The kids and Betsy Rose Update
Some updates from the last few days..
Wally and CaryLou – the heat is getting to them too.
Celesta seems to be feeling better. She will be examined/x-rayed again on Thursday.
Harvey is getting tall! This little guy has (hopefully) overcome the odds! Let’s continue to pray he keeps on his healing path!
Betsy Rose is a rack of bones…
Her hips.
Sunday: The gray/white in the below picture is sand that was left on the mat after I washed her dry poop away. Dr. Natalie is coming out to oil Betsy Rose. It’s very sad to think how this mare suffered and how hungry she must have been – for a long time.
And guess who greeted Dr. Natalie when she arrived to oil Betsy Rose? Lucy – our mini with Big Head disease! Dr. Natalie was Lucy’s vet when we met her! Lucy was so happy to see old friends! Lucy is more proof that miracles DO happen! She also beat the odds – and what a sweet and appreciative little girl she is!
Betsy Rose was a great patient – she was tubed and oiled. Dr. Natalie said she was amazed at how better Betsy looked in such a short time. She wasn’t so sure Betsy would even make it to the rescue.
By yesterday morning she was already passing oil. She took a good nap and got some needed REM sleep.
Monday morning: Dr. Julia Simonson will be out this afternoon. Acupuncture may be very good for Betsy Rose. We did get more blood tests back. Her muscles are an issue. When a horse is starved the body feeds off its fat and then muscle. This is going to be a long process. Please pray for Betsy.
Dr. Julia said Betsy is a “bright and engaged” little mare!
Dr. Julia Simonson doing acupuncture and electrical stimulation on Betsy Rose. Betsy responded nicely – some of our concerns were put to rest.
Betsy Rose after her treatment. Dr. Julia says she has high hopes for Betsy Rose! Her body has been deprived of everything it needed to survive – she has no muscle. She has very little energy and rests a lot but that is just what she needs to do right now. But she is better. Today she stood in the sling and actually walked herself a very short distance. It wore her out. Her refeeding and rehab will go slow. Too much, too fast, could be detrimental. She passed some oil today – looks like much of her diet was sand. So sad. I think that I forgot to mention the owner said his daughter would ride Betsy Rose but he assured me they didn’t use a saddle. Grrrr…
2:30 am Tuesday: Betsy Rose is munching on her mash and carrot. Babies are playing in their stalls pestering their moms. Neighbors donkey is braying. Birds are singing. CaryLou and Wally are snuggled sleeping. Bright stars are shining in a clear sky. God is good.
9:30 am Tuesday: Betsy Rose is currently napping out of the sling. She is in good spirits but needs to relax more. The thrashing is causing sores which isn’t good. I’m treating them while she naps. For all of you that believe in her – thank you.
Tuesday noonish: How many people does it comfortable take to get Betsy Rose in the sling? A lot! Pat Schmoll brought a crew over this morning to help us. Ginger, her sister, and 2 daughters were also her to help. Marie and Judy were here and took care of routine chores. We needed to get Betsy up and ready for Dr. Bess Darrow to do her teeth!
Dr. Bess looked in Betsy Rose’s mouth and said "Unfreaking believable!" There is evidence of years of neglect.
Betsy Rose has a hole in her tongue, she had several sharp points – her mouth is just a train wreck. Dr. Bess couldn’t do everything that needed to be done today – there is just too much to fix in one visit. Betsy Rose had no sedation – she’s just too fragile. Dr. Bess got rid of a lot of sharp points and took out a tooth that was wedged between two other teeth – possibly infected. Betsy also has an abscess in the front of her mouth. But now she can actually move her mouth to chew! But the hardest dental work is yet to come. Betsy will need to get stronger before Dr. Bess can do more because she will need to be sedated. You can’t do too much too soon with a horse in this condition – it’s too risky. But at least Betsy will be much more comfortable without the sharp points and loose tooth. Dr. Bess thinks Betsy is around 20 – 22 years old.
This evening – baby steps! She walked on her own for a few steps. I’m so proud of this little mare!!
Thank you all for your support and for believing in Betsy Rose – we couldn’t help her without help from others! She has a long, long road to recovery ahead of her but she’s on the right path. Just as a reminder and to show how far she has come – this was Betsy Rose on Friday – the day we had Dr. Natalie initially treat her and stabilize her to get her to the rescue. She would not have lasted the day. When I think about how she must have been feeling, physically and mentally, while laying there helpless to help herself – it just makes me feel horrible. She didn’t get in this condition overnight. She has a huge love for life and is a very kind and wise soul. We’re very blessed to be able to be a part of her life. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
Please consider making a tax deductible donation to help us to continue to help the horses. No amount is too small. Donations can be sent to PayPal address Theresa or made various ways via the “Donate” page of our website.
I apologize for not responding to emails, PM’s, etc. I won’t be in the office for more than a few minutes each day until we get Betsy stable – we won’t leave her alone. Our little Betsy Rose – the little mare than can! Miracles – I believe!
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization