
We are thrilled to announce that a wonderful friend and supporter has come forth to offer a MATCH GAME to assist with Farrier Week as well as with procurement of the much needed and necessary supplement, Prascend. All donations up to $500 will be matched dollar for dollar. If you would like to participate in the Match Game, there are many ways in which to contribute. You may forward your contribution via our PayPal address: bhfer@earthlink.net, via the DONATE page here on our website or via PayPal Me. If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation to either ‘Farrier’ or ‘Prascend.’ If you select the tab, ‘Send Money to Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. All contributions are tax deductible and no contribution is ever too small.

Thank you, all, so very much, for your love and support!

LadyBug is feeling much better and is back out in her paddock – she’s much happier. I think our prayers have been answered!

We do need help from our village, however.

Would anyone like to help us with LadyBug’s vet bills? There was an emergency call, she had to be scoped because she was unable to be tubed and she was administered IV fluids and antibiotics. Not only did she colic, when she was scoped, the vet discovered an infection in her esophagus. The total cost of LadyBug’s veterinary fees is $600.

We also need to raise funds for a ton of hay at a cost of $600 plus $500 in fees for the farrier who is scheduled to come on Monday.

We are thrilled to announce that a wonderful friend and supporter has come forth to offer a MATCH GAME to assist with LadyBug’s veterinary fees as well as our upcoming Hay Run. All donations up to $300 will be matched dollar for dollar. If you would like to participate in the Match Game, there are many ways in which to contribute. You may forward your contribution via our PayPal address: bhfer@earthlink.net, via the DONATE page here on our website, or via PayPal Me. If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation to either ‘LadyBug’ or ‘Hay.’ If you select the tab, ‘Send Money to Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. All contributions are tax deductible and no donation is ever considered as being too small.

Thank you so very much for your love and support!


Venus & Nadia

These two lovely Arabians still need sponsors to help with their ongoing care. They were adopted out a few years ago but had to return to the rescue a few weeks ago through no fault of their own. Nadia is 21 years young and is truly, a lovely mare. As you can see in this video, Venus, a 32 years young bay, is truly, “Poetry in Motion!”

We can’t do what we do without support from others. And providing proper care of a horse isn’t inexpensive. Please consider making a one time donation or a monthly recurring donation to help these beautiful girls. All donations are tax deductible and no amount is too small. Thank you.

Paypal: bhfer@earthlink.net
Website: bhfer.org/donate

Sophie went to keep another horse company for a few months but recently returned. She gets along with everyone and is so very easy to love. She is now looking for a forever home as a companion or trail horse.

Sophie has no sponsors to help with her care. Isn’t there anyone who would like to help with her needs by making a one time or recurring monthly tax deductible donation?

JoJo really does try to help as you can see by clicking here to view his latest ‘Public Service Announcement.’

Hooficures are scheduled for many horses next week. Would anyone like to help? We need to raise $575. Perhaps someone would like to offer a match game? Donations are tax deductible and can be made via various ways on our website at www.bhfer.org/donate. Our PayPal address is bhfer@earthlink.net. If you can help, please note that your donation is for ‘hooficures.’

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend and thank you, all, for your continued love and support!

On Monday, Theresa was accidentally kicked by one of the horses and she was knocked to the ground. She was immediately taken to the ER where x-rays of her right leg, hip, and hand were performed. Thankfully, no fracture occurred in either her hip or leg.  A CT scan, unfortunately, revealed a fracture of the third metacarpal bone on her right hand.

On Tuesday, Theresa went to the Orthopedic Institute for further evaluation. She will be in a cast for six to eight weeks and thankfully, will not require surgery. Her leg has a sizable bruise as well as quite a bit of swelling and is truly painful to say the least.

While waiting at The Orthopedic Institute, Theresa picked up a magazine and what did she see……Beauty‘s Haven, featured in an article about Mocha and Daisy with their adoptive mom – Emily Pridgen!  Needless to say, even though she was in extreme pain, this truly made Theresa’s day!

Theresa, despite her own injuries, is extremely worried about sweet Tinsel. While some hock swelling has gone down, Tinsel is once again, reluctant to put weight on that leg. She was doing much better until Sunday, and then for some unknown reason, she has taken a step backward in her recovery process.

Our Match Game for Tinsel is still in progress with $373 remaining in available funds so if anyone would like to assist with her medication/veterinary needs, it would be so greatly appreciated. Just yesterday, we had to purchase another medication which cost $400.  If you are unable to contribute, we ask that you please support Tinsel by simply sharing this email amongst family and friends. Thank you to everyone who has already contributed toward Tinsel’s Medication needs.  We are so truly blessed to have your love and support.

Contributions may be made via various means on our website at www.bhfer.org or via our PayPal address: bhfer@earthlink.net. If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation to: ‘Tinsel’s Meds.’ If you select the tab, ‘Send Money to Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. You may also contribute via the DONATE NOW button located at the bottom of this email. Please be assured that all donations are greatly appreciated and no amount is ever considered as being too small.  Thank you!

Please keep both Theresa and Tinsel in your thoughts and prayers.

#betsyrosestrong #bhfer #believe #helpneeded #tinsel #sheneedshermeds


We would like to share some good news about Tinsel! The swelling in her leg appears to have decreased ever so slightly. But that’s a start! She is putting weight on her leg occasionally, so that is a definite sign of improvement! Dr. Ted even allowed her to be hand walked for a short distance yesterday and she did better than expected!  Just click here and your heart will truly sing!

Blood tests from earlier this week indicate there is still infection and Tinsel must remain on the course of antibiotics that has been prescribed for her. One of the medications is Penicillin-G which is $48 per bottle. She requires 5 bottles a day. Another blood test will be done tomorrow.

We have yet another most generous Match Game offer from three very dear friends and each donation toward a bottle of medication, will be matched dollar for dollar, until we reach a total of $850.

We truly appreciate the donations that have come in to help Tinsel. I really don’t like having to continuously reach out for help – I know everyone assists whenever they can. Perhaps, if you support Tinsel by just sharing this out, someone else may be able to help as well.

If anyone would like to play the Match Game, they may do so via various means on our website at https://bhfer.org/donate or via our PayPal address: bhfer@earthlink.net. If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation to: ‘Tinsel’s Meds.’ If you select the tab, ‘Send Money to Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. Please be assured that all donations are greatly appreciated and no amount is ever considered as being too small.

Thank you all for your continued love and support for our sweet Tinsel. WE BELIEVE!

#betsyrosestrong #bhfer #believe #helpneeded #tinsel #sheneedshermeds



We wish we had better news about Tinsel today, but we don’t. She has an infection in the hock region that is aggressively being treated. There is quite a bit of heat and swelling in the area, but she does put weight on that leg at times. It initially was thought to be a fractured bone. However, Dr. Ted Specht did x-rays which ruled out a fracture and Tinsel was started on antibiotics right away.

Cultures and other tests have been done, repeated, and more will be needed. Dr. Ted is measuring serum amyloid A values (SAA) among other things. The first set of tests didn’t disclose bacteria. However, the most recent culture is growing bacteria so we hope to know more tomorrow. In the meantime, Tinsel is getting heavy duty antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, and other medications and supplements.

Dr. Ted inserted a catheter in Tinsel’s neck yesterday which makes administering daily IV meds less stressful for both Theresa and Tinsel. Medications are given around the clock and Tinsel’s water intake, how much she eats, her temperature, heart rate, etc. are all being monitored. Her temperature fluctuates – Theresa said that it was 103.9 on Saturday morning, but they were able to get it down to 100.3 in a short time. Tinsel has a great appetite even though she has lost some weight.

As long as we can keep Tinsel comfortable, and she is willing, we will not give up on her providing there is a possibility that she will be able to overcome this issue. Most horses that come to Beauty’s Haven are in a very compromised condition from neglect/starvation. Tinsel’s immune system was compromised when we were asked to take her – she was 20 years old, underweight, and she had a horrible eye infection. Theresa has also learned that Tinsel had an infection in her hip just months before her eye injury occurred. Once she arrived at Beauty’s Haven, Tinsel overcame her eye injury, gained weight and had been doing so well. Theresa says Tinsel is a pleasure to ride and has been looking for a forever home. Then, last month, Tinsel overcame pneumonia and she was so happy when she was turned back out with Little E.

Tinsel’s vet bills are rapidly mounting due to numerous farm calls by Dr. Specht, several very expensive medications/antibiotics, x-rays, blood tests, cultures, catheter placement, IV fluids/bags, leg wraps and various supplements. She has also has to be in a heavily bedded stall so we are rapidly going through shavings on a daily basis. None of this has been inexpensive and we don’t know how much more is ahead of us. To give you an idea of some of the cost – just one of the needed medications is $220 a day! You can’t put a price on life. Tinsel is a wonderful and loving mare with a lot of life in her. She is also Little E’s best friend and she is loved dearly by many humans. She needs help from our village of supporters.

