Special Needs Calf
Born: 3/20/19
Rainbow Bridge: 10/31/19

Sassy is her name, Mischief is her game!
Remi, our baby donkey, came to me several days ago with a special request from Hope. At some point either Freckles or Jerry the Giraffe told Remi and Hope about our precious baby calf, also named Hope, who arrived at Beauty's Haven in…

Forever in our Hearts
Where there is love, there is Hope.
Our precious baby girl would have been one year old today.
20 March 2019 - 31 October 2019

Hope, Forever in our Hearts
We knew from the beginning in our journey with Hope, that, being a dwarf, she had quite a few obstacles to overcome. And Hope was, without a doubt, an overcomer.
We watched Hope grow and learn to find ways to work around her challenges. Caring…

It is with a heavy heart and deepest sorrow that we must inform you that our beloved Baby Hope has gone to Rainbow Bridge. Our precious little calf died peacefully in her sleep at 12:03am surrounded by Theresa and Bob. Theresa will provide a…

Baby Steps for Hope
Hi Everybody!
"When I first came to the rescue, it was very hard for me, most of the time, when I tried to lay down or walk. If you click on the image of me above, you will see a video of my first days at the rescue. But at least I had been…

The Story of Baby Hope – Chapter 3
Hi Everybody!
"It's true that I'm a little slower at many things than most calves my age, but I finally have Chapter 3 of my life story ready to share! In Chapter 2, I told you about my Dynasplints and Silver Whinnys' Sox. The splints helped…

The Story of Baby Hope – Chapter 2
Hi Everybody!
I’ve been working on Chapter Two of my story a little bit here and there. I tried to keep it shorter than Chapter One, but there is so much to tell!
I settled in here at the rescue and met so many great people.…

My Story – By Baby Hope
Hi Everybody!
I’m a baby cow and I want to tell you my life story. I’m only about four months old but I have a lot to tell and maybe it will help another baby cow! But I’m going to tell just a little at a time, ok?
Being born was…

Hope and Her Amazing Silver Whinnys!
I know that we still owe everyone a detailed update on Hope. A lot has happened during the last month and I have been working on an update, but no matter how well we plan our day, something unexpected seems to happen and I…

Hope Wheelin’ Right Along!
We know Hope has dwarfism characteristics, contracted tendons, cataracts and neurological deficits. But, she also has a bright spirit and a determination that we can't, and won't, ignore. She's a precious and wonderful living being who…

Here We Go! Hope is Moving On!
Hi Everybody!
Guess what? Yesterday was a really big day for me! I stood up for at least 15 minutes and walked at least 12 baby steps all by myself! I think I overdid it though, as I was a very tired little girl last night!
But guess…

Hope’s Visit With Dr. Mangan
Dr. Mangan arrived at the rescue not long after Hope and I returned from Ocala Equine Hospital on Friday. He helped us settle Hope back into her "suite." Dr. Mangan had his absolutely wonderful children with him and we all learned quite a…

A Big Day for Hope!
Wednesday was a big day for Hope! I took her to Ocala Equine Hospital for an evaluation and x-rays by Dr. Lugo to determine if she would be a candidate for DynaSplints which would hopefully, help her contracted tendons.
Dr. Lugo and his staff…

Hope Needs Dynasplints
Hope is a calf that spent most of the first 4+ weeks of her life on the ground because she couldn't walk - she was born with contracted tendons. She couldn't stand for long periods of time but she must have stood long enough to drink mom's…

Such a Good Girl!
Hope was such a good girl on her way to the vet for her follow up on Saturday morning. I have been fighting the flu but promise to provide further details regarding Hope's issues, as soon as I can. Thank you for your understanding.

Hope’s Evening Update
Dr. Sonday and Dr. Simonson met with us yesterday to review Hope's test results. We will be scheduling Dr. Mangan, our veterinary ophthalmologist to do an eye exam on Hope and we will be consulting with a neurologist.
At this time,…

Baby Hope Update
When I met Hope on Wednesday morning, the first thing I noticed besides the issue of her legs, were her eyes. They were odd - at times they would roll back under the socket and you could see much of the white of the eye. She didn't seem…

Precious Angel Hope
We Named Her Hope!

Please Pray for Baby Cow
Someone reached out to us about a baby calf with contracted tendons that lays, alone, in a paddock everyday because she can't walk. Her legs/tendons need to be stretched out several times a day. She may need splints - we don't know yet.…