July 25th
Wonderful News! We’ve made it to the 2014 Top-Rated List! If you haven’t done so, please visit us on the Great NonProfits website and rate us. We’re actually 2nd in the US under the subject of "Animals" and 1st in the state of FL by state!
I’m going to be busy in the office tomorrow – I have some deadlines that have crept up on me. My phone will be off and I won’t have email or FB open until I get some things accomplished. Have a good weekend everyone! This is JoJo meeting Presley – both are adorable!
July 26th
Hooficure Day!
A wonderful family from Wisconsin has offered and has been approved, to adopt sweet Bella providing her with a perfect forever home where she will absolutely thrive! The transporter is scheduled to pick Bella up on August 3rd. This is Bella being silly!
Betsy Rose loves to go exploring around the house – there’s lots of good grass there.
Roxy and Kylie gave Skye a much needed bath today.
Kylie introducing JoJo to Presley
Ok, so JoJo thinks he now rules the barn. LOL
Memories are very special treasures. This is Jake and Gentleman playing gelding games a few years ago.
Good night everyone – busy day tomorrow! We have LOTS of people coming to help get a couple of the bigger projects done!!
July 27th
Work day is under way!!
Today was a GREAT day here at the rescue! Volunteers from Animal Warriors came to help us out with a couple of larger projects and there were also volunteers from Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary! It was a wonderful group effort and so much got done – even in pouring rain (no lightening)! Routine chores were accomplished in record time, 2 pallets of sod was put down, a lot of string trimming was done, some drainage issues were taken care of near the barn, Magic’s area was cleaned up a bit and some drainage issues taken care of there too. And there was time for a short tour to meet the horses before they had to leave. It was truly a blessing to have these wonderful people take time out of their busy lives to come to help us out – THANK YOU EVERYONE!
Rain didn’t stop the working party!
JoJo loves to be the center of everything!
I think Magic was totally entertained by what the humans were doing.
A sick pony will be here around 5:30 pm. Dr. Julia will be here to vet him. He’s going to need fluids, a complete workup, etc. He’s shaking, has pale gums, not interested in drinking, no interest in food, he’s just not well – it doesn’t sound good. The lady that adopted Spirit recently took this pony in as a rescue but then she broke her hip and is having trouble managing and reached out to us for help. She’s a very sweet lady with a heart of gold. We do need to place Spirit but she is ok for now – our focus is this little guy. I’ll update more once he’s here and settled in and vetted. Please pray for him.
Getting fluids.
Dr. Julia Simonson was here when Buck, a 12ish year old Rocky Mountain horse, arrived and went right to work. He got fluids and has had 2 small mashes of FiberBeet by Emerald Valley Natural Health. We were told he hasn’t been interested in food since Friday but he sure liked his mash. When a horse turns its nose away from the FiberBeet mashes I do get really concerned. But he slurped them down. Buck is a 12ish year old Rocky Mountain Horse. Dr. Julia is suspect of hepatic encephalopathy. We are waiting for blood work.
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Bronson has settled in to his new home just wonderfully!
Look at Legacy on a trail ride with his adoptive mom – Jan! So proud of him – I can’t believe how fast time goes by. He’s still stunning!
Some really good news – Baby Ray has a home! He will be only a few miles from the rescue and almost next door to one of our volunteers! So happy for him!
Calling it a day soon – it’s been extremely busy. I’ll post some photos and a more detailed update tomorrow. Dr. Julia thinks Buck has hepatic encephalopathy but we are waiting on some lab tests. If that is the case, with the symptoms he is demonstrating, it isn’t good. But we don’t give up easy – especially when the horse is willing to give it a try. Hopefully, tomorrow we will have good news. Have a good night everyone – please keep Buck in your prayers. Dr. Julia will be working on Victoria tomorrow – she still needs prayers too.
July 28th
Buck maintained through the night. He passed poop and drank a small amount of water. The blood test results came back – it is his liver – hepatic encephalopathy. Dr. Julia will be out this morning to work on Victoria and we’ll go over Buck’s tests then and determine a course of action. Dr. Julia has been consulting with Peterson & Smith about Buck’s case. He did have some mild seizures yesterday. He was very dehydrated when he got here. Buck ate his breakfast and got his supplements this morning. He seems comfortable. Usually, once they start having seizures the prognosis is very poor. Please keep Buck in your prayers – thank you.
Buck’s tests came back indicating liver disease, as Dr. Julia Simonson suspected. A different test was done today (bile duct) and we’ll have results tomorrow. Thankfully, he has not had anymore seizures. He is eating and drinking and seems comfortable although, IMO, he seems a bit "distant" at times. Dr. Julia will be back tomorrow to check on him – he has an ulcer in the left eye but he’s very good about letting us treat it. He can be somewhat defensive from his left side – I think it’s because his vision may be impaired or perhaps that eye hurts from the ulcer. He’s a very sweet boy – I sure hope we can get him through this. Based on the symptoms and the test results, Dr. Julia thinks it’s not looking good but she has hope – his day today was better than yesterday. Hopefully, tomorrow will be even better. The plan is to give him a week and then repeat the tests to see if there is an improvement. We’ll give him as long as it takes to get better. But if he gets worse and is suffering or at risk of injury to himself or humans, well, we will address that then – but let’s all BELIEVE he will only get better! Please keep Buck in your prayers – he really needs them. Thank you.
Victoria got an acupuncture treatment today. I’m happy to report that each day she appears slightly better. I’ll take "slightly better" over "the same" or "a little worse" any day. Baby steps. I’ve seen so many reports lately of lightening strikes – it’s scary.
Betsy Rose looks so perfect laying under the tree in the shade. Actually, she looks perfect anywhere she goes.
Today, July 29th
I know Matilda misses GMan but she’s gone off her food some and hasn’t been herself so we had Dr. Julia run some blood work today. It may be nothing (hopefully) but when you see a horse day in and day out you get to know that horse and I am concerned. We’ve had too many losses and horses feel it too. Little E is doing fine. He’s the senior horse here now. I know the heat has taken a toll on all of us. Would anyone like to help with Matilda’s blood test today? She is going to have an acupuncture treatment later in the week which has been covered by one of her fans.
JoJo wants to be in the middle of EVERYTHING! LOL Donovan has been sweating off and on. More on – thankfully! But we keep him in during the days under the fan and Port-a-Cool. His injury on his back leg is slowly improving.
Buck is hanging on – I can’t say he’s any better today but I do not think he is any worse. The ulcer in his left eye looks like it is healing. He’s getting a bit cranky when he gets his meds so I guess maybe he is feeling a little bit better. LOL! Dr. Julia ran him some DMSO today. He’s such a sweet pony. I keep telling him he has a Village of people that care about him and are praying for him. He does have light in his eyes today so I guess he really is doing somewhat better. He has big beautiful brown eyes!
Thank you Kathy Breakall for spending the last few days helping out at the rescue! The horses LOVE it when you come – they love the treats and extra attention! And the humans love it when you come – we love you!
We could really use some help with ongoing vetting needs, hay, grain, etc. and any amount of a donation would be greatly appreciated. No amount is too small. Our PayPal address has been changed to bhfer. Donations can be made via our website at www.bhfer.org on the Donate page. Donations are tax deductible. Thank you!
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bhfer