
Hope and Her Amazing Silver Whinnys!


I know that we still owe everyone a detailed update on Hope.  A lot has happened during the last month and I have been working on an update, but no matter how well we plan our day, something unexpected seems to happen and I am unable to finish it. I promise to do my best to get it done within the next few days.

In the meantime, I want to share how happy we were to receive Silver Whinnys from Sox for Horses for Hope! We use them under her Dynasplints in place of gauze and vet wrap.  The Silver Whinnys take less time to put on and they are easy to care for. When Hope isn’t wearing her braces, the socks keep her little legs protected from pesky flies that simply, refuse to go away.  When we brought her to the rescue she had a couple of bed sores that are being slow to heal and the socks protect them and speed the healing process.

Thank you Raymond Petterson and Sox for Horses – y’all are amazing – we appreciate your support and wonderful products very much!

When the world says, “Give up,” Hope whispers, “Try it one more time.”