earthlink.net. If you donate, please note that your donation is for “hooficures.” There are other ways to donate via our website www.bhfer.org. Thank you!

Betsy Rose gets her hooficures in the sling. Thanks Marilyn for helping out yesterday!
Betsy Rose Hooficure

I’m really glad these guys have settled down and are back under their tree that has an overhead mister to help keep them cool and a water bucket. I guess they had never seen ostriches before (there are a pair at the neighbors). It only took about 5 days.  I was so worried they would colic – and we had enough of that with Aaleyah Belle last week.  These guys refused to come up to their water tank so we had to run a long water hose along the ground which got hot in the sun – it was just a mess that made more work.  But hopefully, things are back to normal now.

May 22nd
Sawyer has not had any more seizures, thankfully. He’s not quite himself yet but he’s a bit better each day. It’s suspected that a focal lesion caused his epileptic seizures. His appetite is good, he’s drinking, whinnying at his food, and still loves Lucy.  Sawyer would really appreciate some sponsors to help with his medical needs. If you would like to help, please note that your donation is for “Sawyer”. Thank you.

It was a beautiful evening for Betsy Rose to go on adventure around the house.

May 23rd
I’m happy to report that Aaleyah Belle is doing great! What a scare she gave us last week with her colic! She really is beautiful.

That is not a smiling face in this photo! The golf cart broke down while I was feeding at the FAR end of the property.  The golf cart is one of the most valuable tools on the farm – just ask any volunteer!

Zahara is a beauty – she’s still looking for her forever home! Some ladies from Fox Hollow gave her a little pampering over the weekend.

Beauty – the mare that started it all! Love her kisses!

May 24th
“Guess what? You guys will never be as tiny as I am but it’s ok – we can still be friends!”  Lily is the smallest resident on the farm.

This is unreal.  I wish the black cloud that is on pause over the farm would move on. Now the other golf cart isn’t working! It appears that we will now be hoofing it along with the horses. This isn’t good.

The zero turn mower is in the shop to an estimate of $770 needed in repairs. A motor is needed for one golf cart for about $700. And now the backup golf cart is dead with repair cost to be determined. They all 3 are used to pull the poop spreader, give out hay, etc.  Does anyone have a working golf cart they would like to donate for a great cause and a tax deduction?  Things come in 3’s right? So we’re done? Nothing else will break?

May 15th, 2016

Thank you ALL for your good thoughts and prayers! WE BELIEVE AND GUESS WHAT???
Aaleyah Belle

Aaleyah Belle is coming home today!
Aaleyah Belle

Elizabeth and Bri have precious cargo on board – Aaleyah Belle is homeward bound!

Big sigh of relief… Home!  As Aaleyah Belle once said “Never give up!”

May 16th
Aaleyah Belle is doing well – thankfully! She really did grow up to be a big girl. I know Momma Sue is proud.

May 13th, 2016

10:01 am
Aaleyah Belle greeted me this morning by refusing breakfast and throwing herself on the ground wanting to roll. It wasn’t easy getting her up, but once we did so, we led her to the barn. The vet is on the way.  She received IV meds as directed by the vet and I’m doing red light therapy on her now. She’s relaxing and is no longer wanting to roll. Please continue to send good thoughts and prayers.

11:24 am
The vet just left, so now, we wait and pray. Aaleyah Belle was tubed and oiled. She is comfortably resting in her stall and is waking up from sedation. Once she is awake, we will do some walking.  Please keep the good thoughts and prayers coming. If she becomes painful again, we will be going to the hospital.


3:06 pm
Aaleyah got better but then it hit again out of the blue so we now need prayers to get her on the trailer – she’s refusing to load.


3:55 pm
After much cajoling and praying, Aaleyah is finally in the trailer! More good thoughts and prayers please!!!! There is no one in this whole wide world who could ever convince me that the power of prayer does not work. And I just know that there are Angels walking amongst us who come and go in many forms. Aaleyah is on her way to the hospital at UF.


5:28 pm
Aaleyah settled in at the University of Florida Vet Hospital and is being examined – they will do an ultrasound, bloodworm, rectal, etc.  We will update more later.



Three wonderful supporters have joined together to sponsor a $1,400 Match Game to assist with the veterinary bills and hospitalization of our beloved Aaleyah Belle!
All donations up to $1,400 will be matched ~ $5 will become $10, $10 will become $20 and so on. Each and every donation is truly appreciated and please be assured that no donation is ever considered as being too small.

Donations are tax deductible and can be made via various means on our website at www.bhfer.org or via our PayPal address: bhfer@earthlink.net. If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation for ‘Veterinary Bills.’ If you select the tab for ‘Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution.

Thank you all for your continued love and support and please keep our precious girl in your thoughts and prayers.

Tag Archive for: Aaleyah Belle