
Our Betsy Rose Blanket Fundraiser is down to the wire! Only three days remain to take a chance on one of the two beautiful Betsy Rose Blankets being offered!

Each suggested donation of $5 must be received by 12:00pm EDT on Saturday, May 12, 2018. If you are attending our Celebration, you may submit your contribution in person, up until the time of the drawing.

Online donations may be submitted via our website at or over the phone at 352-258-9309. Please note that your donation is for “Betsy’s Blanket.”

Names will be drawn at our Celebration of Life, which is being held on May 12, 2018 from 11:30am to 3:00pm at Beauty’s Haven Farm and Equine Rescue, Inc., located in Morriston, FL. The name for the blanket being offered online will be drawn and announced at 2:00pm. The name for the second blanket, being offered only at the Celebration of Life, will be drawn and announced at 2:30pm.

Please support our continued work by making a donation and perhaps you will be the lucky new owner of one of these blankets, which will surround you with warmth and love!

For more information about our Celebration of Life, please CLICK HERE to visit the event page on our website.

#betsyrosestrong #believe #bhfer #nevergiveup #celebrationoflife


Betsy Rose, the little mare that overcame insurmountable challenges with fierce determination and dignity, lives on through our memories and in our mission to help horses. She taught us perseverance, courage, compassion, patience, wisdom, to never give up, and to believe. She proved that miracles do happen!

Betsy was the light that guided us on an unforgettable journey which led us to realize that love truly is the most powerful spiritual force that exists. She captivated countless hearts from around the world and this year’s Celebration of Life is being held in memory of this little miracle mare that we miss so very much.

In memory of Betsy Rose, we are offering two very special plush fleece blankets. Each blanket measures 50″ x 60″ and includes photos of some of our amazing adventures with Betsy.

Starting immediately, for each suggested donation of $5 submitted online or over the phone that is designated for “Betsy’s Blanket”, you will have a chance to become the owner of one of these heartwarming blankets! Donations may be submitted via various means on our website at

The second blanket will be offered only at our Celebration of Life. For each suggested donation of $5, made during the event at our raffle table, you will have a chance to become the proud owner of the second blanket.

The names of the new owners will be drawn at our Celebration of Life, which is being held on May 12th from 11:30 am to 3 pm, at Beauty’s Haven Farm and Equine Rescue, Inc., located in Morriston, FL. The name for the blanket being offered online only will be drawn and announced at 2 pm. The name for the remaining blanket, being offered only at the Celebration of Life, will be drawn and announced at 2:30 pm.

Please support our continued work by making a donation and perhaps you will be the lucky new owner of one of these blankets which will surround you with warmth and love!

#betsyrosestrong #believe #bhfer #nevergiveup

Elyza-Rose Meets Freckles

Elyza Rose got a much needed bath yesterday. It wasn’t easy – her coat was so thick. Really thick. Cushing’s thick. I simply could not stand the thought of how warm she must be, even on the cooler days, so I opted to give her a quick body clipping. I can’t say I did a good job – I was losing daylight and I still had a ton to do. But I’m sure she has to feel a lot better and that is what is most important. She stood like an angel the entire time and I know that she is very grateful for her new ‘haircut.’

I also introduced Elyza to Freckles today.  Freckles is a very special little one too – she was Betsy Rose’s BFF.  When Betsy Rose came to us, she was only a 0.5 on the Body Condition Score (BCS) scale – it is a miracle that she survived.  Once a body reaches a BCS of 1, the organs have started to fail and most horses are not able to recover.  During the starvation process, the body feeds off fat, then muscle, then organs.  All odds were against her survival.  I was determined that Betsy wouldn’t be alone if she had to go to Rainbow Bridge.  A human was with her every minute, 24/7, for the first two months.  A few weeks after her arrival, Freckles arrived via USPS to keep her company too! At the 2 month mark, Betsy was able to walk on her own and we let Freckles take over the nightly watch for a few hours (we did have them on camera though) and he did a great job.  Betsy and Freckles formed a strong friendship.  Over time, friends of Freckles would show up to visit and most of them stayed.  Our little family grew larger.

Thankfully, Elyza Rose isn’t in nearly as bad of shape as Betsy Rose was. (Dr. Julia rated her a BCS of 2). After I introduced Freckles and Elyza, I heard Freckles tell Elyza Rose how good it is to have her here.  He asked if she would mind if he shared some stories about a special little pony mare that inspired many humans to never give up and to believe.  He was so excited! As I walked away, I felt a familiar tickle on my left cheek and I had to smile.  Believe…..

#betsyrosestrong #believe #bhfer #elyzarose #freckles

It took forever to get that thick and dirty coat clean.

Elyza was such a good girl.  She kept licking her lips so I think she was happy about losing all that fur.

Those eyes – that proud stance!

“Elyza, did you know that you’ve made mommy Theresa smile a lot?  You have!  And that’s a really good thing.  She’s been kind of ‘out there’ since Betsy Rose left us and it seemed there wasn’t anything we could do to help make her feel better.  We all appreciate that you’re here and we hope you’ll like it here. I’ll introduce you to some of my friends soon, ok?  Oh, and let me tell you about JoJo and Jazzy…”

Freckles is happy to have a new friend.  She’s missed Betsy Rose very much, too.


And a new chapter begins…..


We are currently in first place in the SunState Federal Credit Union Charity of the Month Contest.  A vote per day through the month of February, could help us win $1000 which will greatly assist the rescue with the purchase of hay and/or other needs. Just click here to cast your vote and please share amongst family and friends.  Please note that you will be prompted to “Like” SunState’s Facebook page prior to casting your vote and you must be a Facebook member in order to do so.

We are still awaiting the results of the Eagle Rare Life contest – the winners will not be announced until March.

Elyza-Rose Settles In

I am happy to report that Elyza Rose is settling in very well. I gave her a much needed bath this morning and clipped her later this afternoon. I just couldn’t stand seeing her long, thick, and unhealthy coat. She’s so good for the heart – I just can’t tell you how wonderful it feels to have her here. I feel like I’ve known her forever!

I believe that Elyza’s journey is a continuation of Betsy Rose’s journey. Betsy Rose’s presence here is very strong. Our Betsy Rose went to Rainbow Bridge on December 22nd. Elysa Rose came to us on February 22nd. The two months in between were dark and very depressing. My heart shattered with the loss of Betsy Rose and I didn’t know how I would ever put it back together again. I went through the motions each day but I was numb and lost. But yesterday, when I hugged Elyza Rose for the first time, I felt an overwhelming and much needed sense of peace. It lit a spark in me that was fueled by Betsy Rose. I just know it! I know that what Elyza endured before she came to us was terrible – we are committed to helping her heal. However, I think Elyza Rose found her way to us to lead me down a path where my heart would heal which is what Betsy Rose would want. I believe that Betsy Rose had her hoof (and heart) in this. I will always believe.

#ElyzaRose #BetsyRoseStrong #believe #bhfer

Elyza is about 16 years old and, like Betsy Rose, may have Cushing’s disease. We will have blood test results back tomorrow.

Elyza needs her eyes examined by Dr. Mangan – there’s something going on in her right eye which is the same eye that Betsy Rose had issue with.


Her teeth are a mess and I’m going to bet she puts on weight nicely once her teeth are taken care of by Dr. Bess.

She’s pretty thin (a 2 on the BCS) but she has a great appetite.

Elyza’s feet needed to be tended to and Stephanie trimmed them today.

When I hugged Elyza Rose for the first time, I felt an overwhelming and much needed sense of peace.

We are currently in first place in the SunState Federal Credit Union Charity of the Month Contest. A vote per day through the month of February, could help us win $1000 which will greatly assist the rescue with the purchase of hay and/or other needs. Just click here to cast your vote and please share amongst family and friends. Please note that you will be prompted to “Like” SunState’s Facebook page prior to casting your vote and you must be a Facebook member in order to do so.

We are still awaiting the results of the Eagle Rare Life contest – the winners will not be announced until March.



It’s been a long day but I just have to update about the little pony mare. My selfie skills are no better but I wanted you all to see this precious face. She unloaded and has settled in. I’ll do a detailed update with photos as soon as I can – I’m eager to share!

I can’t explain what I felt today when I met her but I will say that I feel blessed and very much at peace. I named her Elyza Rose (Elyza is of Hebrew origin and means “Promised by God”). I don’t have to explain the “Rose” part.

I think that what we choose to believe can become our world. I choose to believe in miracles. I believe some things happen that we may never be able to explain. But I’m okay with that.

#BetsyRoseStrong #believe #bhfer #ElyzaRose

New Pony Mare

It seems like forever since I hugged Betsy Rose. I’ve asked myself many times – what could we have done differently? But I know there was nothing more that we could have done. Betsy wasn’t a “normal” pony. She was angelic with a divine presence and there are just no words to describe her essence. This may not make sense to some, but when Betsy left, I felt lost and abandoned. Why did she have to go so soon? Why our Betsy Rose? How do I keep going? How will things ever get back to normal? I know Betsy is still here with us in spirit, but it’s not the same – I can’t touch and hug her. I miss her whinnies. I miss everything about her. When she went to the Rainbow Bridge, I wanted to melt into nowhere or go anywhere where the sense of overwhelming loss and hurt wouldn’t follow me. But there is nowhere.

As we announced at the end of December, we made the decision to downsize until we relocate closer to Gainesville where we would get more volunteers which are desperately needed. But then, I received a message – “Please can you take her? Some of her pasture mates didn’t make it – she needs your special care.” And then came a photo which knocked me to my knees and took my breath away. I went into a panic – emotional overload hit me like a freight train.

I put my phone away, ignoring the message and hoping it had been my imagination. But, later, when I checked my phone, she was still there and I just lost it.

I prayed about the request and at first the answer didn’t come. Well, when the answer finally came, I’m ashamed to say, I tried to bury it. But I couldn’t.

Betsy Rose and I had a very strong connection and before Dr. Specht helped her to the Bridge, I promised Betsy that her legacy would live on. I know Betsy Rose would want us to help this little mare – perhaps she even had a hand in this. I do believe, sometimes, that God puts people, and animals, in our lives just when we need them (or they need us) the most. Bob will be returning with this mare in a couple of hours. My emotions will be all over the place but I’m going to be #BetsyRoseStrong. Just like the promise we made and kept with Betsy Rose – we will make all of this mare’s tomorrows everything her past should have been.

We need help from our amazing village of supporters. The vet will be coming this evening to do a full physical on this little mare. She needs both her teeth and feet taken care of, etc. We still have a Match Game in progress for other needs, but now we have an additional need to help this mare. Donations are tax deductible and no amount is ever too small. Donations can be made through PayPal at and there are various ways to contribute via our website at Please mark your donations for “Pony Mare” and know that we appreciate your help. And I’d appreciate some good thoughts and prayers for all of us as well.  Thank you.

#BetsyRoseStrong #believe #bhfer


January 24th, 2018

For those who know Magic’s story, you’ll understand how big an accomplishment this is, and for those who are unaware of his history, I hope that you will gain a better understanding of his very sad past.

Magic is an Arabian stallion that was used as a tripping horse. Most horses don’t survive this horrific abuse and if they do, they are so mentally messed up, that they are most often, deemed crazy and sent to slaughter.

After surviving his “charro” life, Magic ended up with someone who beat him with a 2 x 4 because he would not take a saddle. I received a call from a young lady who had witnessed this repeated abuse and asked if we could help. From the moment I saw Magic, I knew he’d be coming home with us. He was very untrusting and petrified of people, ropes, boards, etc., and understandably so.

I was very blessed that he accepted me from the very beginning and we have a relationship built on trust. It took a few years, but now he will approach other humans for scratches. I do tell everyone who goes into his paddock, however, that Magic lives life on his terms. Nobody is allowed to try to “catch” or halter him – he feels threatened if they do, and runs away.

Magic accepts me haltering him, treating injuries, putting a flymask on him, and more. If he needs a vet, I sedate him and put a soft towel over his eyes and once the vet arrives and does what he needs to do, and then leaves, I remove the towel.  It’s worked great.

Magic has had melanomas for years which had not caused an issue. However, one recently got very angry after he rubbed it raw against a board. I cleaned and treated it daily. There really wasn’t a way to keep the flies from the sore so I considered putting a sleazy on him to protect the area. Well, I tried and was pleasantly surprised when he stood perfectly still and let me do so!  I was so proud of him! I opted to leave the sore open and continued to keep it clean and treated and thankfully, it’s so much better now. But the sleazy was a major milestone for him!

To learn more about the horrendous practice of horse tripping, please click here but please be aware that the images may prove to be quite disturbing.


The barn just isn’t the same without Cookie and Betsy Rose. Ruby gets more attention now but I’ll bet she, too, wishes her four legged friends were still with us.


SeAnna has found her loving, forever home!  She is a pasture pal to a blind gelding.  The first time they met they clicked!  Both appear to be very happy!


Kiana is another beautiful girl that is looking for a forever home as a trail horse. She’s getting some training sessions in with Dan Rexroad!


Penny, a 30+ year old blind Belgian, looks gorgeous in her cold weather blanket. And believe me, it’s been really cold!


I miss her so much.


We always look forward to when Carien Schippers, the talented artist who has photographed many members of our beloved herd, visits the rescue. She has photographed many of our horses over the years. Carien is currently offering a discount on her art to benefit Beauty’s Haven. Please click here to view Carien’s lovely images. If you wish to purchase a piece, please use code EGPSNY for a 15% discount which is applicable through February 1, 2018.

Thank you, Carien, for your love and support.

Photo by Carien Schippers.


Thank You_

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Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue Inc. is a 501(c)(3) grassroots Non-Profit Organization registered in the state of Florida (EIN: 20-4783950). We are not funded by Local, State, or Federal funds. We operate totally from donations from the public. Please consider making a one time or recurring donation to help the horses. No amount is too small and all donations are very much appreciated. Donations are tax deductible.

Beauty’s Haven was awarded Verified status by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS) in 2012. GFAS is the only globally recognized organization that provides standards for identifying legitimate animal sanctuaries. Awarded November 2014 Equine Hero and 2017 Eagle Rare Life Award for Heroism. A Guidestar Exchange Silver Participant and a GreatNonprofits Top Rated Non-Profit in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.

Betsy Rose Pink Olden

The horses were happy to get out of their blankets on Monday. We’re happy the temps are up a bit but it is predicted that the cold weather will be returning this weekend.

Aaleyah Belle and that tongue! All she wanted to do was slime me!


Cricket really seemed to appreciate her blanket last week during the cold temps and freezing rains.


CaryLou showing off and strutting his stuff in his Betsy Rose poinsettia bows.

We got Betsy a new pack of bows this year – they always looked so cute on her. Sadly, she never got to see them but I didn’t think she would mind if some of the others wore them on Christmas Day.


Precious Lucy, our mini with big head disease, showing off her Poinsettias.


Jiminy sure is looking good!


Cricket was giving me advice on how to unload the hay that weighs much more than I do!


Love it so much when the horses are very happy with their hay. Every horse in this photo is looking for a forever home.


JoJo is one of the most intuitive and caring donks I’ve ever known. This was taken a couple of days after Betsy Rose left us. He just wanted hugs.


I walked out of the feed room to move Beauty back to her paddock for the evening. I looked up to the sky and found a beautiful surprise.


[button type=”churchope_button” url=”” target=”” button_color=”#002c8b” ]DONATE NOW[/button]

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue Inc. is a 501(c)(3) grassroots Non-Profit Organization registered in the state of Florida (EIN: 20-4783950). We are not funded by Local, State, or Federal funds. We operate totally from donations from the public. Please consider making a one time or recurring donation to help the horses. No amount is too small and all donations are very much appreciated. Donations are tax deductible.

Beauty’s Haven was awarded Verified status by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS) in 2012. GFAS is the only globally recognized organization that provides standards for identifying legitimate animal sanctuaries. Awarded November 2014 Equine Hero and 2017 Eagle Rare Life Award for Heroism. A Guidestar Exchange Silver Participant and a GreatNonprofits Top Rated Non-Profit in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.

September 20th – 26th, 2015

September 20th

Zahara’s X-rays were done yesterday. She’s doing well.

Artwork by Greg Ambrose.

Birds everywhere!

Really blessed to have both of our human “kids” home today for awhile!

September 22nd

That famous tongue! Aaleyah Belle loves to slime anyone and everyone.

September 23rd

The Breakfast Club.

Donovan got a “get out of your paddock and roam free” pass today around the house. I think JoJo must have told him there’s something good in the office. I could just picture him making his way up the stairs in one giant step. OMG!

Donovan is one of many horses looking for a forever home. He’s so sweet – I hate to think of him not being here but he deserves his own home.

Lucy getting her morning makeover from Marilyn Doren. Lucy has a trach that gets cleaned each day. Everyone loves Lucy!

Well, I guess it’s official. Fall is here. There are leaves on the ground already. I just hope and pray the green grass sticks around for quite a bit longer.

September 24th

JoJo helping Chris collect feed tubs. He’s a riot!

Betsy Rose and Penny

It’s been a busy week, but we’ve been able to get a couple of needed baths in.  On Monday, I opted to give Waylon a bath, clean his sheath, and check him for a bean. I got three quarters of the way done, but was summoned to do something else. Sue rinsed him off for me – thanks Sue!

We use a great product for sheath cleaning called Healing Tree Sheath Cleaner. It soothes, cleans, and dissolves dirt, grime, etc. and it smells good too! It’s veterinary formulated and the geldings seem to think it’s ok. It comes in a spray bottle which I really like. If you would like to donate this product, it’s available at this link:

Waylon was a pony horse at Calder Race Track but wasn’t wanted anymore. He ended up in a bad situation and was attacked by a stallion that took a chunk out of his backside which has healed nicely. He’s about 19 years young and is one of the sweetest horses you could ever meet! He’s been having a tough time breathing, but with the cooler weather coming, his condition will hopefully, improve.

Ruby, Cookie, and Zahara.

September 25th

Foxy and Zahara love to run along the fence line and play.

September 26th

Paul and Roxy did a great job and had a great deal of fun at the Tack Shack yard sale in Ocala today!

May 14th – 21st, 2015

May 14h

What do these two now have in common? Permanent tracheotomies!

May 16th

Good morning everyone! Daisy’s full of smiles today! It’s going to be another very busy and hot day here. Before it got too busy we wanted to wish everyone a great day!

My escorts this morning. Duke beside me in the golf cart seat, Jazzy leads, JoJo stays right beside me. LOL Have a great day everyone!

Remember Silver Belle? She was also raised by Momma Sue, Aaleyah Belles mom. She’s loved. This is what helps to motivate us to keep going – happy horses, happy humans!

May 17th

I wish I could end the day with some good news but I can’t. In fact, I’d like to ask for prayers for one of our horses and his adoptive parents. Some of you may remember Cisco – an older Haflinger pony cross that came to us in 2012 from a home where the owner was a meth user. I got a call from his adoptive humans this evening – he was colicing – thought to be a twist. I haven’t heard back from anyone yet but I hope and pray he’s working through it. He’d been given fluids, etc. Cisco is a lovely soul – he keeps watch over Tia and Tess – two donkeys that were also adopted from us.

Update – we lost Cisco to colic which is a dreadful thing. Thank you Tony and Michelle for giving him a wonderful home and the love and care he deserved. Rest in peace Cisco – we love you, always.

May 18th

JoJo’s ears are still growing!

May 20th

Betsy Rose on her evening walk about.

I’d say Serenity really hit the Jackpot! Thank you Phil for giving her a wonderful forever home!

Radar ears waiting for me at the bottom of the office stairs! JoJo is a hoot!

If only all of the property could be so green. This is Frosty’s Knoll – a very special place.

The trio of donks is never very far away. Of course, JoJo is always first followed by Jazzy and then Daisy.

Cookie is doing well. She got a hooficure this past weekend from Laura Ritonia-Castaños. And one of Cookie’s best friends, Kim Furse, held for Laura. We truly appreciate them!

Well, our snowbirds are gone until the fall. We’re going to miss you Suzanne, LouAnn, and Ginny!

LouAnn having fun with Lily.

Ginny and Fancy

May 21st

Donovan is a huge teddy bear. Such a kind horse. And big. Really big.