A little Solace setback…

We’ve had a little setback with Solace. His temperature was slightly elevated this am and his snots were back – he was coughing. Dr. Ryan opted to leave the catheter in and keep him on the IV meds for now. Next week Solace will be having another ultrasound and his chest will be tapped and drained. Please continue to keep him in your prayers – he is not out of the woods and his immune system is still weak. It’s likely going to be a roller coaster ride with him for awhile but he’s got the right attitude and that helps tremendously! We still have items to auction off on Facebook to help with vetting but we just need the time to get them posted. There are not enough hours in a day!

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: www.bhfer.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb