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Family – Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends

July 20th, 2018

Bob went to town this afternoon to get hay, grain, etc. and was hit by someone which damaged the rescue’s truck and trailer. Thankfully, Bob is ok and that’s what matters. There’s never a good time for an accident but today was really not a good time – Bob is having surgery tomorrow to repair an aortic aneurysm. His healing process will take approximately two months. I’ll be at the hospital all day tomorrow but I’ll update as I can. Please keep our family, especially Bob, in your prayers

Jeanne started a fundraiser entitled ‘Beauty of the Heart’ to help with the expenses of the Beauty’s Haven herd so please click here for detailed information and ways that you can help.

#family #believe #prayers #share #trust #bhfer #rosie #joie #feral

It’s been awhile since I’ve provided an update on Joie and Rosie, the little feral girls that arrived at Beauty’s Haven in early June. They’re doing extremely well and with much patience and love, they have learned to trust. Rosie’s “baby bump” is a bit larger and both she and Joie are absolutely beautiful and happy little horses. Please click here to view their remarkable transformation.