A dear friend and supporter has come forth to offer a $250 Match Game to assist with Tinsel’s expenses and all donations up to $250 will be matched dollar for dollar. If anyone else would like to add to our Match Game funds, please contact us via email at bhfer@earthlink.net.

As you can imagine, Theresa is beside herself with worry about Tinsel, as well as how the rescue will bear the burden of these expenses. Please help if you can. And, share this out amongst family, friends and co-workers in hope that they would be willing to help Tinsel as well.

If you would like to play the Match Game, you may do so via various means on our website at www.bhfer.org/donate. If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation to: ‘Match Game for Tinsel.’ If you select the tab, ‘Send Money to Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. Please be assured that all donations are greatly appreciated and no amount is ever considered as being too small.

Thank you all for your love and support. Please continue to keep our beloved Tinsel in your prayers.

Horse crib blanket throw

It’s time for another Hay Run and once again, a wonderful supporter has come forth to offer a Match Game to cover this expense. In addition to all donations up to $500 being matched dollar for dollar, each suggested contribution of $5 will automatically become eligible for a chance to win a One of a Kind, Handmade, Crib Blanket/Throw. This lovely fleece blanket with fringe, measures 42″ x 50.”  If you donate $10, you will be eligible for two chances, etc.

Donations may be submitted via our PayPal address: bhfer@earthlink.net or via various means on our website at bhfer.org. Please designate your contribution for ‘Blanket/Match Game.’

The winning name will be selected at Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc., which is located in Morriston, FL, on Saturday, March 31, 2018, at 9:00 pm.

Thank you, as always, for your continued love and support.

#HayRun #MatchGame #Fundraiser #TakeaChance

Feb132018 Blog Post

I’ve been banging my head against the wall trying to come up with a fundraiser to help with some urgent and time sensitive needs. All I’ve ended up with is a headache. So, I’m just going to put this out there.

  • The manure spreader broke and needs a new agitator part. The cost is $185 plus with shipping (about $25 – $30). Bob can install it.
  • When Bob went to get hay, he had to get the rescue truck jump started twice due to the battery needing replacement. The cost is $163.
  • Dr. Bess is coming on Wednesday to do dental work on some of the horses. I’m sure there are  more horses that need to be done than time allows but If we get donations to help, whatever  is not  used (if any) on Wednesday, will be put aside and applied towards her next visit. My estimate  for  this visit is approximately, $750.
  • A horse that was adopted out a few years ago recently came back due to his adopter’s unexpected  change in life circumstance so he will be needing sponsorship. He’s a big boy with a big appetite.  We had to pay for part of his last month’s board bill as well as transportation back to the rescue for  a total of $457.
  • *One of the farriers will be here at the end of the week – $150.
  • *Elevate Maintenance Powder from Kentucky Performance Products – $60.
  • *Cetyl-M Complete Joint Action Formula – $110.
  • *We need to make a hay run by the weekend which will be at least $800.
  • We need to make a shavings run as well – $84.
  • And I’m sure there’s more that I can’t remember at this point as it’s been a long day.

If anyone would like to help with any of these needs, it would be greatly appreciated. Our PayPal address is bhfer@earthlink.net and if you select the tab ‘For family or friends,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. Donations may also be made via various means on our website at bhfer.org and credit card donations can be made over the phone. Donations are tax deductible and no amount is ever too small. We don’t receive any local, State, or Federal funds – we operate solely from donations from the public.

Match Game!

Two wonderful friends and supporters have joined forces and are offering a $750 Match Game so every dollar donated – up to $750, will be matched and once we reach $750 in donations, they will morph into $1500! Donate Now.

SunState Federal Credit Union’s ‘Charity of the Month’ contest

Please also remember to vote for us every day in the SunState Federal Credit Union’s ‘Charity of the Month’ contest. It runs through the end of February and with your help, we could win $1000 which would be applied toward hay for our beloved herd.  Please also share and ask family and friends to vote daily and share as well. An organization can only win this contest once a year and we were most fortunate to have been one of the twelve recipients of the ‘Charity of the Month’ prize, for the past two years. I know that we can do this! Just click here to cast your vote!

Thank you all for your continued love and support.
#sunstate #vote #forthehorses #believe #betsyrosestrong #beauty