Walker & Waylen

Our newly acquired Mules have settled in nicely here at the rescue. We have named the younger of the two, Walker, and the senior wise old soul, Waylen.

Upon his arrival, Walker had been having a tough time eating. He would merely nibble on just a tiny bit of food and then walk away. We have been treating him for ulcers and thankfully, just a few days ago, he started to perk up and finish his meals. He is now much more animated and seems to be quite the happy boy. Waylen is just a kind, sweet old soul. I’ll bet he could tell us countless stories from his past as an Amish working mule. He’s just a big love bug and he so reminds me very much of our sweet Penny. Oh, and he loves to serenade us quite often – even into the wee hours of the morning!

Dr. Bess of Tune Ups Veterinary Equine Dentistry and Services was scheduled to perform an examination on both boys. She determined that Walker is approximately 16 years old, while Waylen is approximately 25 years old. Waylen is missing some teeth so he is being fed soft meals which he truly enjoys, and little Walker is now thankfully a member of the “Clean Plate Club!” Just the other day, Walker and Waylen were treated to a bit of grazing time which both so enjoyed! We also scheduled Dr. Julia to examine and run blood and other tests on Walker and Waylen and we will update once we regroup to discuss the results.

Walker and Waylen are both still in need of sponsors and/or a one-time donation which can be forwarded by clicking on the ’DONATE’ button below. Please designate your contribution to ‘Mules.’

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

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Thank you all so very much for your love and support. I am most certain that our beloved Minnie is smiling down on Beauty’s Haven from the heavens above.
