Hi Everyone!!

Did you know today is Friday and then there’s Saturday and Sunday! And that’s about how long our hay supply will last. I’d like to ask y’all to check under your seat cushions and round up any coins you find and consider donating it to a great cause – our tummies! No amount is too small because lots of little bits add up! We’d sure appreciate it.

I have to go now to make sure Lucy isn’t bored. We’re trying to figure out if there is a way we might be able to play jump rope. I’ve never tried it but I’d like to! Sending horsey hugs and kisses.


CaryLou has been quite the character from day one and has absolutely, no fear. He thinks he’s the biggest horse on the farm and I’m not going to tell him any differently!

Please consider a tax deductible donation to assist with our current hay need. Donations can be made via various means on our website at www.bhfer.org or via our PayPal address: bhfer@earthlink.net. If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation for ‘Hay,’ and if you select the tab for ‘Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. Our PayPal.me account is paypal.me/bhfer. All donations are greatly appreciated and no amount is ever too small.

On behalf of our ‘Velvet Nosers,’ thank you, all, from the bottom of our hearts!

“Happy Sunday everyone! Guess what??? I’m better! Enough so that I want to run and play with Joie – she’s a cute little filly! But my feet still hurt a bit. Aunties Laura and Judy came yesterday to do some hooficures and they also think my feet are better. Auntie Sharon came to help too.

Since I got kinda struck by that light that came down from the sky, in the blink of an eye, I’ve been a bit of a special needs pony. I was lucky – it could have killed me! I was sort of out of it for a few weeks but my thoughts are clearer now and my balance is back to normal. Now we’re working on getting me happy feet.”

“I’ve got vet and farrier bills and I needed supplements and boots.

Can anyone help?

Mommy Theresa has enough worries and I don’t want to be a burden to her. I’ll ask her to add my bills up today and post it but it’s in the $100’s!”

“I want to remind all of you that the light that shoots down from the sky when we have storms is very dangerous! I was lucky but sometimes humans and animals aren’t lucky and we care about all of you and want you to stay safe. So please don’t go out in storms! A few weeks after it got me, it got some other things here too – I’ll ask Mommy Theresa to tell you about it.

Thanks and have a great day!’”

Wishing Everyone a Safe & Wonderful Weekend!




Our Mower Fundraiser was a complete success thanks to the generosity
of each and every one of you!


We are almost there in our ‘Beauty of the Heart’ fundraiser with just $1433 needed to achieve our goal! We would love to wrap this up by the end of the month so please consider a donation and/or share amongst family and friends. Donations may be forwarded via gofundme, via various means on our website or via PayPal: bhfer@earthlink.net. All donations are greatly appreciated and no donation is ever too small.

Because of our wonderful little village of supporters, we are able to continue our most important mission of granting our beloved equines, as well as other precious beings, a second chance at life, which they all so truly deserve.

Beauty’s Haven Farm and Equine Rescue, Inc., is truly, a place where, ‘Life Begins, Again!’

We have a bit of a serious issue…

The mower broke and while the paddocks look beautiful and the horses and donkeys are happy, there’s simply too much grass! Long grass puts equines at risk for founder which is the last thing any of them need. Bugs are more plentiful and it also puts horses at risk for eye issues, scratches, etc. I’ve included some photos of what a simple grass seed pod can do – JoJo and Beauty have both had eye injuries from grass seed pods. Eye injuries are uncomfortable for the horse/donkey and we humans have to treat the eye several times a day, 24/7. Prevention saves a lot of stress, discomfort, time and money.

JoJo says he has a fix and the paddocks don’t need to be mowed, but they really do – the sooner the better! The cost for the mower repairs is $1421. Of this, $770 has already been raised which leaves a balance of $651. I know we keep asking for help (which I don’t like to do) but we operate totally from donations. If you can’t help financially, we completely understand, but you can still help by sharing this out – invite people to our website and Facebook pages where they can learn about us – perhaps they may even be able to help!

Please consider a tax deductible donation to assist with this emergency. Donations can be made via various means on our website at bhfer.org/donate or via our PayPal address bhfer@earthlink.net. If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation for ‘Mower,’ and if you select the tab for ‘Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. Our PayPal.me account is paypal.me/bhfer. All donations are greatly appreciated and no amount is ever too small.

On behalf of our ‘Velvet Nosers,’ thank you, all, from the bottom of our hearts!

The really long grass is beautiful but it’s something none of the horses and donkeys need as grass seed pods can cause eye injuries and grass can cause founder.

A mower is essential to keep the paddocks safe for the horses and donkeys.

JoJo has his own idea…

“Wait! Please stop! You don’t need to mow because all of us donkeys and horses will take care of it by eating it!”

Bob is still recuperating from open heart surgery but he’s looking forward to getting back to work.

JoJo had an eye injury caused by a long piece of grass that became lodged under his lower eyelid.

You could clearly see the injury once Dr. Ted stained it.

Beauty also experienced an eye issue a few years ago. Dr. Ryan, upon examination, discovered a seed pod stuck in her eye, but even after removal, the damage had already been done.

Beauty’s ulceration had to be treated several times a day around the clock, but sadly, her eye remains permanently scarred.

[social_button button=”twitter” ttext =” We have a bit of a serious issue… The mower broke and while the paddocks look beautiful and the horses and donkeys are happy, there’s simply too much grass!” tcount =”horizontal” tvia =”BHFER_EquineRes”][social_button button=”facebook” furl=”https://bhfer.org/a-serious-dilemma/” fsend=”on” flayout=”standard” fshow_faces=”on” fwidth=”450″ faction=”like” fcolorsheme=”light”]

Venus & Nadia

These two lovely Arabians still need sponsors to help with their ongoing care. They were adopted out a few years ago but had to return to the rescue a few weeks ago through no fault of their own. Nadia is 21 years young and is truly, a lovely mare. As you can see in this video, Venus, a 32 years young bay, is truly, “Poetry in Motion!”

We can’t do what we do without support from others. And providing proper care of a horse isn’t inexpensive. Please consider making a one time donation or a monthly recurring donation to help these beautiful girls. All donations are tax deductible and no amount is too small. Thank you.

Paypal: bhfer@earthlink.net
Website: bhfer.org/donate

Sophie went to keep another horse company for a few months but recently returned. She gets along with everyone and is so very easy to love. She is now looking for a forever home as a companion or trail horse.

Sophie has no sponsors to help with her care. Isn’t there anyone who would like to help with her needs by making a one time or recurring monthly tax deductible donation?

JoJo really does try to help as you can see by clicking here to view his latest ‘Public Service Announcement.’

Hooficures are scheduled for many horses next week. Would anyone like to help? We need to raise $575. Perhaps someone would like to offer a match game? Donations are tax deductible and can be made via various ways on our website at www.bhfer.org/donate. Our PayPal address is bhfer@earthlink.net. If you can help, please note that your donation is for ‘hooficures.’

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend and thank you, all, for your continued love and support!



Zahara is a stunnning Thoroughbred mare that was born in 2007. We were told that her original owners gave her to someone years ago. While at that home, in 2012, she sustained a neck injury. Dr. Michael Porter took x-rays which indicated a fracture at C-4/5. In 2014, her original owners took her back. Not long after, the owners called Dr. Porter because Zahara was looking poorly. Dr. Porter found her quite thin and depressed. He called us and asked the question – could we take her? Of course we would!

Zahara was transported to the rescue where she settled in nicely. She was vetted, her teeth were done, and her feet were trimmed. Her rehabilitation program went well. Dr. Porter x-rayed her neck to compare it to the original injury and he was truly amazed at how well it had healed!

Zahara is a very pleasant and honest mare. While she will never race, jump, or pull a cart or buggy, she will make a nice trail horse or wonderful companion, and now, thanks to the generosity of a dear friend and supporter, Zahara has departed for school to begin her training.

Dr. Cardona (El Sol) was at the farm last week to check on Penny and Frodo. While he was here, he did a new Coggins on Zahara as well as microchipped her.

Zahara left for ‘school’ on August 1st. We’re so excited that she will be learning new things! She normally doesn’t like to load, but, as usual, Pam of Double B Equine Transport, was very patient with her.

It didn’t take long for Zahara to walk right onto the trailer and then, off to school they went!

Zahara, is yet another Beauty’s Haven Miracle thanks to our wonderful and dedicated village of supporters. Through your generosity, love and support, you have helped us grant this beautiful mare a second chance at life, a life without pain and worry, a life with dignity and respect.

Beauty’s Haven Farm and Equine Rescue, Inc., a place where ‘Life Begins, Again!’



‘The only lasting beauty is the beauty of the heart.’ ~ Rumi

Thank you to all our wonderful friends and supporters who contributed and/or shared! We are so truly blessed to have your love and support.


We’re down to the wire and still need $488 In donations in order for the $2K funds to be matched. Can we raise this by tomorrow, July 31st, at 11:59pm EDT?

If you would like to participate, whether through gofundme, PayPal: bhfer@earthlink.net or our website: www.bhfer.org/donate, please designate your contribution to ‘Beauty of the Heart Matching Gift.’ All donations are greatly appreciated and no donation is ever too small.

If you are unable to contribute at this time, would you please share our ‘Beauty of the Heart’ fundraiser amongst family and friends and ask them to share as well?

On behalf of beautiful Magic and our ‘Velvet Nosers,’ thank you to everyone who has contributed and shared thus far.



We would appreciate continued good thoughts and prayers for Frodo. We’re supporting him in every way possible – he’s foundered and rotated a few degrees. The indirect lightning strike must have been a horrible experience for him.

This was a concern from the beginning – after he took an indirect lightning strike, Frodo became uncomfortable in his front feet and, as a precaution, we started treating him as a laminitis case. The farrier put hoof testers on Frodo a few weeks ago and his response was not indicative of a founder case so we hoped that he just had an abscess that would resolve on its own. In fact, he did have an abscess in the right foot that recently popped so that foot is feeling better, but now, the left is more uncomfortable. Frodo has, in fact, foundered, but he is in great spirits and we’re optimistic that he will recover from this. He will. Believe…

Our Matching Gift Challenge will be ending on July 31st at 11:59pm EDT so please take advantage of this opportunity to double your donation! All donations up to $2000 in our ‘Beauty of the Heart’ fundraiser will be matched dollar for dollar. If you would like to participate, whether through gofundme, PayPal: bhfer@earthlink.net or our website: www.bhfer.org/donate, please designate your contribution to ‘Beauty of the Heart Matching Gift.’ All donations are greatly appreciated and no donation is ever too small. If you are unable to donate at this time, we ask that you please share this fundraiser amongst your family and friends.  Thank you once again. You all truly exemplify the words of Rumi ~ ‘The only lasting beauty is the Beauty of the Heart.’