BHFER Update 01/05/13
Some pictures from the past few days before calling it a day. We’re beat here and I hope and pray I’m asleep before my head hits the pillow. J
Sunset – she’s such a sweet and funny mare.
Hollie. Everyone adores her!
Solace today – at least the clouds were gone for awhile and the warm sun felt really good – to all of us! I will never understand how anyone could turn their heads to an animal in such poor shape. I wish I could say he’s out of the woods and will be just fine but I can’t. We take each and every minute that he is with us a blessing. He has such a positive attitude – it was easy to see that today he just wasn’t feeling well. But we all have some days that are better than others, right? Please pray for him.
We had extra volunteers today which helped a lot!
There’s always much to do all day long.
Lace and Blackie are still looking for a home. They got some much needed exercise today. They would make a great pair of trail horses.
Rayo’s mane before and after. He is the gelding that we picked up a few days ago.
And his tail before and after. Not much left, sadly.
Morgan LaFaye returned today – Penny came around to help to greet her. Morgan looks great – she’s a very sweet mare!
So tonight we continue to keep close eye on Solace. His temperature is currently normal – it was high today (102) and he refused his mash. But he’s currently enjoying his carrot mash and his temp is normal. Beauty had a good day today and hasn’t shown anymore tummy discomfort – thankfully!
I’ll try to video Popper and Penny playing their morning games tomorrow. They really are funny to watch. Both are fully of spunk! God bless and have a good night!
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Looking at Solace just makes me so sad, angry and hopeful. I wish I could lay on the ground with him.