On Friday, Stephanie, one of our awesome farriers, came out to trim Peaches, Danni, Magic, and Jazzy. Of course, CaryLou made sure to oversee Jazzy’s hooficure – he’s a hoot! Laura, another of our amazing farriers, came on Sunday afternoon to give Frodo and Bouie their hooficures. As several other members of our herd are scheduled for farrier care this week, we would be forever grateful to anyone who wishes to help sponsor ‘Happy Feet’ for their favorite Beauty’s Haven horse, mule or donkey.
We were blessed on Saturday, to welcome members from the GFWC Williston Woman’s Club who visited the farm to meet the horses, together with new volunteers, Tara and Melissa and her husband, TJ. Pam, another of our wonderful volunteers, was also here as she is on every Saturday. We were also so very blessed to receive a most generous donation from the WWC.
On Sunday morning, we awoke to one of the worst sudden storms we’ve had in quite a while – it almost seemed like a microburst. We are grateful that Cindy and Kristi came out to help with the morning chores, once the rains temporarily stopped. Temperatures continued to plummet throughout the day and night on Sunday bringing extremely cold weather, so blankets will likely stay on for the next couple of days. Thankfully, we do have a blanket for each and every member of our little herd. The porch on the storage building where the feral cats visit is also all set up with heat lamps, which I am certain they truly appreciate. As the terrible rains continued throughout Tuesday, while it was still light, we took Mishka and Willow up to a paddock on higher ground as the big guy’s feet would not do well on wet ground for very long.
Flint continues to do very well and he appears to have a renewed sense of purpose as he carries himself with greater confidence. His eyes are brighter and he’s holding his head higher. He is such a precious and very kind soul. He truly enjoyed meeting our visitors on Saturday and he was literally basking in all the love and attention he received! We are deeply grateful for the support he has received. He still has a ways to go, but his future is looking more promising!
Lastly, during the winter months, we go through many tons of hay on a weekly basis so if anyone would like to contribute to this most important need, it would be so greatly appreciated. Just click on the ‘Donate’ button below.
Thank you, all, for your love and support and please stay safe and warm!

A Wonderful Trail Ride!
We were blessed to have a great turnout for our annual trail ride on Saturday, March 8. We met lots of new faces – both horses and humans alike! The rains held off until just about everyone made it back. Rachel, Kathy, Gillian, Cindy, and Kristi did a great job – a delicious lunch, raffles, prizes, and more!
Many thanks to everyone who helped in any way, as well as those who participated in the Beauty’s Haven Trail Ride 2025.
On The Farm: A Pictorial Overview
A few pictures from last week – everyday has been very busy. The weather has been a bit better and we’re thankfully, starting to see the paddocks turn green! This week we’re getting ready for the trail ride on Saturday.
Pictured in Row One
(L to R) Valley Girl seems appreciative of having been relocated to a paddock where she has hay. Valley Girl, Jo, and Dancer are all in their 30’s and get multiple meals a day along with hay that’s available 24/7.
Kali and Flint were moved down to a paddock with Amira and Valley Girl was moved into the main paddock with Jo and Dancer. Since Amira cannot have hay due to her history of choke and her pasture mate, Valley Girl, was losing weight, we felt that it was in the girls’ best interest to separate them. These horses all get fed at least four times a day and they are on grass 24/7.
Mishka and Willow just enjoying one another’s company while hanging out beneath the tree.
Pictured in Row Two
(L to R) Beau getting a hooficure on his front feet only – he was a bit unsure and uncomfortable. He still has mental cobwebs that need to be cleared out. I feel so badly for any horse that has been mistreated. He wants to trust but it’s just going to take some time, consistency, and TLC. He’s pretty vocal – he lets us know when it’s meal time or if he’s out of hay. He still has a cough but his nasal discharge has cleared. If the cough is no better in another week, we will have the vet back out to scope him.
Magic taking a rest after a rather chilly night.
Peaches is still doing ok. She’s twenty-five years old now and since she has very few teeth remaining, she cannot have hay. She, too, is fed multiple times a day.
Pictured in Row Three
(L to R) Frodo gets his hooficures with the assistance of the sling. He took an indirect lightening strike a few years ago which caused him some permanent issues. His hoofs grow at least an inch every two weeks!
Danni and Tobias are both very sweet. Danni loves to give kisses and Tobias is happy with every bit of attention he receives.
Bouie and Frodo are both special needs boys. Bouie has metabolic issues and is prone to founder. We are very careful with their diets. They live around the barn where they have access to their stalls throughout the day.
We hope you enjoyed your little tour of a day at the farm!
Around the Farm at Beauty’s Haven
We caught another kitten yesterday, from the feral colony that stays around our storage buildings. She is about seven months old. A growth was sadly discovered under her tongue so she was scheduled for surgery today in order to have it removed. She is now back home after doing just fine during the course of her surgery, spay, examination and vaccine administration, and she will be ready to rejoin her friends in a couple of days. If anyone would like to assist with the veterinary expenses ($452) of this precious little kitten, please click on the ‘DONATE’ button below.
On Sunday, I took twenty minutes from my very busy schedule for some much needed ‘me’ time! It was so wonderful to be back in the saddle, riding past Mo, Walker, Aaleyah Belle, Dancer, Jo, and Danni who were all out and about enjoying the beautiful weather.
Sweet Flint is always smiling! He is just a ‘makes you feel good’ kind of guy! Flint is in charge of this month’s hooficure fundraiser so please assist him in raising the necessary funds, so all his friends here at Beauty’s Haven will have ‘Happy Feet.’ The average cost per hooficure is $45, so if you are in a position to help, please click on the ‘DONATE’ button below.
Lastly, for your enjoyment, a video of CaryLou, who is always in the ‘ready, set, go’ mode,’ which can be viewed by clicking on the image above. At the start of the video, notice how CaryLou stops for a few seconds and stares right into the lens of the camera to make certain that all eyes are upon him! CaryLou has always been and will forever be, such a hoot!
Thank you, all, for your continued love and support!
He was vetted a few days ago and his blood tests results showed quite a few high and low values – his immune system has truly taken a beating. He’s in quarantine with a snotty nose and cough, believed to be caused by allergies. His temperature is normal as are his respiration and heart rates, he eats well and he is active. He has been dewormed and his fecal count came back positive.
Physically, Beau doesn’t look very bad, but mentally, he has some healing to do. Mental stress can lead to physical illness. For now, he gets to just mellow out and experience the joy of just being a horse. If anyone would like to help sponsor Beau by making a one time or recurring donation, please click the donate button below. Sending good thoughts and prayers for Beau would also be greatly appreciated.
We don’t post updates as often as we’d like, but please believe that we are constantly working to help horses here and anywhere we can. But we can only do this because of your support. You ALL make a difference! Thank you!
A Valentine’s Day Wish
Our beloved little herd is comprised of: Aaleyah Belle, Addi, Amira, Arabian Mare, Bouie, CaryLou, Dancer, Dani, Ebony, Elka, Flint, Ford, Frodo, Jazzy, JoJo, Jo, Lily, Lucy, Luiji, Magic, Mishka, Mo, Peaches, Sassy, Tobias, Valley Girl, Walker, Warrior, Willow, Shadow, Allie, Gizmo, Oreo & Pearle.
So, if you would like to make one of our ‘Velvet Nosers’ truly happy this Valentine’s Day, just click on the ‘DONATE’ button below and please include the name of your very special Valentine.
Arabian Mare Update
Yesterday, the vet came out to examine and perform bloodwork on the new Arabian mare. The results indicate typical issues for horses that haven’t been getting adequate nutrition. She also has a large knot on the right side of her head which most likely, is the result of a previous injury, possibly a kick.
The melanomas around her anus are quite pronounced. We plan to place her on the same protocol as Magic in hope of preventing any further progression. Magic has had significant melanomas in the past, but thankfully, they have remained stable for many years.
