June 27th…
“Auntie Barb, did you know that donkeys don’t like Coca-Cola? Got milk?”
We appreciate Wanda and her 4H Saddlebusters group for coming to help out on Saturday. Some of the horses got much needed baths!
Wanda and Whiskers getting to know each other.
“Awww, come on – I just know we can all fit! Uncle Phil, please scoot over just a little bit.” JoJo and his golf cart antics – he’s hysterical!
June 30th…
Whiskers loved having a conversation with Uncle Larry and Auntie DJ.
July 1st…
Whiskers is seriously thinking about it. JoJo mastered those stairs in no time!

Kitty Cat is a pretty lazy barn cat. But very sweet. lol
July 3rd…
Some really great news – it’s not finalized yet, but Daisy and Mocha may have a forever home!
Mishka got some extra attention from Jenny yesterday which he absolutely loved!
When Sisco meets Whiskers. Dr. Porter will be coming out to treat Sisco. The tumors by his tail have become angry.

July 4th…
The oak tree will never be the same. Missing our gentle giants, Matilda and Gentleman but so grateful we still have our senior Arabian sanctuary horse, Little E.
Hope everyone had a fun, safe, Independence Day weekend!
The gap is widening between 1st and 2nd place in the Make A Splash contest. Your vote, once every 24 hours through July 31st is so greatly needed! And what will help even more is if you share amongst family and friends and ask them to vote and share daily as well. It’s a free and easy way to help us potentially win $10K.
We have never been fortunate enough to win anything close to $10,000. Although it is a constant and exhausting struggle trying to raise money and take care of the horses all day long, it is truly worth every moment, knowing that we are making a difference in the life of each and every equine that enters through our gates.
Please remember to vote daily to help the horses of Beauty’s Haven!
Wishing everyone a wonderful day and thank you all, for your generosity, love and support.
#believe #vote #horserescue #helpahorse #makeasplash #forthehorses #wecandothis