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Wanted: Full Bellies & Happy Feet

I would like to thank each and every one of you for your generosity, love, prayers and support for little Hope. She was unable to come home on Monday as she was being transferred to Medicine to have x-rays taken of her lungs. I will provide an update once I hear from UF regarding the radiographic findings.

In the meantime, life must go on at the rescue and the needs of the other members of our beloved little herd must be addressed. With the grass now dormant, our hay needs have increased exponentially and of course, hooficures must be routinely done every four to six weeks.

Our farrier expenses this week will be approximately $725. Our hay needs this week include four large bales of compressed hay and two bales of alfalfa for a total cost of $550.

Alfalfa is a necessary component of the UC Davis re-feeding program that we have instituted for Aries, Raz and Nicky, to ensure their overall health and well-being.

If anyone would like to help with these needs, it would be so greatly appreciated and no amount is ever considered as being too small. Donations can be made easily by clicking the button below, through Facebook or via PayPal. If donating via PayPal, please select the tab ‘Send Money to Friends or Family’ and no fees will be deducted from your contribution. Please also note that your donation is for ‘Hay and/or Happy Feet.’

Thank you all, so very much!


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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

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