Her mane and tail were brushed and it took her quite some time to adjust to having a usable tail again, but she’s very sweet and she seems genuinely appreciative of the care she is receiving. She was scheduled for a much needed hooficure today.
We accomplished much today, thanks to our volunteers, Jenny, Pam, Tara, Melissa, Rachel, Jan and her daughter, Amethyst. They all do such a great job and we truly appreciate them very much.
Backbreaking Day Brightened by Resident “Super Model”
Yesterday was truly a backbreaking day to say the least! As the tractor is no longer functioning and is in need of major repairs, Bob and I had to manually unload big bales of hay which was not only tiresome, but took away many valuable hours from caring for our herd. The tractor, like the golf carts, is one of our most important tools here at the rescue, as we use it to haul hay, pull fence posts, together with many other tasks. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to address erosion issues until it is repaired.
Since the cost of repairing this essential piece of equipment is quite expensive at $3,500, any help with this need would not only be very much appreciated, but would greatly reduce our work load here at the farm.
If you are in a position to assist with this need, please CLICK HERE TO DONATE. If you are unable to contribute at this time, we truly understand.
The bright spot in all this? Our beautiful and sweet Addi, strutting around the farm and showing us how all the “Pretty Girls Walk.” See video below. She is most certainly Beauty’s Haven’s resident super model!
Thank you, all, for your love and support and please stay safe and warm!
Hooves, Hay & a Wonderful Day
We were blessed on Saturday, to welcome members from the GFWC Williston Woman’s Club who visited the farm to meet the horses, together with new volunteers, Tara and Melissa and her husband, TJ. Pam, another of our wonderful volunteers, was also here as she is on every Saturday. We were also so very blessed to receive a most generous donation from the WWC.
On Sunday morning, we awoke to one of the worst sudden storms we’ve had in quite a while – it almost seemed like a microburst. We are grateful that Cindy and Kristi came out to help with the morning chores, once the rains temporarily stopped. Temperatures continued to plummet throughout the day and night on Sunday bringing extremely cold weather, so blankets will likely stay on for the next couple of days. Thankfully, we do have a blanket for each and every member of our little herd. The porch on the storage building where the feral cats visit is also all set up with heat lamps, which I am certain they truly appreciate. As the terrible rains continued throughout Tuesday, while it was still light, we took Mishka and Willow up to a paddock on higher ground as the big guy’s feet would not do well on wet ground for very long.
Lastly, during the winter months, we go through many tons of hay on a weekly basis so if anyone would like to contribute to this most important need, it would be so greatly appreciated. Just click on the ‘Donate’ button below.
Thank you, all, for your love and support and please stay safe and warm!
Update on Flint
Dr. Valle came out last week to do a follow-up examination on Flint as well as perform another round of blood tests. He was very pleased with Flint’s progress. Flint seems to have a renewed sense of purpose and is carrying himself with greater confidence. His eyes are brighter and he’s holding his head higher. He is, truly, a precious and kind soul.
We are deeply grateful for the support he has received. He still has a ways to go, but his future is looking more promising!
Shai is Forever Home!
Shai is a mare who came to us from a Citrus County seizure a few years ago and was adopted out to a really nice family. In early 2024, her adoptive family had some life changes and Shai came back to us. She lived in a paddock with Amira and they got along fine. Once the grass became dormant, however, and we had to put out hay, we sadly, had to separate Shai from Amira. Amira cannot have hay due to chronic choke – she has to have many smaller soft meals a day. We tried placing Shai with different horses but nothing seemed to work – she just wasn’t happy and we want all of our horses to be happy!
We reached out to Paul of Retirement Home for Horses Inc in Alachua and explained the situation. He was happy to welcome Shai into their program. What a blessing! Shai was transported to RHH yesterday and received a warm welcome from everyone. The door is always open, however, for Shai to return to Beauty’s Haven, but we think she will be much happier in her new environment.
Much gratitude to RHH! We hope and pray that Shai will be happy and content in her new home. And we truly appreciate Chris for taking such good care of Shai during her transport.
Pictured Clockwise from Top Right: