Cookie’s Cancer and the Peanut Festival
October 4th – 5th, 2013
Unfortunately, it appears that the SCC has returned under Cookie’s eye. She needs to go back to the hospital and will likely need another surgery – she may end up losing the eye but it could be worse. And if she does lose her eye, well, most horses adjust well.
Terri and her husband are taking great care of Cookie and Divinity – we appreciate them very much. They have agreed to continue to foster the girls for as long as needed. This is a true blessing and we can’t thank them enough. Anyone who has visited the rescue, can tell you we have very little shade which is what these two girls need (and each need a stall). Terri is home 24/7 to care for them.
I have to ask for help with another surgery for Cookie. We won’t know how much is needed until she is evaluated but it will be at least $900. If they have to remove the eye, it will be more. If anyone would like to help Cookie, please make a note on your donation that it’s for Cookie. Thanks everyone.



Betsy Rose
Happy Saturday Everyone!

Williston Peanut Festival Fundraiser
Jamie and Lynn did a great job getting us all set up at the Williston Peanut Festival this morning! Thank you to all who came out to visit us at our booth – there were a lot of nice items for sale and raffle!
Our booth at the 2013 Williston Peanut Festival!

Peanut Festival Fundraiser
Many beautiful items were donated to help us raise funds for the horses!

Peanut Festival Fundraiser
The Peanut Festival was a great success! We raised approximately $400!! THANK YOU EVERYONE!

Betsy Rose and Friends
Sometimes Betsy’s friends have to stay in her suite when the Boston Terriers are out for their own safety!
Have a great Sunday, everyone!
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization