I found Ambrosia munching on hay when I arrived this morning. She was bright eyed and comfortable – being greeted by her little whinny was a great way to start the day! She had a good night. Her heart rate went significantly down from what it had been and her temperature was normal. They took her off of IV fluids because she was drinking fine on her own.

She was quite a bit more animated today getting positioned into the stocks for the ultrasound. There was some accumulation of fluid but we were not alarmed by this. Almost 17 lbs. was drained yesterday – her condition didn’t get this way overnight. Her needs were neglected for quite some time which I think is very, very sad. When I think about the hot and humid summer we’ve had I can only imagine how very tough it’s been on her.

She is eating – she adores her meals! She does, however, drop food quite a bit and she moves her head in a way that could indicate she needs dental work which would not be surprising. This will be addressed at UF tomorrow.

Ambrosia needed some things from the rescue which Jenny rounded up and brought to the hospital. Cara stopped by for awhile too for a visit.

Until cultures are finished she is on a couple of different antibiotics. Once we know what bacteria she is fighting the antibiotics may be changed. We pray that antibiotics start to kill the bacteria and that her immune system improves and helps the healing process. However, we have to keep in mind that she is far from being out of the woods and we will take this day by day. I’ve heard many times over the last few days that it is truly amazing that she managed to survive as she did and that her attitude is inspiring – she is a fighter. She isn’t ready to give up. Something we heard from a few people at the hospital today: “Ambrosia is quite the mare!” Well, I just smiled and agreed.

We do need donations to help with her care. We needed to purchase many tubes of Gastroguard which runs about $31 a tube. She needed an ultrasound today and will likely have another tomorrow. She needs dental work. Her medications are expensive. But please keep in mind if you donate – we do not know what her future holds. I believe in miracles and the power of prayer but sometimes God has other plans. No matter how much we love Ambrosia and how deeply she has worked her way into so many hearts – should she be uncomfortable with no relief in sight or her quality of life isn’t good – we will love her enough to let her go. Until then, we do what we can, we keep the faith, we hope, and we pray.
Why do we ask for help when there are many unknowns and no guarantees? It’s simple. We are a non-profit organization with a mission to help horses such as Ambrosia and we operate totally from donations. We are not funded by the government and if there are any government grants that would help us in our mission someone please tell me because we have yet to be able to find any. We do what we do because of our love for these precious animals that have no voice – and we believe they all deserve a chance. Humans domesticated them and it’s up to humans to responsibly care for them. And I know that those of you that give – be it money, time, goods, prayers, etc. – you do so out of love too. Some very bad cases find their way to us – we don’t go looking for them. It’s our opinion that every horse deserves a dignified life as well as a dignified crossing. None deserve to die alone, hungry, cold, or afraid. Once they are with us, no matter if it is for a day, a month, a year, or longer – when they leave this earth to join the heavenly herd, they know they are respected and loved.
We are very blessed to be able to do what we do and we are proud of our accomplishments. And it’s only because of help from all of you that we are able to help the horses. Some may not see the value in a life such as Ambrosia’s in the same way we do – that is up to each and every one of you. Those that choose to help this lovely mare, or to help any of our horses, do so of free will. God bless Ambrosia and all of you – please continue to keep her in your prayers. I have to call it a day. I’ll be back at UF in the morning.
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Make a tax deductible donation to help Ambrosia: https://www.bhfer.org/donate.html