January 10th, 2014
Maltilda’s Special Day
Dr. Julia Simonson worked on Matilda, an older Mammoth Mule, today. Matilda LOVED every minute of it! Matilda got chiropractic, acupuncture, electrical stimulation, and massage today.

After her session was finished, she did not want to move – she was so relaxed and looked so peaceful.

Dr. Julia and I were sitting on the bench at the front of the barn, talking, when Matilda finally did move. She turned around and looked as us and made the cutest little face as if to say “Thank you!”

January 11th
Dr. Julia checking Pistol today with help from Katherine and Elizabeth. He’s doing great. Yes, it took three people. LOL! He lives up to his name!

Bronson was gelded today and was a good patient. Katherine and Elizabeth assisted Dr. Julia. Katherine wants to be a vet – she truly appreciates all the hands on experience she gets here. Experiences are so valuable, IMO. It’s an honor to have students like Katherine participate and volunteer! Elizabeth and her daughter, Bri, came out to meet CJ and helped out, too, while they were here. Paul and Roxy stayed busy with many other things that needed to be done. Thanks to everyone!

CJ has a home! Elizabeth and Bri spent some time grooming and handling him and they all just clicked! CJ is usually shy of new faces. But not today! He totally enjoyed the time they spent with him. He will be a pasture pal to one other horse they have. A pretty pasture ornament to love on and watch. I’m very happy for him!

January 12th
I lost my cell phone yesterday, but thankfully, found it today. I cannot believe that it survived the storms!

Solace and Barbara today.

January 13th
Betsy Rose getting her hooficure.

Pistol is recovering nicely from his castration.

It was a busy day today and, unfortunately, I’m not feeling well – sore throat, congestion, earache, etc. I’m headed to bed very soon. Tomorrow is another busy day. Dr. Julia will be back to examine Solace and to review his blood work results. Bronson and Pistol are doing very well. Betsy Rose is moving better. Dr. Julia worked on her last week, she got a hooficure today, and tomorrow, Dr. Bess Darrow of Tune Ups Veterinary Equine Dentistry and Services will be here to check her and Solace and to do some others. Just wanted to say good night to everyone – I wish you all sweet dreams. We’ll have a new fundraiser starting tomorrow – we need help with these vet, farrier, and dental expenses.

January 15th
My day started out by spending some time with this grand old 34 year old mare – brushing her, giving her treats and hay, just talking to her. She was crippled and was no longer able to get around – she was tired. Dr. Tenant examined her yesterday and it was decided that the kindest, most humane and loving thing to do for the mare was to help her cross Rainbow Bridge. I stayed with her for awhile after she crossed. I bet there were many stories she could have shared. Run pain free, Chancey!

Dr. Bess Darrow of Tune Ups Veterinary Equine Dentistry and Services worked on a few of the horses yesterday. This is Santana. He was a good boy – he’s good about everything.

CaryLou, Harvey, Bronson, and Wally after getting full tummies.

Aaleyah Belle got her teeth done too. She was on the list the last time Dr. Bess came but she didn’t want to behave. She was good yesterday though. It’s hard to believe she’s 5 years old now. Here is a link to her diary – we picked up Aaleyah and her Mom on the day she was born – the very day that Eight Belles died. I named her IHO of Eight Belles. Aaleyah and her mom, Momma Sue, were going to be shot because Aaleyah had been born with a wry nose. https://bhfer.org/oldSite/old/aaleyah_diary1.htm

Magnum was a good boy for Dr. Bess too. He’s a bit older than we thought. He’s a little shy with new people. I was very happy that Lindsey was able to come and help Dr. Bess yesterday. Thanks Lindsey!

Have a wonderful Thursday, everyone!
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: https://www.bhfer.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb