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Oh Peggy, My Peggy Sue

Peggy Sue’s Hooficure

We used the new winches today with the sling when it was time for Peggy Sue’s hooficure. They worked great and were much safer than the manual ones that we’ve been using for years. Winches with the sling are most necessary tools to help equines like Peggy Sue.

Peggy Sue can’t bend her bock left leg at all. Her pelvis was fractured in three places many years ago when her humans opted to ‘help’ her deliver her baby. She’s really a precious and determined little mare and she truly gets around quite well.

A number of our ‘Velvet Nosers’ ore also scheduled to have their hooficures this week, so If you would like to assist with this most necessary need, we would be forever grateful. The overage farrier fee per horse or donkey is $40 and this week’s visit will total $535. Just click on the ‘Donate’ button below and note thot your contribution is for ‘Happy Feet.’

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

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On behalf of Peggy Sue and the Herd, thank you from the bottom of our hearts.


Don’t forget to RSVP for:

Celebration of the Horse
Saturday, September 17, 2022

We are excited to announce a special guest appearance and performance by “Ivory Pal” at our Celebration of the Horse Open House event this year!!! Ivory Pal, the golden palomino champion Tennessee Walking Horse stallion – owned, trained, and loved by Rafael Valle – is an extraordinary performer and partner with exceptionally great temperament. This will be Ivory Pal’s first public appearance in Florida in 13 years after returning from Nashville, TN. To learn more about this amazing duo, CLICK HERE.

Details about the event can be found at https://bhfer.org/event/beautys-haven-annual-open-house or https://www.facebook.com/events/822279948753292.

Email BHFERopenhouse@gmail.com or text Elizabeth @ 352-339-2784 with any questions.